
Human Ingenuity Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Whether the product of human ingenuity or extraterrestrial influence, the precision and grandeur of the pyramids continue to captivate us."
"It wasn't aliens: If there's one thing archaeologists have discovered, it's that humans are crafty and smart buggers."
"The human capacity for ingenuity is the capacity to imagine multiple different scenarios."
"Humans are amazing, man. They are. It's incredible. You get a bunch of liquids, squirt it in, put it on fire, and then you get to ride along in a little machine."
"I really believe in the ingenuity of people, in the innovation that is intrinsic to the human nature."
"I think it's an amazing feat of human ingenuity."
"God never made a chair; he just made a tree, and the rest of it was up to us."
"Human ingenuity knows no bounds and, when combined with the limitless potential of sheer boredom, we're gifted with some of the most jaw-dropping, albeit slightly unnecessary, technological creations humanity has ever seen."
"Human ingenuity is such the beauty of the human brain to find new things to serve people."
"I think we are justified in being optimistic and putting some faith in human ingenuity, but we also always want to keep our exuberance dampened and scientific."
"One of the major touchstones of the era is human ingenuity being what must ultimately stop a Godzilla who never fully reaches outright hero status."
"Cavemen were able to start fires without lighters or matches and were able to kill animals that were three to four times their size."
"Humanity will find a way to tame it to our best interest."
"Deepwater Horizon was a monument to human engineering."
"Climate change doesn't alarm me because we identified the problem decades ago, and there's no reason why human will and ingenuity can't fix it."
"The names of the astronauts became synonymous with human ingenuity, resolve, and the boundless spirit of exploration."
"Whatever their purpose, they're an unbelievable example of human ingenuity."
"The sheer ingenuity of humans in that era is evident in the construction of Siguria."
"People will work in the environment that you give them, and that's a real great thing about human ingenuity."
"But this was a war they had no right to win, you don't go to war with the Goddamn sea and expect to win - except, that's exactly what they did."
"The grid is a giant, complicated machine. It's one of the most uniquely human achievements we've accomplished."
"It's not just a Marvel of modern science, it's a testament to human Innovation."
"Our intellects us to devise solutions to problems using tools rather than having to wait for some new organ or appendage to biologically evolve."
"I'm just so fascinated by... like someone actually made that. It's just honestly what people can do really does blow me away."
"Bitcoin is actually channeling human ingenuity in a way that causes it to improve over time."
"Building our very own prison... Exciting, I know. Calm down."
"Absolutely amazing feat that we as mostly hairless apes on the surface of... were able to do this."
"We're trying to improve on what God did, and whenever we do that, we find out."
"There's no debating people's creativity and how genius they are."
"Humanity is very resourceful. We've built lots of things and the earth changes while we're here."
"The Voyages remain a testament to the incredible achievements of human ingenuity and determination."
"Such obscure ideas awaken a sense of amazement at what the human mind is capable of devising."
"With the food piles shrinking, it all came back to that great gift we have as humans: problem-solving."
"AI won't be able to replace the human brain because it's the human brain that created the AI."
"When you give humanity a chance to go out and solve difficult problems, humanity finds a way to solve that problem."
"It was perhaps fitting that during one of our darkest, most introspective periods, we were given a reminder of just how ingenious humans can be."
"Our unique ingenuity has given humanity total domination over life on Earth."
"We're humans, we're amazing, we figure this out."
"...the super Yachts of tomorrow will be a testament to the incredible power of human Ingenuity and innovation."
"It's an astounding statement about the ingenuity of the human mind."
"We shall not glorify war but highlight the ingenuity and flexibility of the human mind in overcoming the theoretical and technical challenges of the times."
"With their discerning eyes and nimble fingers, human beings are called upon for the critical job of assembling the engines."
"You know, humans figured out how to take some rocks and turn them into circuits. That's awesome."
"History moves and ratchets, and it sometimes seems depressing. It's awful sometimes to cover politics all the time, but never lose faith in human ingenuity that we will make a cultural leap if we choose to."
"What else are you going to do after realizing this sheer mass of human ingenuity and the enormous amount of resources that are going into getting?"
"What does it say about us as people that we can invent that?"
"This monumental achievement stands as a testament to human ingenuity."
"It's a classic story of human ingenuity and human perseverance."
"Human ingenuity, human capacity, human imagination, human advancements seem to have no limits."
"Human ingenuity will and is saving us. That will happen."
"...it's just amazing uh the Ingenuity of humans and kind of what happened in the Victorian era actually I I've learned that a lot of really cool stuff that we take for granted today got at start in that era of time..."
"It's a testament to human ingenuity and the wonders of the past."
"Never underestimate the value of human ingenuity to solve our problems."
"People either think AI is gonna ruin music forever, or some people think AI could never replace human creativity, but like most things in life, the answer is probably somewhere in between."
"Language, that most human invention can enable what, in principle, should not be possible."
"I feel like after today's exercise, even though we used really different approaches, I don't feel like AI is at the point where it can really replace human creativity and ingenuity."
"It was a Triumph of human Ingenuity and exploration"
"Crafting is a testament to the endless possibilities of human creativity."
"Um doesn't it sort of betray this whole thing as man-made when the widows my team can come up with a better idea for how to use the funds than God"
"It's amazing actually what they can accomplish. There are some remarkable formations that we know are man-made."
"An appreciation that people came up with these mathematical insights just out of their brain."
"a testament to the Ingenuity of the human race and for that if that alone I adore them"
"You put that together with the human ingenuity and we really open up the solar system in a whole different way."
"Really gives you an appreciation for how much ingenuity there was to even like pre-civilization humans."
"It's just a man-made device that does something pretty cool, and if it's made by man, then it can be fixed by man."
"This technology, these techniques, none of this stuff came from any alien race; it came from the experimentation and ingenuity of human hands and minds."
"Our ancient ancestors were no less inventive and resourceful than we are today."
"Every great beast that has asserted dominance through history has fallen to the ingenuity of man."
"The blankets of hope bring a ray of optimism, a symbol of human ingenuity and determination in the face of environmental challenges."
"Roro ships are evidence of human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of progress."
"These caverns will demonstrate the immense skill, determination, and of course, ingenuity of our distant ancestors."
"Our cleverness has helped us develop plenty of strategies for manipulating our environment, but sometimes evolution can help organisms pull off some of the same tricks."
"Their ingenuity and inventiveness is more than a rival for man's."
"It's always quite intriguing to see the power of the things that humans have created."
"The orb 3 mission meant to be a testament to human ingenuity instead etched itself into history as a poignant reminder of the unpredictable challenges that accompany space exploration."
"We've built pyramids in the desert, we've sent rockets to other worlds."
"These vehicles are legends in their own right; they push the limits of technology and human ingenuity beyond our wildest imagination."
"People are so clever, it's very inspiring."
"Our society exists today because we were the ingenious people who could seek out the delicious things."
"Every once in a while, humanity invents some weird delightfully clever piece of engineering magic."
"Scientists employ a variety of methods to gauge these vast expanses, each method a testament to human ingenuity."
"It's kind of fascinating what creative people have done."
"Species will die, technology will fail, but human ingenuity may prevail."
"I just like building things, and I love how us as humans are able to build stuff so extravagant."
"I firmly believe that AI will never replace human ingenuity."
"The story of Voyager software updates is a reminder of the power of human ingenuity and the enduring legacy of space exploration."
"You put a bunch of people in there, give them nothing to do, the ingenuity is incredible."
"Where we didn't have wings, we engineered them."
"Our adaptation isn't built on our ability to build a new machine; it's built on our ability to live where places where people have not lived before."
"Join us in the world of machines where we witness wonders and admire the power of human ingenuity."
"The successful return was a brilliant demonstration of human ingenuity in a life or death situation."
"The challenge is enormous but what makes us human is our capacity to find solutions improbable even though those solutions might be when those solutions are necessary."
"The once tiny outpost grew into thriving cities as humanity poured their resources and ingenuity into taming the hostile environments of alien worlds."
"That's the beauty of the human tool that works."
"It's amazing what people have not thought of over time."
"It's crazy how humans are so smart that they created TVs and we can communicate through screens."
"Humans are incredibly resourceful."
"Human ingenuity, advancement of geology, the advancement of engineering and metallurgy, and government reaction to these challenges will likely put us in a scenario where we can meet that demand."
"Wealth isn't something which is just cut up and distributed around to little pieces; it's something which actually grows and increases in the world according to the human creative power."
"Humans are masters at being able to use things they don't fully understand to accomplish their goals."
"Things get better because human ingenuity is an extraordinarily powerful force."
"Controlled processes are remarkably special; they are the reason why we can sit in a building like this."
"Nature's scary, but mankind cheats."