
Human Error Quotes

There are 321 quotes

"The Door to Hell is a grim yet awe-inspiring testament to the unexpected turns of nature and the occasional miscalculations of human intervention."
"We are human, we do our best to prevent any and all mistakes we can, especially ones of this magnitude."
"Healthcare workers are human, we are not perfect. No one would go into this profession if...as soon as you mess up you're going to jail. No one would go in because we're all going to mess up."
"Our biggest mistake as humans is not loving each other."
"Electric vehicles could eliminate 94% of crashes caused by human error."
"Given our capacity to make mistakes... the status quo grows less tenable by the day."
"Just because men messed up... doesn't mean there isn't an awesome spiritual force in this universe that is pure."
"Every year, around 1.3 million people are killed on the roads, almost all of them due to human error."
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
"Until we allow God to be God and stop playing God, we will end up with the same mess that was made at Eden."
"Problems in code arise not because people are being bad or stupid or evil."
"Remember, there's a lot of variables in Total War: the luck of army composition, matchups, and of course, the inevitable downside of being a human: errors and bad decisions. Everybody makes them."
"I've made some really bad decisions but a lot of people make mistakes."
"If you can explain it with stupidity, you don't have to explain it with malevolence."
"For a long time people were saying that most accidents were due to human error. It's a bit like saying falls are due to gravity."
"You made some mistakes, big deal. Everybody makes mistakes."
"Human error is what makes this game beautiful. If everything was perfect, everything would be boring."
"Developers forget things, you know? We all stress."
"These giants are not only our favorite players but also humans. Humans make mistakes both on and off the board."
"Even the people that have generally been likable can make mistakes too."
"You know, we all sometimes get it completely wrong or say something ridiculous."
"One of the mistakes that human beings make is believing that there is only one way to live."
"Some people would get it wrong... and that is what's so incredible to me."
"The fault though is not in the stars, it's in us."
"It's not about whether people are stupid or smart you could be wrong and smart and you can be right and stupid both of those can exist at the same time."
"Remember that these people are human, they're going to make mistakes, they're still learning." - Xavier
"The reality is that no matter who you are, where you come from, or how smart you are, you're going to make mistakes."
"I think more often than not it's an honest mistake or an accidental thing and so it's like hey I'm I'm sorry that that happened if I had known better I would have done the thing."
"A little piece of paper with glue caused an accident but the paper and the glue are not to blame. Humans are to blame because humans use that tape in their own place for their own purpose."
"He's right until he's wrong and that's kind of what I'm getting at."
"I had it first try and I dropped it on the floor... yeah, so that was a bit silly."
"Even good people make mistakes. I've made mistakes, my partner's made mistakes, people make mistakes."
"This idea we somehow think that people from the bench are beyond error, they're not."
"Everyone makes mistakes and I think everyone should have a opportunity for Redemption."
"Never ascribe to malice what you might ascribe to stupidity."
"Don't listen to trolls, just accept that you made a mistake because you are a human being."
"God's plans never fail... it is man that messes things up."
"Never attribute to malice that which can be more easily explained by stupidity."
"It just shows you, though... it's easy to make mistakes," - Acknowledging the human factor in cybersecurity.
"God can reveal things to us, but even with the gift of Prophecy, people can make mistakes."
"Never attribute to malice that which can be sufficiently explained by stupidity or ignorance."
"From 70 up to all the way up to sort of 95 of breaches and of cyber crime is facilitated by the mistake or manipulation of a human being."
"We're all human and we should be willing to grant everyone a space of margin of error."
"The combined forces of nature and human fallibility outdo even the most incredulous science fiction."
"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained away by stupidity."
"The weakness was leaving the selection of the three letters to the operator at random, and human beings simply are not random."
"A mistake doesn't make him a horrible person."
"The best players have their brainfart moments."
"You can [__] up one sin, people will forgive you."
"Before you light your torches and grab your pitchforks and try to run Holly Brown out of town, remember that we are all human and we make mistakes."
"Mistakes do happen, even as aggravating as they may be."
"Everybody makes mistakes. It's not a big deal."
"I would much rather live with human error than human interference."
"Oppenheimer is a story about how Humanity's short-sightedness will be its demise..."
"Remember that in the heat of combat, people get stuff wrong. We are all humans, yo."
"As long as airplanes are operated by humans, fatigue, distraction, and other human weaknesses can only be managed, never erased."
"I'm not sure that we can prevent subtle incapacitation, but we should at least try to eliminate all the possibilities that are the human factor because human factors are still the majority of most of the accidents."
"Even a genuine Seer may add to what they've received based on a mistake or imagination."
"We're all human. We get things wrong. You know, I didn't just scoff at it and like man my brain needs to get better."
"I must admit I made a mistake... I said Johnson repeatedly... it happens even to the best of us even to me."
"The best doctors in the world make mistakes. They get things wrong. They misdiagnose. They make errors of judgment."
"Adults make mistakes, even terrible mistakes. That's a huge life lesson for a kid to learn at any age."
"It's very easy to mess up, which I just did."
"You've made massive mistakes. I've made massive mistakes. That's what happens when you can own up to your own mistakes."
"Mistakes are gonna happen, I make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes, we're all humans."
"Each mishap has its own circumstances and it's own sequence of events. But you find similar issues: communications, complacency, assumptions that haven't been warranted. Human frailties. And you have to account for these things in a program."
"After streaming for 300 hours this year, can you imagine? I accidentally said one word wrong. Like, how crazy is that? We talk a lot; we're going to say something that we didn't mean to say."
"Data loss is 100 percent a matter of human error."
"Typos give me life. They remind me that we are all human."
"I never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence."
"After all, every now and again everyone makes mistakes: human errors should not be what defines our intellect or our ability to scrutinize."
"Pressing the wrong button because of muscle memory."
"Instead of attributing malice, I feel like attributing stupidity. You just get that feeling, you know?"
"We've all done it, if you're human you have made mistakes like that."
"Sometimes people ignore that human judgment actually leads to worse outcomes."
"No offense, we as a whole screw things up a lot. Men in black K, a person is smart, people are stupid."
"Now, nobody can say that you can't [] up or haven't [] up."
"The formula got it right, our eyeballs did not."
"Mistakes were made, but it's no reason to be angry at someone forever. We all make mistakes sometimes and we learn from them."
"Is it that hard to just say I screwed up? People screw up, it's the way of the world."
"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity."
"I do my best to give an honest and reliable analysis because we're human beings enough unfortunately get it wrong a few times too."
"I made mistakes. I don't know any campaign or any human being who doesn't."
"We all mess up, we all will or have made mistakes that people call us out on or that we talk about openly."
"The NTSB found the probable cause of the accident was the airplane's departure from normal Cruise flight and subsequent impact with the Atlantic Ocean as a result of the first officer's flight control inputs."
"Never attribute to malice what incompetence can explain."
"I think we owe one before I forget, no, it's okay, I always forget to do that, but I didn't forget this time."
"I just made a mistake, what do you want me to do?"
"You can be confident in your logic and still make mistakes."
"I never want to attribute to malice that which is equally explained by stupidity."
"Wherever there is human judgment, there is going to be noise."
"We all make mistakes. I make mistakes while I'm doing this. I make mistakes in this channel."
"Valuation is an imprecise art, the future is unknown, and we're freaking humans. We're going to make mistakes."
"It's an uncomfortable truth that as long as humans can fly passenger jets, humans can crash passenger jets."
"They called the disaster an act of God. Was it not much more the result of the foolishness of man?"
"These cars could be 2x 3x 5x 10x safer than a human driver."
"We all understand that pilots are human, humans make mistakes."
"We're more accepting of human error collectively than we are saying, 'Oh yeah, I mean it's 10,000 times safer, but it definitely causes death.'"
"No matter how smart you are, no matter how experienced you are, you're still a human and you're going to write bugs."
"The accident at 3M Island was just that, an accident... despite human error like Homer Simpson levels of error, misinformation, faulty judgment, and political posturing in the aftermath is a tribute to the design of the system and the safety mechanisms put in place."
"Human error is important in everything we do for better and for worse."
"Over 90 percent of all accidents were attributed to human error."
"Sometimes even with all the right information, pilots make disastrous decisions."
"Every breach occurs because somebody in that company did something they weren't supposed to do or somebody in that company failed to do something they were supposed to do. And hackers do not cause breaches, people do."
"Humans cause most of your security issues. Anytime you take humans out of your loop, uh, your network's gonna become more secure."
"Was it a failure of technology or human error?"
"Well, you know what they say when the world creates something foolproof, the world creates a bigger fool."
"Not all disasters are the fault of nature. In fact, some of the most devastating disasters are simply the fault of human error and negligence."
"People do make mistakes, but this is the reality people have to face."
"Perfection's a ridiculous standard. I'm not sure that's an unreasonable standard for God's anointed, but, you know, people do make mistakes."
"You can't throw these cops out. You can't tell them to go [expletive] themselves because they made a mistake."
"Human beings make mistakes even the ones with the highest standards."
"I just made a mistake, like everyone makes mistakes."
"Don't be judgmental... we've all made mistakes."
"Humans are prone to error and they create a computer, so maybe sometimes the computer can be wrong."
"Well, we all make mistakes, dear."
"Sometimes I tell myself, anyone might be distracted once in a while and that's all it takes."
"We all mess up, we all make mistakes."
"Finally, he is human. He's missed one."
"Your dad's going to make mistakes and you're going to make mistakes."
"What once was part of the human experience, now became a colossal mistake."
"Humans make mistakes and I think what sets people apart is knowing when they can hold themselves accountable and apologize when they [ __ ] up and that's who I am."
"Not everybody gets it right all the time."
"People are terrible drivers, still humans operating vehicles are much more dangerous than autopilot."
"What can you do, sometimes mistakes like that can happen."
"Not everybody always makes the right decision."
"Bring it on because what I do, an AI can't do it. They can't mess up like I can."
"A human makes mistakes and even if they're not making mistakes, they're making slight fluctuations in timing, in velocity, little things because we can't precisely play the same note perfectly on the grid at the same volume every time."
"Human error can be monitored, double-checked, and corrected."
"Incompetence can look like malevolence, and it's a whole lot more common."
"Over the past few million years, humans have been impressively wrong about most things, but it's okay."
"People are always the weakest point of an organization, and people will be lazy with their passwords unless you absolutely force them to use long passwords."
"Let's agree that we've all messed up in one way or another."
"All men make mistakes, it is only human."
"People make mistakes. That's why there's an eraser on pencils."
"Everybody has days in their life where they do something really stupid."
"Mistakes happen, we're all human, we're not perfect and that has happened a lot on the road when I'm just going fast and I'm not thinking, but it's fine, we're restrung, we're ready to go."
"Look after your children, understand that police officers are humans too, and we don't always get it right."
"Perhaps God is wanting to show how that his purposes can overrule man's mistakes."
"After all, everyone is entitled to make a mistake."
"An algorithm is not faultless; an algorithm's made by a person."
"I do make mistakes, and everybody makes mistakes."
"Forgive yourself, we all make mistakes."
"Mistakes do happen; they're human beings just like you and I."
"People can make mistakes, people can lose their temper, people can act out inappropriately because of that."
"Be compassionate, people make mistakes."
"Everybody makes mistakes and to try to be a little bit more understanding towards people that mess up."
"The instrument didn't make any mistakes, only the player made them."
"Don't attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence."
"God is not nearly as freaked out by our mistakes as you and I are."
"Pilots are humans. They don't always make good decisions."
"To err is human; I’m finite, I’m not You."
"Even the most experienced people in the world can make a mistake. We're not perfect; we're human beings."
"No matter how stupid proof you make it, somehow somebody manages to do it anyway."
"We all make mistakes, and we all get it wrong, and it doesn't matter how good you are."
"Do you ever mess up and then nobody notices?"
"Our brains are fallible, we make mistakes all the time."
"It's both our faults. People stumble over their words, it's okay."
"Everybody makes mistakes; that's the beauty of playing the game."
"We all mess up in some way or another; there is such a thing as challenging with compassion."
"We're both human, and with that comes a host of problems, one of which being able to repeat a task precisely without errors or changes."
"No political party has dominion over truth; we all make mistakes and errors."
"For a long time, we've got to worry far more about human stupidity than artificial intelligence."
"We will make mistakes, don't worry about it."
"Just because someone does something stupid, it doesn't make them a bad person."
"God's word can have no mistakes; people who write the book, they can make mistakes."
"People make mistakes, companies make mistakes, like even if you didn't really do something wrong and you lose a bunch of sales or you lose a part of your business, that's part of it."
"We're all about mistakes apparently; we make them on a daily basis."
"We've all been trained to trust computers to be these accurate, fair, and flawless machines, but without trying, human biases have turned up in the software."
"We all make little mistakes, and that's okay."
"People that believe in the Illuminati have way too much confidence in the competency of other human beings."
"Don't attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity."
"To err is human; however, some errors can be much more dangerous than others."
"We're human, so there's no machines; we're not Amazon, so sometimes, yes, we do make mistakes."
"Your Nick live coding and working is such a blessing, it's just showing people that the real works more faults and errors and even people of specific knowledge IQ are still human."
"You could design the perfect system, but the moment you put humans in charge of it, there is going to be issues."
"The technology was snowballing to the point where there was bound to be a crisis caused by human oversight."
"I do believe in mistakes, I do believe you get some people that just don't know some stuff."
"We're a team of people who make human mistakes; we're gonna continue to improve content as the years continue."
"Everybody makes mistakes, I'm sure he makes them too, but he knows what he's talking about."
"What are mankind's truths but his irrefutable errors?"
"Another beautiful life was lost because of our human negligence."
"Little mistakes happen to everybody."
"Every kind of political standpoint has its problems... it also has good ideas, but unfortunately, humans are really good at messing stuff up."
"Everyone can make a mistake, it's okay, don't feel bad, Hashem wants to."
"My father can be wrong, you know. He's human."
"Everybody makes a mistake, that's why pencils have erasers."
"Most people are wrong about most things, so we have to always have some humility in our posture to it."
"People make mistakes, police make mistakes."
"Even makeup artists make mistakes sometimes."
"To err is human; to really foul things up you need a computer."
"Pilots are human and humans will undoubtedly make mistakes."
"Science solved this thing, but then people screwed up the solution."
"Mistakes happen; it doesn't make you a bad person because you made a joke that didn't hit."
"I'm so glad you guys can understand and forgive me when I goof up."
"Mistakes caused by a human factor were something that everyone had to pay attention to."
"Machines are smart; humans are not. We tend to focus too much on fundamental analysis and personal opinion and biases, not objective."
"Human error is actually predictable, and the expected rate of error can be measured."
"It's not possible to avoid making human error. The important thing is to realize they will happen and learn from them."
"For a foreseeable future, we will need to worry far more about natural stupidity than about artificial intelligence."