
Legal Impact Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"A state taking control of a woman's body and forcing her to undergo the physical demands, risks, and life-altering consequences of pregnancy is a fundamental deprivation of her liberty."
"The suit has had a substantial effect on Wall Street."
"Brittany's words had a substantial effect, and we are seeing it play out in court."
"The consequences of the court's rapid transformation of the religion clauses must not be understated."
"One conviction, even one like this one, can create a powerful new opening to shed old practices and reset relationships."
"When you encounter the law and its enforcement, does it feel like something that's been shaped with your mutual consent?"
"Putting doctors and nurses in jail for abortion care is definitely not one of them."
"The more Donald Trump acts out and lashes out, the worse the day in court was for him."
"Whatever Jamarcus Johnson reveals in court may prove crucial in putting people behind bars and ending the bloodshed in Memphis."
"The fact that a YouTuber was able to wield such influence and contribute substantially to the legal resolution of such a high-profile case is very remarkable."
"The overturning of Roe v. Wade will make women's medical treatment more difficult and impersonal and humiliating."
"They have just hamfisted in a ruling that disrupts everything about a stable representative Republic."
"This ruling will actually have particularly dire implications for EV use in parts of the U.S that rely primarily on fossil fuel burning power plants."
"They are former inmates, people that went to jail who are getting a fresh start thanks to the landmark criminal justice reform bill that I signed into law."
"32,000 Americans are alive today because of the courage and clarity... legal and moral clarity of Supreme Court justices in the Dobbs decision."
"The judge's ruling is a monster decision with widespread implications for free speech."
"Lawsuits start to make a much bigger difference and start to take on a really important role in this election."
"The Echoes of this case may reverberate through future legal battles."
"We're going to get that ruling in the first quarter of 2024 period and that's going to make new law for our Republic forever."
"The new antiabortion laws are intended to have a chilling effect on the rights of women, physicians, and others."
"This case is probably one of the most important civil rights cases in the last 100 years." - Benjamin Crump
"Roe being overturned has consequences that extend beyond the bans on abortion."
"The United States Supreme Court, for the first time, took a constitutional right that was granted and guaranteed to women, took it from the women of America, from the people of America, and this is no small matter."
"It's not hard to not be a dick... Companies need to change and are changing, but lawsuits like this will absolutely continue to change them."
"The poly class case was special because people cared, because the whole community stepped forward and said, 'This is the last child you're going to take.'"
"The only place to responsibly be is in a place of complete humility..."
"I think that this law can have salience in this entire election."
"James A. Garfield - The fact remained that the President was dead and Guiteau had shot him, which turned a 1st degree murder case to a Capital crime case."
"There's no doubt this is a dramatic victory for the Second Amendment because it took New York and it slapped them down dramatically."
"The greatest threat to free speech since the Alien Sedition Act."
"People on both sides of this debate are gonna try to use this judgment as the new standard."
"This is the most consequential supreme court decision of the last 50 years."
"Lawsuit over Charlottesville 'Unite the Right' rally has crippled white supremacist groups and leaders."
"This could be a seriously game-changing anti-censorship ruling."
"Is this bombshell evidence going to have an effect in court?"
"Our jobs are to get people involved and caring and that is the work that makes the law pass and the law matter."
"Even well-intentioned objective jurors cannot be deaf to the fact that the consequences of exonerating Chauvin could set the world on fire."
"These lawsuits have wide-reaching implications for the industry."
"That interpretation on felony murder, that could literally change the entire law in all of the United States."
"That's the story, all the legalisms aside, it is a story as simple and clear and dark and sinister as the story told by Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo 50 years ago in their Oscar-winning screenplay The Godfather." - Lawrence O'Donnell
"We can't solve problems through violence... and I think that is the lasting impact of this case."
"This could be a very damaging lawsuit for the woke agenda being pushed through corporations."
"But that's how all the trials went, but this is far from the end of Matthew Shepard's story because his case changed the world."
"It's really important for us to remember all of that and remember how this can affect somebody's constitutional rights, somebody's freedom, justice for victims."
"If the Supreme Court says yes, it's huge because it affects all presidents going forward and it would almost certainly bankrupt Donald Trump."
"Roe v Wade being overturned is the biggest story of our generation."
"The importance of the verdict I think it cannot be overstated for the Trump organization."
"If the University of California system loses the suit, the higher education landscape could change forever."
"Since the inquest, I'm a different person. It's given me back my life, well not all of it."
"Michael's false confession did have a tremendous effect on her case. It kickstarted the investigation because the police realized that Alyssa probably had not run away."
"The establishment of this board will significantly impact Americans' free speech and rights."
"When a woman puts you in jail, now you gonna listen because all you got is to call her."
"The Zenger case advanced freedom of the press."
"After a highly charged trial lasting 10 days, the verdict sent shock waves."
"I believe her Witnesses and experts will be a huge game changer next week."
"The case has implications for higher ranking figures but the indictment is mostly immediately devastating to the reputation of the many famous news personalities who hyped the Steele story."
"He's in industries that no one else could go into, and he benefited from indigenization laws."
"I think is a great law. I think they need to hear exactly how their actions impacted the lives of so many people beyond the ones that he killed, so I'm really glad that this law was actually passed."
"Clarence Thomas greatest living justice and one of the greatest public servants in america."
"It's hard to think of a case in recent history... important for the future of international law and of this court."
"Every press freedom group in the West condemns this prosecution."
"Roe v. Wade is gone, and every woman in Alabama who gets pregnant is gonna be forced to give birth soon."
"Crime has gone way down. At least, the crime of smoking recreational marijuana."
"Law is downstream from politics and politics is downstream from culture."
"That could be the next great Supreme Court case that helps restore a liberty in America."
"When Dobbs v Mississippi is handed down, it is going to be one of the most significant decisions in American jurisprudence."
"Even trans men are reaching out to you for your help. There's no benefit for them in this law."
"This trial has set back feminism decades if not centuries."
"Supreme Court just gave away half of Oklahoma."
"Listen, man, I don't think the people who live there are in Oklahoma anymore based on this ruling."
"Kaylee's Legacy also stays strong through Kaylee's law which was passed in 2019."
"If this law goes through, it is a potentially fatal blow to Israel's democracy."
"The law still disproportionately affects Black people in Mississippi."
"This is both a swing for the fences in terms of Justice Alito's rhetoric and language."
"This is going to make abortion illegal in most of the country in much of the country instantly and potentially in all of the country soon."
"So much rides on the case of Julian Assange... If the case against Assange prevails, then journalism loses, I think, for good."
"an incredible impact on the jury because now they have an opportunity to kind of get inside of the victim's head"
"Fewer incarcerations and arrests for drug-related offenses."
"Women became second class citizens today, full stop."
"Whether you are directly or not directly affected by Dobbs, everyone is affected by Dobbs because if the Supreme Court can decide to take away a fundamental right then it can take away any fundamental right."
"what's intriguing about it is that it's now being done in a way where the judicial system is having a say in terms of whether or not someone can be on a ballot"
"We're overturning Roe. We're overturning Casey."
"It's a potential game-changer everyone's on the edge of their seats waiting to see how the Supreme Court will untangle this web of conflicting interpretations."
"Corporations can override government decisions."
"In over 25 years as a trial lawyer, I have never seen a witness do more damage to himself on the stand than Alex Jones."
"This verdict will change policing or prosecution of police in the U.S. I think that it would have made things worse had he not been convicted."
"Polly’s case also led to the enacting of the Three Strikes Law."
"This ruling in a lot of ways was mandated by the language of Bostock to the extent that Bostock has created a positive trajectory for trans rights."
"I'm trying to contain my just overwhelming joy about how all of that's playing out so far but I wonder what you think about what kind of effect it will actually have in your opinion."
"Breaking the law disrupts the political and social space; attention is the first step in political change."
"Video evidence of the Floyd trial... is the main thing that will influence people."
"These confessions can change people's lives, they really can. Long-term psychological impact, yeah, exactly."
"Changes to the law can have big impacts on your society."
"I think if this lawsuit goes well we get a new ripple all-time high."
"Circumstantial evidence can be more devastating and compelling than if you have an eyewitness."
"The accusation is enough to ruin a man's life, not actual full evidence."
"The independent state legislative doctrine has the potential, in my opinion, to be the single most dangerous thing this Supreme Court will have ever done."
"This case is going to be a case to set precedent for blogging in America."
"We have big rulings that can absolutely nuke Disney."
"This ruling is maybe the single most significant attack on your right to defend yourself and your property that we've seen in at least a decade."
"We have confirmed 191 brand-new beautiful federal judges."
"This lawsuit has the potential to put the Trumps out of business in the state of New York."
"The impact of a case like this is hard to capture in words."
"President Trump signed the historic First Step Act into law. 90% of those who have had their sentence reduced are black Americans."
"The case presented the prospect of shutting down the entire Trump ERA with a single stroke of the Court's pen."
"If you lose this case, it'll set criminal justice reform back decades."
"The newly passed national security law means that Hong Kong's freedoms and autonomy are totally destroyed."
"Confirmed 187 federal judges of record who will interpret the Constitution."
"A group that changed sampled music forever when their song made it all the way to the U.S Supreme Court."
"We have also identified that in several countries where the law was changed either at the constitutional or at the legal level as a result of that within five years you could see a very significant increase of female labor force participation."
"The nature of the limitation, the way the limitation is set up, can affect the substance of the right."
"A lawsuit that changed the world and saved lives."
"The controversies of this case consumed us all, and this case may have a monumental impact on future cases for men and women alike."
"That's why a conviction was overturned by nothing less than the Supreme Court of the United States."
"Notable Supreme Court cases that had a significant impact on life throughout America."
"What is Clarence Thomas about? Who is he? Where did he come from? And how are his opinions increasingly shaping the direction not only of the United States Supreme Court but perhaps even of the larger polity?"
"Precedent setting means that the law that is created or interpreted from the case would impact other cases."
"The defamatory statement had the requisite sting, meaning it actually impacted Johnny Depp in some fashion."
"The impact this case had on the pharmaceutical industry was profound."
"The real progress in sewing machine manufacturing did not come from manufacturing or engineering; it came from a legal action."
"It is an honor to endorse a nominee of this stature who, if confirmed, will participate in deciding legal cases impacting the lives of all people across this mosaic of our country."
"The Constitution is affecting the way that you can have BTS in your life or not."