
City Life Quotes

There are 2346 quotes

"I've never been bored a single day in New York. I don't think I ever will."
"You will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams if you go above and beyond in this city."
"Our raising conservative kids in a woke city, the entire last chapter is called 'Find your people.'"
"I always have the best time in London... London is my city."
"Time Square is safe... We are still the safest large city in the world."
"Solitude is the citiest city of all the cities in Skyrim."
"Problem solved, problem solved. No more problems in the city."
"There are still some times when I feel a little homesick, but all in all, I sure love this city."
"Foreign cities' drainage canals are the last place you'd expect wildlife to thrive."
"Despite the hardships faced by the working class, Glasgow was not without its charms."
"You grow up in the city, you don’t know anything about a night sky until you go into a place where there’s an expert, and they can point it out to you on a dome."
"Welcome to Night City, where your address says more about you than anything else."
"When you imagine a city, what do you see? I see the predominance of cracked grey concrete and black pitch, litter strewn amongst alleys and drains, monuments to man’s hubris scraping the skies."
"Make your city feel alive. Use cars, trucks, buses, trains, other city vehicles, cranes, planters, benches, smaller pedestrian lights, garbage cans, signs, small advertisements, places for bikes, markets, tables and chairs with umbrellas, small patches of greenery, food trucks, helicopter pads, and bus stops."
"Chicago is an excellent place to live. It is absolutely a wonderful city."
"Manhattanhenge...the Sun did set spectacularly."
"I love New York City because it's just amazing. The transportation, you can get you moving constantly."
"The city used to pulse with energy, dirty and dangerous, but alive and wonderful."
"From the bustling streets of Lagos to the vibrant vibes of Johannesburg and the picturesque landscapes of Uganda, the African spirit is alive and kicking."
"A labyrinthine city full of dreams where the reality is not a bright one but a dark nightmare."
"Tourists are coming back to D.C., but it's not the same as before the pandemic."
"Vienna is dense, lively, vibrant, it's a huge hub of culture."
"These places are just large enough to have a number of pretty good restaurants and nightlife and pretty good entertainment options, but they're not so large where you're overrun with traffic and crowds."
"New York has been ranked as one of the top five safest big cities in America."
"It's a beautiful city, we're doing very well."
"It's the little things that really change a city's vibe."
"London is alive. London is a testament to just how real alive is."
"It's like that woman that i'm like i lust over new york but i just know i couldn't marry new york that's tough for me uh i do like the energy of new york i like it's it helps propel me."
"The city is really prioritized street life and walkability."
"Great cities have a pulse and few mega cities capture the complexity, chaos, and vitality of a living system more vividly than New York."
"Not only did our guide bring us to some of the most scenic areas, but he also helped bring the city to life by explaining a lot of the history that's happened here."
"This entire city was only seven years old, young city that was super nicely put together, super rich, beautiful paradise."
"Look at all the people, look you can see them using all the metro down here, that is just what I want to see."
"It's everything you've heard: neat architecture, expensive restaurants, wild outfits, sex, booze, and a bunch of people trying to look like they have more money than they really do."
"Do you think people who live in cities should escape the cities right now?"
"It's Gotham City I New York and Chicago La they're turning into Gotham."
"This city actually has a very alive feel to it, I feel like a stranger in a strange city, a traveler somewhere exotic."
"The city does feel vibrant and alive, and it's nice to see things behaving as you'd expect them to."
"Hong Kong almost looks a little boring during the day, but when the sun sets, it's like Hong Kong really comes to life."
"Beware of the three card Monty scam and fake club promoters."
"The nightlife in Leeds is brilliant... so many clubs and bars."
"I'm feeling a little adrift, smack dab in New York City with no place to live, no prospects." - Patrick
"There's no other city in the world with the same level of energy, the fast pace, the buzzing traffic, crowds of people. You never run out of things to do, different foods to try, places to visit, or people to meet."
"Johannesburg is a very terrible city... but it's also a gorgeous city."
"Miami is on fire. This place is unbelievable."
"It's like almost 40, has done Ayahuasca, right, and is like, you know, looking to do his thing, the big city."
"You know what, how many rats are in New York, do you think?"
"Cities used to be really cool, a lot different, prior to the social media age."
"A city that was built on the azure golf map."
"I finally moved to New York City in September of 2021."
"London, one of the most expensive cities in the world."
"Many many small things contribute to the sum of it which is hopefully then you being able to explore a city that you feel is truly alive and that you haven't been experiencing before."
"Sleep tight, Night City. The grass ain't greener anywhere else."
"This is Novamax. Hi there, new Night City. It's not so bad here. How we're feeling today? Because I feel amazing."
"To me, it was the most incredible city, and to watch what happened to it is sad just beyond words."
"Many small things contribute to the sum of it, which is hopefully then you being able to explore a city that you feel is truly alive."
"Los Angeles, the City of Angels and possibly the city of demons as well."
"Don't pass up the second city, because this city rocks."
"Crystals powered the entire cities and everything that worked in the city."
"There is so much to do here that you can do for free."
"Food consistently captures the essence of a city better than anything else."
"You won't even know we're looking at the outside nope I love those little owls real owls you know what to put those there right hoot you have no idea they do it to scare away pigeons."
"The big city is a thin veil stretched over a living wildly evolving earth."
"Whether you work downtown or live downtown, it's definitely an interesting and eclectic area in just about any city you visit."
"Even if it is Paris, you see the light from them. You see it. They're still TBD, though. To be determined. Paris, Paris, guys."
"The cost of living is half when it comes to other major cities."
"Good morning from New York City! Welcome to my little vlog."
"Big dense cities, that's where we can all live. I like living in densities."
"He was like the city itself, cold, infuriating, and exhausting."
"He realizes that he was better than him or Kaito and decided to teach him what he knew to survive in the city."
"The moon landing was the most significant accomplishment humans have ever engaged in."
"Welcome to the city! Oh my goodness, okay, so this is going to excite you guys..."
"The film is both a love letter to the high-paced attitude of New York City and a thrillingly intense and beautiful maze of counter-intelligence."
"Jersey is very homey, it's very small town where I'm from. Here in the city, my dreams are made into reality. I don't really have much there for me anymore. I do miss the energy of New York being right there."
"You are a mysterious puzzle that can't be solved, Manhattan."
"Dallas, a continuously growing area with a beautiful art scene, urban green spaces, fine dining, and shopping."
"This city is as safe or as dangerous as you make it."
"Just wandering the streets with your neck craned up is entertaining."
"Cities are where people live. You live in a state sure, but under that, you live in a city."
"Manhattan is an amazing city if you know what you want out of Manhattan it is a place built on and for ambition."
"No one was prepared. The city was suddenly shut down in the middle of the night."
"There's a big exodus outside of New York City."
"The Mississippi River's charm extends beyond these well-known cities."
"With all of this overload of vitality and variety being played out by the pace centers of world society who have clawed and climbed their way to the top of the heap, New York City is a place in desperate spiritual need."
"It actually was fun growing up in New York for me, even though it was danger, but it was fun."
"6th Street is amazing in Austin. Austin's a great city."
"Love is nice, especially in the city of Lagos. For a girl like me, I know the stories I read online just confirm that it's really hard."
"Every street corner is a double-take waiting to happen."
"The people make New York the greatest city in the world."
"The contemporary culture that is so vibrant in the city of Athens."
"I think over the past few days it's really obvious that there is a very kind of vibrant energy to Athens."
"It's a tough city where meet my wife before now there's a humour eeeh without a doubt she be praising us anyway he was an extra mr. bean you are in a hard living City in times of deprivation humor always comes out"
"It was almost like moving back with borovoye and EULA - right city was almost about confronting that part of the Los Angeles experience that I either didn't understand or was furious at..."
"It feels like a behind the scenes tour of a city no matter how busy a place gets during the day you'll almost always have it to yourself before 8:00 a.m."
"The Upper West Side isn't the most interesting part of the city, which is why I think it's a pretty cool bar."
"The great cities of the world thrive on change."
"I will hype SF to no end when it comes to walkability."
"I have really enjoyed the day... such a laid back, peaceful city."
"If you don't want to be involved in these things for god's sake get out of the city and get into the country."
"Enjoy these clips of beautiful rainy Manhattan, I hope it feels as nostalgic for you as it does for me."
"One of the best things about living in Cincinnati is how affordable it is."
"Indianapolis for being a major city is very affordable."
"I love the idea of coming into the city and seeing all of this excitement."
"Newcastle is a vibrant city, a lot of energy."
"I thought it'd be some narcissistic display of how 'nice' Ellen is, but it's a fairly competent slice of life show about growing up in a large city."
"St. Louis is such a fascinating city. Way different than how I remembered it."
"It's New York City at its finest. Man, you smelling all this Gary love that smell KG. See this is what retirement's all about slowing down, smelling stuff like these. This smells like covering the spread, baby!"
"I don't see that silicone City again, it'll be too soon."
"If you owned a duplex in inner city Baltimore right now, you wouldn't let nobody burn down your neighborhood."
"Burbank has a very special place in my heart. I just I like being in the middle of everything."
"What did you bring him back to the city? The port is abandoned."
"You give life to this city, you give life to its people."
"London has some of the best food in the world."
"New York City does not have to be a tourist trap."
"NYC is a haven for anyone looking to escape while at the same time network and develop a relationship with not just other people, but with an entire city as well."
"People mainly live in Reno because they like getting the things that you would get from a big city without living in a big city."
"New York really is the city that never sleeps."
"Boston's beating heart as a center of entertainment and culture was still unmistakable."
"I find it very arrogant that there are stores in New York City that don't have a gate."
"It's not a regular [ __ ] like it's like that's just how New York is."
"Miami right now is the place to be it's literally the hottest city in America."
"This is my first full day here, living in Toronto."
"It's good to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and just enjoy yourself for once."
"There's no better way to see a city than just to walk through it."
"Once you're on trail and you're drinking out of freshwater sources a lot... city water just tastes disgusting."
"Never a dull moment in Manchester except all the dull moments."
"Creating a vibrant downtown: Planning for a bustling city center."
"It's a rough and tumble city made up of sins and trauma, befitting people who thrive on danger, a modern noir made real all around him."
"This is a sick town, Detective. Are you sure you really want to know what's going on?"
"Doing either will end the game showing a frankly awful looking cut scene of your crew's rescue and showing them getting back to normal life stressed out by life back in the big city and longing for the simplicity of the island again."
"I was born in the largest city in Brazil to two loving parents."
"The city is dead or it's on its way to being dead for sure."
"It's not just Londoners, it's any city that has a train system."
"Surviving and thriving in nature is infinitely easier than in the city."
"Kathmandu really fulfilled my excitement for fast pace, lots of food options everywhere, and just like so many different Pockets within the city."
"Finding serenity amidst the hustle and bustle of Orlando."
"LA has given me all the peace and zen that I need in my life as an artist."
"N.K. Jemisin is able to capture the spirit of the city of New York is just impeccable."
"I could never ever have survived in a more expensive City when I was doing these little freelance jobs I made eight hundred euros per month that was for everything and that was tough."
"The views are one thing, but to actually come outside and to experience the city, the ambiance, the noises, that's something very special."
"Bigger cities are better, as you're gonna constantly be needing people."
"It's in the town of Leeds, the city of Leeds, there's not a whole lot else to do in Leeds." - Ian McCallum
"What's happening right now in Jeddah is incredible, is happening in an incredible way."
"Every city has its negative side to it too, you know what I'm saying, and I'm sure it's the trenches and [__] out here like I've rotated through the trenches since I've been here."
"Living in an industrial city maybe did have some sort of influence, some impact, just a way of escaping basically the rat race."
"Everything about this song, the lyrics, the sound, everything encapsulates the crazy mad city that Compton is, from the iconic intro to the great beat switch and MC8's verse. This song is just great."
"At last, we arrive in one of my favorite cities: Fortree."
"Bye bye AirPod now I'm [ __ ] rocking stereo one one's gone in the subway one's still in my ear oh my god."
"Cities are never done changing and evolving."
"This city of beautiful people is going to riot when their hockey team wins or loses. Have you no faith in other people?"
"Philadelphia is actually killing it here, it's very, very busy in town and then the like the residential area right up on Philadelphia is actually really cute, look at these houses."
"That's what's good about New York, there's so many, you can live here for so long but there's so many places that you've just never seen or been to, and it's brilliant."
"The city has changed, sure it's uglier, but it's always been kind of ugly."
"Atlanta: A great city with its share of problems, but plenty to offer."
"Everything was open at night...the vibe of the place."
"You have to love a city where the art comes first."
"It feels good to be in a city that appreciates my comedy."
"I love the way they're woven into the cities, making them feel like more than the sum of their parts."
"It's a restaurant town, it's a foodie town, it's a chef town, it's a multicultural City, a proverbial Melting Pot."
"There's just something about that that gives the City such a unique character."
"A charming city with beautiful architecture and vibrant people."
"I love the look of the city... this feels like a big important center."
"Wow, it's 2:00 in the morning. City never sleeps!"
"London, one of the greatest urban creations ever achieved by mankind."
"There's so much to do in Berlin, it's insane."
"Let's go brand new day here in Lake Shore City."
"I know how to carve through the city and not go the directions but I'll get to where I'm going."
"London is a multicultural city full of potential, a place where everybody is chasing something."
"New York City is so crazy because every time I'm here I get in such a good mood."
"Chicago is the greatest city on this planet."
"You can live in the city and pay $5000 a month for a micro apartment or you can move 100 miles away and pay half of that."
"The weather in the city, that is something that's hard to describe. You literally get it all. You get snow, you get thunder, you get rain, you get beautiful sunny days like today."
"I love seeing all those sort of trams crossing over there."
"Just another perfect day for the luckiest, hottest man in New York."
"This is one of the most sought after blocks or areas in the city to have a business."
"We decided to move from the city, I was living in Lisbon and my wife was living in Porto."
"Paris is an extremely expensive city to live in, and if you don't earn three or four times the minimum wage, there's no way you can rent even a small apartment."
"Sometimes, a dollar slice after a night of drinking is just better than anything."
"I think a lot of cities also seem to suffer from a similar fantasy that somewhere out there in normal world, the people get to enjoy four distinct seasons."
"The streets just available like this, it's just like the perfect kind of fix."
"It's gonna be crazy, you're gonna really stand out just in New Orleans, just walking around."
"It's awesome being able to see a train of this scale in the city. It feels like a diorama or one of those miniature train sets."
"Houston is like a multiple cities put into one."
"We're realizing when it comes to big cities like we really love them, it's like we almost forget how great they are and then you get to one and realize like wow we love living in a city."
"Welcome to New York, this is the real stuff right here."
"I think people are going to absolutely love that for getting around the city."
"Downtowns are often the very best that a city has to offer."
"LA is very noisy but not in like the sense that that I just met with like New York..."
"They call it the City of Angels. Funny, in my 30 years here, I haven't seen a single one."
"One of the biggest things that stood out to me was how quiet the downtown area got at nighttime."
"Peter considers the city to be his playground and feels at home there."
"There's good things about LA, there's terrible things about LA. I'm gonna give it six months before I make it."
"I ain't gonna lie to y'all, Nashville Loki lit."
"Central Park, 840 acres of parkland in the middle of the city, is a quiet haven in the midst of all the hustle and bustle."
"Highlighting what makes the city special: its people."
"At night when all the neon comes on, people saw it as kind of a magical place."
"You could never get lonely or unhappy because all you need to do is to go into the street and there's infinite inspiration and infinite opportunity."
"I see a city that's emerging and thriving."
"We've been hopping on and off the taxi all day."
"You know what would be super cool to have here in the city? A drive-through safari park."