
Sports Training Quotes

There are 535 quotes

"Probably one of the best players that I've ever trained with and been coached by."
"I've trained with Stephen, you're out of Shame with Luis Suarez, Torres, all these great players, and so no one comes near to John Barnes in training."
"So listen, if you want to go to the NFL, we gotta gain some muscle. Y'all gotta be strong, you hear me?"
"Technical mastery and technique are something that needs to be preserved and practiced frequently."
"After three years, Venus and Serena have never competed in a tournament, every day for three years they just focus on tennis practice."
"Make sure your weight training is integrated into your sport training such that they don't interfere as much as they supplement each other."
"We are making sure that you feel that explosiveness."
"Everybody's goal is an effortless golf swing. Hits Vol all right. Sure, well if you're gonna make an effortless golf swing, you can't be putting in the effort."
"He spent the summer adding muscles to his lanky frame and claimed he was making a thousand practice shots a day to avoid ever missing another one."
"Practice this often to make it a permanent part of their regular training."
"I hit it well. Follow those keys, get the right ball position, get your alignment, so you can work on those fades and draws and straighten it out."
"Working on the fundamentals is one of the best things you can do as a young player, as a beginner, to improve quickly, because, everything branches out from those fundamentals."
"Do not be afraid to move up levels as you get better, because the better players you're exposed to, the better you're going to get."
"Work on specific drills and deliberate practice to elevate your game and stand out."
"If you're watching and they watch the ball curve right over and over again that is exactly what you should be looking for something that helps you if anything overdraw you can always adjust backwards."
"Real live game reps are the best way to improve, especially on things that aren't directly related to your skill."
"Important in preseason to make sure these players reach their optimal level."
"I'm still learning so I'm gonna come back more stronger next round."
"The reason why we worked hard in training every day has been towards this goal."
"Stefan not only invited Aiden to show up to his training camp and even had a moment with him. Aiden was allowed to show up to Stefan's next practice where he was gifted a new football and also got Stefan to sign his jersey."
"I think I cried after every single practice."
"It's about learning the art of learning football."
"This fight gives me the motivation to practice."
"You get your technique right, then everything else will follow."
"Offenses need practice probably even more than defenses."
"A game shape is a different kind of shape, or football shape is a different kind of shape than anything else."
"Let's head across the Pacific to train for the Chinese Grand Prix."
"She's embraced that grind of the wrestling and MMA."
"Lujan must have been a natural because by 1999 just two years later Lou was sent by his coach to join the provincial team."
"Empty the tank on the tire. Grunt work, that's all it is."
"I think a lot of us need to practice with more intent. Not just whacking balls, but having some small goal."
"Bruno should be player coach," teaching movement and runs, a necessity.
"If you're trying to become a better player, if you're trying to become a better dribbler, you have came to the right place."
"Even if you're not a professional at this very moment there's no reason you can't start acting like one right now."
"The more time you spend with the ball the better you're gonna be on it."
"Just try and get some friends together if you don't have a team to train with."
"If you like to keep your brakes set really, really loose, it's gonna require a lot of thumb control, a lot of training, but you can do it."
"Ashito took his coach's advice and was seen every night he practiced alone."
"If you don't think in modern day football the work you put in right now does not affect you the whole year, then you're being incredibly naive."
"We're gonna see we can do, say I'm gonna work on some drills."
"In any other sport, you practice every day. In racing, we race."
"Be able to get your feet right when the ball's in wide areas. Your body position like these basic fundamentals... I don't when I watch games now I don't think these fundamentals even trained no more with some of the players."
"Your game is going to have to be simplified like how you played before you got comfortable with the ball, just one two dribbles pull up shot."
"So hard work and training is second so second without a doubt is training so you have to be able to push yourself you have to be able to put in work and again consistency."
"I've been feeling great in training camp, I've been doing really good in sparring, I'm going to put on a great show."
"Sparring can help you more than most people think."
"If practice is more intense and harder than a game seven will be, then a game seven will be easy."
"Being consistent in your swing increases the likelihood of success."
"He's put in hours and days and weeks and months of practice."
"Finding a release point is the most important thing."
"So tip of the cap to Josh green because that just the sheer thousands and thousands and thousands of reps that took this summer to make that type of improvement I think is really really impressive."
"Michael Gallup will get a bunch of work in practice, is close to making his debut."
"When you train in grade cricket you train in the nets for 10 minutes. I'll adventure that most innings in great cricket last between 10 and 20 minutes."
"Practice hitting the ball with loads of power; people just don't hit the ball hard enough."
"You got to train everything if you want to be a professional athlete."
"You can feel this in the preparation, in the training today, in the approach to the match, in the concentration level."
"Activity is so important in the sport. The more you fight, the more you start to understand the game, the better your timing gets, the better your precision gets. It's just natural."
"You have trained hard, you are ready, now let's execute."
"I was always training and playing with older kids who had much more experience than me."
"You got to earn the right to rush the passer."
"If Deontay Wilder had the training and the amateur background, he would be the greatest fighter ever laced up gloves."
"We change lives through volleyball training and inspirational content."
"Dude, they have no idea, I'm gonna... doesn't matter what they do."
"You should not feel junior or sub-junior, whoever trains hard will succeed."
"Before he does that, give him a five-star review."
"Do you have you amended your training level to adapt for the king's move?"
"I think this is the type of thing that Guardiola and the best coaches are doing day in day out in the training ground."
"These guys have a little bit of a history in the training room."
"Every fighter should visit Silver's gym, the best place for training."
"Sometimes it's just modifying training to fix what we can while we train what we can."
"One of our biggest weaknesses that we try way too hard in scrims... I would rather take losses than today in three games."
"The longest I'd spent on any trainer, I think almost ever."
"I was helping him Spar so I was sparring with him every day for him to repair so myself was ready."
"Competition serves as a reward for the countless hours of training that occur when no one is watching."
"Lessons do work. You've got to improve at golf."
"I just like, I trust them, they're gonna suggest me the right champion, we're gonna practice the right things, we're gonna do this."
"If you're trying to become an elite dribbler... I recommend you watch all of this."
"Creating a good training and warm-up routine will sharpen your skills."
"This is why you work so hard in pre-season and day in day out."
"Solid fundamentals are just as important if not more important than having good mechanics."
"We're getting closer and closer every time we train."
"His commitment to training, his commitment to extras, his commitment to understanding the game is something that could never be questioned."
"It's about getting minutes, getting that rhythm, getting that tempo."
"Let's go over some moves that will get you open really quick, like the Trey Young into the speed boost."
"I feel attitude, unbelievable attitude towards training and towards games."
"With good coaches in this specific set of training, we finished first in the league."
"It's all about those little five ten yard spaces, and that's where Pep Guardiola is amazing on the training ground."
"So I started with smaller dent and bowling this way to go over it first, not bowling just trying, and slowly slowly took me three years to get into the right length."
"Matthews' strict diet and regimented training program combined with his tremendous ability created unrivaled longevity within the game."
"Get ready to take your striking game to the next level."
"I got you with the gym moves if you're a seven foot two inside center with no ball handling whatsoever."
"I'm one of the more qualified people to tell you the best dribble moves for each and every build."
"You can't buy your way into being a better defender, you've got to actually put in the work."
"Those home run sessions are the most fun part of it all."
"It's a great addition again for any hockey player that likes to Train that wants to develop and likes to play outside."
"Play Under Pressure, play those fun games... simulate what you're actually doing."
"One week of training is basically what Cavani and Sancho are gonna get."
"My philosophy was purely to get the individual playing well."
"He wouldn't leave the court till he hit the shot."
"Kids don't warm up in the paint, kids don't run for lay-ups in transition, everyone runs to the three-point line."
"Strength coach Mike Boyle, in my opinion, was the first guy to really start connecting the pieces between the physical therapist and then what we do in the weight room."
"We want to be nourishing and nurturing players to become Top Class players."
"Nurture is as important as nature in creating a quality athlete."
"Posing practice with Jeff Alberts helped me secure first place."
"My point is what incentive do Sabin or his staff have to teach Jaylen the skills he would need to succeed at the next level when they literally had Tua waiting to get his number called any way."
"Dry fire training is really what's going to help you. You develop muscle memory, you sharpen target reaction speed."
"Making the league is tough... It takes a lot right... Are we training right, are we year round staying consistent? You gotta have a full package to be in the league."
"Our academy is looking very strong right now."
"Accountability always starts on the practice floor."
"It's all about leg power, back power, and just brute strength."
"The system that creates these NBA players...everything has been fine-tuned, and it is definitively better."
"Prince natural if you train as hard as me Prince natural would be a 200-pound freak of nature and he'd be an ayah beanie Pro natural and probably make the mr. Olympia and classic physique now with steroids he becomes mr. he would actually win it."
"Hinata is really putting conscious effort into his journey of getting better instead of just simply expecting to get better by playing more."
"It was like when you had your quarterback throw the ball for the drill and he's like taking too long, like 'Hurry up and throw it, I'm about to pick this.'"
"If you don't enjoy training then you should just not do it."
"You gotta enjoy training, enjoy. But not every day you're gonna just enjoy it."
"If you're training, you know, the most, most, in fact, all total bodies, they're all on drugs, right?"
"This is where practice pays off, ladies and gentlemen."
"Just get the fitness better, and that's happening."
"Fighters like Tony Ferguson, Stephen Thompson, and Stipe Miocic have historically trained out of small camps built around themselves."
"That's going to be the best way to build speed and it's going to set you up for like way more complicated and advanced stuff."
"In all seriousness, you know, look at Mark Cavendish, he supports lots of servo training."
"If you play a player in his favorite position and you sort of progress him and you train and you put everything into that on the training ground he's going to get better."
"When bringing up this terminology of bulletproofing reserve, I'm training right now not because I have shin splints, not because I can't dunk, but because I want to see if I could do more."
"Thanks to that intent plus the rest of what's in this video, one of the few people in the world who has the explosiveness to throw down a tomahawk slam and drop right into a splits."
"If you wanted to build a clinic for how to be an explosive well-rounded pass rusher... Carl Lawson's tape is right out there with the best of them."
"Know what your MRV is... making the fastest improvement without training too hard."
"Experience matters... beginners don't need as much training to improve."
"Age affects recovery... older athletes may tolerate less training."
"Being a great wrestler isn't something that happens overnight... you have to work for it for years before you can reach your full potential."
"Balance is really important in my game... it's essential for longevity."
"Experience is the best way for a young player to grow."
"Footballers using VR to simulate training scenarios."
"Good coaches will stop practice, blow the whistle, stop, meet that player on the field or on the court and show them in the moment, this is what you did wrong, here's why it went wrong, here's how to do it the right way."
"Training is not about checking a box, training is about going hard."
"In our gym we're focused so much and we can't take these moments for granted."
"The younger you start them, the more benefit and the better they will be. Wrestling is one of those sports."
"This is where he honed his skills become the greatest basketball player just a couple blocks away from the famed superdome."
"Increasing Zone 2 training proportionally may require adequate time for adaptation, especially for high-intensity sports like cyclocross."
"Well, thank you very much. I want to thank my coach, Bo, who taught me how to play."
"But that's what training in wrestling is, they toughen you up so you're ready for anything."
"Jake Paul is more disciplined in the sport of boxing."
"You really can't be in the training camps to see what these guys go through."
"Anybody that's at the top, anybody that's an existing champion, best in the world, they still have a team of great coaches."
"The sweltering practices, the brutality of getting cut, and the camaraderie."
"I think if I jump that line another ten times I'll never knock it down."
"Just telling people to identify their strike pattern can have a bigger effect on their game than anything else."
"It's about finding those issues of why people always say they want to hit it further."
"30 minutes a day of Kevpert's defensive training pack."
"A great trainer don't put no limitations on that fighter."
"You really need to train for that, like Kobe Bryant showing up at 4:00 am to shoot free throws."
"Clean tackle! Can’t wait to practice all offseason with no restrictions!"
"You can't teach people to run like that, you just have to have that instinct."
"This is why you lift all them weights, why you do all this and that's what Matt O'Grady has done."
"Eve is the man... I see improvement in my game."
"Let's make you a player that scores 20 goals a season but also gets 15 assists."
"Ryan Garcia knows who he is. Joe Goosen is the right kind of trainer for that." - Karen
"People associate complexity with effectiveness, but the All Blacks aren't doing stupid in the gym."
"Swinging missing with a great swing is better than contact with a poor swing."
"Embrace science. Let's take a scientific view of how you train athletes and maybe even how you teach them skills."
"Boxers have to be the most disciplined athletes in the world."
"Ricky Carmichael changed the game of training. He raised the bar to another level of nutrition, fitness, straight being a badass every time he got on the bike."
"You're going to want to run that extra 10 yards, that sprint, that extra look."
"Footwork is the key to being a good shooter."
"Practice against legend and elite teams for a challenge! Perfect your skills before the big games!"
"Once you get the first two tricks down you kind of just get into a flow and it gets a lot easier."
"Even though he's not ready to start now, I think if we're just projecting his development Arc, I don't see why he can't be a starter in like two or three years."
"Premier League clubs have agreed to resume training this week after Bundesliga had success."
"SO our good friends over at GMBN spent a day training with Nino Schurter, by their accounts it nearly killled them."
"Fundamentals, you gotta put in that work." - LeBron's insistence on sticking to basics.
"You're gonna become a master of the short game."
"So work on those drills guys I think that's really going to help you to be a lot more consistent."
"Every single rep is important. You can't take any rep off because you don't know if that's gonna be the rep that can get you to the Superbowl in the end."
"Square to the target, and that's the way it is."
"The Mon Calamari and Quarren were able to drive off their imperial overlords, dedicating everything to the alliance."
"I wish I had your brain, it's just like, do you think I would have caught a touchdown pass at training camp if I didn't ask to?"
"And their dominance has made all the more remarkable when you consider their pack was the light of the two this is largely thanks to conditioning coach Alec Walters."
"The NFLPA is requesting to have virtual meetings during training camp. So I'm gonna run out, I'm gonna smash my face into dudes for three hours, three and a half hours, and then we're gonna go back to our dorm rooms and get on our computer."
"If you started a real racing career, would you just go out on the track to qualify or race without practicing?"
"It's a crucial part with obviously players coming back for pre-season."
"You're supposed to bang a ball, you come out to Snoop Youth Football, that's what we do."
"Make sure... knee over your toe... it's gonna bother your knee." - Billy Blanks
"Light on your feet... don't stay there long... be explosive." - Billy Blanks
"If it takes four good hours, okay? We're not running, we're not reacting upfield rush, is that how you rush?"
"You feel as though that when you trained so hard, you're the best in the world, you want to keep growing."
"When you take testosterone and steroids in general, it allows you to train harder. It doesn't make you superman."
"Summer league is like a confidence booster until you really gotta get into that 82 games."
"Every sport that there is a successful person has a coach."
"I'm just trying to evolve my game to be quick, to know what I've got to do when the ball comes to me."
"I'm trying to get you to become the best fighter you can become, and whatever that is, that is."
"I feel better on the field, more agile, quicker, more explosive."
"Man management is critical on the training ground to get the best out of the players in training and in turn give you better results on the field."
"Wrestling practice doesn't end, we're just rolling."
"A purposeful sports-specific warm-up to what we're going to be loading our body with during our training."
"A coach like him is going to add that back to his game."
"No matter how tall you my view the tallest guy on your team, please work on your ball handling."
"Love Devonta Freeman, the guy looks great in camp."
"It's almost worth it because of the mental toughness wrestlers develop from weight cutting."
"Training is everything, ends up happening, of course, in the 90 minutes, but all the work that is put in there..."
"If you have aspirations of playing at the Premier League level, you're going to get direct insight to how exactly they trained, how they eat, how they recover—everything."