
Ufology Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The Roswell incident remains one of the most enduring and fascinating stories in the world of ufology."
"Ufology has always been really fascinating to me because there are these things that are going on that we get these tiny glimpses of."
"With new reports and sightings mounting on almost a daily basis and with many mainstream media outlets reporting on the phenomenon, perception is beginning to change."
"When you have cases where multiple military witnesses, physical evidence, and then this UFO was briefly tracked on radar, you start to listen."
"One of the most intriguing ones I investigated occurred in early 1964."
"Nick Pope is recognized as one of the world's leading experts on UFOs, the unexplained, and conspiracy theories."
"He's the media's go-to person for UFOs and he's made appearances on numerous TV shows and documentaries."
"The UFO subject is like a great teacher, and like all great teachers, you don't just go into the classroom and demand that the teacher tells you everything."
"One thing we know for sure is real is the impact that Lazar has had on ufology and the world."
"The government really has caught itself in a web here by basically playing down... the idea that some UFOs are truly unknown."
"It's because of you, having your eyes on the skies and being your own investigator, UFO hunters out there that are sharing the information to us. And as soon as we get it, we share it to the world. So that's our job."
"Some ufologists have wondered if it is possible Grays are related to humans and even considered that they could be time travelers from thousands of years of the future."
"With solid meteorological data, field perspective, and a photograph, this may be the investigation's best chance of determining what's in the skies over Britain in the summer of 2008."
"As events escalate and with more and more witnesses, the truth may be just a sighting away."
"The overwhelming amount of data and evidence accumulated in support of the reality of flying saucers."
"For each sighting that is reported, hundreds, if not thousands more, never appear on any official report."
"The Roswell incident has since ignited a decades-long debate, conspiracy theories, and a search for answers about the existence of intelligent life beyond our planet."
"The Belgian UFO wave marked the start of numerous UFO reports."
"With those six extraordinary facts, it just seems less reasonable that this thing was some miraculous comet than it was a spacecraft of intelligent design."
"Their detailed accounts would become known as the flagship case of alien encounters."
"He ran the British government's UFO project. He's one of the world's leading experts on UFOs and unexplained phenomena."
"Are we alone in the universe? For some, this question will never be answered, a dangling carrot that entices ufologists and budding conspiracy theorists."
"The only thing that ever happened in ufology... is that the navy put out three videos."
"Alien abductions are not real, but crash retrievals and reverse engineering are."
"Nobody does it like Third Phase of Moon, speaking to people from around the world, telling their stories. Quite amazing."
"We're not alone in the universe. The world has been visited by advanced civilizations not just for decades, but for millennia."
"In many ways, the 2004 Tic Tac event is the starting point for a new era of UFO investigations."
"This is an absolute watershed moment, actually in the disclosure, the official disclosure dynamic in history."
"We're bringing science to you UFOlogy. Speculation, out the window. Science, right here."
"We have a new recent wrinkle: the wrath of the spurned ufologists, the debunkers, the jilted scornful warriors of the internet."
"There's very few retrievable corpses or bodies associated with UFOs."
"By confronting the shadows of fear and standing up for truth and transparency UFO Witnesses have the power to shape the narrative surrounding extraterrestrial phenomena."
"The revelation of UFOs goes far beyond its political and social implications."
"Evidence of extraterrestrial craft has grown Beyond Reasonable Doubt."
"Perhaps we see so few high quality UFO recordings because of this laser."
"Not many UFO experts believe in the MJ-12 Affair."
"The New York Times has recently come out with an article stating that the Senate committee has passed a report on transparency in ufology."
"Unexplained Close Encounters are far more numerous than required for any physical survey of the earth."
"The apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate space and time suggests radically different and richer Alternatives."
"I had a UFO encounter, and the way the movements of the craft were described are just like the one that flew at me."
"Disclosure is happening now, the UFO report has the largest archive of the best UFO videos from around the world."
"Ufology isn't a conversation like Star Trek. This conversation is more like having a somber conversation with somebody about cancer."
"The woo has always been interlinked with ufology, always always always."
"If consciousness exists outside our brain, then UFO phenomenon may be a form of communication."
"So anyway um that kind of stuff right all these kind of things will will now be open and being discussed and they'll have to be addressed by academia because now academia can't come in and say yada yada yada you're full of [ __ ] about ufos."
"Once we can confirm for sure that these programs do exist, the craft exists, then we're gonna have to move on to another conversation about the occupants, about the intelligences themselves."
"Could it be that the UFOs that we see in the sky are in fact travelers from an alternate reality?"
"Both Jacques Valet and Jay Alan Heineck concluded that they appear to be demonic in origin and those their words."
"We're bringing science to ufology. Speculation out the window. Science right here."
"Abductions by strange beings had been reported before, but the Betty and Barney Hill account would be the one to cement in the public's imagination the idea of alien abduction."
"So 2023 might be remembered as the year that stories about reverse engineering and crash saucers went from folklore to a front burner issue because of a testimony under oath of David grush."
"The best way to serve the field of ufology is to be brutally skeptical of all claims."
"The only way any of us are going to extract anything of value out of this field is to be strictly disciplined in our discernment and in our judgment."
"I'm a nuclear physicist with a very strong interest in flying saucers."
"For pioneering the first alternatives to the extraterrestrial explanation for UFOs, Vallée has earned a reputation as the grandfather of the 'new' ufology."
"I guarantee I will change the face of ufology in terms of physical evidence."
"The fun part about paranormal investigation and ufology is most of it is research."
"What Tom has started in the last year is unprecedented in the history of the study of this field."
"UFOs are real; they represent visitation from another world."
"Here's Hal Puthoff who's been doing it for more than 30 years, studying UFOs."