
Divine Right Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"You do not inherit poverty. Squalor, lack, and want have nothing whatever to do with God's children."
"It's reminding you of your divine right to be happy, your divine path which hopefully you're aligning to."
"The Divine Right to rule has been passed down through millennia, a seed line that winds its way to the modern monarchs, royal families, prime ministers, popes, and presidents."
"It's the deception of the enemy to cause us to think we can't hear from God. It's your birthright."
"You cannot miss out on what is yours by divine right."
"We know you're imperfect, God's Grace and Mercy gives you the right to stand on his truth."
"He did believe in the Divine Right of Kings, he believed he was placed there by God through history."
"The Mandate of Heaven is a crucial element of the historical Chinese psyche."
"You have some type of divine sovereignty over your life. Say so."
"Enter Nathan the prophet, always at a pivotal time when the kingdom is at stake."
"The Lord reserved unto himself the right of nomination."
"The purpose of government was not to bestow rights but to protect those rights already endowed upon human beings by God."
"Authority belongs to us. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places at the right hand of the Father."
"The divine right of kingship that he was anointed by God to rule."
"It should be the end of constitutional monarchy, and go back to just 'monarchy'. Divine right of kings."
"She also truly believed that she had been brought to the throne by divine intervention and this suppressed any doubts or insecurities she may have had."
"Remembered today as Queen Elizabeth the first of England."
"Elizabeth truly believed that she had been brought to the throne by divine intervention."
"Charles believed he was simply carrying out his role as a divinely anointed Monarch."
"We don't have to be pushed around, we have been given authority."
"Our freedom comes from God, not from any other person or government."
"You have the power, and God has given you authority."
"You make them feel empowered, and their higher self wants you to know that union is your god-given right."
"Now they see your value now they know who you are these blessings we have these blessings we have for you belong to you no one can block your blessings no one can take what we give you this is your Birthright."
"Sovereignty is something that God gave us, He gave us our freedom."
"It is the right of God the Maker to give and to take human life, it is not our individual right to make this choice."
"More than a ritualistic formality, this momentous act of worship, prayer, and sacrifice helped to establish and define the emperor's divine right to rule."
"He reveals a respect for divine right of kings... a most sacrilegious murder."
"You have rights and privileges as a child of God, but this is about your assignment and responsibility to the king."
"You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above."
"Then shall women reign by divine right, a queen in the resplendent realm of her glorified state, even as exalted man shall stand priest and king unto the Most High God."
"Private property comes from God Almighty. Confiscation of your private property is coming to pay for covetousness and idolatry."
"Jesus has the right authority to raise the dead and judge the dead."
"God says lay claim on the fact that my son is at the father's right hand. Amen."
"You deserve it by right of Consciousness, by your divine right as a Son of God."
"Which kingdom he obtained and enjoyed as a thing by God elected, and provided, and by his special favor and gracious aspect, compassed and achieved."
"By the ordinance and sufferance of God we are King of England, and King of England in times past have had no superior but God alone."
"Thrones, dominations, princedoms, virtues, powers... hear my decree which unrevoked shall stand."
"His authority derived directly from God and it was to God only who he was responsible for his actions when he died."
"As many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become sons of God."
"O King, the Most High God gave Nebuchadnezzar your father kingship and greatness and glory and majesty."
"He accomplished for us the complete cleansing of sins, and then took his seat on the highest throne at the right hand of the majestic one."
"Sickness is not my portion; perfect soundness is my portion from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet."
"King David was selected as a Divine appointment to be king."
"The word sovereignty means His right to rule as He pleases."
"The emperor claimed to have received his right and his power directly from God."
"Doesn't God have the right to tell us how to live? If there's a God, doesn't He have the ability and right to tell us how He wants us to function according to our design?"
"Speak of Allah's greatness because it is the right of Allah."
"All sin is an offense against God, therefore forgiveness is God's prerogative alone."
"Go to God as a son of God or as a daughter of God, and demand your divine birthright."
"However, the kingdom has been turned over and has become my brother's for it was his from Jehovah."
"Prayer is simply communicating with Him; everyone has the right for that, and nobody can prevent it."
"Everything just naturally comes to you by divine right."
"The greater the sinner, the more right he has to my mercy."
"The Divine rights of Kings or absolutism... meant that they believed that the king's rights and privileges were derived from God."
"It is your birthright... the crown indeed is upon the head of the worthy seeker."
"The monarchs of the Medieval Era held the solemn belief that they were chosen and protected by God."
"The wealth of this planet is for God's kids."
"The Mandate of Heaven is a well-known concept in Chinese history, symbolizing the belief that a king's power is granted by divine forces."
"Anyone could see the Mandate of Heaven had clearly shifted."
"God has the right to say no, like any good father would."
"All who received Him, Christ gave the right to be children of God."
"God reserves the right to exercise mercy and He doesn't violate His justice."
"The kings of ancient Persia claimed that their right to rule came directly from their god, Ahura Mazda."
"What is mine by divine right can never be taken from me, God's perfect plan for me is built upon a rock."
"Do not forget that I am your sovereign king, ordained by God to rule his people."
"To all who did receive, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God."
"Intimacy with God is a god-given birthright for all humanity."
"God is giving you power, rule, dominion, as a child of God, and that's the authority you have."
"Prosperity is yours now; just take it and take your authority and begin to cooperate with the things of God."
"She's an Archduke candidate with a God's Divine mandate and knowledge on how to become king."
"A king, any King, was regarded as having received his power from God, Divine rule."
"Infinite Spirit open the way for great abundance for [name]. She is an irresistible magnet for all that belongs to her by divine right."
"There has always been a small subset of the population who believe they have been granted the right to kill from God."
"Everything that goes along with you being a child of God comes into your domain and into your life."
"But as many received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name."
"God has a right to be jealous over us, and his jealousy is pure, holy, and motivated out of his perfect love for each of us."
"It's your divine right to claim this peace for you and for everybody else."
"The divine right of kings is not correct."
"As a child of God, as an heir of God, I have access to it."
"In the kingdom of God, every citizen is the Royal Family."
"If I sin against God and the creation at the same time, and I give the creation back his right, the Creator has the right to forgive me."
"The concept of absolutism goes hand in hand with religion and divine right of a particular individual, whether it be by birth or by might, to rule over others."
"It's God's right to elect his people."
"To all who received him, to those who believed on his name, he gave the right to become children of God."
"All that the Father hath is yours," said Jesus.
"God of ages, Lord of Time, mine is the right to be wrong."
"The only form of government that was ever sanctioned by God in the Church is monarchy."
"The most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom, majesty, glory, and honor."
"You would have no authority over me unless it was given to you from above."
"You are God's child, baby, and you deserve to be blessed."
"You're living beneath your privileges as a child of God."
"All authority that exists is ordained of God."
"God wants me well; healing belongs to me because of what Jesus has done."
"You have the god-given right to be called a child of God."
"You are His sheep; you have a right to hear His voice and to be led by Him."
"He truly was a perfect monarch, anointed by God to rule his realm."
"The kingdom of God and His righteousness belong to you."
"You are a child of God, given His power and authority, and you are not helpless or hopeless."
"You, like all of God's children, deserve happiness, health, and love."
"With every cell in my being, I want you to know the best years to come are waiting for you, and they are yours by divine right."
"Everything is finally working in your Divine Right, in your Divine favor."
"Trust that it's your divine right to connect to spirit because it is."