
Investment Benefits Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"It's because of all the investment we made prior to that, that we continue to grow because of the loyalty of our customers."
"There are over 8,700 designated Opportunity Zones, and by doing so, you defer your capital gains tax but at the same time, whatever you're investing in, is the new investment. If you keep it there for ten years, you have no capital gains tax."
"When you invest in something like renewable sources of energy it becomes good for the bottom line."
"Index funds can really be useful, especially during market fluctuations."
"Stocks hands-down have traditionally been such good investments."
"The risk-reward profile when buying short-term options is incredibly favorable."
"Telus allows you to take advantage of DRIPs with only a small investment while still increasing dividends every year."
"Gold offers resilience... an allocation of physical gold in one's portfolio provides many benefits but ultimately provides protection and resilience."
"Paying off a 20% interest rate...like getting an immediate guaranteed 20% return on your money."
"You get to keep more money in your pocket each and every year."
"The power of compound interest and reinvestment is at your fingertips."
"It is one of the most exciting, most powerful vehicles."
"There's not going to be any banning of bitcoin. There's going to be those countries that are smart enough to get in now and reap the benefits."
"Appreciate the magic of compounding... results are absolutely insane."
"This investment will change your business and it will change your life."
"When ETFs get involved in a new asset class like Bitcoin, costs come down, security goes up, and investors have a better experience."
"It's kind of like investing, the sooner you start, the better."
"A dividend stock is basically a stock that pays you dividends. Dividends are a way to provide extra income even when the stock price doesn't go up."
"Financial advisors are really important, not only for the expertise they give you in investing, but as a coach, as a problem solver."
"Eight to twelve uncorrelated investments can reduce your risk by 80% and increase your upside."
"Investing as early as you can... that one year difference will literally double your initial investment."
"Now as far as reasons to own this stock, well, one of my favorites is the fact that this isn't just necessarily a growth investment. It's also an income investment because this is a dividend payer."
"Investing into stock is the most simplest way to make residual passive income while you sleep."
"QYLG offers both growth potential and monthly income."
"When you give people who are struggling this kind of money, study after study shows that it gets spent in the local economy and then the return to taxpayers is actually good, it's an actual investment, it's not, it's not spending that disappears."
"Dividends are another obvious choice. I love getting paid while I invest and dividend payers just tend to beat other stocks."
"It really opens your eyes to how powerful this passive income can be with a stock."
"You are getting paid to buy a stock you want to own."
"The longer you lock them up for, the more interest you get paid."
"Change your life. I know what investing does for a person's income, asset base. I know what it does for their possibilities."
"Real estate crowdfunding is the social media revolution meets property investing and there’s a lot of great benefits for mainstreet investors."
"The more you invest, the wealthier you become."
"This is important because it creates a great yield on cost."
"Drips and fractional shares are extremely important features when it comes to investing especially as a beginner because they help us build good consistent long term investing habits."
"The people that benefit from inflation are the people that are financially educated."
"It's a great strategy to delay the payment of capital gains tax."
"Stock market participation, even if you do it poorly, is far better than just spending."
"Remember these monies pay forward, they don't just pay back."
"You get to keep your keys, they actually gain yield on it... so it actually helps you to pay back your principal of the actual loan."
"It's kind of like an investment in your peace of mind."
"This investment will create more than 16,000 jobs for Canadians and add more than $6 billion to our economy over the next decade."
"Dividend stock investing: you never have to sell the stock to make money back."
"Real estate has so many tax advantages that make it very unique and profitable."
"By paying a dividend, it can help the long-term performance of the company."
"Unexpected windfall through investments, inheritance, or partner - a powerful time for new opportunities."
"There's a great return on that investment; it's going to save us money in National Security in the long term."
"Cryptocurrency is the best asset class to profit from."
"It always pays to have a good financial advisor."
"It's a win-win-win for the customers who invest at this level."
"Yes, spending more money does get you sharper image quality, more eye candy, better peripherals."
"Dividend stocks give you a second chance at life."
"Dividend investing allows you to work fewer hours and scale up your time off."
"Long-term stock market investing tends to be very lucrative."
"This is the extreme benefit of owning commercial real estate: the tax benefits."
"Money gives birth to other money, when you invest it properly."
"There's no investment class that offers the leverage, the tax write-offs, the cash flow, and the appreciation that real estate does."
"A dividend is when a company pays you cash for doing nothing except owning it."
"Investing your money is the key to financial freedom."
"When you think about the long-term investing, it's so much better for your peace of mind. It's dollar cost average, there's just ways to kind of remove stress from your life."
"Investing in a retirement account like the 401K or the Roth IRA can start to compound your wealth a lot faster."
"The tax code benefits business owners and investors more than anyone else—fact."
"...the income component is much higher... when you're a dividend holder."
"The conversation that I have with people the most that kind of blows their mind is when they finally realize the benefits of compound interest on an investment."
"Real estate can be a positive benefit to your overall financial position."
"The wonderful thing that I love about REITs is not only are they extremely liquid, you can get in and out of them quickly."
"It’s like an insurance policy. All of these years, I’ve been paying a little bit for this policy. But then in the environment, when you need it, it pays off really well."
"I love the cash flow and I love how real estate paid you in multiple ways."
"The pros include having an investment that actually outperforms the market with higher upside potential."
"Low expense ratios really do make a difference later on."
"It really starts to blossom when you put money in... and you're reinvesting dividends."
"Dividends are so powerful and not only for older people; they can be powerful for anybody."
"The main pros to using this approach to retire on dividends alone is that your dividend payout generally rises over time without requiring you to invest in a bunch of troubled companies."
"The reason you put money into a fixed indexed annuity is because of the benefits the contract provides."
"Public gives you that 2.5% APY interest rate, which is a lot higher than most other investing brokerages."
"A small investment now will bring years of better play, longer life, and increased enjoyment."
"It seems like when you spend a little more money with a Keurig, they're quieter, they're a little quicker, and they're a little easier to work with."
"You get a delicious pie that offers you no fees, diversification, predictable cash flow, appreciation."