
Cosmic Connection Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"We are directly connected to the cosmos. The atoms in our bodies are made for us by previous generations of stars, distributed throughout the universe by the explosions of stars."
"To feel...in harmonious relationship to the cosmos itself, there isn't a better prize than that."
"In a sense, we're in the cosmos; we're in the world around us. We are part of the world."
"Trust your timing and your path, and you will be reunited with your star family."
"We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the universe is in us." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
"When I look up at the night sky, and I know that, yes, we are part of this universe, we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the universe is in us." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
"The Arcturian starseeds... their presence feels like coming home."
"We have this relationship to the cosmos; it affects us physically as the tides do and planting cycles, as well as the cycle of women and fertility."
"The connection is congruency. May we elucidate? The identity of the vibration Ra is our identity."
"In the hushed stillness of totality, as the Sun's corona shimmers in the darkened sky, you may feel a profound sense of connection to the cosmos and to those who have witnessed eclipses throughout history."
"Your connection is written in the stars, I feel you've known each other in other dimensions."
"We're made of stardust, that's where we came from."
"Earth is not some island in the middle of nowhere. It is connected to the cosmos."
"The totality of your magnificence will not be lost and is also known when we returned for a time between the lifetimes to the home of our souls she holds the secret and she holds the key."
"The moon receives the Suns and the solar systems information and then broadcasts it directly and personally straight to us."
"When we become completely still, our mind becomes attuned to the infinite mind."
"Remember always, for you are joined by it. You are one under the stars."
"There is light within a person of light and it illuminates the entire cosmos."
"The universe has conspired to bring the two of you together, and somebody has been thinking a lot about how much they love you or you love them."
"Embrace it as a sign that you're aligned with something much larger than yourself."
"Connecting galaxies, connecting all of our own galaxies."
"Your cosmic self is literally my best friend."
"You are a magic manifester... you have this cosmic connection to all that is."
"You're not alone. I'm picking up what the universe is throwing down as well."
"The beating heart of universal love echoes throughout all of creation."
"You do come from the stars, you return to the stars, you are of the stars."
"Whether we like it or not, we are part of a much larger cosmic ecosystem."
"We as humans not only have the power to affect our reality and our earth but we actually have the power to affect the heavens."
"You must have the blood of the Sun in the consciousness of the cosmos."
"Embrace The Whispers of the cosmos for they are The Echoes of your Cosmic proficiency, a testament to your evolving connection with the boundless intelligence that weaves the tapestry of existence."
"Your gut is a Galaxy, picking up messages from the galaxies out there."
"Spiritual intervention, divine timing, it's all intertwined."
"I will always find you like it's written in the stars."
"You're not alone and you have never been alone." - You have had, as I have learned over the years, an intimate interrelationship with advanced extraterrestrial intelligence from the beginning of human history.
"Is there anything more awesome than what you just said? Well, I am truly star stuff as Carl Sagan once said."
"May awareness and understanding of life expand so that all may come to know the author of the universe."
"I can feel that I'm made of Stardust, just like you."
"This connection is absolutely written in the stars."
"Your life really comes from the Stars especially the one closest to us we call it the Sun."
"You are an immortal soul with a profound connection with the heavens."
"Aligning with the galactic center boosts psychic abilities and intuitive insights, offering a clearer connection with divine consciousness."
"This is a solid pack, really happy with that one."
"Your first impression is key, you know the universe is going to attach to you."
"We're all part of the universe, we are made up of the same stuff as stars. So use that energy wisely."
"You are literally made of stardust. You are a star."
"The universe is listening to us, and I really believe that. You know, the things you say matter."
"We are all one, connected in the fabric of space and time."
"The synchronicity of things is mind-blowing."
"When you know yourself, you know the universe."
"The desire to be connected with the cosmos reflects a profound reality."
"You hold the history of the universe within your physical body."
"He is getting everything, yes, everything has come. Everything, he's like Saturn, he is the cosmos."
"Love from Earth, much love right back to you."
"A resounding yes from the universe, a resounding yes from spirit, from the universe."
"We want to let the world know who we are, how we came to be, and what connection do we have with the systems throughout the universe."
"Everyone comes from Stardust, so every individual person needs some element of a star."
"I felt a great warmth for the universe."
"Know that you're loved, not just by others but by the universe."
"You guys are coming from the same star system, the same star system."
"If sometimes you felt this urge of stretching out your arms and trying to embrace the universe, you have felt the truth."
"We're alive in the universe and we give the universe expression to what it is."
"I want to share and to whomever it is that has time to listen, so I'm really just a conduit to the cosmos for all those who want to learn a little more."
"The stars are speaking to you. They are speaking about ancient times, ancient yet new time."
"It's like making love to the universe."
"This type of Chosen One teaches us the power of being alone but not lonely, exploring the depth of your inner self while remaining connected to the cosmic."
"Your aspirations are heard by the cosmos. Dream vividly and aim high. Dream big, child, 'cause something beautiful is coming in for you."
"You are powerfully communicating with the universe."
"I had the feeling that I am part of the whole vast cosmos and then I am in inner resonance with it also, that I cannot separate myself from it because I am a part of the whole, and with it, I am connected to everything."
"I found it interesting and just like your aunt hearing your message, for some reason that resonated through the cosmos to her. Now obviously, he must have some serious significance to her and vice versa."
"Find your balance, shine brightly, let your head and mind reach the stars, keep your feet grounded on the earth, listen to the ancient wisdom of your soul."
"The essence of everything that you are comes straight from the cosmos. Let that sink in and interpret it within whatever way that you need to. Whenever you figure out what that means to you, that's where this next phase begins."
"Everything about the timing of your meeting and of your connection is incredibly cosmic, it is orchestrated very precisely."
"We are all made of energy. We are all made of star stuff."
"You can't help but feel like you were meant to meet this person the universe put this person in your path."
"We are the universe lucid dreaming... and that's terrifying, but comforting at the same time."
"...the parts of me that are stone or star or dust or whatever want to go back. They want to go back and be what they are and what came together to make me."
"If we have a fertile mind and an open heart, we can actually be like a chalice and receive the ideas that come from the cosmos."
"You kind of feel like you are not just in harmony with the universe but that you are the universe."
"Trust is a cosmic ecstatic blissful happening throughout all of nature and throughout the cosmos."
"The universe loves me and adores me."
"Our lives are entwined as a thread of gold weaves a pattern in the sky."
"We are the universe, therefore it is possible, drawing upon this heritage, drawing upon the power, the electricity, the tiny nimidam that springs from these discoveries, we can get a sense of ourselves which takes us out of this mediocrity, out of this sense of being enslaved."
"Especially awe-inspiring is the fact that any single brain, including yours, is made up of atoms that were forged in the hearts of countless far-flung stars billions of years ago."
"We're all made of stardust, we're all composed of the same earthly elements."
"We're connected to the sun, moon, and stars."
"The universe will always bring us back together."
"Remember who you are, remember that you're connected, as above so below."
"Atlantis wasn't just a place in ancient times; Atlantis was a machine that connected mortals with the stars."
"It's a cool give and take thing, an exchange of energy. It's very cosmic actually."
"The earth and the stars coming to meet, that's how it feels to me."
"We are made up of the same stuff that the stars, that's made from planets, is the same stuff that we're made out of."
"A longing for deeper cosmic connections often characterizes the spiritually awakened."
"Remember that you're an eternal soul, and you're a part of the larger cosmic soul or of divinity."
"You're tapping into cosmic mysteries, you are a cosmic mystery, you're a cosmic gift, and you're being granted with cosmic gifts."
"Allow for the idea that it's starting to awaken with your permission to change you today, to heal you today, to connect you to the stars today."
"I say your name in hopes that you'll hear it in the stars."
"The connection with the earth herself as well as this connection with the cosmos and the acceleration of evolution are what these two stones bring to the party."
"Your soul's longing that's really overwhelming is wanting to go back to the stars, wanting to go back to your star family."
"Remember the light within your heart is the same as the rays of the sun and the glow of the moon."
"Realize that you are okay and that is the same thing that's made of the stars."
"We give you thanks, Creator God, for your servant Teilhard and for all those who help us to see you in your universe."
"We leave you always in the love and in the light of the one infinite creator, of which we are all a part."
"You are a child of the cosmos, with the whole intelligence of the universe within you."
"Faith means experiencing our connection with the cosmic mind, the cosmic power, the cosmic love — God."
"I am in harmony with the cosmic symphony that plays in the background of my existence."
"It's enlightening who we are; don't have a manual, but together we can use stars."
"The Journey of a sigma male is not just a path walked on Earth; it's a cosmic dance with the universe."
"We're made of star stuff, you know that, don't you?"
"We are the essence of the cosmic universe."
"This sacred tree sinks its roots in the underworld, extends its branches through the different star levels and becomes the axis that connects the lower superior with the earthly world."
"You've got to then hold on to the universe."
"The universe flows through your veins, and it brings you into a new season, an awakening, an empowerment, an understanding."
"Forlorn fates intertwine, written in the stars."
"This connection... it is something that the universe is rewarding."
"We are part of a cosmic community, and that we are in a deep, deep learning process."
"The whole universe couldn't keep me from you, Gemma Simmons."
"The awareness of being part of a great cosmic plan, the certainty of being heard and protected by a superior energy."
"You are a child of the cosmos, Pisces; the intelligence of the universe lies within you."
"If I'm the moon, you are the Sun; they come and go in Perfect Harmony."