
Fitting In Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"What you say is irrelevant, but for a lot of young people, the desire to fit in is often more powerful than the desire to stand out."
"Sometimes, the best way to fit in is to stand out."
"The value in being yourself is very important because you could be inspiring somebody who doesn't have the ability to fit in."
"I'm sick of that [ __ ] everybody's depressed because they're trying to fit into a puzzle, they're trying to be a [ __ ] circle in the square."
"I wanted to fit in for a long time but I just realized like why though?"
"I feel like this totally fits the world that it's meant to be in."
"Hey if the shoe fits, I'll save the happy one for the end."
"Looks like he's having a hard time fitting... too much pastrami."
"No one fits in like everyone feels like a little Outcast you know I think there's some people who just fit in more with like like they seem like they're in with their friends fake it till you make it though."
"When you have to learn your place, you probably shouldn't be there."
"It was bad... I got bullied a lot... I struggled... I felt like I never fit in..."
"This is gorgeous, this is going to fit right in here."
"Shine bright. Don't dim your light to fit in."
"You're always looking for those puzzle pieces that fit."
"Lexi here looks pretty good... everything fits together perfectly."
"Things can begin to fit when you begin to be yourself."
"CM Punk could absolutely fit that mold especially in the one thing that he was out front about all those years ago which was the Wrestlemania Main Event."
"They want to figure out how to fit you into their life more."
"It's coming along very, very nicely, it's already looking like it fits in a little bit better with dog craft."
"You came in, you were that piece of the puzzle that made everything click together."
"The fact that two contenders come so close together proves what might be my ultimate thesis for the arc: the Majin Buu arc fails whenever it tries too hard to fit into the stereotypical impression of Dragon Ball."
"Ralph's arc has been natural since he was introduced. He fits more than Julian."
"Everyone needs to get in where they fit in and have their own priorities."
"Everybody has these feelings of like, you want to fit in."
"I don't know the places I thought I was supposed to be... I just didn't fit in, I was never going to be perfect enough."
"I don't see why not. You'd fit in perfectly."
"Sometimes autistic people want to fit in, but don’t know how to."
"I think I'll fit in here great. Everybody here is so great. It's not gonna be no argument or nothing, it's just good times."
"He just wants to fit in. It's an occupational hazard."
"Your independence and your health is more important than fitting in, that's what we're really saying."
"If the shoe fits, where is it safety car in this time?"
"You could fit in quite well, I can fit in."
"It smells terrible. Oh my God, I don't fit."
"That's what would always get me, like that challenge of, 'How do I... how do I fit into this?'"
"We all should be square pegs and square holes."
"It's like a puzzle piece fitting perfectly into place."
"I fit into the mold very well naturally."
"We're seeking the Glide, fitting into the world as it is."
"When you meet them, it's like a piece of the puzzle fitting in."
"She fits in perfectly, she's wearing all black like she knew what to wear. Hell yes, girl, take a moment to revel in it."
"If you don't feel like you fit in quite right, you're perfect somewhere else."
"We have to fit in," I said, trying to keep my voice steady amidst the chaos.
"You gotta get in where you fit in, you know what I'm talking about."
"You guys feel like it's really hard to fit in right now."
"I feel like I fit in here so perfectly, just, you're making me a little uncomfortable, Trevor."
"I'm an 850 year old wizard. I think I know how to fit in."
"You're like okay this is like what I do, this is who I fit in with, this is where I fit in."
"It fits well with being an old mom."
"It's about how you fit in a puzzle."
"Just be honest with yourself and figure out what kind of fits with you properly."
"Bret would have fit in like a hand and glove, baby."
"I think he fits in perfectly with the Rangers makes a lot of sense"
"There was no choice in trying to just simply fit in."
"Very unique for my wardrobe but it kind of fits right in."
"You got different personalities and everyone has their way of fitting in."
"We fit right in there. Most of these cars, you're not going to be able to find a wheel in a box that's going to fit correctly."
"People's getting in where they fit in."
"Honestly acting the way you have for the last couple of months I mean you probably fit right in"
"Are you really going next Monday and then coming back on Wednesday? They want me to go to Ghana, two days. Am I gonna fit in? It's like party in the USA. Am I gonna fit in? Let's go!"
"Being successful is lonely because you didn't fit."
"I wanted to fit in, but actually it's better to be unique."
"When we adopted you, I just wanted you to feel like you’d fit in here."
"I said yo, I fit right in with this, I come right off the plane with it."
"I always wanted to fit in, you know?"
"He fit into that really, really well at the time."
"You want to fit somewhere on that team, somewhere within those roles."
"Alexa Bliss fit right in perfectly."
"She fits right in here with the simple Farmhouse life crowd."
"I felt like I'd found somewhere that I kind of fitted."
"I wanted to fit in, but I had my hopes and dreams, so this is the direction I'm going."
"You can't force yourself to fit into a hole that you don't fit into."
"You can't fit a square peg in a round hole."
"It fits into their narrative perfectly."
"I like this Wolverine because he's short, he is definitely shorter than the other figures and characters, and he just really fits in well."
"Everything just seemed to fit and fall into place, especially when I got it on the range."
"Yes, finally my first day of real school. I'm going to fit in perfectly, dattebayo!"
"This is absolutely amazing, everything plugs in place, it fits very well."
"I'm just trying to fit in, finally get my [__] off so they mention my name within."
"The house just fits right into that neighborhood nicely."
"It's like this perfect puzzle piece that get all of the pieces fit into place."
"Life is a puzzle, Stephanie. This is the only piece that fits."
"Using our intuition, that puzzle piece will fit perfectly into place because it's what feels right."
"She wants to fit in, not wanting to be known as just a person who sees ghosts."
"It's great to fit in when I'm trying to be healthy. Love that."
"Sometimes I wonder if I ever act like you, could I finally fit in and maybe relax like you?"
"Life is like puzzle pieces; you never know what piece is going to fit."
"Trying to get all three of these trays into the monster box, it can fit, but it's tight, tight, tight."
"This is so unique and I love wearing this specifically to a pumpkin patch because I want to fit in with the pumpkins."
"You'd think with Ruby also having a red color inspiration, she'd fit right in the Crimson Kingdom."
"I mean the hat fits right," she smiled.
"Some people struggle with fitting in; fitting in means that you are accepted by the group of people around you."
"Main thing I want to do is I want to shape the shoe to fit the foot, not cut the foot to fit the shoe."
"I had the uncanny ability to fit in with anybody doing anything."
"I am so pleasantly happy, pleasantly happy surprised that everything in fact does fit."
"Honestly, I'm so happy right now, it's here and it actually fits in perfectly."
"It's like doing a puzzle and you're hoping that all your pieces fit."
"I'm a real watcher of people, places, and things. I like to scope it all out, figure out where I fit in here, fit in the plan."
"I'm giving like, um, hot mom, but I'm my mom, but I hang out with the moms, but I'm not trying to let the moms have it, but I fit right in."
"It's kind of like solving a puzzle; you just got to see where each piece actually fits into the puzzle."
"It's been an absolute blast. I love when things fit together just like puzzle pieces."
"You gotta go for it if it fits right; something wild always pays off."
"I've discovered who I am, now I'm discovering how I fit into the world."
"You just need to get in where you fit in."
"We know exactly how to fit together, and I relaxed for the first time since I got called into Principal Gupta's office."
"Please don't be Cinderella's stepsisters and try to put your shoe in a... or your foot in a shoe that doesn't fit."
"It looks right at home like it's supposed to be here."
"It is kind of like a puzzle; all the pieces have to fit."
"We all think a little bit differently, and one way could all of a sudden be the one that's like, 'Yeah, this just fits me perfectly, I love doing it like this.'"
"It's like you're trying to find the right place or you're trying to find a place where you fit in."