
Technological Impact Quotes

There are 786 quotes

"Space exploration has impacted our lives here on Earth in ways you may not be aware of, like the GPS in our phones, which was originally a NASA technology."
"Once you have the technology to re-engineer the human imagination, by definition, you cannot imagine what will happen after that."
"Exactly, the introduction of HTTP/3 will have massive repercussions in the coming years. So, important to get to know right now."
"The significant thing about that is the farmers prior to this point couldn't get past 1,400 pounds... in only 12 years the production went from 1,400 pounds an hour to over 65,000 pounds an hour."
"The metaverse won't be a digital world that you can escape into; it'll be a digital layer that none of us can escape from."
"The magnitude of change that Starlink is bringing is humongous and it's just getting started."
"The social revolution meant we were going to be able to communicate, type a message, and within an hour a hundred people might read that message."
"The dazzling magic of this new digital technology masks flaws that some scholars find troubling."
"Generative AI is the most important computing platform of our generation."
"I once was a poor soul stood out in the wind, cold rain, and snow, taking people's orders, and then the machines arrived."
"Instead of seeing it as something that's going to limit job potential, it's important also to conceive of the fact that it's going to create industries."
"We have access to so many sources of information... reconstructing what happened accurately has gotten so much easier now."
"Take some time off, think what the politician you most fear will do with my invention, and then think again about what you're inventing and creating."
"Teenagers with tools that everybody has, a kid in Africa with a smartphone has access to more knowledge than the president of the United States did 15 years ago."
"Shannon's legacy: if this person hadn't existed, would the world be really different?... I truly believe Shannon is almost unique in that sense that we wouldn't be as far along today if he hadn't lived and done what he did."
"I don't know if [autonomous vehicles] will usher in an era of new possibilities for mankind or could it be the flip side where it could really hamper our freedoms and safety."
"It's game over the second Starships are online."
"It's just like Photoshop and airbrushing and makeup. It's here and it's here to stay. You might as well embrace it and see what kind of cool stuff you can do with it."
"AI is a force multiplier that enhances all sorts of things - military things, economic things, things on your job, things that will help you, things that will disrupt you."
"This is one of those moments where technology captures the intensity of nature."
"NFTs: The biggest scam of our century or will they transform the world as we know it?"
"This isn't just about paraplegics and healing blindness and fixing Dimension no no no no no this this is transhumanism."
"So yeah, it's going to be a pretty interesting end of the year when it comes to assessing this sort of feature and yeah, it's... I think a couple of outlets have been maybe glossing over how massive of a feature this is."
"Once the ultimate quantum computer is born, No One Is Safe."
"The new processor will increase the F-35's computing power by thirty seven times."
"Quantum computers will change everything: the economy, how we solve problems, the way we interact with the universe. You name it, quantum computers will be there."
"The debate about universal basic income is essentially a debate about whether this time technological revolution is going to be any different than the previous ones."
"Automation anxiety has been spreading lately."
"Whatever direction you're moving in life, technology will amplify that."
"Elon Musk underscores the need to harness Innovation for the betterment of humanity lest it becomes a double-edged sword."
"This is the biggest chance that Ukraine has of bringing some sort of resolution to this war out of anything that it's come up with so far."
"Bitcoin is just this unstoppable free market capital, this technology that out-compete monetary socialism."
"All the technological advancement and public policy decisions... have they contributed to promoting a longer and healthier life course or a longer and sicker life?"
"In 1997, this was an existential shock to the world."
"Technology influences... every ideology... technology is the driving force of history... technology determines... feasible and infeasible by parts."
"Chainlink is probably the most useful thing in all of crypto."
"This virus is a masterpiece, the level of sophistication, precision, stealthiness, and effectiveness have never been rivaled in any malware ever discovered."
"The ethereum merge doesn't matter too much right now."
"If Apple delivers on voice control, not only will it be the most impressive feature in Catalina, it'll be one of the most important in macOS history."
"Touch generations introduced so many to the world of video games."
"Allah has allowed technology as a mercy, to make Hajj easier for us."
"Regardless of your thoughts or feelings on Apple as a company today, there's no denying the impact Steve Jobs has had on the modern world."
"The iPod changed the way we listen to music and changed the whole music industry."
"UBI addresses the disruption caused by technological unemployment and enables people to adapt."
"The real power in them is how they're gonna connect us in the future."
"Air conditioning made life better and completely reshaped the 20th century."
"3D printing could change everything." - Potential of home manufacturing.
"The device could help limit human suffering to a tiny fraction of what it is today."
"Work on average became less physically onerous."
"These technological revolutions are not trivial; they're fundamentally revolutionary."
"When one has a more advanced technology than the other, and they visit, it almost is always bad for those with the lesser technology."
"We are writing the future of finance, the future of the internet, the future of freedoms in general."
"Few inventions can claim to have such a resounding impact on our way of life."
"AI is getting so good there's already fake things coming out."
"I do believe it’s safe to say that radio was the iPhone of the 1920’s."
"The human brain isn't built to deal with the rapid rise of the internet."
"We're really excited about what this technology can bring to the field of health care."
"The biggest risk is not that AI will develop a will of its own, but rather that it will follow the will of people."
"Tech is transforming pro cycling, but at what cost? Accessibility matters."
"We've been accidentally dumping information into the galaxy for over half a century."
"Ellion's contributions will continue to improve the lives of people everywhere."
"We are living through the greatest shift of attention that the human race has gone through since the printing press."
"2023 when I think about this year this is the year when people actually realize oh what what it can do for them yeah and how it actually can change their daily life."
"Sometimes that definitely happens for sure. What if I told you that there's a kind of technology that I work on that means you could trade with any kid all over the world?"
"I personally feel are super immersive in a way that is just not possible outside of the perfect optics of a VR headset."
"It's going to change what doctors, nurses, traders, salespeople, authors, and editors do."
"The blockchain will change the way we use money - the same way the Internet changed the way we access information."
"If this technology didn't exist, I feel like we'd have a war every 20-30 years."
"This is what it means to live in a cybernetic society where you are just in a feedback loop."
"The de-materialization of fashion is here, and it's going to change the fashion business as we know it."
"One thing that won't go away due to technological progress is the infantry."
"Being turned into clippie sounds awful. But fear not, we'll have years to ease into that sort of suffering as AI steadily plucks off one job after another."
"I think this is something that's unbelievably cool. What a great time in history for this to happen while we have NFT technology that is blowing up."
"History owes him a huge, huge favor, whatever you think of Elon, you know, people have different opinions, but I'll tell you, he is really, he forced the industry."
"Technological change constantly transforms the value of commodities."
"The value of science is not simply what the next model of iPod you will buy next week. Its real value comes about when it's time to distinguish reality from everything else."
"In this rapidly evolving era of Modern Warfare, conventional military might alone is not enough to guarantee Victory."
"It's affecting Corporate Finance, it's changing the way you think about Corporate Finance."
"This illustrates a clear example of how technology and machines contribute to the advancement of the mining and construction industries."
"The rise of AI has been Swift and Unstoppable."
"The IBM PC was an instant hit, gushed over for its perfect balance of Technology, build quality, and price."
"The significance of the app store is hard to understate."
"This is the end. This is the end of human autonomy and free will."
"Self-driving cars could make all of us so much more productive."
"Very few people realize just how accessible this technology is to anybody anywhere and just how powerful it is."
"The Dreamcast burnt fast but it burned so bright that its fans have never let the dream die."
"As our tools improve, technology magnifies our leverage."
"What doesn't get talked about nearly enough is how the integration of AI is changing our understanding of the world."
"Ethereum is by far the behemoth in this space... Ethereum's strength only grows when you do that."
"Technology has transformed the way we do almost everything."
"AI has the potential of civilizational destruction."
"Nothing has sped up the growth of humanity faster than the internet."
"In the past few years cyber crime has exploded."
"When you get it, you're going to be able to use it to improve your life tomorrow, right? No waiting for anything."
"There is no question that computers have changed the world."
"Are we progressing forward or are we idling with all the technology?"
"AI is the linchpin, it's the technology that enables these guys to pull off their satanic vision for Humanity."
"AI is a very different technology from anything we have encountered in the past."
"AI will be the biggest revolution in human history."
"You frequently find yourself wondering how technological advancement could change everyday life."
"We know that Facebook is here to stay. It's been around for a long time."
"I think light has literally revolutionized Wario over the past couple months."
"Turok proved to be technologically groundbreaking."
"If we reinvent these social organizations around these new tools, all of a sudden you have a revolution beyond bureaucracy."
"Gaming PCs can truly offer really unforgettable gaming experiences."
"The fact that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and blockchain is starting to move in the direction in any direction towards helping the gaming ecosystem is massive."
"Pandora's Box has been opened and there's no closing it now." - Narrator
"ETOPS was therefore the beginning of the end for the tri-jet."
"Apple's biggest contribution to the world is they invented the touchscreen smartphone."
"The revenue for wearables is already more than 50 percent more than iPod was at its peak."
"This industry, these protocols, this movement is here to stay."
"One of the key concerns with AI is the potential for it to act in ways that aren't aligned with human values and goals without careful consideration and oversight."
"But you see what's going on here as people's lives become more and more wrapped up in madeaverse layers, whether it's augmented reality or virtual reality and gaming, NFTs start carrying much, much more impactful outcomes."
"I think as this plays out and we see these smaller guys moving up, I think that we're going to learn a lot. I think that we need to be open to the idea of changing our mind if we're confronted with new evidence."
"The potential as well as the possible peril of AI has captured the world's attention."
"Bitcoin is growing faster than the internet did because thank god we have the internet for it to grow on. What side of history do you want to be on?"
"Air conditioning competes with the printing press in terms of human well-being."
"This is different, white-collar workers and blue-collar workers, both jobs are being replaced by AI."
"Increase the probability that the future is good."
"AI art has the potential to unlock the potential for us to grow in a very exciting way."
"Once you have autonomy of self-driving cars, you massively increase the utility of any given car."
"A combination of market growth, the explosion of the smartphone, and other competitors eventually pushed Kodak out of Photography."
"Larry Ellison arguably created the most important computer software you never heard of."
"X5 enables actual decentralization by allowing small and mid-cap tokens to finally have a seat at the table."
"Bitcoin is one of the most important inventions of all time, in the same category as the invention of the wheel, penicillin, literal fire."
"AI is not something that will happen to us, it's already happened to us."
"I think long term this technology is going to become so pervasive that it's going to be a part of everything we do."
"Vitalik Buterin makes Time magazine's 100 most influential people in 2021. He is on the list with Prince Harry, Billie Eilish, Olympian Simon Biles."
"If we can truly support our kids' dreams, maybe there's no need to lie about it."
"A technological Revolution changes the course of humanity."
"The second half of the last century was completely defined by a technological revolution: the software revolution."
"Autonomous ride-hailing could have more economic impact than any innovation in history."
"There's just something magical about creating that feeling of being around people once you've experienced it, you know it's the future."
"This right here is going to revolutionize that space, that blog and industry, and it's going to change how people participate in the space."
"If it weren't for him and other people who were agitating for free software, we would still be living in a time where we didn't have a choice."
"The industry changed with the internet because it gave bands more power."
"In the space of a few years, androids have completely transformed the world in which we live."
"Playing this game in 4k on a huge TV... pixel art isn't meant to be seen in 4k really but it just looks so tantalizingly beautiful in 4k."
"We believe that AI will be about individual empowerment and agency at a scale that we've never seen before."
"Experts warn that humans will soon be worshiping AI as Gods."
"The internet transformed how we access and share information, significantly impacting business, education, and social interactions."
"So that's the Samsung Galaxy S3, one of the most important smartphones of its time, a device that brought the heat to Apple at a time of furious competition and established the look and feel of Samsung phones for the coming decade."
"It's really amazing to see this happen in America."
"What these companies are doing is the equivalent of trying to burn down the modern-day digital equivalent to the library of Alexandria."
"Crypto needs that one killer app to show people whoa this does really change my life."
"Digital democracy actually strengthens democracy."
"Andrew Yang will earn the respect of the country. He's the only person talking about the robots and the technology and all these creative solutions."
"He's even gone record on saying that without Tron there would be no Toy Story"
"The real danger is technology making socialization impossible."
"We are now hackable animals... we have the technology to decipher what you think, what you want, to predict human choices, to manipulate human desires in ways which were never possible before."
"Thanks in part to satellites, we have more data than ever before about the climate crisis."
"Crypto needs that one killer app to show people how this really changes lives."
"Never before have the lives of so many changed so much so quickly as when the engines came to life for the very first time with a roar that echoed over continents."
"Humans will become artificially intelligent."
"Seeing Final Fantasy on the PlayStation was such a mind-blowing experience 20 years ago."
"Online giants like Amazon changed consumer habits."
"AI has been one of the hottest narratives of the year."
"The most important product of the last hundred years isn't their iPhone or TikTok. It's the vaccines that have saved one to two million Americans."
"Half-Life's release drastically altered the course of first-person shooters for the better."
"AI is designed to take over the human mind and therefore replace it."
"A technical marvel when it released, and it still looks very good to this day."
"if you're looking for outsize returns you need to be investing in companies in stocks that have technology products services that are going to disrupt"
"I can't wait to see gaming ruined by NFTs and cryptocurrency."
"The Metaverse will likely infiltrate every sector in some way in the coming years."
"Can you imagine a classroom without a teacher in it? Just a screen."
"Wi-Fi 6 is less about speed to a single client and more about overall capacity in dense environments."
"The reason why astrology is on a computer is because of him as well but the helio work that he's done is beyond so many other astrologers even comprehension."
"There's power to that, especially when you're always inundated with technology."
"What Elon Musk did this week is of world historic importance."
"The bigger problem we're facing right now is not the possibility of AI refusing to do what we want, but instead doing exactly what we're programming it to."
"His contributions to society such as the air brake or alternating current changed the world."
"The interesting possibilities in AI art do not mean that the horrendous oversights and anti-humanist values of its current systems are above reproach."
"There's never been anything like it in the history of the internet."
"The airports are a life-changing piece of tech... I've listened to so much more audio content than I would have done otherwise."
"The new AI tools are far more powerful than social media algorithms and could cause far more damage."
"Freedom of speech has been the tool of the marginalized and of the oppressed to demand change."
"We in some ways have already made quite an impact on our users' lives in a way that I don't think we would have imagined when we were first building Apple Watch."
"The software is eating the institutions we have used to organize ourselves."
"When everything is connected, all of a sudden we have data that allows us to really understand the world."
"So the smarter the machine gets the smarter this person gets as well therefore it's a win-win situation to the individual or a group of individuals that created it."
"Crypto tokens, crypto industries are taking the world over, they're taking over the world and they're doing it now, now, now, now, now, now!"
"We're living in a time period where technology is either going to be used to free us or enslave us."
"Transportation is something that has transformed the 21st century more than any other invention."
"In one month, 10 Russian soldiers armed with tanks and APCs were unable to capture a Ukrainian bunker because of two FPV drones."
"Concern about AI outweighs excitement across all major demographic groups."
"This thing that Tesla has made has deinstitutionalized decades of trauma."
"Synthetic media is completely going to transform how we perceive the world."
"Tesla has literally already changed the world and will continue to do so."
"The MacBook Air was extremely innovative in many other ways as well."
"More things are going to break more dramatically, more pain is going to be ahead."
"Our telescopes, our microscopes, the technology that we use to examine the world and the universe are in a lot of ways a kind of time machine. They give us a window into where it all came from."
"And Vapnik, who nobody ever heard of until the early '90s, becomes famous for something that everybody knows about today who does machine learning."
"Products that have no marginal cost of replication... this newest form of leverage is where all the new fortunes are made."
"Code-based leverage is how all these new millionaires and billionaires are being made."
"What Elon Musk is doing is existentially dangerous for various marginalized communities."
"AI is the move right now because it's the brain it's the global brain not to say it's going to end Humanity or anything but it's definitely going to change it big time."
"No longer will we ask do you remember reality before the internet now the next question will be do you remember reality before AI."
"Inventions today, they basically save lives."
"The metaverse is all set to revolutionize the way we work, play, and learn, offering endless possibilities for creativity and interaction."
"The world of Open Source intelligence is extremely broad."