
Exemplification Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Show the world what greatness looks like, what love looks like, what patience looks like."
"The shepherd cannot run at the first sign of danger he didn't just say that he lived it."
"Talk is cheap, I will always show you what it actually takes to go out there and do it."
"I think we need to elevate positive examples as much as we can."
"The majority of the market participants, at the end of the day, all they are is an exemplification of what the psychology is of the majority of the market."
"It's important that this corrupt board... be made the example of."
"Make sure you exemplify that feeling and emotion."
"Each founding of the adaptive society's legions exemplify a singular virtue."
"You are the manifestation and the byproduct of everything you preach."
"Living to exemplify the kingdom brings so much freedom."
"When it comes to Kevin Durant, this is another great example."
"The best way to sell it is through living it. It's the ones that are so great that you're like, 'I want to get where they are.'"
"This is an example of idealized documentation."
"Example of service and salesmanship."
"Beer Money exemplifies teams like Beer Money, Team 3D."
"To show the deepest deep meaning of life or how we are within interconnectedness and show it as actual concrete example."
"This perfectly exemplifies what I am trying to get at in this video."
"Those concluding years of his life were an emphatic exclamation point to his example of devoted discipleship."
"One story or anecdote that exemplifies the point you want to make."
"This is a perfect example of patience."
"I was seeing someone actually live what the Bible says."
"Rather than just speaking of it, let's exemplify; show it by example."
"Rare is the man who emulates it, who lives it, who personifies the teaching so others wish to learn that example."
"This is the perfect example of modeling for what you're actually creating."
"There is no one person in the United States of America that I think exemplifies that concept better than the former director of the FBI, Bob Muller."
"Your best argument is to be a person of good character."
"This is another prime example of how you do it with style."
"Myths and stories... are normally selected and promoted as examples of the really kind of best way of behaving."
"Always exposed to death as Jesus was, so that in my body the life of Jesus may be clearly shown."
"These two people display what true love really is."
"Be the best representative of whatever your philosophy is."
"You must become the proof that God exists, for all of us, also each one, by your life, by your presence, not just by your mouth."
"Are we identifying with the sacrifice? Are we marked? Do people see Jesus in you?"
"Live your advice, people get their message by watching you."
"If we showed the world what it looks like to not just believe that but to see the world that way, the church would frankly be one of the most compelling places on earth."
"Our job is only to exemplify the Father's unconditional love, no matter what somebody's doing to us."
"Women will glorify whatever you exemplify to them."
"I did not want to change the world, but I want to show that it was possible at least to give a model of it."
"Don't become a proselytizer of mindfulness, just live it."
"The Gospel of John is going to exemplify that very characteristic."
"I have friends who have never thought as analytically and rationally about these things as you and I have done, but to me, they are exemplars of the non-dual understanding in terms of love and intelligence."
"You are not just giving a message today, but watching you, you are the message."
"The Gospel is also exemplified through our humble, forgiving, peacemaking, self-sacrificial actions."
"Holy Father Pio, you epitomize love, kindness, and sanctity in your life."
"Never tell anyone to be a Christian, always tell them to be Christ."
"We're living the principles, examples of the original man within our culture."
"If you could hold up a happily married family who lived good healthy lives... we would need to center them."
"That is the epitome of love on two feet, which is the mirrored image of Jesus's love for us."
"I feel like if you look up the word 'leader' on Google or look it up in the dictionary, there will be a picture of Julian. She oozes and screams leader."
"Show them the type of hero that you are."
"That's the living example right there."
"The way that we live as moral creatures is to exemplify God's love in ourselves through the way that we love."
"She is a walking talking Exemplar of its success."
"Humans can learn a new task like recognizing a new category of objects with just one example."
"God is going to multiply your blessings three times, making you an example of the boundless possibilities and life-changing miracles that God grants."
"Show people the beauty of Islam, and they'll see it in you."