
Long-term Consequences Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"An addiction is manifested in any behavior that a person craves and finds temporary pleasure or relief in, but suffers negative consequences in the long term and is unable to give it up."
"Humans are fascinated by the effects a new thing can bring now and not thinking about the long-term consequences."
"Five, 10, 15 years from now, we will be dealing with the impacts of what we did or didn't do in this moment."
"They just do this. Over time, like, there's estimated tens almost a hundred thousand of people that have been affected in some way or another because of the radiation."
"But if you've been paying attention in Hip Hop if you've been paying attention over the past 30 years to what's happened with this man this has just been a long time coming."
"What we're doing now is going to determine whether democracy will long endure."
"Avoidance is a great short-term strategy to find comfort but avoidance is also a great long-term strategy to guarantee misery."
"Since Disney's a business you'd think that they'd want to operate with utmost professionalism but they don't and in the end this will eventually fight them on the ass."
"I'd really appreciate that they consider the magnitude of what they do and how not following safety precautions can really impact not only people, but whole, whole communities and not just one generation, but generations to come."
"What you are going to achieve for those two and a half years will have very long-lasting consequences."
"Wars can leave lingering marks on individuals and societies years or even decades after the guns fall silent."
"Knowledge once lost, is lost forever, like... well, not forever, but for a long time."
"Rush into huge financial decisions without thinking them through and then you spend the rest of your life doing Penance feeling guilty about it."
"Choosing a diet is like choosing a spouse—you gotta live with it for the rest of your life or you're gonna deal with the repercussions."
"What damage do you do in the long run by just giving in to that despair?"
"We've ignored things for decades and now we have this massive growth."
"The fuse on that explosive had been lit back in 1953."
"The cost if you keep doing what you're currently doing."
"Nobody's going to believe a word out of a Russian leader's mouth for decades going forward."
"We want to protect them a lot of the time because they protected us, right? But there comes a time when a parent can do something that's going to cause you to not see them for over 20 years."
"My Hypixel ban lifts in 97 years, so in 97 years we can play some minigames together."
"We have swept these things under the rug for far too long, for decades, for convenience, for short term profit. We're paying the piper now."
"This is a virus that does seem to have some lingering effects in a portion of the population."
"Addiction is when you sacrifice greater future happiness for the sake of immediate happiness."
"Covenant faithfulness over time breeds success, covenant disobedience over time breeds failure."
"If technical debt is not repaid, it can accumulate interest making it harder to implement changes over time."
"Can you really come in and change a country like that and then leave it, and everything be okay?"
"I made one mistake, and two years was just forever."
"Helicopter money is the heroine shot. You're gonna feel really, really good for a while until you get on the downside."
"Humans might wipe themselves out because we're more interested in the quick, easy feel-good than we are the long-term."
"Twitter is not your personal feeling bank. It is a public record and will haunt you for the rest of your life."
"We have to deal with the sheer process of displacement and what that does to the outlook for peace for decades on end afterwards."
"He was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison."
"It's an amazing thing like we're just responsible values have been demonized at the altar of the appearance of of generosity when it is in fact just penalizing everyone in the long run."
"Every decision is like that line and just moving it a little bit and over the course of years we're changing people's lives here."
"It was the beginning of the Korean War, a war that would kill millions, and leave scars that remain to this day."
"When all you care about is profit, we're all gonna lose in the long run."
"Often people pay for their behavior in their teens and twenties for the rest of their lives."
"Does crime pay? It does pay in the beginning, but does it pay in the long run? Nah, doesn't pay."
"You don't want to constantly fill them and you're creating this band-aid that's actually making it worse over time."
"None of this fixes anything. It just shoves everything to the side, which over time will lead to more and more suffering."
"Any policies you make out of fear, are destined for disaster."
"If you only chase the public greatness and you don't have the integrity, the character, you're not kind to others, you will suffer at the end of the day."
"Long after the partisan fever of this moment has broken, the institutional damage will remain."
"Addiction is any behavior that is associated with craving, with temporary relief, and with long-term negative consequences along with an impairment of control over it."
"More than half of them are gone... 36 years of 'I told you something'."
"You either die the hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"Putting off that all-important dental appointment can lead to a lifetime of pain and regret."
"Sometimes the things that feel best in the moment are not the best for us."
"People always think I'm never going to end up like that. Nobody starts using and thinks I'm going to use for 5 years, 10 years."
"It matters because it has such an impact on the family going forward it can have such an impact on the outcomes and from my perspective most importantly it's the impact that it has on the children."
"If you act like somebody that you're not, it might be cool in the moment, but long term it isn't going to work out."
"The long-term costs of this water mismanagement are heavy; long-term reforms are necessary."