
Power Systems Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Society compels us to repeat patterns and roles associated with certain identities, ultimately forcing people to live limited lives where their actions only end up representing the dominant systems of power."
"Nen is not the world's most beginner-friendly power system to grasp."
"It is arguably one of the most fully fleshed out Power Systems in anime."
"With Mjolnir, the power source would reside in the suit itself, a major breakthrough."
"The idea of systemic racism is that it goes so deep it goes beyond just the formal state, the informal power systems that we have in our society."
"Bleach has a hugely versatile and expressive power system wherein every major character has a truly unique ability."
"Philosophers have always been the small voices calling large and Powerful systems into question."
"The reason there's gonna be a billion motivational views today on YouTube is that people love the feeling of being motivated. They don't like putting in the work to do something about the feeling."
"The power system is only truly amazing when it doesn't just incorporate how different fighters can use different powers, but where the power system itself is contingent on the core themes of the series itself."
"It's the danger of human nature of systems of power and how people will rise up in them looking for any opening they can to push the line further in their direction."
"We can't ensure the reliability of the bulk power system... without ensuring reliability of the natural gas pipeline..."
"The mark of any incredible power Shonen is a power system you can remember."
"While hockey can interfere or enhance many devil fruit abilities, hockey is not the only power system that crosses over with devil fruits."
"Every great anime needs a well-crafted power system."
"What do you imagine the CIA and the FBI and other comparable organizations in your nation are set up for? To ensure the system, whether that's the state or corporate power and its globalist ends, can continue uninterrupted."
"The power isn't so much dependent on the motor or the stator inside the motor as much as the controller and the BMS and the battery that's driving it."
"A good power system has clear rules and limitations."
"Consistency is another key element in creating a well-written power system."
"Power Systems contribute to the richness and depth of your fictional World."
"Creativity and uniqueness is another way to help your power system Stand Out."
"Devil fruits are a central part of the power system in one piece."
"It really does feel like Takashi sat himself down and is like okay I'm gonna make like the power systems and all power systems."
"Nothing's really surpassed a lot of things were hunter Hodor and to me it's still kind of the zenith of bottle systems."
"Yu Yu Hakusho is such a simple system but it's beautiful in its simplicity."
"Black Clover's power system is my favorite. It's complex, interesting, and makes power scaling entertaining."
"Quirks and Cursed Energy: Navigating the blurred lines between power systems."
"The Power Electronics is really the beauty and the elegance of the MegaPack."
"Capacitor banks are often used to help bring current and voltage back into sync, providing reactive power."
"His drawback is completely circumvented by actually knowing your power, but that's why I like Power Systems like that because like I have a drawback, a balance or whatever, but I'm good enough to now use that to my advantage, you know?"
"Truth and power are linked in a circular relationship with systems of power."
"Nen is one of the best power systems, if not the best power system I've seen across all of anime."
"Dust storms on Mars... are definitely a threat and you're going to need a backup power system capable of getting you through a dust storm."
"Black Clover is quite honestly a master class when it comes to a power system that evolves and changes as the universe around it evolves and changes."
"...systems of domination and structures of power and patriarchy have long fed the production of glaciological knowledge."
"Maintaining a stable and secure operation of a power system is therefore very important and a challenging issue."
"HVDC systems can be used to quickly change DC power and release reactive power into the AC side of the system."
"If we look at our typical techniques we use to model and evaluate three-phase power systems, we can do a pretty good job of analyzing steady-state and even some transient conditions for all sorts of power conditions."
"The power equipment division provides systems for converting nuclear, solar, and chemical energy to electrical power with emphasis on its use in space vehicles."
"My goal here today is to provide you with a quick and easy reference for you to build your own full-time power setup."
"Transient stability analysis enables engineers to accurately simulate power system dynamics and transients."
"ETA is essentially a platform for design, analysis, as well as operation control and automation of power systems."
"Free speech isn't about getting to say the n-word on the internet; it's important that we have the space for dissenting opinions about systems of power."
"The function of protective relaying is to immediately remove any component of a power system when it suffers a fault."
"The preferred practice is that adjacent protective zones overlap around the circuit breaker."
"The relay must be sensitive enough to operate under the minimum conditions expected in any power system."
"For a protection scheme to perform properly, it must be reliable."
"Power Electronics has an important role in modern technology."
"By definition, a microgrid is a power system which can operate in islanded mode, not connected to the grid, to have its frequency and voltage support."
"Reliable, secure, and efficient operation of power systems is becoming increasingly important due to drastic changes in technology and industry structure."
"We're building a 50 megawatt, 200 megawatt-hour distributed virtual power plant using Tesla lithium-ion batteries."
"At its core, Homer has a simulation engine; it simulates the operation of an electric power system for one year, hour by hour or minute by minute."
"Everything you need to know to run the power grid, everything you need to know to make motors and all that great stuff, everything you need to know to make integrated circuits."
"Wind energy systems convert this kinetic energy into more useful forms of power."
"In the optimal power flow problem, we're going to minimize a cost function taking into account the constraints that impact the system."
"Voltage stability is the ability of the power system to maintain an acceptable voltage both under normal operating conditions and after contingency conditions as well."
"Operation at or near the stability limit risks a large-scale blackout."
"This is what we call more advanced plot designer and this actually lets you get into a little bit more detail to plot things."