
Scientific Understanding Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"I remember you know Bill O'Reilly's 'Sun goes up, sun comes down. You can't explain that.'"
"Quantum theory is not hard to understand; it's just hard to understand what it means."
"Our work can gain general acceptance through understanding quantum physics."
"Sometimes quantum is seen to be well the scientists don't really know what's going on, everything's weird. Some things are weird but an awful lot we do understand, and we can do the maths and we can treat those those particles in terms of wave-like properties and it works beautifully."
"Quantum mechanics is simultaneously absolutely central to all of modern physics and yet something that we don't claim to understand."
"Evolution changes all the time because our understanding keeps improving."
"If you can come to me and demonstrate that something about my scientific understanding is incorrect, I will adapt to it."
"Understanding viruses may be the key to understanding the origin of life."
"The universe is real, and it is what we measure it to be."
"Pluto's demotion was not an act of disrespect but an acknowledgment of our growing understanding of the cosmos."
"The brain isn't just whatever it is you think it is; we can measure it, write something about it."
"Just because something is correlated with something else does not mean it causes it."
"Physicists are really confident that we've got most of the picture down right. It feels like we might not even be getting started on some of the essential things."
"We must not be pseudoscientists, clinging to exciting, fantastical explanations for what's occurring in these types of cases. Conversely, we must also not be pseudo-skeptics, clinging to preconceived ideas about how the universe works, when the frontiers of science make it blatantly clear that we don't actually understand all that much about the universe."
"It would appear the oceans are simply too vast, too rich with life, and have too complicated of a history for us to be able to claim, even in this day and age, to fully understand it."
"It's astonishing...the fact that we can even begin to comprehend something as unintuitive as quantum mechanics."
"That's the beauty of [science], that our understanding can change and evolve over time as new evidence comes to light."
"As we get a better understanding of the nature of reality, I believe that what today has no scientific explanation at all is going to be accepted as a scientific norm in the future."
"Gravity is a fundamental force, actually extraordinarily weak."
"Scientific theories are not blind guesses or conjecture. A scientific theory is a body of knowledge explaining a particular phenomena."
"Magic is just science that we don't understand, man."
"Just because you don't know a scientific explanation doesn't mean it's explained by magic."
"Just because all we knew was a rather quick and dirty formula at a certain stage, it wasn't enough to dismiss hugely important questions."
"It's the science, but it's also the experience."
"By having a specific intervention there was some resetting of the system which we don't understand very well."
"It took us a long time to appreciate microglia, how long before we fully understand the brain?"
"It's not that we want to publish and let people know. We want to understand it better so that we might be able to inform production of products in the future."
"In order to really understand evolution you have to get your mind around incomprehensible time spans."
"Spend less time talking and more time grinding. Think like a champion, walk it out."
"Virology is an integrative science. To understand viruses, you need to know all kinds of other Sciences."
"They're kept at temperatures colder than space... but if you think you really understand how they work... you're probably wrong."
"We base our understanding of the world on things that are very simple, very highly observable to us."
"The lesson that you get from science is that what we know is so vastly outstripped by what we don't know."
"Understanding these scientific mechanisms underscores the importance of moderation and timing when consuming alcohol."
"The evolution of feathers from scales is pretty well understood at this point and has been covered extensively in the scientific literature."
"The gradual part of this whole thing. Nothing in evolution suggests that all the changes between a descendant and their ancestor must happen simultaneously."
"I think reality as understood by science is amazing and wonderful... and it's beautiful."
"Reality as understood by science is amazing and wonderful... and we now have a very good understanding of that."
"Just because Chris didn't know what a forest plot was doesn't mean that the points he's making here are less valid."
"Lab origin does not necessarily mean man-made."
"While we can still use Newtonian mechanics in our day-to-day lives, Einstein's revolutionary notion of gravity is required to understand the universe."
"The universe is a vast and complex place that in many ways we still don't understand."
"Western science still needs to in a way catch up to the indigenous knowledge that we have."
"The problem of induction isn't a problem with science; it's a misunderstanding of what science does."
"It describes all fundamental particles that we are aware of and three of the four known fundamental forces."
"Einstein understood quantum mechanics better than anybody including the people who are given credit for inventing it."
"Quantum field theory is the best description of the universe of reality at a deep level that we currently have."
"We can't understand our place in the universe without grasping the principle of evolution over lifetimes."
"Understanding space weather is important to practical fields."
"This is one of the biggest challenges to our current understanding of physics."
"There's no substitute for proper science and education and research and knowing what you're talking about."
"It at least shows you that there's more going on than you think to our scientific model."
"Just because we don't understand something at this particular point in time doesn't mean that we won't ever figure it out."
"I think if you can understand the power of the atom, I'm pretty sure you could get your head around the power of veto."
"No man can create even one strand of DNA, but yeah, of course we can and do."
"People do understand what theories mean! They know that theories can be right and they can also be wrong."
"What's happened since then is we now understand that ketones are not just a fuel."
"The more we learn about the universe and how it works, the less God seems to be capable of or willing to do."
"Every single time in the history of humanity that we've gained a deeper understanding of an event, it has never once been, 'Oh, it was supernatural.'"
"The future cannot be predicted with certainty, yet current understandings of various fields of science can aid in the prediction of some of these far future events."
"Common sense is not always the best guide for science because the world is far grander than our experience."
"The whole basis of science: understanding how your body works."
"It's sort of inferred by, and I think I remember reading that, but I mean, I think it's less so the meteoric impact itself, more so the impact on the environment."
"The human psyche is an enigmatic beast, and we are by no means anywhere near fully capable of understanding it at this point."
"But at least with the theory of everything instead of poking a stick at the dark world like a blind person we would see the universe in all its glorious colors."
"Cairo floating stones: scientists believe they understood the laws of physics, that isn't to say they're missing everything."
"The universe is of no obligation to make sense to you."
"When you understand the science of mitochondria and metabolism, you can actually connect all of those dots."
"Knowing the fundamental laws of nature does have ramifications for the observable behavior of nature."
"You don't need to touch the sun to know it's hot and you don't need to see oxygen to know it's there to breathe."
"The laws of physics are the language of the universe."
"This course challenged me to see how the formula for entropy which is essentially hammered into you as an undergraduate actually extremely natural."
"Our DNA isn't junk, it's just misunderstood."
"Many scientific textbooks will lead you to believe that humans are hundreds of thousands of years old."
"Scientific literacy is a thing, and it's more than just memorizing some fun facts or knowing how to manipulate equations."
"The universe brims with things outside of our senses, and modern science is okay with that because we don't rely on our senses to decode the universe."
"It is a cowardly cop-out to suggest that just because we don't yet understand something therefore it magic did it."
"The walls of space and time are illusions, science is just beginning to grasp the nonlinear nature of reality."
"The battle is what a model can do - convince them that a model is true."
"If there's anybody in the world who shouldn't be confused by the world it's scientists. Their whole job is to make sense of the stuff that fools like us can't comprehend."
"I am so sorry, my Superstar. I am so terribly sorry."
"Radiation is simply a reality... It becomes important to really understand what the biological effects as well as the other effects actually are."
"Science isn't just a big book of facts that you have to memorize, it's a way of processing information."
"Maybe the best way to understand tornadoes is to understand probability."
"Understanding these short-term events also helps us get a handle on how galaxies evolve."
"Evolution isn't black and white; it's a transitional thing over long periods of time."
"The universe can be understood, we are the kinds of things that can understand it, and it's good for us to understand it."
"The fact that matter is made of atoms and atoms are made of particles."
"It is a correct description of Nature and an important philosophical point."
"The further away a galaxy is, the faster it is receding away from us."
"I wanna assume that everyone has a sort of basic understanding that the laws of physics work, that's kind of my base point, right?"
"Our understanding of the universe is incomplete."
"It sounds so simple but when you understand the biology of the problem it's not that complicated it's just that no one is doing this."
"Retaining a physical connection to the framework of how the world works is really important because the same rules do still apply; it's just that they manifest in more complicated ways."
"The amount to which I am willing to accept that scientific finding is based on how much I understand it, how reliable the evidence is."
"When we zoom out causality as such thesis to apply, we can still do physics."
"We all know the importance of equations in physics."
"Orbital mechanics can be a little counterintuitive and overwhelming at first, but when you understand what is going on, you would be amazed at what you can discover."
"Understanding climate: weather over time, influenced by earth's tilt."
"Constant understanding of a universe that runs on electrical charge."
"Reality could be understood in mathematical terms."
"Something we all need to understand is this world has always been always will be it will continually evolve as it has for millions of years it's going to happen that's just how it goes."
"The concept of almost unlimited empty spaces within matter is comparatively new, but it is the very cornerstone of our knowledge in this atomic age."
"How can we understand the catastrophe cycles properly if we are not understanding the changes in our own climate properly?"
"The most important power that we have is the power of our minds to figure out the way the world works and to use that to guide our actions."
"Just because we didn't have a scientific explanation 200 years ago doesn't mean that it was demonic possession 200 years ago, it was unexplained 200 years ago."
"It was a bell that could not be unrung and our understanding of the Universe grew and evolved from that premise."
"Nutrition science is legit complicated and it's totally fine to not know things."
"The belief that climate change is a hazard is very old and arises from extremely simple features of atmospheric chemistry."
"Water is just compositionally not H2O, but it's so much more."
"The standard model has not been upended, the laws of physics have not been upended."
"Wiser men knew better. The Sun and Moon were spheres, as any man with eyes could see; reason suggested that the world must be a sphere as well."
"So to wrap up and conclude, once we place Bacon's work back into the context of his own time, it's pretty clear that early modern understandings of science are almost literally worlds apart from those of modern science popularizers."
"Are we reaching a point now where we're about to cross a cusp where in fact the deterministic scientific classical approach is actually giving way to a much more complicated intuitive but scientifically based understanding of probability?"
"Aging is not that complicated, once you understand the genes that control it and the fundamental causes of aging."
"Ancient Jews weren't stupid; they knew about evaporation."
"I think our best guess now is that quantum theory is the nearest thing we have to an adequate account of physics."
"The more we know about why we age, the more we can do to keep ourselves alive."
"...if people could have seen this graph in 1961 no one would have ever suggested that saturated fat could cause heart disease it just makes zero sense."
"These anomalies, whatever they are, they're beyond our current scientific understanding," General Zorx nodded in agreement.
"It was also important for the study of health physics, this again we have to think about the context at the time and the people thought that radium was beneficial and then the fact that this we see that it's not."
"Nothing should be ruled out. As we understand the mind better, many things thought to be beyond science will be illuminated by scientific insight."
"I mean it's amazing, isn't it? When you actually can learn the science behind something and you can notice the difference."
"...if we're going to understand life elsewhere in the universe we should first try and understand life here on earth and the evolution of life on earth in particular."
"Anyone that uses Common Sense knows that this Earth is much older than 6,000 years."
"That's why it's absolutely vital that we understand how they work and how they don't. The key is science."
"A graph like this is an illustration of the need for scientific humility; there's something missing in our understanding of this disease."
"Do you want to allow our current scientific understanding of the world, which we all know is incomplete, to override this incredibly strong feeling?"
"We virtually understand nothing about consciousness."
"Understanding the double slit experiment is a clear sign of how very, very far away human beings are in understanding natura naturans or Mother Nature."
"The lens has been both a literal and metaphorical fire starter for humanity’s scientific understanding."
"The presence of Ice VII challenges our understanding of ice and expands our comprehension of the physical properties of matter under extreme conditions."
"Once you understand those basic things, which is the basic scientific part of it and the underlying principles, then you can use it to have your own style."
"Evolution is fundamental to the understanding of biology."
"If you have any intention of making your way through this world unenhanced, focus on the people who are explaining the natural universe."
"We have a pretty deep understanding of the universe, but science is about understanding that you don't know everything."
"If we understand the distinction, we'll be able to see that not everything that is passed off for science is actually hardcore science."
"Meta-analysis... helps us to really understand sort of a bigger picture of what's going on."
"Our classifications will come to be, as far as they can be so made, genealogies."
"The Newtonian synthesis is so emphatically important for understanding everything that comes after it."
"This is helping us to understand what life was like during the Cambrian."
"The more I learned about evolution, the more I realized that I was spouting nonsense about it being only a theory."
"There's no such thing as climate science; there is science we use to understand the climate."
"My hope is that a state-specific science will make sense of this someday."
"We're outgrowing our brain as a species and to be able to understand that the science will attract people in."
"It's either going to help us understand how galaxies evolve or it's going to help us understand what exactly dark matter is."
"There are large gaps in our understanding and there are significant anomalies in our fundamental physical theories."
"Although the universe is under no obligation to make sense, your PhD thesis ought to."
"It's just a really big step forward in terms of what we're able to understand."
"The more accurate your understanding, the more obvious it becomes that evolution is actually a great explanation for the diversity of life."
"The laws of thermodynamics... led us to the correct microscopic theory of the world as we know it around us."
"Everything we ran through here is not focused on the calculations; those are of secondary importance compared to understanding the concept of what is power, what affects it, how can we control it."
"It's just science that you don't understand."
"Once I started to understand what made a fastball effective from a scientific standpoint, it gave me more confidence."
"Science helps us understand the world all around us."
"To understand a reaction, we must know its reaction mechanism."