
Emotional Change Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"We can begin to heal by creating an inner event that carries an emotion of joy, gratitude, or freedom, breaking free from the chains of the past."
"There's a moment in any kind of revolutionary process where if people don't feel differently, then it's gone."
"This is a powerful change, the heart has cracked open here."
"You are about to go through a major shift in how you feel and your mentality. Your emotional and mental state is about to completely transform."
"The next big phase in your life is got to do with something emotional or love-related."
"Oh my God, I just love how the last chorus reflects the emotion change."
"Passion and love are fleeting; they don't feel the same. There's no way I could have that same excitement seeing her every day for the last 11 years that I had on that one day."
"You will feel this energy change... it's just going to bring you lots of happiness, lots of smiles."
"Vengeance changes a person, often without them noticing."
"I was it wasn't funny anymore, it was getting angry."
"As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I felt like my baby opened my heart."
"Very healing week for you, a week of good fortune sadness being replaced by joy."
"After a while, he wasn't mad anymore, he was sad."
"Your emotions are shifting, enabling you to open to greater love."
"When you reconsolidate the memory, what you're doing is you're swapping out the emotion of fear and terror."
"I wasn't happy on the beach, okay? But now I am."
"Their feelings actually intensified for you, I wouldn't say they've lost it, it's intense."
"For the first time in decades, Mike was happy."
"The biggest thing changing here is how you feel about yourself."
"It's not enough that you just want to change your feelings, you want to change your feelings within the context of connection."
"When he saw summer, his demeanor totally changed and he looked at me. He said, 'Why are you doing this to me, baby? Let's talk.'"
"Love marriages start off really happy, but then it wears off."
"I watched him change completely from a rage-filled time bomb to a 'I'm so [__] lucky I got to hang out with my kids.'"
"After a woman has moved on to another man, her feelings for her previous partner vanish much more quickly."
"When fear gives way to trust, peace floods into our lives."
"The passion's tapered off... the light that was inside of it, the sparks that were making everything work, they're not really there anymore."
"It breaks my heart, you've grown, then you've changed because you used to be all about tragedy."
"As I say it, it's such a shift how I'm feeling, I swear to God, the brain has tower one in a million."
"Changing my sister's heart is the ultimate goal here."
"We drift away gradually and then suddenly we're out in the cold."
"How can I feel different? You have that latitude."
"Last year was horseshit... this year you see joy and guys' faces."
"Sometimes you could just fall out of love with somebody or some place."
"Graceful transformation, soften your heart and find your flow."
"I was upset at first, but I've become more optimistic."
"Big changes are arising. Emotional and mental changes which are huge right which seem to allow you to spread your wings and feel so much more confident and happier in your personal choices."
"As I see you walking away and therefore as I sense this deep level energetic shift taking place, it is then that I realize how desperately I want to offer you my heart."
"Sometimes relationships just run their course... you just don't feel it in your heart."
"Despite of how emotional it may be to change and transform and start something new, go ahead and do it anyways because what's important is that you're doing what makes you happy."
"It's going to change the way you love, the way you give, the way you receive."
"There's nothing quite like walking out of the theater after a particularly moving film, feeling like you've been changed by it."
"I thought I was gonna get to turn him from the sad face to the happy face."
"You deserve love, happiness, and success like every other human being on this planet."
"Protecting and loving has been replaced in this game by something far darker. Obsession and loss."
"Your traumas of the past are going to take on a different form now."
"This is a major, major moment... we're gonna have to disconnect from where our emotions are being stuck on."
"A new beginning, emotional and passionate, is on the horizon."
"Nothing is more entertaining than just seeing someone just go from like having a rough day to just going like 'What!'"
"As you're learning all of that, it's okay to change your opinions, your thoughts, your emotions."
"Feelings of gratitude, especially in conflict, flip angry feelings to positives."
"There could be a positive emotional shift overall."
"I'm not bursting into tears all the time now. I mean, you have transformed so much since last time I saw you."
"Just when you're feeling apathy, just when you're feeling fed up, along comes the universe to shake up the mix."
"It's undeniable when someone's responding, they just look and feel different."
"Darcy is just madly in love with Elizabeth... somebody's feelings are changing."
"Change: going from feeling despondent to feeling much better on yourself."
"The proof that love exists is shown through how it changes us."
"I went from being shy to happy, like a tree growing in the sunshine."
"The transformation was not just an intellectual one, it was deeply emotional and spiritual as well."
"Your emotional landscape is shifting, and it's nothing short of extraordinary."
"Will this change? They want this loneliness to come to an end."
"The deepest changes happen on an emotional level."
"Steady unabashed adoration has softened my Grinch heart."
"There's a lot involved with shifting your frequency and shifting your emotional patterns and shifting your beliefs and then shifting all the manifestations you've accumulated in your lives that reflects all of that."
"I felt that over here, I want that part of me to die."
"A change of heart, the most powerful force in the universe."
"Major shifting in the emotional body for you over these next three months."
"He finally killed something that November had felt for a very long time: remorse."
"There's a loved one who left and doesn't feel the same."
"Picturing all sorts of tragic outcomes in my mind... Here I am feeling so much better now."
"Regardless of how you felt in the past, regardless of what you said in the past, regardless of what's remembered about the... how do you feel?"
"Once you get burned a couple of times it's going to change the way your heart is unfortunately."
"This doesn't feel as good as it used to, huh?"
"Back in my day when I was sad, but not anymore, she's ruined."
"Imagine having a new set of emotions daily because you finally put in the work."
"You've got to change the emotion in order to change the feeling in order to change the thinking."
"Light at the end of the tunnel; the 10 becomes a 1."
"I didn't love him anymore. It feels like that person I loved is already dead, and I'm just stuck with this useless guy in his body."
"The biggest takeaway for me is they look happy before, they go to universities, they come back angry."
"This person wants to communicate with you and I feel like they're going through a transformation as well."
"You're done feeling sad. You're done feeling mad."
"Sometimes you're not being moody, you're being moved."
"Wow, what a different feel...totally grown up."
"It's an energy where you and somebody are losing passion for each other and things are just starting to become different, and the reason being is because you both are changing separately instead of growing together."
"Feelings often fade, especially if we don't work on it."
"Changing your emotions is the catalyst for creating lasting transformation in your life."
"A shift occurs for you, like falling in love, everything shifts."
"Once you let all of this go, your mental state starts to change."
"Some sort of transformation going on emotionally."
"As she spoke, she felt him shift from attention to curiosity and interest, then quick contemplation."
"The shift that I speak of right now is real, it's as real as the love I speak of that is starting to permeate human nature."
"...I am mourning the loss of my 2-year relationship with a man who I thought was the love of my life a man that I lived with and trusted wholeheartedly but I don't know what happen but he just isn't that man anymore."
"It's nearly impossible to change those feelings if we don't first change a thought or behavior."
"Sam turning over a new Leaf. I'm changing like they've never cried, and tears of joy. It's always anger and angst, anger and just like so angry that tears just angry tears flowing."
"Your opportunity is to make a deep emotional change at this time."
"You already in love with someone? They don't want depression anymore afterwards."
"Reflexive and cognitive empathy will never disappear, but emotional empathy will, because it's no longer needed. Even today, it's no longer needed."
"I woke up and I was like okay, I'm not sad anymore."
"You know, I was sad and then I'm not, how fantastic is that?"
"Prayer should change how we're feeling about the situation."
"Attraction is being pulled toward this other person and so whatever makes you want to leave is a simple case of attraction falling."
"You have to give her a reason for her feelings to change, her emotions about you, about the future, to change."
"The anger and sadness has mitigated and I feel like myself again."
"Got sick of all the sadness, decided it was time for a happy ending."
"A change of mind, a change of heart."
"Emotions were lifted, tremendous fear or depression or anger about the past just suddenly lifted."
"And suddenly I wasn’t sad any more."
"Changes in facial expressions can lead to changes in emotion."
"At some point, her heart and spirit changed, and she started feeling compassionate and sympathetic for me."
"It's mad how much your mood can change from one hour to the next, two hours to the next."
"I feel warm and fuzzy inside, which is a drastic change to how I felt this morning."
"I was lonely and sad, but then it hit me."
"How can you blame if the heart changes?"
"Oh my God, I instantly feel so calm. I'm not sad whatsoever."
"It was like a dark cloud had lifted; I felt at peace."
"I cannot repair, beneath the stains of time the feelings disappear."
"I see it in your eyes, something isn't right, tell me again what I'm missing, 'cause you're faded."
"Sometimes I cry because I'm so happy with how I'm feeling now as opposed to what I used to feel like."
"The expression on his face, which was once of happiness and excitement, quickly transforms into that of dread and grief."
"We don't show the same feelings that we used to show, you don't smile the same, I don't smile the same."
"You can turn love into something else."
"A change of feeling is a change of pattern of your life."
"You can only change an emotional pattern while you are in that emotional state."
"The death of Sam had snapped something inside of every one of us."
"You don't just stop loving someone; that love changes."
"Pleasure can quickly turn to pain, but just so, pain can also turn to pleasure."
"Time passed, and with it, the pain grew numb."
"My rage is gone; And I am struck with sorrow."
"Music's powerful. It changes you; you can change your feelings within seconds."
"My mood has significantly changed... I just feel happier."
"It's so sad when he sat there, smiley his little head off at the nurse, and then all of a sudden his face just goes."
"In five minutes of deeper, slower, more even and smooth breathing, I can totally change my mental emotional state."
"My fears and my hope changed by being loved."
"Love will change. Just that some people's love changes more deeply. While other's love change to faintness."
"You definitely can heal your mind; changing the words changes the way that you feel."
"When the Holy Spirit is able to change your emotions, He will change your circumstances."
"The very moment you change the way you think, you can change the way you feel."
"I cried for the emptiness in my heart that was left when the hatred disappeared."
"It is evident that once a man holds his love dear to his heart, he can no longer be carefree."
"Once you feel bad, you immediately shift that bad thought to a good thought and then notice the changes."
"Therefore, Florence's thoughts and feelings change from being despondent to becoming blissful when Diogenes appears."
"The questioning look quickly turned to amazement."
"Your sadness goes and happiness comes."
"He's smiling for the first time in a long time."
"Now she's not gonna be level-headed anymore, she's ready to fight."
"All the anger and hatred she had felt towards Alice had melted away."
"I went from hating to now I have sympathy."
"Once you change your mind, your mind has the ability to change your heart."
"Once you're happy but happier, but then at the start of this year, I was feeling really depressed."
"You're reaching a level of fulfillment that is going to emotionally change your inner world and your outer world."
"If you want to change how you feel... you must change how you talk to yourself."
"Maybe my Grinch heart grew a couple sizes today."
"It triggers a massive emotional purging for you, Taurus."
"Hardness turning into softness, so their heart's going to soften."
"Tears of sadness now turn into tears of happiness."
"Your feelings for this person have changed."