
Restructuring Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Despite the societal impact of realizing we're not alone in the universe or the economic consequences of introducing free, limitless energy, we could be looking at a complete restructuring of power and wealth."
"The Tower warns you that part of your life is in dire need of restructuring, may soon crumble. With some planning, you can build something much stronger in its place."
"We've got to restructure the political leadership."
"We need a comprehensive restructuring and challenging of injustices."
"I think we reorganize society and many of the jobs that people do they don't want to do."
"Saving the world is more than just preventing calamity; it's restructuring it at its very core."
"What is the reverse stock split? It's just a way of either raising the value of the individual share through a reverse split or creating more shares."
"There needs to be a fundamental restructuring of society."
"Recognize what is real, restructure your reality."
"Now is the time to restructure your perspective and your priorities."
"Pluto tends to bring endings. A restructuring at the very least."
"The MAGA party is the majority party... that's the one taking over, that is restructuring the party." - Unnamed speaker
"Zaslov is apparently indeed thinking of stripping DC out of the Warner Brothers machine and making it its own vertical."
"We need wholesale changes complete and utter ripping apart it's like major heart surgery."
"Constant reevaluation, restructuring, and re-establishing the relationship."
"Whatever has to go has to go because I am ready to put in the new structures."
"Fox News is quote unquote cleaning house." - Narrator
"There's a lot of restructuring going on in the marine corps."
"Infiniti has restructured the trim levels this year... with several new features updates and a complete restructuring of the trim levels to allow for more standard equipment."
"You're on the precipice of a major move, a major restructure in your life. You may even hear that your current place of work is restructuring."
"Kisuke's bonkai has the ability to restructure anything that it touches."
"The idea that Pluto is breaking down the systems and the structures and everything that has been established that is part of the old order to make way for the new is coming through very strongly."
"We might have to restructure the Federal Reserve and cancel a lot of the institutions that we've been using."
"You're figuring out how to maybe restructure your routine in a way that makes you happier."
"The makerspace board realized their setup was bad, so instead of a single president, they restructured to have a panel of volunteer officers running the operation."
"The third possibility is where the company wishes to restructure its capital funding, increasing the involvement of loan capital."
"Warner Brothers came out and said that they will be shaping back up their DC Universe."
"The blast from Uranus split up the supercontinent, causing global earthquakes, mass flooding, and a restructuring of land masses."
"What we're already talking about is a very meaningful reenvisioning and restructuring of Presidential Power."
"Honestly, I think we should restructure the holiday system a little bit. I think there should be not one but two Halloweens every year, one in October and one in April."
"We have to have courage... we have to restructure these businesses for the future."
"Restructure your priorities and spending habits to seize opportunities for growth."
"I think that for a lot of you... this restructuring is going to lead to a lot of blessings."
"... you can really start to build yourself up again. Maybe there can be this complete destruction, this complete reset button for you, and then you have to start to sort of start to restructure your life."
"Kingsley reshuffled the Ministry thoroughly."
"Now, Gucci was no longer in the hands of the Gucci family, and this might have just been the best thing to ever happen to the company."
"I think what would be great for 'Ye is if he was just like going somewhere. Maybe he's directing porn for a studio that's already existing, so that he doesn't have to handle any of the structure because we're seeing that the structure of Yeezy is kind of falling apart."
"There's a restructuring and a kind of calmness right now and a rebuild that again it feels like a new beginning but it's very refreshing and exciting."
"Damon is such a good guy. This has been totally restructured."
"We need to disrupt our business a little. We have to reorganize how we're structured."
"Reasons for restructuring: change in strategic focus, poor fit, reverse synergy, financial or cash flow needs."
"Creating these mocks serves as a way to restructure how you attend to the world in a way that helps you progress towards your goals."
"Creating a home note allows you to do top down thinking with bottom up thinking."
"We are flattening the hierarchy where you're flattening the order here, and we're doing it so recklessly because we don't really know."
"Changing the structure of the business just exponentially grew our potential and our impact in the world."
"You're going to see a lot of restructure going on."
"More radical change came in 1977, when divisions lost their brigades and became based on regiments wholesale."
"Well, downsizing often happens when two companies merge."
"We need to have a refiguration though."
"Restructuring of international institutions to enforce private property rights and investor interests against government."
"We would have to change the current structure."
"So these sorts of beliefs will be challenges needed to help restructure the family system."
"We have to move into communities of caring and sharing... restructuring societal mechanisms."
"They had to cut their workforce from 18,499 to 4,600."
"Conrail desperately needed to shed workers."
"Elon’s takeover and subsequent layoffs are painful, but perhaps they are necessary measures for the company to truly move on from its troubled past."
"It is common in business for companies to change names, company to be bought and sold and restructures to happen."
"Personally, we theorize that a run-in with SCP-999, and the immensely positive feelings it causes, would cause them to reevaluate their entire philosophy on the anomalies they encounter and lead them to restructure their entire organization from the ground up."
"We're not making any money, so we're trying to figure out how to restructure."
"The real challenge was the restructuring of the company into the Nomadic Aviation Group."
"As much as the players that we are looking to bring into the club in the summer, we need to get rid of a huge amount of players as well."
"I hope Disney shuts down Lucasfilm for a while, cleans house, and tries to start fresh in the future."
"A company's history is not going to be the key factor in whether you're lending. You might play a role in credibility of the company and the business it's in, but you're lending to the restructured company not to The Old Company."
"We have to find other ways of delivering restructurings to help these countries that have got into trouble."
"It's a really a good restructuring for me."
"It's all about restructuring the music."
"Once you reach a threshold, restructuring as an S-corp makes financial sense."
"Now I'm mostly interested in trying to figure out ways that we could restructure the social media universe in such a way as to encourage a more civic minded approach to life."
"Nike is doing a big restructuring... they're going to cut about $2 billion in cost."
"The 1950s marked a decisive turning point in the development of the city, a systematic restructuring in the local economy from which the city never fully recovered."
"If you are very brave and very optimistic, you can say they should just let everything go, allow a liquidation out of which would emerge a leaner, fitter, better adjusted economy."
"Let's peel apart what we used to do, let's peel apart the structure of the business that we used to run, and let's restructure that business, redesign that business."
"Cognitive restructuring is the psychotherapeutic process of learning to identify and dispute irrational or maladaptive thoughts."
"We all stand to benefit if we use this fourth Industrial Revolution as a technological catalyst to really restructure society and the economy."
"General Electric has completed its breakup into three companies."
"You did well in restructuring the company in such a short time."
"This is definitely doable, and we're going to need to restructure some parts of our application to make this small functionality work, but it's going to be worth it on the long run."
"It's about consolidating format and oversight to a smaller, more concentrated editorial group."
"The very first thing I would like to do is restructure our project a bit."
"If you want more of something, you restructure its connections and position within the network to make it more receptive to the flow of resources."
"Somebody is restructuring the stability of their life."
"You have some valuable important decisions to make and restructure your life."
"The new owners of all things Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are exploring an overhaul of DC Entertainment."
"The economy needs to be restructured for this new post-pandemic economy."
"We are collectively restructuring society, governments, corporations, big business."
"We need to bring in a director of football and we need to reshuffle the hierarchy."