
Judicial Review Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"We have very closely gone through the factors that the Casey court itself went through in starry decisis."
"Any president is above the law, that his actions no matter what they are—ministerial, discretionary, or official, or criminal—cannot be reviewed by a court."
"Trent provided a three-prong test and his own claim fails all three prongs."
"All of this evidence... will cause the court to say whoa wait a minute."
"The deal that they made was so corrupt that they had to go to a special magistrate to sign off on it. And basically what that deal did is it exonerated everyone. It exonerated the procurers, it exonerated the perpetrators."
"It's statistically impossible for this to happen and somehow this is being accepted and not only is it being accepted, it's being accepted without judges being willing to look at the evidence."
"The Supreme Court gave itself the power of judicial review."
"The judge said, 'You know I got up at 6 a.m and I reviewed all of Dr. Shiva's evidence - this lawsuit will be taught in every constitutional law class."
"Our committee had the opportunity last spring to present much of our evidence to a federal judge."
"The Canadian Supreme Court began tossing out laws deemed unconstitutional."
"One of the most significant events in the past six months has been the refusal of the courts to contemplate a judicial review."
"Marbury vs. Madison: the Supreme Court rules a federal law unconstitutional."
"The Colorado Supreme Court's decision yesterday was judicial Masterpiece of in constitutional interpretation of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. The opinion and the decision are unassailable and irrefutable." - Judge Ludig
"The Supreme Court heard arguments in the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization case, potentially overturning Roe v. Wade."
"Experience teaches us that a justice's tenure, that their jurisprudence is assessed and measured in decades, not in individual years."
"If we think that the prior precedents are seriously wrong, why then doesn't the history of this court's practice with respect to those cases tell us what the right answer is?"
"The courts have rejected all of the evidence that was presented... it's just mind-boggling."
"An unlawful policy can't be saved by the possibility that a lawful policy could be written."
"There's nothing that stops this court from ruling on the facial validity of this policy because it plainly lacks a legitimate sweep."
"In the end, the judge said, 'I find it admissible. Not only do I find it admissible, I think it's some of the best forensic testimony that I've ever seen, and the jury is going to be very, very interested in this testimony.'"
"The verdict is going to be reviewed by the higher court and that's appropriate again they have the right to have that process as well."
"The evidence does not conclusive whatsoever, this is probably one of the weakest prosecutions I've ever seen in my professional experience."
"It's very hard for a law to pass strict scrutiny."
"I think I would like to revisit the case one day with a lot more of the more Nuance I hope I wish I had learned in the process."
"If the defense puts it up to the Appellate Court and says none of that stuff should have come in and they believe that's why he was convicted and the Appellate Court agrees that stuff should not have come in then it would get overturned."
"If a law can be unconstitutional, then a Supreme Court ruling can also be unconstitutional."
"I don't think everything raised in the defendant's Motions demands an evidentiary hearing."
"Biden has been decent in filling vacant seats in the judiciary, but with the direction the Supreme Court is heading in, it needs a much stronger confrontation with the court and the idea of judicial review in general."
"The Court should find a straightforward First Amendment violation under Bantam Books."
"Did they Prejudice the trial enough to make it a reversible error?"
"You can't say that because McClellan was a 35-foot buffer zone and here we have a 10-foot buffer zone that oh well this is smaller that's okay."
"Is it an infringement as it was understood at the writing at the founding or not? If it is, it's unconstitutional and invalid."
"The whole thing has to go." - Possibility of Judge Canon dismissing the case.
"The bottom line is any law that comes in conflict with [the Constitution]... it's repugnant to the United States Constitution."
"An appeal was filed by Jason's defense team after the conviction arguing that the judgment from the civil case and the arrangements for custody of little Cassidy should never have been admitted at the second trial."
"The nearest to a slam dunk appeal I have ever seen."
"I do think it is entirely appropriate that this go to the Supreme Court for them to say listen this is the meaning of the text this is how it's determined this is the standard going forward."
"When the Supreme Court has overturned previous decisions, they have done so to expand rights, not to contract them."
"When a private corporation exercises public power, its decisions are subject to judicial review."
"The existing principle of the rule of law as understood in this country for the last three or four hundred years has involved the ability of the court to say that the decision that a clause does not protect somebody who is going outside its path."
"There is nothing at all odd, unusual, or normatively dangerous, let alone normatively revolutionary, in the court through the common law based upon the rule of law developing and creating the tools of judicial review with Parliament having the last word as it always does."
"When the court developed those principles of judicial review then of course they are mindful of the legislation and of course they are mindful of fitting tools of judicial review into the legislation and into and take account of the relationship between courts and Parliament."
"Under this court's well-established jurisprudence, the court looks to the three prong test articulated in Lemon Vs Kurtzman to assess the constitutionality of a given government action."
"If a law violates a constitutional right, it's unconstitutional and has to be struck down."
"It's a legal question for a court but takes account of the Practical effects of the law."
"If you explain why it is that you think a right means something, it becomes a falsifiable proposition."
"The proper role of judicial review is to keep government within its powers."
"The court has always reviewed the merits of claims brought by American citizens constitutional claims."
"Marbury v. Madison establishes judicial review."
"Judicial review is basically just a recognition of the supremacy of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land."
"He's entitled to review this under the standards of judicial review."
"Marbury v. Madison is going to establish judicial review."
"The judge said that the conviction was demonstrably flawed."
"Marbury V Madison established the Court's main power of judicial review."
"The Supreme Court... can use their power of judicial review to decide if a law is constitutional or not."
"The Supreme Court can check the laws of Congress by deeming any law that they pass to be unconstitutional."
"Cases that go back from judicial review have a very high chance of being approved."
"If you think those refusals do not make sense, you may have a good chance to get a judicial review."
"They applied the original meaning of the constitution: judicial review."