
Historiography Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"I think that a person who could write the best current accounts of current economic history would be doing the most important task of a good economist."
"If history matters, then obviously sources written closer to the event are more credible."
"Josephus is arguably the most important historian to Western civilization."
"The Stele of the Vultures is one of the best-preserved examples of a stela from the Early Dynastic period and also among the earliest historiographical texts known in ancient Mesopotamia."
"There is no single correct way to look at human history."
"The study of historiography is the study of how people's perception of historical events changes over time."
"History is a story and it's our story... the dominant forces seek to form a story that justifies, buttresses, and even glorifies their grip on power."
"Post-revisionism emphasizes ambiguity and nuance instead of oversimplified narratives."
"The simplest answer is because the writing most likely came later and was done by a civilization that lacked the same capability to work the stone."
"Let's look at them as we would any other historical source."
"History is always written not just by the victors but by the most privileged members of society."
"The vast majority of historians the world over of all backgrounds are of the opinion that at least we can all agree that Jesus of Nazareth did in fact exist."
"Historians who use this theory believe that history is always progressing, that the zeitgeist is always improving, and the arrow of history points toward liberal democracy."
"The history we come to know today is always tinged by biases."
"Avoiding bias is undoubtedly a commendable goal in history, but bias in human judgment is inevitable."
"In more recent years, the sheer extent of the effect of the Plague of Justinian has been cast into doubt, but many historical accounts of this plague place its death toll between twenty-five and fifty-million."
"I think it's no exaggeration to say that he's probably the most accomplished historical biographer in the English-speaking world."
"Our documented history only goes back five thousand years...who's writing the history books?"
"Doing history involves a probability judgment, always involves a probability judgment."
"When we're looking at history, we have to see it as a series of narratives."
"The idea that human agency plays a role in history."
"You can only really look to history to have any kind of means of verification of your ideas."
"Rewrite history and you will have written us out of the book completely."
"The act of periodization is always very arbitrary... but it's helpful. It can help us to get a handle on thousands of years of history."
"History is as much about the stories that we tell ourselves about the past as it is about what actually happened in the past."
"Historians are only as good as how they write that history."
"To your point history is not made by the people we see writing the books by the people we see talking about it."
"Rivers of ink have been devoted to why the Roman Empire fell, and if it actually did."
"History is not always written by the victors."
"Of all the great figures of antiquity, none are as frustrating for the historian as Socrates."
"If you are dismissing sources, you're not doing history right. You're doing it wrong."
"What I like about this series is that it's really about historiography which is not so good that you have basically allowed to use on the television."
"The writing of history has long been a privileged calling... controlled by the powers that be."
"Don't ever forget, history is a selection process."
"The Eastern Roman Empire simply didn’t fit into the Enlightenment's narrative of world history."
"The efforts in the first department were more successful: new Byzantine histories were written in Britain, Germany, and Russia."
"Egyptologists have tended for a long time to view Nubia... through the lens of Egypt... Nubia becomes kind of an appendage of Egypt..."
"Without hip-hop historians like new face, we lose our history."
"History is his story, and it's all about perspectives."
"The history of the American Revolution has been mythologized, distorted, reimagined, and sometimes just made up."
"Historians don't simply repeat what they're told. We clarify, we are constantly in a practice of adjusting history, revising history as new evidence is uncovered."
"The professional historian can identify this basic layer even in the most deplorable of third-hand sources."
"We are dealing with an institution which seeks to control The Narrative of the human past to say that The Narrative of the human past is the correct and proper property of archaeologists and that it doesn't belong to anybody else."
"Historians now consider much of what we know about early Islam as possibly historically spurious."
"History is written based on the perception of someone's interpretation of a situation."
"I would consider that 'No Man Knows My History' is a seminal work."
"When other scholars have tried to... capture the broad sweep of human history... they end up... giving us this kind of teleological story."
"We're getting towards a kind of paradigm shift in the way that we understand the big picture of human history."
"...our disposition to unite with things that are like us will be at work in the relations between historians..."
"How do historians distinguish between non-legendary but implausible reports and something that's more likely to be a historical fact?"
"History," history is valuable only if its stories coincide with verifiable facts.
"Thucydides has come to be seen as one of the founders of the Western tradition of history writing."
"Historians will always try and dismiss and downplay very obvious or almost obvious signs of queerness throughout history."
"What I'm giving you is an account of Jesus that modern historians construct using the typical tools of modern historiography."
"So in conclusion, Eliade argues that linear history cannot be confronted without faith in a divine providence behind history."
"It's become finally possible for us to stop looking at the history of the Soviet Union through the narrow lens of Western politics."
"The emergence of gender-focused histories on Ebo women was an important milestone in the journey of historiography."
"In crafting the history of your world you need to plot out not just what happened but what people believe happened."
"Contradictions are often caused by a misunderstanding of ancient historiography."
"The evidence that we have and that we use for analysis is itself framed by the people writing the text, drawing the pictures, and depositing the objects and descriptions that we use as evidence."
"Historians are really important in this, particularly historians who put things in context rather than just retell a timeline of events."
"When historians look back on this period."
"...the real crux of the article is how our understanding of Midway has never stopped changing. The only thing constant about the conventional wisdom has been its change."
"To think that no one is going to come by and try to write about these historical events just seems profoundly unrealistic."
"There's a liberalization of history right now."
"The Spartan myth is largely thanks to non-Spartan writers."
"There is no such thing as a neutral discipline called history."
"E.H. Carr's 'What is History' stresses the relativism of historical facts."
"The biggest challenge of the historian is to explain evidence whatever problem it is we're looking at."
"Luke was highly educated and writes in classical Greek, showing his self-consciousness as a historian."
"Luke is a historian of the first rank, not merely our statements of fact trustworthy. This author should be placed along with the very greatest of historians."
"History is written by the first person who ever wrote it down."
"How do we read these sources? How do we get around the kind of bias that they have?"
"Historians start to realize that's actually an extremely narrow lens to be telling the history of the world through."
"...so these new scholars are coming out, they're challenging that there was a complete failure... those new scholars are still saying there was limitations to what suffrage accomplished, but for the most part there were successes that the old scholars tend to ignore."
"History has traditionally looked very unfavorably on King John; however, recently some historians argue that he was a king that was no different to others around the same era."
"Diop wasn't just a historian; he related himself to the modern world."
"Scholars are helped by the works of others and there has been a revolution in slavery historiography in the past forty years."
"I'm a scientist... I decided to start a science of History which we'll call Cleo Dynamics."
"How do we actually understand history? How can we best describe or understand what has happened in the past?"
"I write history for the many, not the few."
"The fragmentary nature of textiles have left their history and the people who produce them understudied."
"It would also produce a man who's come to be known as the father of history, Herodotus."
"It's really quite different from what I think most people recognize in the traditional way that histories are written."
"History when it's written in this period is full of different rhetorical and literary devices and stereotypes that people are using to make a point."
"History is written by people who use sources and list them in the back of their books."
"We're starting to see this turn and taking the lead of Mark Lewisohn's great 'Tune In' as the new way to try to apply historical method to get to the truth."
"Our understanding of human history is constantly changing, and there could be some big changes in store."
"Most historians now use the more neutral terms BCE (Before the Common Era) and CE (Common Era)."
"History is not a science, although it involves sciences; history is a fluctuating series of interpretations, hypotheses, and narratives."
"The work of the historians was in the form of a narrative, a story of connected events which oftentimes included the commentary of the writer himself."
"Livy was the only Roman historian who was not a politician, although his work did include some political commentary."
"Many Roman scholars especially the earliest ones studied the works of Greek historians who had written about Rome before the Romans themselves were occupied with historiography."
"It's unlikely that a good historian is going to check his sources; he's not going to just listen to rumors."
"History textbook is made by historians, not by politicians."
"No meaning-building narrative, no sacred foundational tale is off-limits for historians to question."
"The Israeli new historians... began thirty years ago to re-examine the historical accounts of the founding era of the State of Israel."
"Presentism is uncritical adherence to present-day attitudes, especially the tendency to interpret past events in terms of modern values and concepts."
"We're constantly rewriting history, that's what we do."
"In the current historiography, the picture of a consistent, unequivocal decline of women's status with the advent of capitalism, industrialization, is giving way to an analysis."
"For her clarity of vision, the bracing originality of her approaches, and her uncompromising commitment to the truth, Annette Gordon-Reed was rewarded with the prestigious National Book Award."
"There are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written."
"This is a fault of history, this is a major methodological fallacy that you often see in history."
"The way history was done in the classical world was not by quarantining it off as its own discipline, instead it was considered something like a branch of literature."
"History is written by the victors... But there is also a 'social victory' that informs history."
"It seemed to me that it was useful, when you were reading various historical works, that sometimes the author of one of them should explain and discuss with you how they came to be as they are."
"His intuition itself can be a source of illumination that transcends the usual roots that a materialist historian or commentator must tread."
"It wasn't until I took historiography and was taught about how our versions of history change, how narratives change, why they change because of chronology, because of sourcing, because of politics."
"We have to realize that ancient historians were not nearly so concerned as we are today about minute details."
"History is constantly being rewritten as new evidence and new interpretations come along, sweeping away the conclusions we make today, and pushing us closer and closer towards the truth."
"The next big frontier in global history is exactly the conversation between different historiographies in different languages."
"The applied history movement is still in its infancy, an effort by a new generation of historians to apply lessons of history to contemporary problems."
"To understand how historians use sources to answer particular questions about the past, pupils need to know about the context of particular periods."
"The Indian understanding of history, the attempt to create an Indian history for Indians."
"The complexity of how history is produced."
"Brazil's massive size was first noted by perhaps Brazil's first modern historians."
"History is a narrative built up of extant sources, scientific and archaeological evidence."
"The records of the grand historian, written in the first century BC by Sima Qian, there were three successive royal dynasties."
"The focus was more on the people, so this also marked a shift towards the writing of history as a history of the people and not just as a history of events or particular people who made it really successful."
"Where does this idea of linear progressive history come from?"
"He's known as the father of church history."
"We rely on the interaction of individual historians to build an idea of the past."
"My job as a historian is to restore, to recover and restore voice to those people."
"History is how the present thinks about and talks about the past."
"The history of books and readers is a field in which we try to understand how the physical production and distribution of texts has changed over time."
"It's going to be interesting to write the history of this period."