
Technological Achievement Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"Starship...successfully made it to orbit, becoming, I believe, the largest spacecraft ever launched into orbit."
"I think we'll be remembered in thousands of years...as perhaps the most incredible technological feat of humans of our time."
"I believe AlphaZero is one of the most important accomplishments in the history of artificial intelligence."
"Seeing [the Falcon boosters land] in front of me changes a person. It changes you, it changes your entire perception of reality and what can be."
"The ability to land a manned craft on the moon was viewed as being both a technical and national accomplishment."
"This is phenomenal time Del go go Delta go what a beautiful machine."
"Mega Man Legends crammed a large open world onto the original PlayStation."
"We can now say that human beings have thrown a rotorcraft on another planet."
"I could not be more proud of the Commercial Crew Program and the SpaceX team and the NASA team and what they've been able to do to enable reliable, safe, effective transportation to and from station."
"This is the most powerful rocket ever made, over twice as powerful as the Saturn V."
"Despite her somewhat disastrous end, however, for a first-of-her-kind vehicle, the Snow Freighter had proved itself as highly capable in the environments that she had been designed for."
"When you actually go back and look at Killer Instinct, it is one of the greatest technical feats amongst the Super Nintendo's entire library."
"Certain bugs within the Xbox 360 CPU were fixed by Sony Engineers, which is just absolutely phenomenal."
"It just feels impossible that human beings made this and they did it in five years...it is a technological and artistic Marvel."
"Both boosters are down. Look at that. Boosters at the landing zone successfully landing the side cores. You'll love to see it, and you love to hear it."
"It is amazing how little time it takes to get to space."
"So far we've had an on-time liftoff, completed the first reflight of a fairing, the first time that we've flown and landed a first stage booster, and we also did confirm nominal insertion or good orbit of the second stage."
"We are now the king of ventilators all over the world... thousands being made a week and they're very high quality."
"Ridge Racer came remarkably close to capturing the arcade experience at home."
"Ready to launch the Transporter 2 mission into a sun synchronous orbit."
"The visual effects for Dante's Peak are fantastic and still look incredible today."
"At that speed, it will take the craft just three-and-a-half days to reach the edge of the solar system."
"Ingenuity's achievements are nothing short of remarkable."
"It's not quite the Tardis hurtling through the Galaxy but it is an unimaginable achievement and one that will be surpassed sooner than we think."
"For the First time ever Humanity has changed the orbit of a planetary body."
"To now be able to not just beat that product but smash well past it to compete with Nvidia's recently released flagship is extremely impressive."
"Seeing this rocket actually take off was mind-blowing."
"It's amazing that this worked... a testament to all of the technology and work that folks at NASA are doing."
"Samsung has done an incredible job with the Galaxy Watch 4 Classic."
"Using brilliant technological feats, Alexander eventually captured the island."
"Going almost double the most powerful rocket in the world is kind of a pretty big milestone."
"13 launches and landings with this one touching down successfully yet again on the drone ship A Shortfall of Gravitas."
"It's always awesome to see a rocket go up and to know there's an incredible amount of science equally going up on that vehicle."
"The Merge was indeed an incredible technical feat."
"I'm not sure I can fully express just how impressed I am with these special effects in this movie."
"It's an incredibly complex machine and an absolute amazing feat of engineering."
"Wonderful! How good is that? We've already filtered out all the videos..."
"Sputnik... a stunning technical achievement."
"Completing the first ever full stack of ship 24 and booster 7."
"It's amazing that game streaming works at all, period. It's impressive that it does and a little scary for gaming in general."
"Though it was only operational for half a decade, the sea darts racked up a remarkable number of flight hours."
"Virgin Galactic just completed a manned test flight to the edge of space."
"Elon Musk is finally reveling as his Ultra ambitious prediction about the Tesla Model y becoming the best selling car in the world has come true."
"Liberating PC gaming from Windows is really quite a remarkable achievement."
"A new technological milestone for Sips Co Games."
"Using the limited technological power at his disposal, Carmel managed to save millions of his fellow citizens during one of the darkest chapters in human history."
"Our Dragon spacecraft has been making trips to the space station for seven years now and today it's still the only vehicle flying that can deliver significant cargo both to and from the orbiting lab."
"Falcon Heavy demo mission was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen."
"How freakin cool is that? That makes me so happy."
"Why do you think the SR-71 was the greatest spy plane we've ever seen? The fact that it's been in service for over 30 years, I can't deny that."
"A successful landing for the space plane and the carrier aircraft will be making its way back down now."
"If you fuel up an entire Falcon or Starship in orbit in low Earth orbit and get it totally full to the brim, you will have enough energy to do an injection and do your lunar flyby."
"Rocket launch was a freaking amazing, I'm still so stunned at how insane that was."
"Voyager 1 and 2 are still in operation and have now accomplished something that no other man-made object has ever managed before: the advance into Interstellar space."
"The event horizon project shows the power of collaboration."
"All 27 engines of the Falcon heavy putting down 5.1 million pounds of thrust."
"They just defeated all these sanctions and all these restrictions in China just won the Chip War."
"Cargo Dragon takes flight continuing a busy year of deliveries to a crew of seven aboard the International Space Station."
"Watching it again, I was impressed with how many elements did hold up in terms of technology, size, scale, and performances. You legit feel the effort with every frame. It, in no way, feels like a lazy movie."
"50 customer launches, 100 Starlink missions - mind-blowing!"
"Pulling this off in 50 hours it's mind-blowing."
"An incredible achievement by SpaceX and no doubt a historic moment for the Spaceflight Industry."
"Cyrix's 6x86 P-200 became the fastest x86 based CPU in the world."
"It's freaking amazing... it's the culmination of all their hard work."
"To this day the most powerful vehicle ever constructed by human beings was the Saturn V rocket for the Apollo missions"
"Starship has actually finally launched on its second flight."
"We are launching a Saturn five and I am very happy about it."
"The Starlink satellites move incredibly fast, around 27,000 kilometers per hour, and data is being sent back and forth between them at hundreds of megabits per second."
"I am now finally able to run every game I've got at 60 frames. Thank God!"
"The grid is a giant, complicated machine. It's one of the most uniquely human achievements we've accomplished."
"SpaceX lands boosters all the time. Boeing, however, landed their Starliner after a few days docked at the International Space Station, demonstrating the capabilities that it will need to progress towards the actual flight with crew on board."
"The true potential of Red Ball 4’s mechanics and its physics engine, Box2D, have finally been realized."
"It's pretty cool to see it slowly ascend and eventually the pizza managed to reach space."
"From the time Kennedy made this speech it took NASA only 7 years of dedicated work to perfect the Apollo program."
"As a species, whatever we imagined, we created."
"This is a pretty exciting thing that we think we built that whole system, essentially, in Blueprint."
"This vehicle is going to do something that we have not ever done, and that's launch four astronauts in a very capable spacecraft all the way to lunar orbit."
"Invisibility test done, invisibility is so good."
"It's sickening. We're gonna fight back on your behalf."
"Venturi Electric Vehicle: 'A world land speed record set by the Venturi Buckeye Bullet 3.'"
"Almost nine years exactly. The last crew that took off from this exact launch pad, actually from launch complex 39A was STS-135."
"I set some very specific goals for this project, like fitting it onto a single-sided PCB."
"Humanity's new super system, 10 billion dollars, the James Webb Space Telescope, 30 years in the making, launched Christmas present last Christmas 2021 and it's just now coming online."
"Any day with a rocket landing is a fantastic day."
"Absolutely amazing work by the teams over at SpaceX."
"David Windestar managed to send a glider to one hundred thousand feet."
"The rendering comes through, I'd say this is like at the 99.99 level of quality."
"11 years ago today, the Falcon 1 made it, so all of this is possible."
"Dead Space sets new heights in terms of atmospheric presentation in video games."
"Rocket Lab's tenth electron has now left the pad and is on its way to space."
"It's pretty crazy to watch this video because anybody can buy this car and get it just in the condition that it is to beat this record which is absolutely insane and incredibly impressive for Tesla on their new Model S Plaid."
"This is as close as anyone has got to gazing upon the raw pixels that comprise the image since its creation in 1985."
"To me, the last good pro-big project was the Manhattan Project."
"Falcon Heavy was the greatest thing that's happened in the 21st century of space flight."
"The N64 Digital might not do anything particularly new but it does many things on a level much higher than what we've seen before."
"Nintendo had succeeded finally seeing the culmination of all their 3D research come to fruition."
"We can put a man on the moon, we can photograph literally 200 billion galaxies..."
"Zero to a hundred percent in 17 minutes. That's unbelievable."
"The good news is that China did that with both its Orbiter and its Lander, which I thought was really cool."
"The sheer scale of this should honestly not have been possible on the Nintendo switch at all I think think it's pure and utter Wizardry that this works on the switch honestly."
"Lifted the world's perception of the possible and cracked open the skies."
"I hope you have a some found some what new new fondness for for game developers especially you saw battlefront 2 on the PSP that is no big deal ladies and gentlemen on a [ __ ] PSP a system 10 years older than us."
"Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best looking games that was released."
"The special effects of the golden child were provided by Industrial Light and Magic and if you watch the golden child objectively to the time it was made in the effects were actually pretty groundbreaking."
"It's gonna work this time, now we're on a transfer orbit to Mars."
"The Model-T was no fluke, it was the culmination in over 20 design iterations over 5 years."
"Computer science student Luke Farer was awarded a $40,000 prize for using machine learning and a GTX 1070 to decipher 10 characters from an X-Ray Scan of an ancient scroll."
"It's a truly amazing project and it's really nice to see a new steam locomotive."
"The first man-made object to reach the border of space."
"Leaving an indelible mark on aviation history."
"You have natural color reproduction as close to reality as possible."
"It truly is remarkable what DJI has accomplished."
"We've done an incredible job in producing ventilators and producing testing right now. You probably saw the numbers - we're over 12 million tests, that's three times more, four times more than any other country in the world."
"A number of test objectives hit, much more accomplished than Flight 2, making steady progress towards a fully rapidly reusable reliable Starship."
"One of the most impressive scientific Feats of the 21st Century."
"I'm so optimistic for James Webb. Just watching it finally get up there and then just perform flawlessly as it deploys, it's just been absolutely amazing."
"Tesla, who has never designed a chip before, would design the best chip in the world. That is objectively what has occurred."
"Backwards compatibility was handled masterfully by AMD."
"Wow, a good spacecraft separation. Tianka core module now is flying by itself."
"We achieved a supersonic flight using sustainable aviation fuel."
"We just made a nuclear reactor, guys. How insane is that?"
"From space Dragon Endeavor has made splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico just off the coast of Pensacola, Florida."
"A successful launch and another milestone for SpaceX."
"The mammoth device became fully operational in January 2020 and can hear pulsars from the universe coming from thousands of light-years away."
"It's a very impressive technical achievement that not only feels good but also performs the part."
"The International Space Station, sitting in low Earth orbit 330 kilometers above the surface of our planet, represents the combined resources and ingenuity of five major space agencies across the world."
"Despite how far we've come as a gaming generation, this one really does stand, especially for the era that it was made."
"Nevertheless, it's pretty amazing when an amateur astronomer can catch something man-made with this kind of clarity."
"Touchdown confirmed, Perseverance safely on the surface of Mars, ready to begin seeking the signs of past life."
"Falcon 9 scored some epic achievements again!"
"They've done a good job targeting all these different platforms and it feels like you get a premium experience."
"Starship presumably has a 50 chance of entering Orbit on its first try according to musk's recent observation."
"What Elon Musk has to say: 'According to Elon Musk, CERN built the largest and highest energy particle collider in human history'"
"Our new voxel buoyancy simulation is a success."
"We can finally go to space, to think that was all it took for space travel."
"It resembles very early versions of Minecraft and it's pretty impressive if you ask me."
"The dream of sending a man to explore Mars does seem to have become a reality."
"The Arabelle steam turbine is set to be the largest ever manufactured, capable of producing 1770 megawatts of CO2 free electricity."
"The Vanera missions represented a significant technological achievement and provided invaluable insights into the nature of Venus."
"I think it's the greatest technological team that's ever been formed."
"We just broke one gigabit per second."
"The Saturn V remains the most powerful vehicle ever built and will always be considered one of mankind's greatest technological achievements."
"Carpin's pile has been working continuously for almost 70 years."
"This communication between Voyager 1 and Earth showcases human ingenuity and curiosity."
"This system is definitely going down the books of history."
"The International Space Station is the greatest technological project of all time."
"Absolutely amazing, it's actually making valid predictions."
"The Shanghai Maglev is the fastest commercial train in the world with a maximum speed of 430 kilometers per hour."
"It is both a technological masterpiece and a thing of beauty all at once."
"The message that comes to me is just how amazingly impressive and ambitious and technologically competent these people were."
"India created an incredible world record by launching 104 satellites from a single rocket."
"The Saturn 5 remains the most powerful vehicle ever built and will always be considered one of mankind's greatest technological achievements."
"When we see the airplane lift off, it'll be a big relief."
"After 20 years of development and two weeks of the most complex deployments ever attempted in space, the James Webb Space Telescope is now fully deployed."
"What an incredible landing, this marks the 117th recovery of a first stage booster."
"I'm just blown away, I mean we got 10 minutes and 24 seconds for this final render."
"It's pretty amazing piece of engineering when you think about it."
"If they pull off the landing on the 22nd, that over the next 12 months it sets them up for just contract after contract after contract win."
"The successful landing of Curiosity marks what is really an unprecedented technological tour de force."
"With a single shot, the particle cannon had exterminated the main force of Beta on the surface."