
Area 51 Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Area 51 has been the subject of UFO and alien theories for decades."
"Area 51 is a highly classified United States Air Force base located in the Nevada desert."
"The story about Area 51 got out anyway, and I remember in the beginning, man, everybody made fun of it and made fun of me. But eventually, as we'll talk about, the whole world beat a path to Area 51's door."
"The area 51 story is kind of taking on a life of its own whether we like it or not, Bob Lazar or not, it's kind of permanently etched into the public consciousness for good or bad."
"You'll notice he [Obama] was made the comment about Area 51, first time a sitting president has acknowledged the base."
"Area 51 was established during the Cold War to aid the United States in spying on the Soviet Union."
"If there was a place that the government was doing alien research, I think it would be way more secretive than Area 51."
"Why didn't we give Bob credit for the exposure of Area 51 that we had known about for a while?"
"This adventure is just one of the many fascinating stories surrounding Area 51, a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue."
"I'm mad. Look, I am so down to storm Area 51 with you guys, but what is actually there in Area 51? I feel like we should know what's at stake here."
"If they did find aliens in Area 51, that would be the most important and amazing revelation in the history of humanity."
"Area 51 has quietly waged the technology war against America's enemies for over 60 years."
"With so many advanced aircraft having been tested at the site under an intense cloak of secrecy, it is little wonder that Area 51 has become associated with UFO's."
"The footage appears to show a UFO flying over the base and recorded by base personnel."
"Until the base's full history is finally revealed, there will always be speculation, rumors, and unfortunately hoaxers."
"Area 51 has spawned movies, TV shows, video games, and may even turn up again on our list."
"Want to learn more about what COULD be in Area 51?"
"This is a real game, and they're storming Area 51."
"If Chuck Norris is saying Area 51, here I come, then yo, something's going down."
"Area 51: a stand-in for every evil suspicion Americans have about their government."
"Area 51 is where the government goes when it wants to be alone."
"Area 51 is possibly most known for its supposed extraterrestrial activities."
"Area 51 has for decades been one of the United States biggest secrets."
"The government has gone to extreme measures to make sure no one can see what's going on inside Area 51."
"So how did Area 51 come to be known as a place where the government keeps aliens and alien saucers?"
"Area 51: the unassuming military complex with a significant impact on media and pop culture."
"Stephen Barron captured video and photographic evidence of another alien spacecraft close to Area 51."
"Former Area 51 engineer Boyd Bushman revealed that he encountered aliens while working at Area 51."
"The camo dudes of Area 51 are not just a myth, they are completely real..."
"David was rescued from Area 51 due to his relationship with Curtis Lemain."
"Area 51 developed because of its location, away from anything. And Wright Patterson is in Dayton, Ohio. It's in the middle of a major town. So I think the Area 51 would have been the ideal location."
"Bob Lazar claims to have worked there."
"The intense secrecy surrounding the base has sparked many conspiracy theories."
"Lazar's claims, despite skepticism, have sparked renewed interest in Area 51 and the possibility of hidden extraterrestrial technology."
"One thing we do know is that they are perhaps one of the things that's presented themselves to us as a society with as much secrecy and mystery as area 51."
"Love the little area 51 sign in there, that is fantastic."
"Area 51 is always a popular spot when it comes to publicly available satellite imagery."
"This was a plane headed to Area 51 after all; were there secret documents left behind, spy plane devices, parts from an alien spacecraft? Literally anything was possible."
"Area 51's isolation, restricted access, and heavily guarded perimeters make it more intriguing."
"What I discovered about Area 51 and the people there was something I never could have expected."
"It's midnight right now, the game plan is to go to the Las Vegas Strip, find some locals, ask for some supreme knowledge regarding Area 51."
"This is a pretty boring place, there's nothing much to storm at Area 51."
"We're on the edge of Area 51. We're close to where we are literally at the base of a spiritual mountain."
"Area 51 is once again doing what it does best: the creation of secret aircraft with designs and capabilities that the world has never seen before."
"What happens in Area 51 stays in Area 51."
"Get those tinfoil hats on; it's time to talk about all things Area 51."
"Lazar's claims catapulted Area 51 into the spotlight, raising widespread debate about its covert operations."
"Next stop, Area 51. You may never see us again."
"Stealth technology was essentially developed at Area 51."
"Will we ever know what the government is hiding at Area 51 or will we continue to be in the dark?"
"Are there aliens in Area 51, or is it just weapons? What are they hiding?"
"We are officially on the way to Area 51."
"Area 51 is a secret United States Air Force military installation in the middle of the desert at Groom Lake in the south of Nevada."
"Area 51 is one of the most secretive and mysterious military bases."
"Area 51 is a high security military research facility well known for housing some of the world's biggest secrets and cover-ups."
"That's Area 51 out there, literally Area 51 starts just right there."
"It's starting to really give off an Area 51 level seven vibe."