
Pi Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"Why do people love Pi? I don't know, it's irrational. It's also transcendental."
"No matter whether you create one circle or thousand circles, pi value is always going to be constant."
"Question for you: How could you use this expression to calculate better and better approximations for pi?"
"Pi is in your circle, it's always there, it's always going to be pi radians."
"Pi is a fairly straightforward number to understand because it’s so easy to visualize."
"But one thing I could do is I could get a piece of string and I could wrap it around here in my perfect circle. I could undo the string, I could get a tape measure, I could measure it, and then whatever that is, if I knew the value of R, I could solve for the value of pi."
"In 2015, V Minarecited π to 70,000 decimal places from memory."
"...it wouldn't have a decimal, some might say that's okay, but what about a number like pi, the number Pi about 3.14159265 which describes circular things in various dimensions is an irrational number that means that it doesn't have a fraction that represents it."
"Pi does relate to our universe in a very beautiful, fundamental way."
"For the smallest period of time, you were exactly pi years old."
"That's crazy, well this is one of the wonderful things about the number pi, it shows up all over the place in mathematics and it's just delightful."
"In everything that we do, we want Pi to be honest and truthful."
"The circumference of a circle is basically pi times its diameter."
"Pi is an irrational number because it is clear that there is no fixed pattern; it doesn't end, it's never ending."
"Euler's result that the sum of the reciprocals of all the squares is \( \frac{\pi^2}{6} \)."
"The circumference is that radius from the center to the outside times 2 pi."
"Pi is the most famous irrational number."
"This will be the first time in over a century that people have calculated pi to this precision by hand."
"Shanks was like this was cutting edge. No one else has seen this much pi before."
"Pi - what a number. It's unparalleled in mathematics."
"And, as we all know, the digits never end; they just keep on going forever and ever which is incredible."
"Pi is what's called a transcendental number which means you can't write it down in a nice neat equation."
"Pi is approximately equal to 3.14."
"All of this massive series of numbers is contained in an amazing mathematical constant, the number pi."
"Pi is irrational; its decimal representation never comes to an end and it is not periodic."
"Pi is the same for circles of any size."
"We can never write down Pi exactly; its decimal expansion goes on forever."
"The sum of the inverse squares is $$ \pi^2/6 $$."
"The first kinds of code that I liked to program were programs that computed PI."
"Pi cannot be written as a ratio of two whole numbers."
"Nobody knows that if you look at the decimal expansion of pi, that eventually the digit nine doesn't appear anymore."
"The sum of the reciprocals of the squares of the integers is \( \pi^2 \) over 6, that's right, this is a very famous series."
"The sum of the reciprocal of squares is pi squared over six."
"Pi multiplied by the diameter is just 12 Pi."
"That's why going around this one is just pi radians."
"Your target integral I equals pi times one minus 1 by E, which is quite a beautiful result indeed."
"Pi does not equal 3.14, it is approximately 3.14."
"The mathematics of the Great Pyramid include frequently 54 different ways it speaks of the number pi."
"The mathematical number for pi, as far as I remember, is 3.141592653589793238462643383279."
"Pi times the diameter gives you the circumference."
"I hope this has helped you on your journey in starting your new journey in mining Pi."
"Pi is probably one of the most famous numbers in all of mathematics."
"Pi is a non-repeating and non-terminating decimal, therefore it goes out to infinity."
"How does the circumference relate to the diameter of a circle? The way that it relates is in the number 3.14, which is also called pi."
"Pi is equal to the ratio of the circumference divided by the diameter."
"I don't have a favorite number, there's so many numbers. Pi, it's infinite."
"Pi is what we call an irrational number; it's a nonrepeating, non-terminating decimal."
"This has been a long journey, but what is this exactly? This is nothing but pi squared over 16."
"Okay, all know the sum as n goes from one to infinity of one over n squared is equal to pi squared over 6."
"To calculate the circumference of a circle, we multiply the diameter by pi."
"Pi has been around for thousands of years... and it's to do with the ratio of the circumference to the diameter inside of the circle."
"Pi is not 22 by 7; that is only the approximate value."
"The answer therefore to three decimal places would be 3.141."
"The exact ratio is a fundamental constant of nature denoted by the Greek letter pi."
"The area of a circle is given as Pi r squared."
"Pi is irrational because it just goes on and on in kind of an unpredictable way."
"People know 31 trillion digits of pi, and that is a bit too much."
"I can be pretty sure that the true value of pi is 3.1407 et cetera, plus or minus 0.00023 et cetera, with a 95% confidence."
"If you want to calculate pi, what you do is you go 4 minus 4 divided by 3 plus 4 divided by 5 minus 4 divided by 7."