
Career Aspirations Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"It's the only thing I've ever wanted to do, and it's just a thrill to know that I am getting to actually do that."
"I love standup so much. I just want to start and really get into it."
"What I think about what I want to do in the future is, I mean listen, if an opportunity comes down the line to work on another Half-Life, anything in any context - like of course, I would take that."
"Becoming a YouTuber is now one of the most popular career choices for children. 75 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 17 say that they want to become YouTubers."
"I knew I wanted to be a dancer, but I knew that I wanted to be a broadcaster, especially in sports."
"According to a study conducted by The Sun, becoming a YouTuber is one of Gen Z's most sought-after career paths."
"Are you asking me if I think that later on in my life, I will have a career similar to one of the greatest actors that's ever lived, Daniel Day-Lewis? No."
"I'd love to work on anything that Naughty Dog does as well, I mean like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, just gotta move here right guys."
"Ever since I was a kid my dream was to become a professional footballer, but since I had no Talent my dream was crushed."
"‘YouTuber’ is now regularly ranked as one of kids’ top dream jobs."
"I think I could... be at least in the A tier... at being a journalist."
"I always grew up wanting to be a YouTuber... but I also recognize, like, 'Hey, you're probably not going to be a YouTuber.'"
"I think at some point I do want to try [coaching]."
"Just when I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut like more than anything in the world."
"Some people don't want to be the best comic of all time. Some people just want to tell their [ __ ] jokes."
"I've made up my mind. I'm going to be an astronaut."
"People just decide...or does it mean that you're gonna get an ambassadorship to the Bahamas?"
"I don't want to be just a mom I want a career here I want a life I want to be seen as a person."
"For some of these kids, their dream is no longer to work in the U.S. Instead, they prefer to innovate right here in India."
"I hope my kids... get the drive to believe you can do what you want for a job."
"I want to be eventually one day said in the same breath as the comedians that I say when I list off the best comedians in the world."
"I don't want to be a regular, I don't want to sell donuts for the rest of my life."
"I never thought it would be possible to make a career out of it."
"I've made it down to like the last few people for my dream role."
"I want to have every trait in the game and every aspiration completed and every career."
"I would love to get an agent and maybe they'd throw me in a Marvel movie."
"Nothing in life that's worth having is easy."
"I don't just want a job, I want to do things that are meaningful to me."
"I wanted to get to Silicon Valley, which when I was growing up, seemed like some sort of mythical place."
"I wanted to be a photographer so bad and I had so many people tell me that you can't fricking do it."
"It's nice seeing what other people's goals are... I have job related goals which is social media then I have personal goals like for me in my life career-wise I think it would be really cool to hit a million subscribers."
"I just wanna be in the entertainment space for a very long time. I'm open to any form of entertainment besides music."
"Honestly it's actually my dream job to be a park ranger I just love nature that much."
"I bet you wouldn't believe how many students want to be social media influencers when they grow up."
"I really want to become an actress and I really want to combine that with the Indian culture because that is what really makes me happy."
"I've always been wanting to do voice acting."
"There is a happy ending for you, and it comes when you totally awaken to your magic."
"He wanted to be the doctor since like he was seven."
"I absolutely love doing radio, I think I want to be a broadcast journalist."
"Apply for the job of your dreams. The worst they can say is 'no', but the best could change your life."
"I swear I wanted to be like the Amy Grant of music, but it didn't work out."
"I just want to do this for real and at least try and steer this mechanism."
"I wanted to pursue freestyle motocross or something on motorbikes as a career."
"I want to be someone who's like Seth Rogan, who's known for lots of amazing things."
"I don't want to belittle anybody who's worked really, really hard to get their dream jobs."
"There is like a world in which you get to have the best job in the world."
"I think the stage is always what I'd planned to do."
"This is my passion and I'd seriously love if I could do it full time."
"Everybody that really cares about their craft wants to work with Marty Scorsese and De Niro."
"I would want to get into more documentary stuff, I think would be interesting."
"I want to be a doctor or a nurse. Why? Because they help sick people get better."
"Increased Prosperity if you do business in a third house way... A critical Turning Point regarding what you want to achieve in your career and reputation space."
"I feel like what I want to do isn't like the normal thing that most people do. I don't know if I'll make it."
"Now it's the cool thing, now kids are like, 'I want to be a YouTuber.'"
"You sit there being a youtuber calling out how younger generations you know want like it's bad that they want to be a youtubers it's like yeah the difference is I didn't want to be a youtuber"
"Even though my career is going this way, I'm like how can I what's going to make it the rocket?"
"I never dreamt of this, never was like if you asked me when you asked me when I was younger what you want to be my first thing I would say was an architect, MH."
"I mean, I got rejected by Google, you know, my dream company. Got rejected."
"I have lots of high hopes for the company and I want to grow fast."
"I've always wanted to do music, it's the best thing ever."
"Sure would be great to do 10 or 12 shows like my friend Tom Hiddleston."
"People had talked over the years, I wonder if Father Dave would be president."
"At the end of the week with that Venus opposite Neptune...what you dream your career to be online and up."
"Being an NFL is something that I've always dreamed of."
"I want to do this, I want to be president, I want to make an album, I want to make a play."
"I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up since I was 16."
"Relax, you're doing well. You're thinking like I might be able to open my own school one day."
"I'm really excited for the future, I really want to get into acting."
"I'd finally relented and gone to UNI because I was on a singular mission. I wanted to become a writer."
"This is very inspiring stuff to those who want to get into the industry someday."
"Work hard until you don't need to introduce yourself."
"Nobody ever dreams 'I want to grow up and make music but never go anywhere.'"
"YouTube now is like the footballer, it's the new coolest job that every kid wants to do."
"This game might be an interview to work at NASA or Tesla."
"Jeremy, you wanna you want to G want to tell him you want to know what you want to do when you're older?"
"I always wanted to be a writer... started doing comedy stand-up..."
"I'm so happy for him. I think at the end of the day that's every streamer's dream."
"Eventually, I power through this. Maybe one day I'll get an interview with Sargon."
"I want to be a YouTuber. I want to make vids about things I'm passionate about: anime, video games, hip-hop. I don't know how I'll get there, but I will."
"If you're looking to be the real star of a film shoot you need to be a director baby."
"Mary Jane continues pursuing her dreams of becoming an actress and eventually lands the leading role in a play titled 'The Importance of Being Earnest'."
"Let's be honest. This is a moment you've wanted your entire career."
"I started as a ten-year-old, and I made a decision that I was going to be a makeup artist when I grew up, and I also decided I was never going to grow up." - Rick Baker
"Is there a role you haven't gotten to play that you'd like to play?"
"That's encouraging aspiration. What's so care workers so is that the answer for care workers?"
"I want to do stuff that's good, I want my name attached to quality projects."
"I'm going to be a legend by the time my time is done."
"As long as I could just stay in this good headspace and keep making good music, all the accolades should come."
"Youtubers want to be CEOs and CEOs want to be Youtubers."
"That was always my hope, I always wanted to be a doctor."
"Invest in yourself man if you want to be on any of the shows."
"I studied Martin Scorsese's films just to be nominated," it was a huge honor.
"I'd love to do punditry when I'm older. 100%."
"If NASA and space exploration is something that you're passionate about, that's the dream come true."
"Honestly, it's like we want it all, we want to be equal, we want to go out there and get the big jobs and be looked at just as equal as men."
"I think I'm kind of in the process of discovering that. There's multiple avenues and channels I want to attempt. TV writing is like probably number one."
"Steven Spielberg said that when he started out as a director, his dream was to make a 007 movie."
"I'll go back, but I want my main event with Owens that we didn't get."
"The experience I have is perfectly aligned with the job description... I have experience working at pace and managing a large workload... those experiences are attractive for all job roles."
"I plan on using this backpack to help me finish my masters degree, and to get into NASA."
"Having the freedom and flexibility to work on your own terms is something that a lot of us aspire to."
"When I was a kid, I wanted to be a YouTuber. Why wouldn't you want to make that your future?"
"What you want to do, do not take anything less than that. If that's what you want to do, sign up for that."
"American and British kids say they wanted to be a YouTube star more than anything else."
"When you sign your record deal, ask yourself: What do you really want? I wanted respect. I didn't want money. I wanted respect."
"No matter how much they try to pull us down, isolate us, take everything away, there's always a backdoor."
"That'll set me up for a more successful 2022."
"Flow with the energy that's drawing you to do some work on your aspirational career endeavors and legacy that you want to leave."
"I'm excited about it, you know I have a goal then I have a dream in this sport and that's to make it to the very top of the ladder."
"My time on board has absolutely confirmed I want to be at sea."
"What career/job did I want to have as a kid when I grew up? Car designer."
"I want to work here someday, this is exactly where I want to be."
"I thought I was going to be the manager... it's 2021 and I'm still waiting for the call."
"I'd like to be a presenter like a science TV show."
"Maybe I'll be a farmer when I grow up. Then you could grow food for everyone to eat. It's a satisfying job."
"I would really like to be the first to graduate from Rocket League to bigger things."
"Ronaldo is one of those players... he can say 'I'm good and these are places I want to go.'"
"Christian's determination: Overcoming disappointments to make his dreams come true."
"I wanted to go to culinary school, I wanted to learn how to be a chef."
"When I see Ruby and Emily here today it brings back memories of when I was a child wanting to become a vet."
"Some days are good, some days are bad. You know, I still wish one day I'll wake up and I'll be a Let's Play YouTuber."
"I always wanted to be a comedian... but I knew that if I wanted to be on TV I would have to... learn how to act."
"You gotta be realistic about what it means to be an astronaut now. 55 or 60—how many miles mean space to you?"
"I remember going to see the first Iron Man... and everyone in it did amazing work... and the idea that I would ever get to be in anything like that felt so remote at that time for me." - Tom Hiddleston
"I wanted to be a football player. I mean, yeah, the idea of being a rapper was like so far-fetched, it wasn't even a dream of mine."
"Joe Roadie is one of my favorite imagineers and it is definitely a life bucket list dream to meet him."
"Do I think I can do a good job as the manager of Glasgow Rangers? In my mind, it's yes."
"I want to become a Fortnite pro, yeah, I genuinely wanted to become the next Booger or Ninja or something."
"I never wanted to be an actor, I wanted to grow up and become a surgeon."
"I always felt like if I could work in sports, that would be great."
"What keeps you invested Cabo in like the experiment or the dream of vitality?"
"I wouldn't be surprised if every single one of us went on to have a bigger and better career."
"I have wanted to be an elementary school teacher since I was in elementary school myself."
"I remember following my dreams. I remember a promising career."
"I like working here. I think I want to grow up to be a butcher. Maybe I could come and help you out every day like be your assistant."
"I didn't really like the sound of working menial jobs around Vernon for the rest of my life."
"My ideal job would be acting, always wanting to do it since I was five years old."
"I furiously Googled how to become a WWE writer because I desperately want to fix everything."
"The young generation now aspires to be designers more so than rock stars or musicians."
"Dream job after skating? Umpire baseball, so you just chill on the side."
"I knew exactly what I wanted... I wanted to work with celebrities or the stars."
"Wouldn't that be the best kind of job, to have something that you could really enjoy every day?"
"My dream, this is amazing. You would... you work there?"
"I want to be a contractor like grandfather. I want to build things. I want to build homes and bridges and things that connect people."
"I like taught Sunday school I taught little kids dance lessons like you wanted to be a teacher I wanted to be a teacher cuz I like was so obsessed with kids."
"There was just something so glamorous and so aspirational about working at a fashion magazine."
"I don't know if this is still the case, but when all the articles would come out where it's like the number one job that kids want these days, that teenagers want, is to be a YouTuber, be an influencer, and I believe it 100%."
"If you're someone like Jamal Hill, you want to be on the biggest cards you can."
"I want to be able to get my feet wet in all the possible equipment that ICU nurses get to work with."
"I would love to study a medical pathway. I would love to be, like, a nurse or a doctor."
"Being in a small television show like alias Smith and Jones was not what he wanted for himself."
"I thought like, oh, I could be a stunt man. You know? I thought that sounded kind of cool, cuz I can take a punch."
"What is something you want to do that you haven't done in your career yet?"
"Maybe I'd like to do that in the future for a living, you know, use my humor and my profile to both help and amuse people."
"Why finish school? That's kind of like why I started. I thought I want to make money, right? Business is where I can make money."
"I'm not going to walk into some lame-ass job when I have four million subscribers on YouTube."
"Amidst her career aspirations, she also harbored dreams of building a family of her own."
"My career options are not guided by my temporary summer holiday job, and I aspire to something more fulfilling."
"My short-term career aspirations revolve around securing this position and swiftly acquiring the necessary skills."
"I definitely want to keep doing stand-up, and would love to, there's so much other stuff that I'd love to do like acting would be cool too."
"I thought of being an instructor, Top Gun, god help us."
"It's kind of like my childhood dream to become a police officer."
"I didn't think I could [be a director] because I didn't know that that was an available thing for women or for actors."
"Adriana, I think what Adriana should have done... if she really is serious about being an artist."
"I think with me, I'd love to do psychology. I think if I wasn't a coach, I would be interested in working as a psychologist or a psychotherapist."
"I think I'd be really, really good at doing it professionally."
"I want to save animals, but I also love kids. I want to have my own animal sanctuary and work with kids somehow."
"Within the next couple of years I'm gonna be doing commercials and I'm gonna be doing stuff and I'm gonna be in music I'm gonna be singing in the acting on stage."
"Being a full-time content creator is the dream job. That's what Gen Z and Gen Alpha, that is their dream."
"I always thought it was a really cool gig. If I had a 30-year career in comedy, maybe people would ask me to do voiceover work."
"Our dream of AO Williams was not running a base shop forever, it was not being a fanatic forever, it was not field-training greenies four and five nights a week forever."
"Are you sure? Can't give it another day? Just because it won't go and it won't fix him by itself."
"You always knew that you wanted to be a performer?"
"I would love to be a general interviewer you know of people beyond religion and Beyond mormonism that would be a real dream always been."
"That little girl that told me that she wanted to be a doctor, but she was dressed as me from head to toe, and I'm thinking she's a wrestling fan, like 'No, I've watched you. Yeah, you impressed me, but you inspired me to be a doctor because of your scream.'"
"I love animals so much. That's the one thing I think about, you know? If I can find a job that's working with animals..."
"What do you want to be when you grow up? I never really thought about it other than fireman, policeman and the things you romanticize about when you're young."
"I always wanted to be a musician. I always wanted to be a filmmaker and a musician and an athlete and all these things but comedy, not that comedy's easy, but it seemed easier."
"I thought I would become a writer."
"I love where I live, but I am excited to work more in the San Francisco Bay area."
"I wanted to either be in the movie business, TV, or music."
"I always wanted him to be a teacher anyway."
"As soon as Vogue offers me a career in modeling for substantially more than I'm making now, I would still keep reselling as a side hustle because it's too fun."
"This is what I'm gonna end up doing when I grow up."
"Your childhood dreams come true whether this be the career you dreamt of having as a kid."
"You're never going to match unless you try."
"I wanted more from my job, and I actually wanted to look forward to going to work."
"I've always wanted to do voiceovers since watching like Animaniacs and the Rugrats and all my favorite shows."
"I have to do an internship at some point for the summer in spring, and I would absolutely love to do an internship with like BBC for journalism or something."
"You can become a rocket scientist, or whatever else you want to be."
"I was studying communications, I was interested in doing either being like a news anchor or sportscasting."
"When we ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, sixty percent of them don't say, 'I want to be emotionally disengaged from my work.'"
"I absolutely love being an adjunct faculty member... but if I'm given the opportunity to be a full-time faculty member, I can't even imagine how much I'm gonna be able to contribute."
"I would love to go into journalism as well."
"Part of me wants to be a tattoo artist, and the other wants to be a lawyer."
"I wanted to be a geologist or an archaeologist."
"I just got my BA in English literature, hoping to teach very soon, and I'm a huge fan of horror films."
"If talking about these shows could be my full-time job, I would do that."
"I just hope I'm gonna be booked for next year or for other shows because I can't wait to get back on the road and start playing shows again."
"I didn't ever care about the money, I just want to get a chance to end up right here where I'm at right now today."