
RPGs Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"What's an epic space RPG without a few essential tips and tricks to guide you along the way?"
"This is a very special game that says a lot about how to write and deliver immersive storytelling and how to build and entrench deep pen-and-paper inspired RPG systems."
"Having failure be as meaningful as success is an important lesson in RPG design that I expect many games will emulate in future."
"No game to this point has managed to recreate so faithfully the voice of the dungeon master, simultaneously guiding you through an adventure whilst throwing up roadblocks at every turn."
"It's a remarkable achievement that somehow manages to be both wildly popular while retaining the more niche design ethos of those old RPGs."
"A good story is really important for a great RPG."
"Regardless, it's clear that Baldur's Gate 3 is a phenomenal game and one of the finest RPGs ever made."
"Kingdom Come Deliverance is one of the few modern RPGs that I've really gotten attached to."
"RPGs, or role-playing games, are one of the biggest and most enduringly popular genres of game out there."
"RPGs, more so than any other kind of game, are all about getting you to care about your character or characters and the way that they can change or progress over time."
"Just as the Galapagos finches change shape and diverged over time, the adaptations and genetic history that brought them there never went away, and the same goes for the RPG."
"There's an attitude in the RPG hobby that says new games are sort of built upon the old foundations; they represent progress."
"Suikoden's 1 and 2 should be in every RPG fan's collection, be that physical or digital."
"Legend of Dragoon is right up there with some of the greatest in the genre."
"Golden Sun is the absolute perfect introductory RPG."
"It was the first game ever to use the term 'new game plus'—you know, the one that's become a staple in all modern day RPGs."
"This game was something special I think it's by far the best of the RPG games."
"I think we want to find a middle ground... where we can still have that core RPG element of permanent advancement of your character."
"It's all about the choices and consequences. All in all, grinding in RPGs has always felt grindy to me."
"Grand Blue Fantasy Relink is an action-packed RPG with stunning graphics, engaging combat, and high replay value."
"We're trying to save the beating heart of the RPG genre."
"Overall the lesson to be taken away from New Vegas is that this is a classic game that if you haven't experienced and if you're a fan of open-world RPGs you absolutely owe it to yourself to go back through this game and give it a shot."
"You owe it to yourself to experience this game, I don't care who you are or what games you've played before, it's phenomenal."
"Final Fantasy VII is one of my favorite games of all time."
"Fallout New Vegas is now regarded as one of the greatest RPGs of all time."
"This, by the way, is a part of the philosophy we've had all along for fifth edition."
"The abilities of the shadow sorcerer are just really well placed."
"RPGs is the freedom the player has to complete objectives in creative and interesting ways."
"As a huge RPG nerd myself, the first time I opened up the talent tree system, yeah, I was like, 'oh my gosh, this is speaking my love language.'"
"Alaloth Champions of the Four Kingdoms is attempting to relive classic RPGs from the 90s and early 2000s."
"It feels like entering into 2023 we kind of weren't really talking about Baldur's Gate 3."
"Classic RPGs aren't fun because they're overly complicated; they are fun because they allow you to tackle problems in creative ways."
"The RPG systems on display are like an RPG fan's wet dream."
"Stay positive, stay motivated, stay smiling... help one another please."
"The Witcher 3 is widely described and I could agree as one of the best RPGs of all time."
"RPGs aren't just about walking around finding things and fighting enemies. I like story-driven RPGs."
"It's just so impressive to have such a large RPG like in your hands playing it. It's really fucking cool."
"2021 is shaping up to be basically the year of RPGs."
"There's something undeniably charming and engaging about this RPG classic."
"Overall, Genshin Impact seems like a genuinely good free-to-play RPG."
"The series is inspired by classic RPGs like Baldur's Gate, Fallout, and Arcanum."
"Side quests become this omnipresent concept that you can't make an RPG without anymore."
"An all-new full-featured next-generation RPG in the launch window, that's what this is."
"Raid is one of the top three ranked RPGs on the Google Play Store."
"Mass Effect's groundbreaking choice-based systems and role-playing elements set the bar for many RPGs that followed."
"Vampires fall origins is a much more traditional RPG than you typically see on the phone and I think that's great."
"Another major component of RPGs is being whoever you want to be, starting wherever you want to start, and just in general doing whatever the [__] you want to do."
"Now that we have a unique character, a unique start, and the ability to find said character in our menus, we can now give her a voice."
"New Game Plus is mind-blowing... It's a common feature in a lot of RPGs, but I've never seen it incorporated into the story like it is here."
"It's an extreme sports game but it's so much more. It's an adventure RPG with skill-based gameplay and an engaging story."
"It's the most maximalist final battle in Western RPG history."
"Pairing a Master Freelancer or Beastmaster with Sub-Job Specialty 2 for the huge boost in stats."
"One of the most frequently suggested games I've ever received since then is Everhood - an Undertale inspired Indie RPG rhythm game comedy horror existential experience."
"If the subclass had no abilities but just said choose double the amount of spells for your sorcerer, would that be an S-tier subclass?"
"You kill a lot of random monsters (sometimes even humans) in every RPG and the consequences for this are never addressed. What if they were?"
"It's in fact better than a lot of single-player RPGs in its gameplay."
"Your character grows in power with level ups like in most RPGs."
"And believe me I've talked with you guys in the crossover there is pretty substantial like in both directions right like if you like big open-world RPGs like breath of the wild and Skyrim should be one in 1a on your list so absolutely awesome."
"Don't try sending us emails, though, 'cause I'll know if it's Christian or not."
"One of the best isometric RPGs that I have ever played."
"The fact you can just kill somebody outside of town for whatever reason is definitely very cool feeling that you don't get a lot of in RPGs."
"There's so much stuff to do, whereas in other RPGs you look nice but there's just not as much stuff to do."
"Mass Effect was still first and foremost an RPG."
"Survival games are great when you start putting in RPGs into it, I just get super into it."
"Skyrim might be to uh Skyrim is like the KFC of RPGs."
"Fallout New Vegas is a game that, in my opinion, changed the way RPGs got made."
"One of the best Final Fantasy games ever made."
"This is the story of how Todd Howard grew from a young college student unable to get a job as a designer to an experienced developer shepherding the creation of some of the biggest RPGs ever released."
"Not many people play RPGs for the gameplay... thankfully, Final Fantasy 10 more than delivers on that front."
"The gameplay still really tight and feels good to play which is something not many Western RPGs can boast."
"Fallout's rich fiction blended perfectly with Bethesda's immersive brand of first person fully 3d open world RPGs."
"It's masterful storytelling and writing which are the hearts and the soul of any great RPG."
"At their best, Final Fantasy games are sprawling, epic role-playing adventures with deeply satisfying character developments and engaging gameplay combat systems."
"Cyberpunk 2077... one of the best RPGs of all time."
"Animal Forest had three times the amount of text than the average RPG."
"Triangle Strategy had some of the most poignant and relatable themes of any RPG I've played."
"Baldur's Gate 3 is proof that we're in a golden age of RPGs."
"It's fascinating to watch a game like Baldur's Gate 3 find genuine mainstream success."
"Dragon Quest 11 is exactly the type of game I've been desperately looking for."
"Fire mages are ridiculous. Every time you crit twice in a row, you get a free instant cast pyroblast."
"This is a phenomenal RPG and as many of you have said in the comments, just like Alex, you're not an RPG guy and it's like yeah, this is the exception."
"Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition is unquestionably the greatest way to experience this gaming classic."
"Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition is easily one of the greatest RPGs available on the switch to date."
"It takes ideas from classic SNES titles like Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, even A Link To The Past and it innovates on them to make one of the most satisfying action RPGs I’ve ever played."
"Players are at the heart of everything that we're doing. Ultimately, ARPGs are about power fantasy."
"Parasite Eve might be Square's greatest non-final fantasy game."
"I like RPGs and I'm used to games that come out from Bethesda just full of bugs, and this isn't at that level."
"The resulting game to this day holds a reputation as one of the all-time great sequels in RPG history."
"It's hard to find a conversation about the PS2's best RPGs without Covenant being mentioned."
"Let's play some Pillars of Eternity, the spiritual successor to fantastic computer-based Dungeons & Dragons games."
"The early game in RPGs is very important for creating that sense of progression."
"This is one of the best RPGs that I've played as an old school action RPG fan dating all the way back to the Secret of Mana days."
"I honestly believe that this game has a good chance of being one of the top RPGs if not the top RPG of the decade."
"Book of Travels is an anti-RPG, flipping the genre on its head."
"Outer Worlds: Like Fallout, but better than all the recent fallouts, especially Fallout 76."
"Legitimately probably one of the greatest RPGs I have ever played."
"Final Fantasy opens up and gets more complex."
"Paper Mario is Nintendo's proof to everyone that the console is good enough for RPGs on cartridges."
"A saver take half ability makes sense if it's hard to avoid in the fiction entirely like the explosion of a fireball."
"...try those two games out, man, two humongous RPGs."
"I love RPGs too Kingdom Hearts uh shin Megami tensei and it's various spin-offs."
"Stories like these are why I love TableTop RPGs so much things could look dire but thinking outside the box no matter how slim the chances are could be all that stands between your party and total decimation."
"Numbers and values don't make an encounter cool; it's how the encounter unfolds and the memories that the players have when they leave it that's the most important thing."
"You need to balance cool encounters with everyday encounters; not every encounter should be cool."
"Geography is one of the easiest ways to make your combats cool, to make them exciting and to make them different."
"Backstories are the foundation of any good character in a tabletop RPG. They help to set the past, present, and future goals of a character and helps flesh them out so they feel unique."
"That has to be one of the most ridiculous reasons to not have someone join a campaign."
"You don't need to mutilate your DND rules into some unyielding monstrosity incapable of providing your table with the desired experience because there are other RPGs out there hundreds of them in the fantasy genre alone."
"It's funny how that culture influences how people perceive games, right? Like, D&D did so much for modern-day RPGs and modern-day gaming. It really established the idea of what we now see in video games."
"The Genesis did arcade games better, but the Super Nintendo had great RPGs."
"All right, children, pull up a chair and let me regale you with the story of a helpful comrade and how he helped completely break a DM from wanting to play RPGs ever again."
"I do think Baldur's Gate is a good winner for the industry just to prove to people that RPGs aren't dead."