
Rapid Change Quotes

There are 372 quotes

"Healing can occur rapidly if we manage to create a powerful enough internal experience."
"We are on a bullet train to something, and we don't know exactly what it is, and that's disconcerting."
"The breaking news has been piling up faster than Thanksgiving leftovers."
"The world has changed so fast that we can't even get our heads around it."
"By putting the power of a super computer in our pocket, the mobile phone has changed our world in double quick time."
"Disruptions may have taken decades in the past, but now they're taking place in years, maybe even months."
"It's literally the fastest-moving space I've ever seen, moving faster than the internet was back in the '90s."
"We live in circumstances that are not only novel at an unprecedented level but are changing so rapidly that even to the extent that we can figure out what to do, the world changes out from under us."
"How long did it take for the pony express to be out of business? One day. Things can happen awfully fast."
"The greatest existential threat to humanity is the rate of change."
"Things can change super quickly on both the social side and on an economic side."
"It hit hard, it hit fast and did a lot of damage."
"In the next six months, we would see more change than we have in the last 50 years."
"The scariest thing about this is not the zombie. It's actually how fast the kid transformed after being bitten."
"How can I overdo what I'm currently doing... the world is changing at such a lightning speed."
"I am ready for the change. Change is coming rapidly."
"It's not happening. Then you can pull the whole thing down. And I think you can pull the whole thing down very, very quickly when there's enough of you."
"Numbers are coming down all over the United States very rapidly."
"The speed of this transition is going to be mesmerizingly fast."
"The speed with which this is happening, the Maoist speed with which things just become unsalable in a very short period of time, it should always get people's alarm bells ringing."
"Evolution is not just occurring over the course of glacial lengths of time. It can be occurring very rapidly."
"The pace and the scale of the dramatic changes China has experienced over the past three decades are nothing short of astounding."
"Humanity is waking up at a profoundly fast level."
"I think we're gonna see history made in a very short amount of time. We're going to be seeing this history and we're going to be living through textbook War."
"This is a moment of caution; things are accelerating extremely quickly."
"Things are getting weird and they're getting weird fast."
"The speed of change has shocked quite a lot of people."
"It's just crazy how quickly this thing picks up and accelerates."
"This is the largest, fastest accumulation of wealth in all human history."
"We're in an era of hyper rapid technological change, the fastest in history."
"It's really incredible that it's happening so fast at this point because the price is getting so parabolic that it's looking like some type of a blow-off top should be happening just hard to predict time."
"It'll happen quicker than most of us can imagine."
"It's very strange when one day you're Cinderella so to speak, and then in 0.6 seconds you're Quasimodo." - Johnny
"Investing tends to be a lot like that... events begin to develop really fast."
"It's like you just decide to change it very quickly."
"It's kind of like you've gone from horse and cart to uh formula one car all of a sudden."
"It's been quite interesting to see Musk go from a name that zero people mentioned up until about maybe six or so years ago to suddenly the most talked about man probably on the planet."
"The numbers are coming way down and they're coming down rapidly."
"The quickening: things are happening faster and faster, getting crazier and crazier."
"We live in a time where change is happening at a pace never seen before."
"You are manifesting at a rapid speed, focus only on positive thoughts."
"You're going to go from being completely confused to being completely happy, like literally overnight."
"The prize pool just went from zero to fifty-five thousand real fast."
"In economics, things take longer to happen than you think they will, and when they happen, they happen faster than you thought they could."
"It's going to require a lot of rapid change that we don't even conceive as possible right now."
"Society upon Earth has had times in its past history of great leaps of Enlightenment that have occurred rapidly."
"Their worlds apart, it can change quickly with the right manager at the right recruitment."
"We're seeing three years of shifts happen in three months."
"This could happen quicker than I think a lot of people think."
"Hitler's Revolution Ended as quickly as it had begun."
"It's just like Jesus it's happened so fast... all the relationships we have sexual romantic."
"When you trigger their negative side, they go from zero to 100 really quick."
"Cataclysmic pole shifts suggest that there have been geologically rapid shifts in the relative positions of the modern day geographic locations of the poles and the axis of rotation of the Earth."
"Transformation can happen fast, it can happen rapidly, you do not need years of therapy for many of this."
"We need an energy transformation on the scale of the Industrial Revolution at the speed of the digital transformation."
"The amount of AD dollars and advertisers who have left in just a short amount of time is staggering."
"That was a tremendous amount of character growth in like no time at all."
"Our world is careening as fast as they can toward death."
"New media is rapidly outpacing what we've seen in the past."
"This is a witch's brew that could see the American Empire collapse almost overnight."
"It's hard to keep track of how fast we're moving because it's every day."
"It just shows you what can happen. Six weeks ago, eight weeks ago, you never heard of this."
"Global adoption is happening and it's really speeding up."
"Seeing how quickly that this has happened is scary it's it's it's kind of scary to think that something like canceled culture just on a snap stay on."
"So if you lose weight too quickly your skin does not have enough time to shrink as well."
"We're going from visitation to habitation and it's going to be as quick as a vision."
"The short term can sort of blind in the long term but this is coming very very quickly."
"I just think this technology is moving quicker than our morals can decide what is ethical and what is not."
"The evolutionary pace of crypto is like four years is 20 in traditional markets. It's really, really fast."
"The walls crumbling faster than all the rest of it."
"In the time I've been working on this video, several of its records have already become outdated."
"There's nothing magical that says that you can't have massive mobilization in Russia very rapidly... certain things need to change."
"Tricky technology moves fast, it does, it really does."
"We are about to make an extremely unheard of, unparalleled, never-seen-before, rapid change."
"Things are getting... the technology is accelerating right now, way faster than it had for the past eight years."
"The entire Industrial Revolution took over a hundred years this revolution that we're going into now this everything from our governments to our banking to our individual jobs all of it is changing."
"What comes next is going to happen very very fast and if you're not ready for it, it will take you by surprise, it will blow your mind, it will seem like it happened overnight."
"It's not like putting a thousand bricks together; it creates a collective structure that has collective power but then it can disperse very quickly just as it formed very quickly." - Austin
"Having kids puts life into perspective super fast."
"The fascinating thing is how quickly things are developing."
"It shows how quickly these things can turn and it shows how quickly the arc of not just a societal arc but the individual arc can move."
"Human beings can degenerate physically so rapidly by the use of a certain type of nutrition."
"It's like the faucet's going to open up a little bit more. And it's going to get really interesting really fast."
"Why can't we go backwards for once, as fast as we can?" - Point Halliday
"It takes there are decades where nothing happens and then there are days or weeks when decades happen."
"When things begin to happen, they happen fast."
"It can snowball so fast... I cannot overstate the importance."
"The tide changed so quickly that within two and a half years an entire city could be demanding we want you to come and be our leader."
"I think it's going to happen a lot faster as soon as gasoline gets to the real price."
"If ever there was a landscape to expedite that process, this is it."
"How did he go from folk hero to persona non grata in a matter of two weeks?"
"Everything happens so very much more quickly now."
"He's able to change the conversation within the space of three months."
"When you pass them, things go to hell very, very quickly."
"It's crazy how fast technology is coming these days."
"You're moving on to something coming so fast. Your blessing is coming so fast, and I feel there's an opportunity ahead of you to make a lot of money."
"Changes are happening very very very fast in the Alberta Health Care System."
"More people are spiritually Awakening at a faster and faster Pace than I've ever seen before."
"It's incredible that we live in a world that these all exist all in five years."
"The world is changing very rapidly, and there's stress involved in it."
"Humans are still evolving and scientists don't know why... but it's happening faster than ever before."
"We are evolving, we are changing, and it's happening faster than ever before."
"Man United turning from an average team to a very good team will happen far quicker with Frankie de Jong."
"I mean, it's today's world... We really subvert it every five minutes."
"Success is traumatic. If you think losing is hard, wait till you win overnight."
"We're seeing economic growth slow down really fast."
"We fully recognize how quickly the dream can turn into a nightmare."
"Once people understand what's going on, I think this thing will crumble quite quickly. It just needs a few more people."
"Exponential, like at the speed things are changing, like we don't even understand some of the [ __ ] that [ __ ] 15-year-olds are doing."
"It kind of dilutes hip-hop culture in a way... it's all about like moving fast and breaking things."
"Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of another, you won't be able to keep up, everything will be happening at once. And everywhere you look, blessings."
"It's all happening fast, and it's all interconnected."
"He killed us... I mean it was... I mean how fast did we collapse? Two days, three days."
"I think this has crept up and happened quicker than anyone thought."
"uTorrent went from being a pop-culture icon of the internet to something that nobody talked about overnight."
"Our family trees are more connected than we think."
"It's happening. It's coming so fast. I cannot believe how fast everything has come around."
"The upgrade is happening at warp speed for many, many people."
"Like a shooting star, it all happened so fast."
"I think this is going to be a life-changing market. It's going to happen quick."
"The outcome that the universe sees is this person going to you quickly, Divine Feminine, quickly."
"Erosion erases millenia of hard work in a matter of days or weeks."
"Technology has really advanced very quickly over the years."
"Life is about to go from zero to 100 in like point six seconds."
"This is worse than the great depression in terms of both the actual numbers in a percentage basis but the speed of this change is absolutely stunning."
"Things can turn around very quickly in football."
"Implemented in such a short period of time, it seemed the first Renaissance of Battle for Bikini Bottom was at its peak."
"This is happening really rapidly... they are arriving with the intent of making this permanent."
"Reality will speed up, entering new territories collectively and individually."
"This all seems inevitable I would say I am surprised at the speed."
"It's volatile... things are changing so quickly."
"How fortunes can change right in the space of a few days."
"Joe Biden has seen one of the most rapid increases in approval rating."
"It's taken less than 10 years to completely turn a country's authority."
"Kundalini yoga can transform the way you are within days."
"We can drop the death rate massively in a very short period of time."
"It seems like just overnight they just went away."
"Changes are coming fast and furious and will be so rapid we will not be able to keep track of the number and their impacts."
"Things are changing so fast you can hardly keep up."
"The market is absolutely on fire right now, and by the time this video airs, odds are they will all be gone and they'll be replaced by others."
"The world is changing faster than ever before, we must become conscious and take control of our Destinies."
"It was global warming on an unprecedented scale, basically happening overnight."
"It's going to change fast after that and it's going to be a very beautiful positive thing."
"For decades nothing happens and then in a few weeks, decades happen."
"Psychedelic mainstreaming is happening so fast."
"There are a lot of things that have yet to happen that will happen and they will happen rather quickly so start thinking about that now."
"If that's how fast everything happened, if that's how much everything changed since last year at this time, what's coming?"
"Remember when CD Projekt Red was like the darlings and now they're like everyone? Over the course of like a three week period just yeah."
"It's strange how quickly things have moved from unthinkable to unstoppable."
"No one has a plan... things are changing so fast."
"Technology adoption curves are accelerating... things are happening a lot more quickly."
"Our country has changed over the last few months, it is changing radically and faster and faster."
"Unexpected opportunity with the knight of swords, representing things changing very quickly, very unexpectedly."
"You're moving on and the speed and the acceleration of your exit is something to absolutely freaking behold here."
"That's historically the velocity at which these big moves happen."
"The pace of AI evolution is so rapid... 1600 times more evolution is going to happen in the next two to three years."
"When the floodgates open, they can open quickly."
"Almost everything you have learned is wrong, the system is changing super super fast."
"Things are changing rapidly, the evidence is overwhelming."
"We're living in a world where things are changing so fast."
"We fixed our economy so unbelievably quickly."
"America did a great job in terms of cleaning up its act in a short amount of time."
"It could change within 24 hours for you if you really believe."
"Having been involved in the industry, some of this developed almost overnight..."
"The left, they are taking drastic and extraordinary measures to ensure the fastest transformation of this country possible."
"It's just jaw-dropping because things have moved very quickly."
"He theorized that there was this crustal displacement that took place and it was the crustal displacement that happened at orders of magnitude faster than the continental drift guys were imagining."
"It just got out of control so fast, so quick."
"What if God could move you from this situation to another destination in a moment? That's how quick sometimes God moves."
"It's all happening so quickly and that's what someone's worried about, about something happening very quickly."
"Now is the time for self-discovery during fast times."
"I think it's just wild how you can go from nothing to having a million dollars in like two months, you know?"
"The rate of change is moving at a breakneck speed with amazing inventions, new businesses, and technologies."
"Events are moving far faster than they could have anticipated."
"Everything in your life is about to take off really fast."
"They changed this country more in five months than it had changed in the previous 50 years."
"Market forces will force that to happen pretty quickly."
"When alignment exists, the effect is things happening effortlessly and just fast."
"Things could change very quickly this month."
"It's like a quantum leap, overnight success."
"Expect there to be a shift; this is rapid as well."
"Change can occur over the course of hours, sometimes even minutes."
"I believe that's that crazy appreciation is gonna happen in a much shorter period of time than people than people realize."
"Absolutely stunning, I'm stunned that it's happening so quickly and I'm stunned that it's happening at all."
"Every single day something can just change and you wake up a week later and it's like a completely different world than when you went to sleep a week ago."
"Never underestimate just how fast things can change, friends."
"Socialism is returning. It's returning big and it's returning fast."
"This game is evolving so quickly right now."
"Going from zero to hero instantly."
"I didn't believe things would get this bad so very, very quickly."
"Things are going from 0 to 100 real quick."
"I feel that your financial situation will improve drastically in this reality that you're shifting in, and it's going to happen very fast."
"We're living in a world where things are changing faster than we can possibly imagine."
"Rapid change, rapid growth in what's coming is we see rapid communication, fast communication."
"It’s...a little hard for me to believe this could all happen so fast."
"So much just happened in a short space of time."
"The impact can happen quite quickly."
"Her smile melted off her face faster than an ice cream cone on Florida pavement."
"Life's a trip man, I feel like the last 10 years of my life have moved so fast in so many directions that it's just been like a blur."
"It just kind of went from 0 to 60 and then it was over."