
Product Impact Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Now more than ever, we'll all have an increased sense of responsibility not just for the products we make, but the role we play for the world and our ability to make a difference."
"Honestly when it comes to products that can honestly have a huge impact on your performance, something like trusox makes a huge difference in how your shoes will feel in a very, very positive way."
"It was more than just a phone, it was this... it was a friendship."
"It's amazing what it will do when you actually price your product somewhat competitively."
"One percent of every plastic-free Native deodorant sale goes towards non-profit environmental organizations, which is just phenomenal."
"We in some ways have already made quite an impact on our users' lives in a way that I don't think we would have imagined when we were first building Apple Watch."
"Our north star has always been about improving people's lives by creating great products that change the world."
"It is a problem-solving product or has a massive wow factor."
"This is not the result of the products, this is the result of so much else."
"The Analogue Pocket is a super solid device that has already changed the way that I play portable games."
"This was a great little system that really had awful marketing."
"Someone told me to look into Drunk Elephant. It changed my skin."
"Caseify has literally saved my life with this."
"Those purple power things, man, they really get to you."
"Everybody in this world will use on passive product."
"If you're selling something that actually helps people, it may not have that bad of consequences."
"The best thing has been all the people hitting us up like 'yo you were right, this thing is amazing.'"
"Tesla's really changing the game... the Internet's free. If it's a good product, the word will get out there."
"Coke is already a game changer, but cherry coke was hysteria."
"With every doll that is purchased a free black girl mantra is given along with it."
"Now that Bronco's here it's forcing everybody to be better."
"So I don't think we can understate how important it's been to the category and then consequently to us."
"Do I need to say anything? This is literally the most blinding highlighter I think I've ever applied on my face."
"After spending a full week with the all-new Ford Maverick, I have to admit, when I first saw this truck... I was blown away with the entire package."
"Google's A series so far they have smashed it every single time... the Pixel 6a is going to make quite an impact for around 450."
"The simple addition of these three prime lenses has made me look at EOS M in a completely new light."
"I ended up loving it so much more than I thought that I would."
"Positive feedback is surreal and magical: Seeing my products out in the world."
"Doritos seems to make the history books by way of its product trashing the planet."
"I've heard so many times that people are like 'oh I got a Skeletool because of you and it changed my life' or 'your holsters are the best' I like hearing that stuff."
"I think this shoe is the most important shoe that Jordan brand makes."
"It's the idea that you believe that this service or product that you want to create is gonna benefit so many people out there."
"The S had to be a grand slam home run to give the company a chance to continue."
"Watching those people open the door and they're like 'Yay, microgreens are here!' That's exciting for us to know that our product is making somebody's life."
"...this product changed their life."
"When I saw this the first thing when I popped it open and I kind of just at face value saw how good it was that was the first thing I thought I thought this is going to put pressure on the market and that's not a bad thing for us the consumers."
"Elements of Soul instantly shot up my sales from nine thousand dollars all the way up to twenty-six thousand dollars that next month."
"The value that our customers are getting out of what we're shipping."
"I'm certain that the Levitate is going to redefine that experience."
"Looking in the eyes of the consumer, I could tell that this was something that was going to be unbelievable."
"These right here, they're game changers."
"If you can make software that customers truly love, you've got a chance to make their lives just a bit better."
"It's not just about what your product does, it's about who your product helps them become."
"Screening or fast-track LCA can help you figure out what the biggest impacts are in your product."
"If people are made safer, more comfortable, more eager to purchase, more efficient, or just plain happier by contact with the product, then the designer has succeeded."
"Why are we undertaking the project? How will the world be better in some way if this product is in it?"
"The mattress changed our lives; it's changed our sleeping lives."
"One product really can change your life and really make an impact for your financial future."
"Ever since I did that video about the dog collars and leads, we have been selling more bleeder knot knives than we've sold since I started here 10 years ago."
"It's rewarding because when you see the product come out and people are just amazed about it and just love it... it makes you feel good because you're actually helping somebody's life."
"We just have this gut feeling that Zenith has the potential to just change millions of people's lives."
"This has been the most game-changing product I've ever used in my entire life."
"This palette is the reason that I ended up picking up three more palettes."