
Merit Quotes

There are 1454 quotes

"I should get the million dollars because I have so much talent, not because I lost my dog, not because I was born without toenails, but because I have so much talent."
"If I'm gonna earn something, let me (beep) earn it."
"We will use merit to assemble competent Nigerians from all sections of Nigeria to form an effective government of national unity."
"At some point, you will need to rely on your own merits to see you through."
"Something earned is far more significant than something given."
"You haven't earned this; you don't get what you haven't earned."
"Success is waking up every morning, putting one foot in front of the other, and eventually, you'll get what you deserve."
"You don't get higher pay because you demand it. You get higher pay because you deserve it."
"Balto deserved better, both the fictional dog and the actual dog alike."
"In the end, you normally get what you deserve."
"The truth can only succeed by the merits of its own truth and not by coercion."
"We are the clans. We stand on our own merits, not those of our ancestors."
"Arguments stand and fall on their own merits."
"Chess excellence cannot be purchased. It can only be earned."
"Deserved: talented, brilliant, amazing, show-stopping, and gay."
"It's very important to commend people based on their actions, especially actions they are not required to do."
"There are no prizes for circumstance, only character."
"Dustin deserves it. He's fought the best fights he possibly could."
"The biggest thing, you come in through merit and you have to come legally."
"I urge you all to remember... Thank God for meritocracy."
"You don't get what you want, you get what you earn."
"The toughest [] I could do is stand on merit or some [] that I know got real integrity to it."
"The two most deserving players are definitely in the final."
"I think Isabel deserves to win. She's played a good game."
"At the end of the day, the teams that made it to Worlds are the teams that deserve to go to Worlds."
"The people that have done such a good job should be given the kind of credit that they deserve."
"It was the ideas that were persuasive on the stage more so than the color of the skin."
"The safest way to get what you want is to try to deserve what you want."
"Listen you gotta give credit where it's due."
"What makes someone truly deserving or meritorious whether a reward or of punishment is their striving their effort."
"You gotta earn the right to wear this badge."
"It felt like they earned everything they got."
"Miss Cyclops: Scary face, kind heart. Top spot deserved."
"He's a solid character and deserves to be on this list."
"I don't think race and sex are qualifying factors to hold a position."
"People that fight against incentives, I tend to give a lot of credit to."
"I didn't get what I don't deserve. I got what I earned."
"You made it this far and now prove you deserve it."
"Don't get too focused on top universities. At a certain point, it's about what you do with those opportunities."
"Nothing was handed to you, everything was earned."
"The safest way to try and get what you want is to try and deserve what you want."
"The best way to get what you want in life is just to deserve what you want."
"Arguments will rise and fall on their own Merit it doesn't matter who said them okay with that that's the end of this one."
"I didn't bring you on for anything, they sought you out."
"How could people say Max was lucky? He drove a great race and deserved the win."
"There's a difference between being lucky and deserving."
"You get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate."
"He was a good boy, he deserved better than they got."
"You think American presidents reward virtue? Do they choose their appointees on the basis of the virtue of the people appointed or on the basis of their political clout?"
"All the time deserves to start all the time."
"He's not getting the support that he definitely deserves."
"I've got to earn it when I'm in the movie, so I gotta earn it."
"It's that kind of championship where you don't want anyone to lose, but the one who wins is gonna thoroughly deserve it."
"What matters is how good your work is, not your gender, race, or beliefs."
"People who are willing to put in the work to be better deserve an opportunity."
"The best way to become successful is to become the kind of person that deserves success."
"Look at this lad and tell me he isn't worthy of the sacred spot."
"A good idea will be a good idea no matter who supports it."
"Both players have deserved to be where they are right now."
"Blacks can compete with anyone without the benefits of lower standards."
"Equality of outcome becomes an appalling doctrine because you didn't earn it, bitch. You don't fucking deserve it."
"I think it's really something special... I think there's a lot of categories where it's deserving."
"It is the right decision, the claims are meritless..."
"I don't believe that all ideas have equal merit. If you believe the world is flat, you're simply wrong."
"I got my job the old-fashioned way, I worked for it."
"This is the type of person that actually earns his commission."
"If it's a favorite let it be on merit... not unhealthy favoritism."
"I'm very happy you have that. It's deserved."
"You can't just go and pay someone to bestow gifts upon you, they're earned through hard work."
"We heard that we should go back to Trump's hiring procedures... we should hire people on Merit you know."
"She deserves everything that she's achieved."
"Do I believe that some people deserve things? Absolutely."
"We need these titles to be put around somebody's waists, and these two are the ones who have earned it."
"It's really lovely to see genre not determining merit."
"I want the Zero Division to be given the chance to prove it, they deserve that much."
"This isn't a fluke, this isn't chance, this isn't a case of luck for them they are here by sheer Brilliance."
"Crosby deserved the heart there, I think for sure."
"Placing less emphasis on the pedigree of school and more on the demonstrated character and quality of work will increase diversity in the workplace."
"I'm good, not because I'm black, I'm good because I am good."
"You don't need to do business with me because I'm black, you need to do business with me because I am the best."
"Let your work get your opportunity, let your work get your praise."
"He deserved it. He earned it, and that's why he was so confident."
"He didn't get it through any other nepotism, he earned that job."
"To get what you want, you have to deserve it."
"I'm telling you right now, you served, you deserve."
"In my opinion, he is absolutely the deserving winner."
"Being deserving is not to want, it's to create."
"High value is not given, it's earned. That's why money is not the determination."
"I think he deserves that ten million US dollars one hundred percent because he has done so many good things for football."
"The cream comes to the top... your goodness will rise."
"Whoever deserves it... is the man who's got the most points."
"A company should be valued more on the merit of what they do, and not solely by what they have."
"He's earned the right to spend the big money."
"Louise did everything right, and he got rewarded for it."
"He deserves so much more recognition than he got."
"The spoils go to the victor, not to the victim."
"Be humble, discreet, and let your work speak for itself."
"These are the people who really deserve to be highlighted."
"I didn't become the captain because of my looks. I earned it with hard work!"
"Let's say you graduate and your portfolio isn't so great. It's still not equality of outcome. You have to earn it."
"If you haven't suffered, you haven't earned the right."
"Jen's Pulver, congratulations my man you absolutely deserve that."
"The Hunter Exam is a test set up by the greatest governing body to see who is genuinely worthy of ever getting the opportunity to learn nen."
"Nothing in life is simply deserved. Success has never been about entitlement or what you feel is owed. It's about what you take."
"Lingard deserves to start, he's earned it after Sunday."
"If you define merit as the possibility of making outstanding unforeseen contributions then those test scores are not going to get you there they'll produce, look, they will produce people who are proficient in the production of Science."
"He was rewarded for it, and I think that's key."
"You're getting the outcome you deserve because you've worked hard and earned it."
"You will get what you deserve. Have faith in justice and trust in your hard work."
"Whoever wins this will deserve it, and that's on PB."
"The reason this quote is so significant is it shows how rigging leads to feelings of supreme merit in people."
"It's okay, you know what? I think she deserves to be on this list. She deserves to be on the list and that's it."
"The guy deserves everything. If he wins it, he deserves it."
"She's a good smart person she deserves it but I'm just like but it's just completely different world."
"Your accomplishments will speak for themselves."
"If your lawsuits are so bad that they're getting dismissed based on [__] process, that means they have no chance on merit."
"Honestly, it's still an SMG as in if you take the time to kill me with an SMG to proc master of arms on itself not from other weapon kills but on itself then you deserve that buff."
"Frank played really well, he deserved to win."
"There's victory, recognition, that is what this basket is, recognition for merit."
"Success is a result of skill and knowledge, not luck."
"You need to earn the right to take the next level."
"I worked hard to be able to buy my house, of course, I deserved it."
"You deserve this, you work damn hard for it."
"Disrespect is earned, is friggin' brilliant."
"Respect is something that people say they want, but respect is earned."
"I'm very pleased to be here because everyone got what they deserved."
"You're getting the recognition you deserve."
"Who should get the best flutes? The best flute player, because that's to be played well, that's the point."
"People being qualified to get jobs, that's what matters."
"You have to give credit where it's due."
"Eventually my skills began to speak for themselves."
"Honestly, he certainly deserves to be the champ."
"She's not only deserving of every opportunity but has also earned every endorsement deal that's been placed before her."
"Anything that you have is in your own right, it ain't because you took something from someone, it's because you worked hard for it."
"Meritocracy over the last four decades has turned toxic."
"We're here only because of His merit."
"Tony definitely should get a chance."
"Respect is something won by what you do, not what you're born with."
"As a skateboarder, you earned respect at the skate park for the risks you took and the things you achieved by your own merit."
"I don't want to be handed something if I truly didn't work for it."
"You deserve what you get in life by working hard."
"We will get there, Gray, when your contribution merits it."
"the products just have to be able to stand on their own so the question is do these products stand on their own Merit separate and apart from her celebrity"
"To become the Wizard King is not achieved by luck, but by merit."
"Kalani's talent spoke for itself."
"Individually they're really impressive and deserve more credit."
"Good produces merit, resulting in happiness; bad produces demerit, resulting in unhappiness."
"I believe that merit can be found in incredibly unconventional places and what defines good really depends on who you ask."
"He deserves it, he did earn that."
"We need to redefine what Merit is. We want people of wisdom, who have different kinds of experiences, who have character."
"If they are that weak to have their birthrights snatched away from them, then they didn't deserve it in the first place."
"When you hear about films that do well simply on its merit, it's pretty amazing."
"It's deserves every accolade you know."
"If it's an amazing project, the work speaks for itself."
"As long as he was capable, it didn't matter who he was or where he was from."
"All good things had to be earned, affirming that individually and collectively man must merit the salvation that he seeks."
"It shouldn't surprise anyone that they walked away as world champions, a well-deserved win."
"Opportunities aren't given, they have to be earned."
"Mami truly deserved the fans she gained after this."
"Absolutely, as a bull rider, you want to prove yourself. You don't want to have anything given to you. You need to earn it."
"You have to be like what I worked for. I don't mind giving it to someone that didn't work for it but that needs it."
"Respect should be earned and without being earned, you don't get it."
"It's not yours for taking, this is yours to earn on the journey."
"Nobody deserves it, but you don't know what was done to get to that point."
"People don't get a platform because they deserve it."
"You have to earn it and deserve it before you get it."
"I want a woman to be elected on the merits and these should be feminine merits."
"Display fills up many blanks, covers up deficiencies, and gives everything a second life, especially when it is backed by genuine merit."
"They wanted people to be judged by what they do, by the functions they perform, and not by gender."
"...just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't have Merit."
"Would you say that when a university selects entering students and tends to favor those who do well on test scores that it's discriminating against those who don't?"
"This is not sexism. This is saying the best person for the opportunity should get that role."
"He earned his place in the world. Not everything was handed to him."
"Make sure that you are getting recognition and reward for merit in your work."
"Folks, it isn't about being holy or good, you don't earn it, it isn't merit-based."
"...you need to earn that and they didn't, they absolutely did not."
"You can't buy these, they have to be earned."
"He was filled with utmost astonishment by their merits."
"Sometimes the person who wins doesn't really deserve to be the winner."
"Talent has nothing to do with lineage."
"Values of family, values of work, values of merit. Nothing was granted, everything was always earned."
"Every religion except biblical Christianity teaches that you can be saved by your own merit."
"You have to earn it, and that's what I believe."
"It's not like he doesn't deserve what he has. He worked for it."
"It's never given, it's only earned."
"God's standard of perfect righteousness and man's total unrighteousness eliminates any possibility of redemption by merit."
"Everybody's man's got to stand on his own merits."
"The sons of Promise are determined by Covenant not Merit."
"It's not about Merit. It's about Covenant."
"It don't work like that, you know what I mean? If you're a captain, you're a captain. It don't matter what family. Usually equal."
"Participation is artificially valued over merit."
"If you've got the ability to and you deserve it, you should be selected for your team."
"The way that men don't deserve anything is crazy like they deserve literally nothing at all."
"You didn't win just by name. You actually won because she was brilliant."
"If you are the best performing goalkeeper in the league, you deserve to be the goalkeeper in the team of the season. That's how it works."
"The fabulous Freebirds deserve their spot pretty high up on the list."
"It cannot just be about bigness and size. It's got to be about merit, talent, innovation, change, and competition."
"I think this twist discussion has got a lot of Merit."
"If someone's reasonably good and they're working hard, give them a shot because we can't tell the future."
"What it will say is you are justified with no reference to your merits or the infusion of anything into your soul or your capacity at all to achieve anything on your own."