
Customer Loyalty Quotes

There are 255 quotes

"It's because of all the investment we made prior to that, that we continue to grow because of the loyalty of our customers."
"Learning the sales is that when you build a relationship based on price, meaning that you're willing to discount, what happens is when the price goes up, the customers find somebody else."
"Every decision in those areas begins to define your brand; a comforting and consistent message to your target market might result in customer loyalty and opportunities for growth."
"Every business owner can appreciate the notion of branding as a means to achieve higher profits through customer loyalty."
"Now, if a customer is valued and looked after, they will not only come back time and time again, but they will also tell their friends and family about their positive experience with your company."
"Starbucks's genius manipulation tactics... they know that a lot of the reason why people choose to continue to come back to their shops and why they seek out their shops even when they're on vacation is because of their consistency."
"We lead with the cause, and that's how we really get most of our repeat business."
"We're still getting Christmas cards and things from guys that rode for us 20 odd years ago."
"It was great because I managed to win a long-serving customer of ours."
"A good rewards program will help them retain core customers and increase engagement."
"One of the reasons why I like OnePlus so much is how much they care for the community and how much they listen to us."
"Your goal is to turn customers into raving fans."
"There's no argument, the drive-thru at Chick-fil-A is always full."
"We wanted to reward people who had bought in the past and we wanted to put them in categories of having certain benefits based on past behavior rather than starting everyone at zero."
"Dunkin' started offering Beyond Meats sausage in Manhattan, and the company says, it's selling well and drawing repeat customers to Dunkin'."
"That's what brings people back, it's the emotional experience."
"Now one of the most loved companies I've ever owned."
"If you give people so much value, they'll never leave you."
"We actually want to take care of our customers so they come back." - Commentary on Costco's long-term business strategy.
"If the quality is good, people will continue to go on and on and on."
"Quality makes people want to come back for more."
"That's another thing I want to make clear if someone who's a white nationalist likes you and then goes on to say other bad things then you've said those things but it's not surprising that the president also tunes in racism."
"FL Studio fought piracy by making their software really reasonably priced and giving free updates for life."
"It's really the customers that run the brand."
"The more free stuff you give... the more goodwill that you're building up."
"All profit in business is from repeat customers, never forget that."
"Focus on your best customers to increase loyalty and drive more sales."
"Costco is a company that is run very much for the pleasure of its members, and its members are fiercely loyal."
"It's amazing as always, we love this buffet."
"Just giving the customer the best thing possible because then they'll come back and they'll come back and they'll come back."
"We have created a loyal following of ice users."
"Brand equals trust equals loyal customers equals profitable business."
"The reality is Tesla's customer retention is among the best and highest in the industry."
"Ultimately, that's never been what keeps the people coming back for more."
"Their biggest asset... millions of customers... loyal."
"Create a brand, charge more, and build brand loyalty."
"Why create raving fans? They're going to spread the word for you."
"Creating customers for life: Turn them into raving fans."
"It's a great philosophy for a company because it just builds long-term loyalty."
"If you ignore the fans, you'll lose the fans."
"Search, selection, and delivery... If you can help people find it and you can get it to them fast, the quality's in the middle, you're going to get loyalty."
"People will spend money over and over with you if you have a crappy product, as long as you have a good experience."
"It's pretty irresistible to come and get it... their loyalty is nice."
"You create a customer for life that way because you stand by what you say."
"Denny's has a positive impact on me. It left a positive impression on me, and it's a place I'm gonna be coming back to from now on."
"Our goal is to create the most loyal customer base on the darknet."
"It's much easier to keep a customer happy and turn them into a lifelong customer than it is to find new customers all the time."
"Right now our most of our order books have people who have either owned or have owned a Cirrus aircraft."
"It's because their products are so good that customers want to advertise for them."
"Thank you for sticking with us. I appreciate it."
"Increased engagement leads to more loyal customers and more repeat purchases."
"Invest in your customers. They care about you. Get that returning customer rate up."
"Hyatt has just never let me down, they've just always been so good to me."
"I want to make sure the customers come back."
"Develop a long-term relationship with a dealership."
"There is no loyalty like comic shop loyalty. Once it's gone, it's gone. There is no business like the comic book retailing business."
"That's why you do it, man. Be like everyone's going to walk, they're going to have withdrawals."
"I'd rather build a cool brand that people are going to stand behind."
"Even in a bearish market, you guys still tip."
"Exclusives are pivotal for brand recognition and loyalty."
"They have superior brand recognition, loyal customer base, strong financials, and I like their management's strategic decisions so far."
"Diesel customers have traditionally over my entire career always been our best customers."
"Several former customers contacted me personally to inquire why I was no longer with the company."
"If you lose the fans, they won't, a lot of them won't come back and people aren't going to blindly follow something that they don't understand, that's a big message."
"When everybody's complaining about constant price hikes but the churn rate doesn't go up, that is an incredibly good sign for Netflix."
"They do everything they can to bring you super affordable yet still stylish and trendy glasses."
"Thank you so much for Sainsbury's for sponsoring this video. The supermarket we always shop at, we all know it's just a dream sponsorship. I know it is, honestly, we're always down there. Thank you."
"Sis, you got a customer for life, okay? You got a customer for life."
"We see customers coming back and more importantly they're telling their friends their family about the offering."
"Loyalty increases by 40 when the transaction is mostly digital."
"Our goal is to continue to push the industry forward and to earn our place in it with customers' loyalty and their business and their favorability for our products and our brand."
"Who would have thought? It's nice to see Lumberjack Moo came back to my restaurant."
"There's just something magic about Land Rovers."
"Starbucks has built a powerful brand with global recognition and customer loyalty."
"I think the owners understand, you give your customers a good deal, they're going to come back."
"If you haven't got a high returning customer rate then you won't have a long-term business."
"It's just something different when somebody actually pays you for something. More, as long as the experience is good, even on a low ticket, they're more likely to go and ascend to the next product."
"It's our belief and our hope that if we do the best job we absolutely can you guys will stick with us."
"Would I go back out and repurchase the rose ink lip and cheek color? A thousand percent."
"Once someone's on Adobe, they typically don't get off."
"The good food brings people coming back regardless of that."
"Customer loyalty depends foremost on the quality and value of your product."
"Loyalty metrics allow businesses to assess and refine strategies to keep customers, boost sales, and save money."
"Customer loyalty is the truest test of how well the entire funnel serves customers and meets their needs."
"They know who they are and continually deliver to their loyal customer base."
"Seven out of every ten buyers of this car go on and buy another one."
"The ultimate definition for me today of the love that somebody has for our product is they're willing to put their reputation on the line by telling people about it."
"Customers don't owe you loyalty. You owe them innovation."
"If you have customers who really have an emotional connection with you, you want to build on that."
"Your engagement been with us before and"
"Airbnb doesn't provide a loyalty program. We really think that this is one area that Airbnb could improve."
"Quality control also boosts Customer Loyalty; customers may come thanks to your marketing, but they'll stay for the Quality."
"Planned obsolescence is the manufacturer's way of making sure that they have repeat customers."
"I am a fan of your product since I was four years old. I am now 35."
"They knew that turning their customers into advocates was going to be important because their customers spent time in the gym, so their customers knew other potential My Protein customers."
"This is the power of returning customers."
"Personalization allows the product to become something that's a part of them, it identifies with that customer base."
"It's very easy to get someone to buy something once the real skill is to get them to want to buy it again and come back."
"Building a successful business of loyal customers on the concept of safety."
"If you love shopping there, you can become a part of their VIP program and get points and save money every time you shop."
"Customer relationship management is trying to build an ongoing, kind of permanent relationship with a customer."
"Your business is not built on new clients, it is built on loyal clients."
"I genuinely, genuinely love the function of beauty and will continue to renew my orders with them because I've always been very happy with the product that I get."
"Every business will have its own unique story, but practically every business can benefit from more loyal customers and repeat sales."
"If you think about it, you don't need millions of people in order to have a million dollar business. You need a handful of people who really care in order to do damage."
"And here with Buo, we try really hard to price things affordably and like deliver value, which means hopefully people come back."
"When that person finds out we have that one record, they're like okay, I'm gonna keep coming back here."
"Pixie perks are my way of giving back to my loyal customers."
"There's a best salesperson for you is not a new salesperson you hire but your existing customers."
"Instead of discounts and sales, my shop has a loyalty program."
"It created a really loyal customer base for me."
"I'm not gonna lie to my customers because guess what, the dude who's buying a $400 bracelet today might end up buying another bracelet for the next six years."
"Customers stay a month, friends stay forever."
"I probably bought five motorcycles from here already so if you're looking for a place with a huge selection come talk to my man Chris."
"There's something important I want to explain and that is everyone who took a chance on us and bought bucketless backpacks 1.0...people took a risk and bought our backpacks and it's been so rewarding seeing them share pictures all around the world..."
"I wanted to reward the people that have always believed in us and took a chance on us...so we are sending out an email to everyone who bought 1.0 to get them a really good discount..."
"This is the car for the fans, yes, the car for our core customers."
"Reward programs incentivize customers to keep coming back to the business."
"You want to build your fan base, find those loyal customers, nurture them."
"What better testament to the quality of our food than having generations of customers from the same family?"
"The number one thing that makes people your regulars is the stock, the soup."
"Customers have a strong relationship with a brand, they'll shop more often, they'll spend more, they're more forgiving when things go wrong, they'll recommend and so on."
"Loyalty programs can't buy you loyalty either, but they can be a pretty important mechanic to help get exactly these kinds of things happening between a retailer and a brand."
"All you need for your page is you just want people to come to your page 'cause they're going to rent from you regardless, right?"
"We have an amazing crowd that keeps coming back year after year. We've calculated this, and we know that there's an 80% chance if you come here once that you'll come back."
"A clothing store is really not a business until they get that person to come back and buy multiple times."
"You don't get rich off of one transaction, you get rich off of returning customers."
"This to me is a great bow to have in your store to get people started, and they'll come back to your store and buy, you know, like a stinger or a drive or a 1400 bow or a target bow. This is the perfect bow to get you started."
"For the dealership, for the health of the sport, those returning customers that become lifelong motorcycle fans, that's what we need."
"When you go against who your brand is, that's like betraying your customer."
"Customers build the brand by telling their friends."
"I've repurchased it, I don't even know how many times at this point."
"Trust trumps price every single time."
"The staff is the reason we have returned to the Excellence resorts time and time again."
"Your next one is free, it's a loyalty bonus."
"We've been fortunate to have a very loyal clientele that supports us at all of our venues."
"All you need is a thousand like really avid, like hardcore customers, and you've got a million dollar, if not multi-million dollar business."
"Loyal customers are worth 10 times their first purchase."
"Returning customer, them are always the best."
"They're more loyal than anybody, and it's wonderful to have them come in, they're just so dialed in, they know what they're looking for."
"I guarantee if you've been doing a great job for six months, they'll stick with you."
"If a client purchases two or more retail products from you, they have an 80% rate of return."
"When you can place these in the hands of a homeowner, guys, you're going to have a customer for life."
"If you get a Chase bank account in college, there's a good chance you'll continue to use Chase for the rest of your life purely out of habit."
"So a brand's entry point is very important since it often brings in new customers that might stay for life."
"If you have a local restaurant and you decide to ditch those big delivery apps, your customers will follow you."
"You've got to have enough personality in your business that people become emotionally attached to it."
"When you really take care of people, and when you really serve people, and they trust you, they’ll go with you."
"Target rolls out the new perk for loyal shoppers in a bid to boost sales and stave off retail apocalypse."
"Plan to make consistently high quality beer that repeatability will have customers returning for more of your beer time and time again."
"We're going to take advantage of that customer loyalty and we're going to turn that into revenue."
"Returning customer rate of 16%, which is great."
"If prices go down, you're going to get the difference in latte rewards."
"A lot of my customers buy because they like the story behind my bag."
"Once we had somebody in them, they were a customer for life."
"I thought I would collapse from the anxiety, but thanks to our customers who have been around for long, and to some new customers, I'm still here."
"We're flying with Florida coast to coast helicopter who have taken care of us for as long as I can remember."
"The quality we have known and loved about Rainbow High is still here."
"You can increase your profits by 50% simply by improving your retention to your most loyal customers by 5%."
"If your customers never leave, you're probably going to have a really healthy business soon."
"Earning the loyalty of their customers was really critically important to their business strategy."
"90% of these patrons become repeat customers."
"The capacity of a business or product to keep customers over time is referred to as customer retention."
"The number of current customers who are likely to recommend your product to a friend or colleague is measured by a KPI called Net Promoter Score."
"Getting customers and turning them into fans is an economical way to grow your business."
"It's way easier to sell to people who have already bought from you than to sell to people who have never bought from you before."
"The right customer relationship management is the difference between finding leads and turning those leads into loyal paying customers."
"We have about a 90% reorder rate at Deer Box. People who want to eat well, healthily, and responsibly, they repeat order time after time."
"We want to nurture our relationship with customers to ensure they're loyal."
"The strategy really is to leverage that customer base, leverage the brand name."
"We want these customers for life and we want their kids and their kids' kids."
"These happy customers really are what keep us afloat."
"We're making the customer a fan... they want to see what you're doing and they want to help you out."
"I'm such a loyal customer, so I'm so excited about it."
"You can offer your customers refills for their body spray at a discounted price."
"You want a business where the customer is like a subscriber."
"If it is a good one, well you make a sale and your customers will buy your product over and over."
"This is how the best shops in America do business, and this is how you lock customers in for life."
"The goal is to make the 20% of our customer base that spends the most money with us spend more."
"It's a people business, and if our people can develop long-term lasting relationships with our customers, then we believe we're going to win."
"Recognition loyalty goes beyond creating those little bursts of financial happiness; it increases the customer engagement level."
"Loyalty is more than just a customer that returns to buy something from your company a second or third time."
"Customer loyalty is becoming increasingly important yet more difficult to stimulate."
"We want customers for life, and that is truly our goal."
"I'm really happy because a lot of the people that buy from my Etsy shop are return customers."
"The service is why I keep coming back."
"You can then have a customer for life if they enjoy the product."
"Helping new local cookie bakery startup shake down their new online ordering and loyalty reward points."
"People love their cars; that's why they're bringing it to you."
"Remember that clients buy again and again and again."
"Starbucks is a company that has brand value, customer loyalty, and unique digital properties."
"I've been eating here for probably, I don't know, 10 years or so, and I've always loved the food, the service is really efficient."
"Football is a game that depends on repeat purchase; it depends on customers coming back through the turnstiles time and time again."
"These things have customers that have been using these things for 15, 20, 25 years because they're super well-made."
"One of the biggest wins came from the return policy."
"We pride ourselves as a company that has a lot of repeat customer purchases."
"If they gave me honey-infused biscuits, I'm back, I'll be back."
"Once you make them cry, they're yours, baby. They're years."
"Customer retention is actually more valuable than customer acquisition."
"I want you to stay with us because you like us, you like our service and not because you're contractually bound and feel like you've got a gun to your head."