
Historical Narratives Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Christopher Columbus was not the first outsider to step foot in the new world."
"The narratives surrounding these historical rulers often include elements of historic feats, divine connections, and the establishment of prominent cities."
"I'm pissed that so much of our history has been covered up."
"Denying a people's culture, denying a people's language, denying a people's identity, and calling their nation a Bolshevik construct."
"Why do we remember some stories over centuries? Well, why?"
"It's about who gets to rewrite history and who gets to vanish from it."
"We're about to get into a history of vampire stories but I think there's an important caveat I should provide first: we are not here to pretend that culture follows one cohesive narrative."
"I think when we dismiss ancient mythologies, we're dismissing a narrative that is centuries-old to describe a phenomenon that is centuries old."
"The parallels among those stories are fascinating stories of beings coming and nurturing the society of our ancestors."
"Our history is a complete lie—shocking, isn't it?"
"This is the best possible ending to this man's epic Saga in World War II that anybody could even come up with and it happened in real life."
"History is filled with stories of humans being kidnapped, manipulated, and sometimes returned to their homes."
"Embracing the complexity of our past: from mythological allegories to historical truths, a fascinating tapestry unfolds."
"I do like those sort of histories that kind of take you through different time periods and I like that theme that's sort of like weaves together all those little details."
"History is as much about the stories that we tell ourselves about the past as it is about what actually happened in the past."
"It's important to tell a good story, and who has a better story than kings?"
"It's something that challenges the established narrative of the history of this region in a very specific way."
"I find in the Bible and in ancestral narratives there's a heap of information there designed to prepare people for contact."
"Maybe the truth is there are no good guys, and once you realize when you watch the media and see how often they lie, now question every historical story you've ever read."
"These narratives take the place of historical accuracy and they replace them with emotion."
"It's a story about climate change but it is also a story about the incredibly brave and strong men who worked in this extreme High Arctic environment in the 1950s."
"The war in curriculum is about gaining enough of the momentum of memory to displace propaganda."
"We have to pop sort of the top off of these things and we have to tell the truth about them and understand why the scope of certain groups of people, people of color, why their story, the scope of their pain has been minimized or retold."
"The fact that these narratives are in their own Hadith tradition is an indication that these things or something very similar to them really did happen."
"There is also this notion of like you can also be told a narrative and you can also be told another history and that can breed hate because you're being told this hateful story."
"Heritage minutes were more effective teaching history than school was."
"We have to repair the lost stories and tell the stories we have been telling more honestly."
"I think similarly with Bucky there's some really interesting stories to tell especially because he spans so many decades character that's a Logan you know Fox made an r-rated superhero movie that was pretty dark."
"The story of the Mori is one of perseverance."
"Looking back through history, there are actually hundreds of flood accounts, and the similarity between these accounts and The Genesis Flood are uncanny."
"The entire narrative we've been handed is so illogical as to be unacceptable, and it is astounding the number of minds that just still accept that we went to the moon."
"There's a legend, story that's been around for centuries."
"The narrative that we're taught in schools that people in ancient days thousands of years ago were primitive... It's going to blow y'all away, I'm telling you."
"Personally, I believe that when many different cultures who had no contact with each other all have similar stories, there must be some truth to those stories."
"The Nazis' agenda was finding the opening to the Hollow Earth so that they could reconnect with their relatives."
"Despite their efforts to rewrite history, money and marketing can't change cold, hard facts."
"I don't feel any guilt for being white but I do feel guilty that I believed the fairy tale version of American history for so long."
"By compiling the stories of their past, the exodus from slavery to freedom, Moses and the Ten Commandments, Abraham's journey to the promised land, they create what we know today as the first five books of the Bible."
"The annals of History are often adorned with the Grandeur of noble figures celebrated for their Visionary leadership and profound impact on the course of human events."
"Isn't this exactly like how the laugh tale and how the poneglyphs tells a story of a wonderful tale of the ancient past of the ancient Kingdom?"
"My point once again is not that those ancient people told literal stories and we're not smart enough to take them symbolically but that they told them symbolically and we're not dumb enough to take them literally."
"Helen of Troy's story may be mythological but it also had very real world implications."
"Its data might lead to different conclusions than the one that we've been telling for so many decades."
"Interesting story, isn't it? But a lot of our history is pretty creepy."
"These are the kind of stories that we give weight and value to. This is the measure of success that we're fed. Every history book in the world tells a version of this [__] fairy tale but who gives a [__]."
"It's a wonderful demonstration of the fact that stories from a very distant time can still remain kind of active and vivid on the page."
"By uncovering the rich and diverse tapestry of ancient Egyptian civilization, we not only honor the contributions of its black rulers but also challenge outdated narratives."
"Tales of History's Greatest shootouts and showdowns are other stories for other times."
"We don't often get to see or hear stories about black queens."
"Listen up, I always remember the stories of the people."
"Each room whispered tales of opulence, a testament to a life where grandeur knew no bounds."
"Narratives absolutely change over time with numerous historical subjects."
"We continually retell the story of the Big Bang, the story of the founding fathers of America."
"Stories of usurpers, conspiracies, murders, as well as the topics of death and the afterlife, are such classic subjects of art."