
Intellectual Challenge Quotes

There are 269 quotes

"Debating with Noam Chomsky is a bit like being ridden out of town on a rail, but weren't for the honor of it, you could forego the pleasure of it."
"Mathematics is a creative discipline that allows their creativity to be applied in different ways and it's challenging intellectually."
"Critical thinking is critically endangered, and without it, we become critically inept."
"Darwinism has indeed passed beyond a scientific argument as far as they are concerned. You take your life in your hands to challenge it intellectually."
"This person is my intellectual superior. It's a very humbling experience."
"Mid lane is a thinking lane, don't let anybody tell you otherwise."
"The philosopher is that annoying child who would rather keep annoying his parent with another 'why?' and face punishment than be content with the explanation of 'because I say so.'"
"The challenge the prevailing dogmas of the day. The prevailing dogmas maybe right but they still need to be challenged. I'm proud to be a heretic."
"Zombie idea is an idea that should be dead because it's been proved wrong by experience by logic it's we know that it's not true but it refuses to die it just keeps on shambling along eating people's brains."
"I think that's what an intellectual like you should be battling in your brain every day against the other side's argument."
"A very engaging spec... satisfying and challenging."
"Get your act together when it comes to research. Questioning the Paradigm is what research is about; that is what science is."
"At least with this number you actually tried to find one with some rare property instead of just being impressed by some totally random number."
"We don't even know now what the right questions are."
"It's chess, not checkers, he's playing chess."
"So why would we think that we're more technologically advanced than the times of Noah's times?"
"If you can't win by argument who are you kidding."
"One of the markers of adulthood is actually being willing to seek out intellectual and emotional challenge."
"The brainy nature of the Rubik's Cube may be part of the reason it has endured while other toys and games have not."
"It's the thinking man's action game in speed chess."
"There has to be always something. Always. Always. You have no escape from intellectual reasoning."
"You ideas are there to be criticized. You must be able to defend your ideas if they're any good."
"Densely packed information demands an intelligent mind."
"The story is a chess game where only the best minds survive."
"Intellectuals need to go outside their framework and question themselves. Introspection and self-challenge are the basic precepts of how we acquire knowledge of the world."
"I would challenge you to just question my thesis and I think if you're searching for truth you'll find the truth."
"How do you build a brain that will solve the universe's wildest problems?"
"Advancing and emergent ideas come from the periphery because the establishment has a vested interest in containing its own personal epistemology."
"The intellectual sort of strain, it's like going to the gym. This show, that in the most interesting way."
"Nerd sims love anything that challenges their brain; in their free time, they love to play video games."
"There are likely a number of things going on in our world that even the greatest minds would consider ridiculous, absurd, and impossible."
"I love these sorts of theory debates because they really force you to think about music in all sorts of ways you might not have previously considered."
"I want stories that surprise me, Stanley. I want to have to think."
"I'd rather beat you with my wit. It's a lot more rewarding."
"Subject it to as much challenge and as much dispute as you can."
"The brain power that this book took out of me was like none other."
"Thinking is the hardest work there is, and that's why so few people engage in it."
"A contradiction is a signal of defeat, but in the evolution of real knowledge, it marks the first step in progress towards a victory."
"Debate me. He wants to have the ideas challenged."
"Challenging scientific consensus requires evidence."
"It's important at least to raise the possibility that you can criticize something which everybody has accepted as uncritical."
"Everybody loves a mystery, right? There's something so exciting about having a puzzle that seemingly nobody can solve."
"Cheers to a successful round of geography, I feel so intellectually challenged right now."
"Murder in this instance isn't always literal nor pleasant. These bars are only meant for the sharpest knives in the drawer."
"Analytical skills and strategies are really something else."
"We have to start thinking like chess players."
"If you have to sacrifice your mind and the respect and authority of Scripture to get closer to God, then you're getting closer to a caricature of God."
"Ideas should be challenged. If you spread misinformation, it should be countered in the public sphere."
"But that's what should happen and if it turns out later on he reflects on it and is like no that's actually a boneheaded answer and here's why he can come back to me and explain it and I will do the same thing."
"Sometimes, Jordan Peterson is just hard to follow."
"It's not about looking smart, it's about defending biblical authority."
"A puzzle is something you have all the information for. The only thing standing between you and the solution is your own ability to put the pieces together in the right way."
"The end for instance was this lengthy battle of patience intelligence and attrition."
"The concept behind solving the cube blindfolded is that there are two different types of pieces: edge pieces and corner pieces."
"We are smarter than your God... I'm smarter than that motherfucker guaranteed."
"Shawn Evans doesn't know it yet, but he's met his true match in science."
"Nietzsche is the Dark Souls of philosophers."
"The mystery beyond the capacity of the human intellect is why do they all work when they contradict each other."
"This is a feeling that I've found very tantalizing over the years: the feeling of having your brain break in confusion with something that your body just feels to be inevitable."
"Military genius requires courage, intellect, and determination."
"Apologetics is a forklift that will move intellectual barriers out of the way."
"Academia needs diversity of opinion... challenge you."
"Social media was set up to be an alternative source of media, not based on an intellectual elite."
"It's assuming a lot from its audience and it expects the audience to come up to its level."
"Don't let people bully you into thinking that your question is dumb. Question everything."
"I think if you can understand the power of the atom, I'm pretty sure you could get your head around the power of veto."
"If this question doesn't totally drive you nuts, you just don't understand the question." - Michio Kaku
"Whether or not Forrest Fenn's treasure is tangible, or, in fact, the gift of knowledge remains up for debate."
"If you are not used to positive brain activity that may stimulate thought and change, get up, cut the video off, and continue grazing in the grass as a lost sheep." - Shalom
"The power of the answer is the result of the complexity of the problem."
"I'm gonna use my big boy brains that you've just given me to take you out."
"Difficult stuff is fun, this is the intellectual challenge, this is the hacker ethic."
"The pressure to vet ideas and jettison dogma is exquisite in science and nonexistent in orthodox religion."
"Studying with Jehovah's Witnesses is not an intellectual exercise."
"They're not fact-checking or challenging any of their ideas."
"The C-space debate, that one was very, very good."
"You have to be able to wrestle with the very best arguments on the other side."
"We want to solve the mystery right away but love the thrill of putting all the pieces together."
"Teachers have to be able to challenge their students with new and possibly threatening ideas and they can't be expected simply to tow political line either on the extreme right or the extreme left or to try to do both at once."
"The challenge that you mission in this book for all of the thinkers the intellectuals the scholars were the people who think that they have some kind of right to know a paternalistic design architecture for society."
"This game is crazy! You actually gotta go big brain, right?"
"There's nothing about that that makes sense and that's why when you start talking about in all good god this sort of post hoc rationalization to get rid of the things that might make your particular view crumble it's kind of a big deal."
"It's an intellectual exercise, a challenge of mind, body, and spirit," emphasized the narrator.
"Politicians sometimes allow emotions to get the better of their intellect."
"So this ability to go meta, it's very powerful, it's difficult, almost nobody does it, and the rewards you can get from it are huge if you actually do it..."
"The most contrarian thing of all is not to oppose the crowd but to think for yourself."
"Human history is far more interesting than you've been led to believe but be warned Paradigm destruction can often be distressing."
"If somebody can call in with a position that's both valid and sound..."
"It's not what you don't know that's the problem, it's what you know that isn't true."
"Let's dive into the abyss of the unknown and challenge the limits of our understanding."
"Talking with people who think differently from us is how we challenge ourselves."
"I love things that make you have to critical think."
"When Dostoevsky was concerned that he had presented too compelling a case for atheism, part of me thinks good, make the argument for atheism as strong as possible and then dismantle it in a kiss."
"Hello internet, welcome to Game Theory, the show that aims to make you a big brained gamer."
"Kudos to the people who figured out all the soul fragments."
"Rejoice in paradox; it signals your creative center."
"Navigating through contradictions: The challenge of finding truth."
"It's no different than anything we've ever done in the history of being human: critical thinking."
"Can you argue the other side? That's it. Can you argue the other side?"
"In this particular context, obviously we're looking for beautiful ideas and we're trying to play well."
"The stakes are high. Anyone against critical thinking cannot be regarded with any credibility at all."
"It's like an infinite puzzle that is never solved."
"People don't like being wrong and they don't like being challenged."
"The seven ancient wonders challenged the finest minds. Even now we still wonder how to match them."
"Contemplating the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence is a captivating subject however the search for evidence of such Advanced civilizations is quite a challenge."
"Writing a book is one level deeper than reading a book."
"This might be the biggest brain play of the century."
"The primary aim of Jizek's intellectual project is to encourage us to think."
"A battle of the brains between the two head coaches."
"It's just intellectual laziness... we built a society that makes it very hard to be a deep critical thinker."
"The ultimate encounters are not gear dependent in fact they are very much puzzle solving encounters."
"I'm going to Boggle your mind so badly that you're going to think you've been on a roller coaster through a black hole with Albert Einstein."
"Earnings per share beat analyst estimates by 23%, which is pretty significant."
"Operating losses at the direct to Consumer businesses saw a meaningful trimming."
"Jasper Josephson's puzzles are a gift to the universe."
"I guarantee if you solve this you will get the most incredible sense of satisfaction."
"You owe it to yourself to confront ideas you don't agree with."
"We're challenging believers to think and thinkers to believe."
"I'd much rather guard Michael Jordan than Larry Bird because you have to play the game as a thinker when you play him." - NBA Hall of Famer James Worthy
"It's intended to be difficult because it's encouraging debate."
"Light also outsmarts El and foresees that L would check the sending order of the FBI names and faces to their potential killer."
"Expect to see a lot of videos in the near future of teams murdering raid bosses with six caller horns."
"The fact that he has unwelcome ideas is a very good reason for listening to them even if the only consequence is to sharpen the thinking of people who have different and inconsistent ideas."
"It's fun raising an imaginary number to impress nobody but yourself."
"Debates are a test for your idea... tested through questions by the opposition."
"The puzzle excites me, it frustrates me, but when you get it right, the satisfaction is immense."
"This is like you figure out some sort of discombobulated ideas and then piece them together. It's neat."
"I'd rather listen to somebody who makes me feel uncomfortable who teaches me 50 different things than somebody who tells me everything I already know."
"There are no answers, only better questions."
"Being able to talk to him and get down on really technical levels, especially about... he thinks on a level that most people don't."
"I'm trying to wrap my head around the sequence of events that creates this kind of a landscape and it's complex, it really is and it's challenging but it's also about as interesting as anything I could come up with."
"Guys that are very logically sound, guys that are geniuses, guys that are good with numbers, it's difficult for them to process it."
"I find it to be very, very valuable. A question I would have for you: what would cause you to change your opinion?"
"It's like the Dutch Still Life paintings, asking for more intellectual growth."
"Go find media that challenges you, it really gets your brain firing."
"What question sounds dumb but is actually hard to answer?"
"I'm hard on people who come in like that because it's like that's the kind of lack of critical thinking that is literally going to destroy your civilization in the next thirty years."
"The net benefit of that in principle is that if you expose yourself enough to the eradication of your stupidity then what would be left would be something much more solid and flexible and dynamic."
"You are not thinking, you are merely being logical."
"Figuring out the solution is often more fun than the solution itself."
"It's nice to have a new slate of meticulously crafted mind games and mysteries to enjoy."
"Christopher Hitchens...said this was the hardest, hardest, hardest argument to answer when it came to dealing with the arguments for God."
"It's a brilliant puzzle Asparticus actually really is brilliant."
"Chess, in my opinion, is basically mental boxing."
"Demand to be challenged, to be offended, to be treated like thinking reasoning adults, and raise your children to do the same."
"The big questions are really the only ones worth considering, and colossal nerve has always been a prerequisite for such consideration." - Alfred Crosby Jr.
"It's literally the doorway to the supernatural because you're bypassing the natural that your mind would try to figure things out."
"This is a movie you watch to try to figure it out."
"Smart person defeats a smart person by outwitting them."
"Some people absolutely are gonna love that kind of puzzle solving."
"Sorry Reese's, you shouldn't have to deconstruct deconstruction."
"Brains vs. brawn, our fight will be legendary."
"The manuscript stands as a testament to the limits and possibilities of human understanding, continually challenging our assumptions and methods."
"Modern economists often seem to me to be more harassed species than critical thinkers."
"This book is divine, or else a human mind in the 7th century could not have conceived comprehensive, beneficial, complete, and practical solutions to human problems."
"I like opinionated people so we can challenge what they're saying."
"A cerebral challenge is there for the players to figure through."
"This game's Big Brain, but we will figure this out."
"It's about that puzzle solving, it's about kind of intellectually working your way through the game."
"I have a lot of thoughts, this is like a really fun like puzzle to piece together."
"Writing is just very lonely. I like books that are smarter than me, challenge me."
"If the goal of a group is to find truth, then you don't want too much cohesion. You actually want people to challenge."
"The ultimate absurdity intellectually. That's an IQ of design IQ of zero."
"These provocative ideas, these dangerous ideas, these insol ideas maybe insulting ideas, they resonate with you if you can bear these ideas."
"Read the people you disagree with, yes, exactly, disagree strongly disagree."
"Rooted and grounded in truth that you don't hear in other circles."
"I think every narrative should be challenged."
"Success numbers and money, this is a business. Unless you have all your intellectual faculties, it would be impossible for someone who's really committed."
"Thank you so much for challenging us to think."
"Every time we make a new discovery it forces us to reevaluate."
"I find my interest sparked when something is well-made and it feels to me like I'm not quite smart enough to understand everything."
"Sanku didn't just think outside the box, he created the box and trapped his opponent in it."
"It takes intellectual courage to kick yourself out of your emotional incredulity."
"It's easy to turn on the television and watch what they're offering. It's more difficult to think your own thought."
"Dr. Ben was on an intellectual warpath, and it was a war that he won."
"Merely claiming to debunk my arguments doesn't make you my peer, it just makes you another pick me."
"The Huxleyan paradigm implicates us, makes us part of the problem."
"I've found that it's one of the really intellectually stimulating bits of the job at the level of a trainee."
"Socrates is the master of giving you enough rope to hang yourself."
"I regard Nozick's work as a challenge, a very important challenge, just because it draws what I think of as malign consequences from the position."
"My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere."
"Bridge is perhaps the most intellectually challenging of card games."
"The this broke my brain aspect of - is so intense and fun to unpack."
"If the point of reading for you is to challenge yourself intellectually I think probably this is the kind of book you'll enjoy."
"For the people that are remaining, the fact that they can't get in a conversation with that they're not curating and they get their ideas challenged and they get agitated when their ideas are challenged, speaks to, I think, they're protecting their self-image."
"It's inevitable that some kind of offense will follow from being intellectually challenged."
"Read, think, and try to imagine that what you currently think is the truth may be totally wrong."
"I'm not in business for the results as much as I am for the intellectual challenge."
"The leaders job is to simultaneously increase intellectual friction while decreasing social friction."
"College is not really about a safe space, it's about a common space, a space you can all engage in intellectually, and frankly it should be a little unsafe intellectually."
"Trying to find where the next prime number is represents one of the biggest mysteries in the whole of mathematics."
"I'd like to see more reviewers that actually challenge people and bring up interesting points."
"The kind of pride in work well done, and the complicated work well done, because it takes thought and intelligence to do it."
"You are forcing yourself into an intellectual debate."
"Hello and welcome to Only Connect, the quiz that's like a gym for the mind."
"Intellectual perseverance sees barriers, hardships, and obstacles in their intellectual lives as challenges to be overcome and opportunities for growth."
"Everything connects and my biggest problem is just about everything is interesting."
"The bitter lesson is that over and over again, it's very intellectually unsatisfying for us to think that we have really not much to contribute in terms of innate knowledge to these models."
"All this hacking, all of this exploitation, it's really about a puzzle to me."
"I'm really itching to use my brain and challenge myself more."