
Americas Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Christopher Columbus was not the first outsider to step foot in the new world."
"With their work on these American and Polynesian populations, Andres and Alex have undoubtedly proved the contact between Polynesia and America happened before European contact."
"We find that many populations that are in South America, Central America, even in Mexico, are combinations of Europeans, Tainos or indigenous peoples, and Africans."
"The continent of the Americas and the country of the USA have always been a place where a huge variety of people, beliefs, and cultures come together."
"It seems much of the history we were given about Columbus and the peopling of the Americas is false."
"For those who have been paying close attention to the archaeological news, there's been a lot of very important discoveries that have changed our understanding of human migration into the Americas."
"The Spanish conquest of the Aztec and Inca empires reshaped the Americas."
"Our architectural accomplishments are not limited to houses; throughout the Americas, large cities featured temples, central plazas, markets, and ball courts."
"If anyone knows the danger of authoritarian governments, including authoritarian governments from the left in the Americas, and knows what it will take for America to counter that with smart strategies, that's somebody who grew up in that culture."
"The oldest projectiles ever found in the Americas, dating back 15,700 years."
"People first arrived in the Americas around 12,000 years ago."
"This was the first known discovery to them of the Americas."
"The antiquity of the Americas can be proven legitimately through genetics, archaeology, and language."
"Their age adds to a growing pile of evidence indicating that people arrived in the Americas before the so-called Clovis people."
"The Inca empire was the largest civilization in the Americas in the early sixteenth century."
"This topic is really quite fascinating considering that many people are under the misconception that metal was not even used in the Americas."
"The Piri Reis map is the oldest map to show the Americas."
"I became interested in the Americas because, you know, I could just fly to Mexico."
"This is a very important site. It's one of the most important archaeological sites that we have in the Americas."
"Historians estimate that by 1491, the population of the Americas may have been as high as a hundred million people."
"Religion became a significant justification for the conquest of the Americas."
"We are the first peoples of the Americas."
"In terms of which war featured a major naval theater in the Americas, that's a little bit more difficult to quantify because you have Drake, Hawkins, and Frobisher raiding the Spanish Caribbean, which would count as a major naval theater."
"They realized that they could forcibly transport African slaves to the Americas to do that work."
"This is a history where the Islamic world would be the first to colonize the Americas."
"English-speaking populations may exist throughout the Americas in a variety of different nations."
"The primary oldest indigenous population in the Americas is us."
"The oldest winery in the Americas was established in Mexico in 1597."
"Slavery in what we're more familiar with North American slavery or English World slavery is quite different than what was happening all across the Spanish Americas."
"We have come to think about Americans as US citizens, but in Latin America, anybody who's in the Western Hemisphere is technically an Americano."
"The ancient Americas are a rabbit hole that I'm so fortunate to have fallen into."
"You have the most wide expansive, most intelligent, scientifically, astronomically, architecturally, medicinally advanced civilization that ever existed in the Americas."
"If the age can be verified, the entire history of the Americas will have to be torn up and thrown out of the window."
"Scholars had been in debate over whether this was a true civilization, but the consensus is that they are the oldest civilization in all the Americas."
"The Americas and the United States in particular are known for their diversity."
"This is by far the oldest human footprint to have been found in the Americas."
"This is where it gets very interesting and may illumine potential connections to the early Americas."
"In reality, there were millions of indigenous people living throughout the Americas."
"These were innovations that were driven by the need to provide food, clothing, and shelter for a constantly growing population in the Americas."
"That last decade of the 1800s was a real booming time in the Americas."
"I believe that the Americas, North, Central, and South, and the Caribbean need to take their power back from colonizers."
"Boa constrictors are nocturnal, heavy-bodied snakes from Central and South America."
"The Pan-American Highway is a road system that was intended to connect North and South America."
"It's almost as if there was a plague or some other catastrophe that swept across the Americas and emptied out all the ancient cities."
"The history of inter-American relationships can be divided into four distinct stages."
"The jaguar is native to the Americas."
"The writings of prophets who lived in the Americas are also considered scripture and are found today in the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ."
"The Jaguar is a nocturnal animal and the only species of the genus Panthera to be found in the Americas."
"The legendary Andes are part of the longest mountain system in the world, that stretches across two continents at once - North and South America."
"The first carnivore species to be discovered in the American continents in 35 years."
"If Britain should go down, all of us in all the Americas would be living at the point of a gun."
"The U.S.-Brazil partnership is one of our most important relationships in the hemisphere."
"Paradiso 37 invites you to celebrate the Americas, as its menu features selections from the 37 countries of North and South America."