
Emergency Fund Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"You're going to save up $10,000 for your emergency fund."
"Make sure you have an emergency fund of three to six months."
"An emergency fund of three to five months of expenses... is kind of like having some sort of padding when you're going into a sports game. It just makes all of the punches hurt less."
"If you have a big old emergency fund, it turns an emergency into an inconvenience."
"Stop listening to everybody telling you don't keep cash. You've got to have some; you have to have cash as a savings account for an emergency fund."
"Your emergency fund is the thing that makes sure your financial life does not come to a screeching halt."
"You save money for an emergency, save money for a big purchase, and save money for an investment. If you're not saving money for one of these three reasons, you are saving your money the wrong way."
"Contingencies are okay, that's what an emergency fund is. It's a contingency."
"Step One is get off the street. And so Step One is go do anything and a lot of it, uh, to pile up some money."
"There is nothing wrong with keeping that stimulus check or whatever other money you have as cash and prioritizing other things like building an emergency fund."
"Make sure your emergency fund is fully funded... just having that safety net in life gives you such peace and such comfort."
"Being debt-free is a big deal and having an emergency fund in the business with retained earnings and one at home is a big deal."
"One of the first steps to taking control of your money is to have an emergency savings."
"In 100 days, you saved your $10 a day. Now you have $1000 for emergencies."
"Having these multiple side hustles allowed me to finally build out some kind of emergency fund."
"Build up an emergency fund of three to six months. Now, six months can sound a little bit daunting; and, quite frankly, I think it is. It's hard for a lot of people to save six months' worth of essential expenses."
"You ideally want to have three to six months of whatever your monthly expenses are saved put aside."
"You need to have somewhere between 3 and 12 months worth of expenses saved in a savings account."
"Believe it or not, that's the key, a little self-discipline."
"The idea of keeping $1,000 set aside by the time you get this debt paid off, and then like George said, working to save up that 3 to 6 months of expenses."
"Building an emergency fund in your 30s is a smart money move because life's about to get real."
"Every single wealthy person I know has an emergency fund of at least 3 to 6 months worth of expenses."
"Beginning to see your emergency fund building."
"Things will get worse before they get better so the other thing I am doing is um amping up the the building of my emergency fund so if I had an emergency room for a year now I want to make sure I have an emergency fund for 24 months in case."
"Before investing, eliminate debt and build a rainy day fund."
"Stop buying, start selling. Every penny you keep in your bank can be an emergency fund."
"You have a fully funded emergency fund, well, no, not even close. I can't believe it, no. That's not. You have the starter emergency fund, you have your one-month emergency fund, okay, lovely."
"Have an emergency fund—money set aside to cover any expenses when life throws crap at you."
"Savings in addition to retirement savings are critical for a rainy day fund."
"Having three to six months worth of income in savings allows you to handle most catastrophes."
"This money will sit in a high yield savings account and should only be used for real emergencies."
"Build a savings fund and don't touch it unless it's an emergency."
"Your emergency fund is Insurance not an investment this is money that's made to protect you it's not made to make you more money."
"If you're thinking about emergency cash, a hundred dollars is good."
"Make sure you have an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses."
"Try to save up 3 to 6 months of living expenses."
"Being prepared means having cash put aside to protect you, not just against an emergency, but also to be able to capitalize on opportunities."
"Lastly, keep an emergency fund not only for actual financial emergencies but also for peace of mind."
"Do you have an emergency fund of up to 3 to 6 months worth of expenses should anything happen to you? If you're not having an emergency fund, this is definitely a sign that perhaps you could do better with your finances."
"There's a big difference between thinking money will make you rich and having some money as an emergency fund for unforeseen events."
"The goal is to get a thousand dollars in your emergency fund."
"You better have at least an 8 to 12 month emergency fund of what it would cost you to live."
"It's kind of like losing your job when you're still working. If you lose your job that's when you dip into your emergency fund."
"It's always a good idea to have three to six months reserves."
"Having an emergency fund is very important no matter what stage you are in your life."
"...having that liquid savings helps you so that you aren't stressed out when life inevitably as it does throws an unexpected expense or emergency at you."
"Keep your emergency savings cash that you only use if you run into a financial emergency."
"People don't understand the true need for an emergency savings account. That's equity in your home, the credit card debt is way too expensive to use. So people don't understand the true need for an emergency savings account."
"The worst thing you want is for people to have to go into credit card debt because they don't have that money to cover their emergency fund."
"I have been an advocate of emergency funds now forever and a day. The thousands of letters that I got during the pandemic, the emails that said, 'Susie, the only reason I got through the pandemic is because I had an eight-month emergency fund.'"
"Get yourself out of debt. Make sure that you have a 12-month emergency fund."
"Finish the emergency fund... getting that 3 to six months of expenses in there. And I mean honestly, we've never even touched it."
"You got to save $2,000 as fast as possible. If you do not have $2,000 sitting aside in a bank account, you are in a financial danger zone."
"If you honestly have a thousand dollars in your emergency fund, you are ahead of the game."
"Setting aside for emergencies is super, super important."
"Every woman should have a little rainy day or emergency stash of at least one thousand dollars."
"Maintaining an emergency fund equivalent to at least six months, ideally three to six months, of your average income in a high-yield savings account."
"Before you start attempting to implement any tax strategies, it is really important that you have one seriously key thing established: an emergency fund of at least six months expenses."
"Help use this savings that you're getting from all these tips to make that emergency fund."
"The average American can't come up with a $500 emergency payment. That is scary and critical to me."
"Don't invest until you're debt-free with three to six months of expenses in an emergency fund."
"cash flow it dip into the emergency fund at the end if you need to uh but like Jade said I think you'll be surprised I think you guys will be able to get through this"
"I'd cash flow the bills as they come in and Sean if you guys get to the B get to the end of it and you need $1,000 from your emergency funds then it's not the end of the world"
"So you should have at least a three-year emergency fund."
"When your job is not secure, when times are changing, the goal of money is for you to be secure. And the main reason that you're going to be secure is very simple: Do you have an eight-month to one-year emergency fund?"
"How great would it feel to have a thousand dollar emergency fund just in case something happened and you would be prepared for it? Awesome!"
"One of the most basic tenets of budgeting is you do not ever touch your emergency fund unless it is for an actual emergency."
"The funniest thing is when you get an emergency fund, you virtually quit having emergencies."
"Don't ever be without an emergency fund. It changes everything."
"Second is to have about three to six months of living expenses tucked away just in case."
"When it comes to finances, the last thing we recommend is an emergency fund for the RV. This will take care of maintenance, tires, you have an issue on the side of the road, you can get a repair guy to come out or gal to come and help you get back on the road."
"An emergency fund is so important, no matter if you're on the road or in a Sticks and Bricks."
"Make sure to set aside money for emergencies, about three to six months worth of expenses, as we have mentioned. We suggest that you keep this money in a savings account where you can get a decent interest rate."
"If you ever heard about the 'fuck-off fund,' and I'll leave some links below, but I think it's good to have like a bit of money that has no other purpose and that it's just there as your emergency money in case the unforeseeable happens."
"I was able to put my six figures, I got about $150,000 in my emergency fund with a 4.60% situation."
"My Isa is essentially my emergency fund as well as my retirement."
"My only goal right now is to save ten thousand and then once I save ten thousand that's pretty much emergency fund for, you know, the Lord knows whatever might happen."
"If you can save even a little bit per month for just like a rainy day emergency fund, I'm such an advocate of having an emergency fund."
"Save up a three to six month emergency fund."
"Save up for your emergency fund. Debt can wait. It's okay. What's more important now is just making sure that you're financially secure in this really financially insecure time."
"I have about like one month of expenses in there, just in cash, just in case I did overspend or I suddenly need to take some cash out."
"An emergency fund is kind of like a life jacket of sorts."
"Your emergency fund is for times when you would certainly miss out, for situations that you've decided are like once in a lifetime or really, really rare situations."
"Emergency fund is not based on your income, it's based on your expenses."
"But when some people said that they wanted to save a hundred thousand dollars plus, again, I got someone wanting to save 250,000 for their emergency fund, to me that's a little much."
"But call it whatever you want. Call it your emergency fund. Call your savings fund. Call it your rainy day fund. The name doesn't matter. The purpose is what matters."
"Number 5 is to have an emergency fund. So that when stuff goes down, it's not gonna throw you all off and throw your budget off and put you in a stressful position. Save for an emergency fund."
"A rainy day fund is a chunk of money that you set aside for emergencies and you don't touch unless you have to."
"An emergency fund is very, very important... you just never know when sometimes you might need money for something."
"Don't see an emergency budget as dead money sat on the side. See it as an investment in your own freedom and sanity."
"Having an emergency budget is saving yourself from not having the ability to choose when you lock in gains or losses."
"When it comes to building an emergency fund versus saving or investing, an emergency fund is an essential tool that will help you get to your saving or investing goals quicker."
"The quicker we get out of baby step two, the quicker we're getting that emergency fund, the quicker we can start investing for the future."
"An emergency fund is extra money you set aside in case you have some bad luck and require a lot of money to fix it."
"Your job is never guaranteed. Losing your job would mean you'll have to start relying on your emergency fund to get you by until you find another job."
"My rule of thumb is I need to have at least three months of reserves."
"I always tell people have at least one month of expenses cash locked up hidden somewhere in your house."
"Start as early as possible, be consistent, and have an emergency fund."
"Never only have $1,000 in savings if you can help it; you always should have or be trying to fill up the pot to have at least 3 months of expenses in your savings account."
"I have always preached about having an emergency fund set up in place for whenever a rainy day hits."
"This emergency fund is insurance. It is not an investment."
"You've got to make sure you put money aside for long-term savings... at least six months of your income or expenses put aside in a savings account that is just an emergency fund."
"You don't have to be a millionaire to have an emergency fund set aside."
"An emergency fund's absolutely critical given the times we're in."
"Always have one year of emergency fund in cash."
"I would love to have an emergency fund and have money that when things happen, I can just use."
"Emergency fund is three, well some people say three to six, I say six months of what it takes for you to live saved up in case of medical issue happens, in case a car issue happens, in case you lose your job."
"Emergency funds must never be touched unless an emergency happens."
"Have an emergency fund... imagine the peace of mind you'd enjoy if you had an emergency fund that you'd saved up ahead of time."
"How do you stay on track with paying down debt when unexpected expenses come up? Your emergency fund."
"I've had a fully funded emergency fund since 2010 or maybe '09, and it is one of my favorite things."
"An emergency fund should be 3 to 6 months of enough expenses to keep the lights on."
"Good investing actually starts with having an emergency fund so that all your bases are covered."
"Save towards your emergency fund, three months bare minimum of your salary."
"Make sure you have 3 to 6 months of savings in the bank for emergencies."
"Always a good idea to have at least $60 cash hidden somewhere in your vehicle."
"Your emergency fund should cover three to six months worth of your bills."
"Building out your emergency fund should be anywhere between three to six months of living expenses."
"An emergency fund is extremely important."
"Set aside three to six months of expenses."
"An emergency fund is so important because life gets in the way, unexpected things happen."
"Their top two to three financial goals are to build the emergency fund, pay off all the debts including the student loans, and a college fund for their child."
"You need to absolutely have cash on hand to pay for the unexpected."
"You need to have your fully funded emergency fund because people are now depending on you."
"I'm a lot more concerned about you being out of debt and having a big pile of cash for an emergency."
"You're not going to spend the money you're saving for the emergency fund buying groceries because it's not in the groceries category, it's in the emergency fund category."
"Having a positive cash flow isn't necessarily bad; it just means that you may have had some emergency expenses or maybe you've been saving up for something for a long time."
"There is a sense of safety not just for psychological reasons but for literal safety, financial and physical, that having an emergency fund is important."
"For now, it's an emergency fund, three to six months of expenses."
"The first thing I would do is I would get this emergency fund set up."
"If you were to come on hard times, maybe you lose a job, you have a medical emergency, that would be enough to get you through until you're back on the other side of things."
"It's important that you have emergency savings put aside."
"Set aside some money in a savings account or a money market account for emergencies, and don't touch it unless it's an emergency."
"Always make sure you have a vet fund because these things can pop up out of nowhere and they can be quite expensive."
"To have that emergency fund is not only good for your own personal financial circumstances, it is important if you are considering buying a property."
"An emergency fund is very important; it will protect you against worst-case scenarios."
"The very first thing... is to put aside at least $2,000 to protect you against an emergency."
"Build a savings fund and then don't touch it unless it's an emergency."
"Get yourself an emergency fund, have yourself six to 12 months of expenses for your house if you can manage to do that."
"Experts will recommend that you put aside anywhere between three to six months worth of your living expenses into this emergency fund."
"Have an emergency fund, something that's just solidified safe because things happen."
"You don't want to be house poor. We tell people all the time, you should have six months to a year [of savings]."
"I frankly think just an online savings account... it's an emergency fund."
"Have anywhere from six to nine months of living expenses in an emergency fund."
"Keep your emergency fund solid; in case of emergency, you will not have to withdraw money from the stock market."
"We have our emergency fund account, which is a saving account, and in this account, we have enough funds to last us a year with absolutely zero income."
"It is so vital to have an emergency fund."
"It's very important to have an emergency fund."
"The only time it makes sense to save money and store it in your savings account is when you're saving up for an emergency fund."
"This is an outstanding option here for Canadians that are looking to build up an emergency fund."
"It's really important that you build up that safety net, that emergency fund."
"That savings account is key because everything that you do for yourself will be there; that's where your emergency fund is."
"You need to have a saving, an emergency fund that should be able to sustain you for three to six months for you to consider yourself safe."
"Have an emergency fund that is for emergencies and the other savings do not exist."
"Having an emergency fund is like step one in your building of your finances."
"Emergencies happen... you need three to six months worth of your expenses."
"Savings should be top two because if anything had to happen, be it a rainy day or something that requires you to dig into your savings, you can."
"Your first priority for savings should be an emergency fund."
"Having that emergency fund provides you with a rock-solid foundation for moving on to the next step: building your wealth."
"Emergency accounts should have at a bare minimum three months of expenses set aside."
"We always have to make sure that we have an emergency fund, security just to make sure that we and our family are good."
"Emergency funds are money that you can get to readily when your monthly bills go higher than normal due to unexpected circumstances."
"It is so helpful to have that emergency fund to have money set aside for when things don't go as planned."