
Abortion Rights Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"Roe recognized that states have interests that exist from the outset of pregnancy but with respect to this specific right to abortion, there are profound liberty interests of the woman on the other side of the scale."
"We therefore hold that the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey must be overruled."
"69% of Americans say they do not want the court to overturn Roe v. Wade."
"Banning abortion at any stage of pregnancy denies a person the fundamental right to control their own body."
"A majority of Americans, nearly 60%, oppose overturning Roe."
"Our most recent numbers here at NBC finds 63% of Americans didn't think that the court should overturn Roe."
"Abortion is health care, and a majority of Americans support abortion rights."
"There are communities of people who absolutely do not want abortions...and there are other people who believe in the right for a person or a woman to choose, and I also believe that that is right as well."
"That legislation signed today by California's governor protects anyone seeking abortions in California from civil actions in other states."
"This decision was intended to throw scalding acid into the face of people who feel strongly about abortion rights."
"Virginia is the last bastion of voting of abortion protections in the south."
"In conservative Kansas, voters rejecting an amendment that would have removed abortion protections from the state constitution."
"Abortion rights are now enshrined into our state constitution."
"And Roe vs. Wade, if not dead, is on life support."
"Abortion is your right and it is still legal."
"This is about putting on the record and demonstrating to Americans whose side the United States Senate is on when it comes to protecting the most fundamental of freedoms the ability to control and have autonomy over your own body."
"Essentially an unconstitutional abortion ban."
"Women could completely lose their access to abortion care."
"Shame on Donald Trump and the United States Supreme Court."
"If Roe were overturned, large swaths of America could return to an era in which fetuses were protected and life is cherished."
"It actually leads to abortion rights being written into federal law."
"Just do whatever it takes to make sure that we can still have abortions anywhere we want. That's how important it is to them. Pure abby. It's pure unadulterated evil."
"Arizona long a republican stronghold now the latest State on track to get a constitution Amendment on the November ballot creating a fundamental right to abortion." - News Anchor
"Donald Trump is the reason Roe ended. If you reelect me, I'll be the reason why it's restored."
"Arizona one of 21 states to ban or severely restrict abortion rights since the Supreme Court overturned roie Wade. This is 2024 not the 1800s and we're not going back." - Mary Bruce
"Every single one of these dudes were like, 'States rights for abortion,' which was already [__] and now they're like, 'Why no federal level restriction?'"
"Getting rid of Roe v Wade was an incredible thing for pro-life."
"I am not a lawyer. I do not even pretend to be one on TV. But I do have questions about the law, about the United States Supreme Court putting us back in the days of abortion being illegal in this country."
"It has never been more crucial to protect abortion providers."
"Let's just call it abortion and that helps to begin to destigmatize it."
"Planned Parenthood spent 30 million to help the Democrats win back the house... why am I forced to fund them with my money?"
"In sum, the Constitution is neutral on the issue of abortion and allows the people and their elected representatives to address the issue through the democratic process."
"The majority puts the court at the center of the coming inter-jurisdictional abortion wars."
"I believe that abortion is health care and I will defend it."
"If you don't like abortion then don't have one, but don't dictate what others should do."
"If you ever want an example as to how electoralism can make a difference look at which states are about to pass total abortion bans."
"We've got to stand up Republicans are Banning abortion rights tearing down democracy blocking progress."
"Abortion is health care and no one should have to leave their communities or travel hundreds or thousands of miles to get what is basic healthcare."
"Withholding abortion care is a deviation from the medical standard of care practiced in the United States and worldwide."
"The opinion recognized that women do in fact have the right to terminate their pregnancy at certain times."
"Abortion is central to a person's ability to make economic choices for themselves and their families."
"Abortion rights are extremely important and they do largely affect women but that's not the only group of people they affect."
"Republicans in Idaho are set to ban interstate travel for abortion for some of their citizens."
"Abortion and abortion rights are just a big giant sign that says we don't really care about no kids."
"Unless you're reading it as some kind of dog whistle for anti-abortion supporters, it's pretty reasonable."
"If abortions aren't safe, then you aren't either."
"On abortion I think that rather than crafting legislation to somehow codify Roe, Congress should devote its energy to it has complaining the power to regulate interstate commerce."
"I think that we should have the right to have an abortion even if a fetus is a person."
"We do need to expand the court which is why we do need to codify Roe v. Wade and ensure access to abortion for all people."
"If you have a vibrant, thriving democracy where the right to vote is respected, you do not end up with a total abortion ban with no exception for rape or incest."
"What matters is that you cannot give a right to a fetus that no other human has, which is the right to use someone else's body without express and ongoing consent."
"It's going to affect everyone every republicans are going to push for a federal abortion ban exactly they're already talking about it and it doesn't really matter then where you live..."
"Respect the expertise of abortion providers."
"If they overturn Roe, that would further weaken its justice on the right."
"We are not going to have a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe vs. Wade."
"26 states are expected to ban or severely restrict abortion rights in wake of the Supreme Court's ruling."
"A bill to guarantee abortion rights nationwide was defeated for the second time this year."
"How kicking this back to giving the rights back to the states to determine their own abortion, how that is sexual fascism?"
"There is nothing in the constitution that says that a woman has a right to take the life of her baby."
"Let's take the win here. That the 81y old Catholic President stood in the state of the union and said that if you sent him a law to restore roe Wade that he would sign it right."
"Abortion is the foundation of everything they've torn down."
"The idea that a mother has the right to abort her baby for any reason whatsoever is plainly insane."
"The best case scenario is abortion essentially remains legal and a battle."
"We can't afford to return to backstreet abortions."
"Abortion rights became associated with the second wave feminist movement and the advancement of women's rights."
"It's not about whether abortion is right or wrong it's about whether or not women shall have control over their bodies."
"Right now, support for legal abortion is at 64%. That is nearly 10 points higher than it was just over a decade ago."
"You can't be surprised that the people who were put here to overturn abortion ultimately overturned abortion."
"People who have abortions are our future and we deserve to be in leadership in this movement."
"People are going to die if we make abortion illegal."
"Now we have an 81-year-old Catholic guy as president who's never been a personal fan of abortion but opened his State of the Union by promising to stake his political capital on guaranteeing access to abortion Nationwide."
"Nobody supports abortion, but I support a woman's right to choose."
"Roe v. Wade rightly left the choice to the individual. I agree with leaving the choice to the individual."
"President Trump's assertion that the Supreme Court returned the issue of abortion solely to the states is a completely inaccurate reading..."
"I've had it with all of these governments banning abortion, getting into Women's Health Care."
"Mississippi is more liberal than France about abortion. Roe v. Wade was right."
"Democrats must now end the filibuster in the Senate, codify Roe v. Wade, and once again make abortion legal and safe."
"It's pro-choosing the right to have an abortion if you feel that's necessary."
"The overturning of Roe v. Wade does not ban abortions nationwide... all it does is send the power back to the state."
"I support a woman's right to choose what she feel is right for her, even if it's killing the baby, I support a woman's right to choose."
"Roe v Wade was an incredible thing for pro-life."
"Abortion is okay. Abortion is common. Abortion is health care. Abortion is necessary."
"Basically half of Republicans said they were more likely to support candidates who support abortion rights."
"It's absolutely essential that we center the issue of abortion here."
"Abortion should be decided by the mother, doctor, and conscience."
"Seems like everyone needs it, not just women. People with uteruses get abortions, trans people get abortions, trans men and non-binary people, people of all genders get abortions. Love you, huh?"
"Lots and lots of people profoundly and earnestly disagree with the pro-life side."
"Even if you personally would never get an abortion and you never want to even think about getting one, other people also deserve to have that choice."
"You only want to force people to have babies they don't want and you don't actually care about it because you've proven time and time again here that you don't even know exactly what a baby is."
"Colorado just defeated prop 115 which was a ban on late term abortion."
"Abortion is health care and abortion must continue."
"Abortion is about autonomy, in this case bodily autonomy."
"Any elected representative who wants to undermine the right that women have to bodily autonomy, especially via abortion, there should obviously be outrage."
"Can roe v-- wade be overturned? The non simple answer is yes but it is complicated."
"Abortion is unconstitutional and the Supreme Court should overturn it."
"Before Roe v Wade... abortion was left up to the state... Now, what's interesting about that... is that there's this ongoing experiment."
"The Women's Protection Act would codify Roe v. Wade into law."
"This is going to make abortion illegal in most of the country in much of the country instantly and potentially in all of the country soon."
"You can get an abortion for any reason because you should not be made to be pregnant if you don't want to be pregnant. Period."
"Abortion is about an individual's autonomy and sovereignty saying I'm going to terminate this pregnancy what happens to the fetus is a separate question."
"Millions of Arizonans will soon live under an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban."
"This ruling is a result of the extreme agenda of Republican elected officials."
"Abortion cannot just be theoretically legal; it has to be literally accessible."
"There are conditions where an abortion is literally the only thing to save the life of the mother. That happens quite frequently."
"Tonight, the Supreme Court hearing the biggest challenge to abortion rights in decades."
"If we kept fighting it, if we kept marching, if we kept showing up, if we kept telling people the truth about abortion and the truth about life, we can change the Playbook."
"I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country. I have since the time that my mom took that position when she ran in 1970 as a U.S Senate candidate."
"Mexico's Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide."
"If your view on abortion requires that men and women not be explicitly equal, you may want to rethink your view on abortion."
"I'm Trixie Mattel, and I would like people in Texas to be able to get abortions."
"Limiting access to abortions does not mean not having abortions. It means life-threatening back procedures done to women in desperation. This means dead women."
"A new front has opened in the nation's ongoing battle over abortion rights."
"New York is the gate where abortion came to the continent."
"Everywhere that abortion was on the ballot, the pro-choice position won."
"50 years of the legal termination of innocent life will now come to an end across major portions of this country."
"For me, again, shows you how crazy these people are. No exceptions for rape or incest."
"Abortion should be on demand, free, and no apology...a human right."
"They want to outlaw the procedure and lock up the people and potentially kill the people who help you."
"Moves on the state level to restrict abortions hitting legal obstacles."
"Kentucky is the first state with no legal access to abortion since Roe vs. Wade in 1973."
"The left is very bitter about the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision overruling Roe versus Wade, and they're trying to do whatever they can in a desperate, angry way to strike out, to lash out in every direction."
"I'm pro-choice, but this whole thing is making me more pro-life."
"62 percent say abortion should be legal in all or most cases."
"The idea that these Republicans... would be perfectly fine with these vets... killing people in the line of duty but you cannot have control over your own body... it's just one front in the anti-abortion war."
"Roe v. Wade is a dead letter in Texas today."
"It's the extremism of the position that if you're raped or a victim of incest there's nothing you can do about it."
"That same bible says that god gives us hands and he teaches our hands how to war."
"Pro-choice? Well, that's at least a good start."
"The constitutional right so-called to abortion does not exist in the United States Constitution. That is what the court decided."
"Abortion really is healthcare, and it's completely antithetical to freedom to limit healthcare choices of our population."
"The Republicans have been really clear that if they get back into power, they're gonna do a nationwide abortion ban."
"We are not in a safe state; they have already forecasted their playbook for a nationwide abortion ban."
"Roe v wade struck down laws prohibiting abortion on the grounds that they were a violation of a woman's right to privacy."
"I am pro-choice I am not pro-abortion I am pro-choice I don't believe that the government has the right to say that you can't do this with your body."
"So for me, the stronger argument for abortion rights has always been an equality argument."
"You don't have the right to tell a 14-year-old girl she has to carry her rapist baby."
"A massive PR firm that represents high-profile corporations like Coca-Cola, Netflix, and Starbucks is privately advising its clients to avoid commenting on abortion rights. Which company will ignore their guidance? I am rooting for Netflix."
"The front lines are led by those who have had an abortion."
"I believe that it is absolutely right that a woman should have the right to a safe and legal abortion."
"France makes history by enshrining abortion rights in its Constitution."
"The United States Supreme Court rules in Roe vs. Wade that a woman cannot be prevented by a state from having an abortion during the first six months of pregnancy."
"The heavy turnout for an August primary that typically favors Republicans was a major victory for abortion rights advocates."