
Ancient Wonders Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"The Great Pyramids... were built with such precision that our current technology would struggle to match."
"The pyramid has 4 steep sides that look very much like the great pyramid of Giza."
"As a young child, ancient wonders utterly fascinated me. I developed an insatiable appetite for information surrounding their existence."
"Incredible feats of engineering seemingly ignored by everyone around me."
"The gardens were said to have looked like a large green mountain constructed of mud bricks."
"It's even speculated that the pyramid tip would have actually been covered in gold, making it such a tremendous sight across the Egyptian landscape."
"The great pyramid is regarded as one of the wonders of the ancient world."
"Why the Seven Wonders of the ancient world still fascinate us today is the fact that they're all created by human beings."
"If we just tell you the Pyramids have been standing 5,000 years, it sounds impressive, but beyond comprehension."
"After all the other Ancient Wonders vanished beneath the surface of time’s river, the pyramids remained."
"Out of all the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, there is only one that remains a mystery to this very day."
"Man fears time, but time fears the pyramids."
"Legend has it that the structures were erected in just 20 years time, meaning that a block had to be moved into place about every five minutes of each day."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza needs no introduction."
"These make Chichen Itza one of the most awe-inspiring ancient wonders ever built."
"The pyramids and the Sphinx are freaking incredible."
"The tallest pyramid: If we take a look at the Magnificent Pyramids of Giza in their entirety it seems that the central pyramid of Khufu is by far the largest structure."
"You don’t produce something like the pyramids without really being possessed by an idea."
"It's one of the seven wonders of the world, yet the Great Pyramid of Giza has never yielded all its secrets."
"You're just kind of like, 'How in the hell did they build the pyramid?'"
"A monument was built on a tiny island that could rival anything in the ancient world."
"Comparing yourself to others can ruin your journey; focus on your own path."
"Dialogue 2: 'Look, that's the Great Pyramid.'"
"The seven wonders of the ancient world set the supreme standard and keep alive the dreams of the Ancients."
"The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: were they simply a myth or were they real and have just been lost to time?"
"Every now and then, though, an ancient wonder from a bygone era is suddenly rediscovered."
"The Great Pyramid is just off the charts in terms of perfection and close tolerances."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world."
"The Egyptian pyramids are simply amazing ancient structures."
"The mysterious Great Pyramid of Giza was built with dimensions that memorialize the golden ratio, pi, and the speed of light."
"We will immerse ourselves in the mysterious world of caves to come face to face with inexplicable wonders that defy everything we know so far."
"The organization it would have taken to construct this place is almost unimaginable."
"The Black Pyramid is four times larger than the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt."
"All these great walls are as exact and shapely as the flimsy things we build of bricks in these days; a race of gods or of giants must have inhabited Baalbek."
"The pyramid of Khufu is 147 meters high, it is the highest in Egypt and the only one of the seven wonders of the ancient world to have withstood the test of time."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza is by far the oldest and the only one that remains intact today."
"The faluca's story came to life, transporting those who gazed upon it back to a time of Ancient Wonders and water-borne Journeys."
"One of the most astonishing aspects of the Great Pyramid is its precise construction, with the massive stone blocks fitted together with such accuracy that the gaps between them are often less than 150th of an inch."
"The region's shifting sands cunningly hide a slew of ancient wonders."
"...the more you study the Great Pyramid of Egypt the more mysterious it becomes."
"The pyramids of Egypt, built by the kamite, are one of the most recognizable and enigmatic structures of the ancient world."
"The Giza Pyramids are about 4,500 years old, but a civilization doesn't simply spring up out of nowhere."
"The pyramid of the pharaoh Cheops is the only survivor of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World."
"So important and wealthy was Ephesus that its Temple of Artemis was the biggest on the earth."
"The Great Pyramid in Egypt is still the heaviest building in the world."
"One of the ancient world wonders, the Hanging Gardens, were thought to have been built in which bygone city? The answer is Babylon."
"They found evidence of a gigantic pyramid, rivaling the works of the ancient Egyptians."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza...is one of the oldest and most iconic structures in the world."
"The underground chamber is so big you could fit four giant Pyramids of Giza inside it."
"I have set eyes on the wall of lofty Babylon... but when I saw the House of Artemis that mounted to the clouds, those other marvels lost their brilliance."
"The Pyramid of Giza... still holds many mysteries that scientists have yet to uncover."
"The Parthenon was the greatest temple of its age, a wonder of the ancient world."
"Standing 455 feet tall, the Great Pyramid is one of the largest wonders of the ancient world."
"It was one of the seven ancient wonders of the world."
"The temple of Artemis that was once located here was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world."
"The pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the only standing wonder of the ancient world, built more than 4,500 years ago."
"It is estimated that more than 2 million stone blocks and more than 100,000 men were needed to build The Great Pyramid of Giza."
"The Pyramids of Giza... their alignment with the stars of Orion's Belt and the precision of their construction is just mind-blowing."
"The Great Pyramid... the first of the seven ancient wonders of the world and the only one still standing."
"The divine power placed the heart in man like the pyramid in Egypt."
"The hanging gardens of Babylon were considered by the ancients to be one of earth's marvels."
"It was so massive, roughly twice the size of the Greek temples, including the Parthenon."
"The ancient seven wonders of the world may have been the world's very first true tourist destinations."
"It was a very grand and ornate temple. It was among what was called the seven wonders in the ancient world."
"The Pharos Lighthouse, built in 270 BC, stood at 110 meters tall."
"All the world fears time, but time fears the pyramids."
"The pyramids were once covered in... smooth white limestone... they would have shined in the sun."
"The most famous pyramid are the Giza pyramids, among the seven wonders of the ancient world."
"The distance from the earth to the Sun... is the distance you get when you multiply the height of the pyramid appropriately."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the so-called seven wonders of the ancient world."
"This is for those of you who enjoy watching the Antiquities Travel Guide, the series in which I show you the wonders of the ancient world."
"Pyramids are simply amazing ancient structures."