
Human Health Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Seeing your friends in real life is a necessity for human health, not a luxury."
"The most important part of human health might actually be the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut."
"This electric connection between the plants and our gut microbes is one of the important keys to human health."
"We need them; we need them for human health."
"As guardians don't know anything about treating human diseases."
"The title of this talk is 'Why We Get Sick,' and really what we're looking at is two questions, basically. One is, what is disease? Number one. And number two, how do we understand the human being's relationship to illness?"
"I just think it's cool that science is like digging deep into the mysteries of our relationship to disease."
"Nothing will benefit human health and our chances for survival more than the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
"Our bodies can't keep up with what we're being exposed to."
"It's an exciting day, an exciting moment... for humanity and it's important for the health broadly of people."
"The baseline setting for human health is good, vibrant health. You only muck that up if you're putting things in the system that shouldn't be there."
"We're going to put our energy, our money, our huge resources into protecting human fertility."
"I think that this is a very, very popular idea that appeals to our sense of who doesn't want a healthy planet, who doesn't want happy healthy animals, who doesn't want a healthy body."
"Everything that a human needs is in an animal."
"No human on the planet is going to benefit from eating more than 100 total grams of carbs a day."
"The interdependence between human health and planetary health has never been more clear."
"Hundreds of trillions of bugs are with us every day and they make us us."
"Once vibrio vulnificus enters the body, it thrives."
"Do you agree with Crosby? Are longer, healthier lives for more humans worth the sacrifice of an impoverished biosphere?"
"Dietary cholesterol is super important for humans."
"If we can slow aging in humans even by just a little bit, it would be monumental."
"Human beings are actually holobionts; we're made out of trillions of living organisms inside of us."
"We need to think about nutrition at a molecular level to understand how it fits into human health."
"As we continue to return to the Moon through the Artemis program and then on to Mars, we have to make sure that humans are healthy when they are in a microgravity or a different gravity environment."
"Our gut microbiome is connected to so much that matters in terms of human health."
"Living inside of us are 38 trillion microbes... they are absolutely vital to human health and they're not even human, nor are they a part of our body."
"Healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy people."
"At the final analysis, our health depends on the forest's health."
"The natural state of humanity is healthy. But right now, something is happening in our environment that is not our genetic heritage."
"Most encounters we have with viruses have little or no consequence."
"The lifeline of human health extends from the pulse to the planet."
"The soil health dictates human health not just from a microbiome perspective but from a nutrient perspective as well."
"Biomedical Informatics is the interdisciplinary field that studies and pursues the effective uses of biomedical data, information, and knowledge for scientific inquiry, problem solving, and decision making, motivated by efforts to improve human health." - AMIA
"Bacterial immunity to phage is revolutionising not only biological research but potentially human health."
"There are over 6,000 monogenic diseases of humans and they occur in 1 out of 200 live births."
"If you want to understand human health and disease, you have to understand viruses."
"The entire systems in Healthcare, Pharmacy, Big Pharma, medical system, even food industry and government is aligned with a continuation of a system that just is contributing to the worsening of humanity, particularly the health of humans."
"The fasting mimicking diet... could be protective in human patients for a variety of different diseases."
"It's about soil health and it's about human health."
"We have over 50 years of human safety data with DEET with no adverse effects to human health."
"The healthier the soil, the healthier the grass, the healthier the cows, the healthier the people."
"If we can harness the natural diversity that exists in the bacteria that live around us, we may be able to find other interesting systems suitable for advancing human health."
"We take on the toughest challenges, the toughest cases, we take on the biggest questions for research to try and make a difference and improve human health."
"...less than a thousand human infections have been documented over the years..."
"It's critical for human health and well-being."
"Fruit and honey and fruit juice are beneficial for humans."
"We really ought to be talking about nutrient density and even human health; they're all related."
"The human immune system wasn't enough to see lifespans into the high 70s without antibiotics and vaccines."