
Emergency Planning Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"You'll be debt free and you have a fully funded emergency fund. Sounds fantastic."
"I absolutely, adamantly recommend everyone should have a three-day survival pack."
"The issue of what you do with housing people who may need to leave areas of flooding or forest fires is a really, really important one."
"Pizza time! Emergency pizza is always a good backup plan."
"Make sure your emergency fund is fully funded... just having that safety net in life gives you such peace and such comfort."
"I don't have any access to any of my money, so if my wife got hit by a bus tomorrow..."
"If you're not prepared, you will depend on the government to take care of you."
"Healing word is the most surefire insurance policy most adventuring parties have."
"Imagine being able to flee your country in war times with life-saving money by simply memorizing 12 words. That's it."
"Literally, we're looking at possibly two tornadoes back to back."
"I never told him directly, but if I really had a high bail, he's the first person I'm calling for sure."
"Print offs of your family and friends contact information... having that printed off could literally be a life saver."
"This just really does give you peace of mind to know that you would have a food supply if anything happened."
"Make sure you have an emergency fund on the sidelines in cash at all times."
"The World Health Organization plans to hold an emergency meeting on Wednesday."
"Base all kits on the rule of three: 3 minutes without air, 3 hours in harsh conditions, 3 days without water, or 3 weeks without food."
"Suhyun calls Juho who is hospitalized and asks for a favor, Suhyun informs Juho that on Christmas Eve December 24th there will be a massive outbreak of monsters in Anyong city."
"Take proactive steps to create a kit that you can take with you in times of emergency."
"Rule one in almost any situation in life, certainly in government, certainly in an emergency situation, is to plan forward."
"Please let this be a wake-up call please if you have any questions about prepping uh you know the basic stuff email me drop it in the comments don't be ashamed folks this is john with prepare nation god bless."
"Jimmy's healthy, perfect. We'll have a solid backup in case any disaster happens."
"Include essentials like water, heat mat, and medical supplies."
"If there is an event where fallout is coming over you uh you don't want to breathe it in so you want some sort of a respirator."
"There's no cost to being prepared, but there's a huge cost if you're not prepared and something bad does happen."
"You got to clear away all the debris away from the wellhead and protect that wellhead at all times, 'cause that's what you want to work on."
"One of the smartest things you could do right now is stock up on emergency food."
"You need a plan outside of the banks because you might not be able to access that cash."
"The UK faces significant risk of gas shortages this winter and a possible emergency situation."
"At what point do you bug out? Bug out, do you have an escape route?"
"Having a plan is more important than being a 'Rambo'."
"If you're in a car and don't have enough time to outrun a tornado or reach some sort of shelter, park your car in an open area, furthest away from trees."
"Emergency power is huge and having that quality of life that it might provide could be very important."
"Nobody should ever make fun of preppers ever again... get yourself some emergency food."
"The key to getting through that decision of whether you can stay or go comes down to your preparedness planning and ability to act."
"Save money for emergencies...that way you don't have to go into debt when something bad happens."
"Make sure you have cash put away in case something happens like this."
"Food storage is for times of need, like an apocalyptic event."
"Be prepared, not scared. Have a plan. Be creative."
"More than anything it's being prepared and having a plan."
"What you have in your home right now is essential, making sure you have extras, making sure you have things set aside for a rainy day."
"Keep some cash in your house, find a place to put it because if the system goes down, your card ain't gonna work."
"Understanding the value of both bug in and bug out plans."
"Part of adulting is making sure that you are protected and prepared for any case of emergencies."
"Bugging out makes you a stranger in a strange land."
"Prepare as if this is going to be a category 4 hurricane."
"In addition to the main tunnel, emergency exits are strategically placed along the tunnel's length to ensure safety."
"An emergency fund is very, very important... you just never know when sometimes you might need money for something."
"The Waffle House Index: Green means you probably don't have to worry. Red means you should get out of town!"
"Your safety plan has you do those coping skills, wait 30 minutes, call some people, text some people, reach out for emergency services. Utilize that and that can really, really help."
"This is my main emergency kit, just a catchall for all the little things."
"This is a great way to put together an emergency kit that can serve you pretty much anywhere."
"There are no disagreements here... We all want to prevent emergencies arising, we want to minimize their impact when they do arise."
"When you can show the view as if you were a drone flying over a dam failure, that's a really powerful way to communicate what's potentially could happen in a dam failure."
"Emergency funds must never be touched unless an emergency happens."
"I'm an emergency planner. I want to do the work smart, not hard."
"Emergencies are part of life, and even though we never know what type of emergency awaits us, it will do us a whole lot of good to plan against it."
"Don't be unprepared, rest easy at night knowing that you have your family covered in the event of an emergency."
"You've got to have a clear path to safety."
"Having passed the abort point, the plan should include contingencies for if the ship may have to take emergency action."
"If you couldn't work for whatever reason, you lost your job, you can pay the mortgage, you can pay the bills, you can pay for food."
"Building out your emergency fund should be anywhere between three to six months of living expenses."
"Your credit card is not an emergency fund."
"Share your plan with someone you trust, such as a friend or family member. Let them know where you're going, for how long you'll be gone, so they know when to expect you."
"You must have a plan of action to save the boy's life."
"You really need to have some emergency measures in place."
"It's important to have an action plan and get an above-ground shelter."
"What are the plans, the break glass in case of emergency plans for your own life, for your community, for our nation, for our global world, for governance?"
"In a site-built house, the best place is a small room, a hall closet, bathroom, lowest floor, near the center, no windows."
"One thing about me is I'm going to keep those savings in case I ever need them for something like an emergency."
"Engage your hurricane preparation plan now."
"Incident response plan, what happens in case there is a cybersecurity attack."
"There must be a humanitarian element to any future emergency response plan that includes honest, regular communication with the immediate families of those most affected by the emergency unfolding."
"Yes, it's worth trying to find a plan that could deal with such an emergency for the future."
"Having an emergency response plan is critical and enacting that emergency response plan in a timely fashion is critical."
"It's more important to cover your necessities rather than your debt in emergencies like this."
"A prepper pantry is just an extended food supply for your family in case of an emergency."
"Rotate your batteries; you don't know when a disaster's going to strike."
"My basic concern is to have food on hand for my family to last us for about three months, that's in case of any type of an emergency."