
Suspension Of Disbelief Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Wrestling's true magic lies not in the predictability of its outcomes, but in the journey, the performance, and the momentary belief in the impossible."
"A lot of enjoyment of things comes from sort of suspension of disbelief."
"Audiences will accept some pretty wild things as familiar and comfortable if the POV characters are familiar and comfortable with them."
"To really understand and enjoy the show, you're gonna have to have some degree of suspension of disbelief."
"Speaking of suspension of disbelief, there's this argument that if you see someone fighting in high heels, you should be especially afraid because they are so good at fighting, they can overcome that inherent disadvantage."
"You can get behind the wild ridiculous violence because it's a heightened reality."
"What makes the world so believable that despite having the wackiness it still allows you to suspend disbelief?"
"In order to fully enjoy a story, an audience can't be too hung up on the fact that the story doesn't necessarily make 100% sense or isn't 100% convincing in the effects department."
"At this point, one of the things you can do that I like to do is try to remove that battlefield from an earth battlefield in ways that are going to let the people who are military experts suspend their disbelief and say, you know what?"
"Humor has a way of putting audiences into a naturally receptive state of mind where they're more willing to suspend disbelief for zany over-the-top action and concepts."
"If an action film set in the modern day may ask you to accept."
"It really allows you to suspend your belief in that feeling."
"It's space fantasy, you shouldn't think about stuff like that."
"Easy enough to suspend that disbelief to just enjoy it."
"I just sort of forgive it and go with it because it's fun."
"Romance requires us to suspend disbelief in the unrealistic nature of the plot and experience it on our own terms."
"This movie is asking us to believe Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield's characters are only just enough graduating high school to remind us that time is luck."
"It's essentially holding up the conceit that it is real, not unlike a tv show or any movie you see."
"Once you make that suspension of disbelief..."
"The world of Outlast is only believable for as long as you don't pay attention to it."
"Wrestling is all about the art of making you believe what you see is actually happening."
"If you're gonna watch this movie, you got to let little things like the laws of physics slide."
"The fridge is fine compared to the raft if you think the raft survival is more believable than the fridge survival then I think your Nostalgia goggles are too tight."
"If you haven't seen the movie, suspend disbelief a little bit, check it out. This might not be the totally accurate movie, but it's a good time rock and roll, go get some."
"The Dinosaur Project does a great job of getting me to suspend my disbelief. It suggests that Mokèlé-mbèmbé is an aquatic reptile like a plesiosaur instead of a sorod."
"There's a suspension of disbelief that you have to use in order to adopt certain things."
"I understand when it comes to horror movies, they gotta have people doing stupid stuff for the story to move forward."
"Ordinarily I would agree but the problem is that without clearly establishing that he has just now in this very moment gained a totally new power set that he has never had before, well the whole premise of this film is called into question."
"Science fiction films have a requirement that romances don't happen, crime melodramas don't have, and that is that you have to kind of get suckered into believing that these ridiculous events can actually be taking place."
"Oh okay, just something of a reveal, but no, they're just like 'nah, she went through all the public travel looking like her, it's fine, don't worry about it.'"
"You don't look at it like, oh, they built this monster to try and scare me as an audience member. It's more like, yeah, I could totally believe this is a real thing that's being used to terrorize people."
"You might have to suspend your disbelief for a moment when we discuss this next artifact, but bear with us because it's a story worth hearing."
"It's a fun movie and it's like, you know, you gotta disregard a lot of, like, plot holes."
"The audience is still buying a ticket to believe in the competitive nature of wrestling."
"The suspension of disbelief is the key to a good experience."
"I think this delivers more suspension of disbelief or a significantly greater sense of realism."
"You're watching a movie with a giant parachute that eats horses. Why are you concerned with physics at this moment, you goddamn goofball?"
"Characters do have plot armor in certain situations but if the story is really good we can let it slide."
"I can suspend disbelief for magic dragons, Man Gods, and reincarnation, but a window in a chimney? Come on."
"I like this movie too. What does take me kind of out of it more so is the movie feels very well grounded in its universe up until the Doomsday fight, and then I just... I get a little pulled out."
"There's this huge willing suspension of disbelief where it's almost created this vacuum where people are really spiritually hungry."
"I don't know I think that with wrestling sometimes people like to suspend their disbelief and also suspend reality in the way that it's okay not to have rules."
"Suspension of disbelief is a huge part of it."
"Children and adults alike suspend their disbelief."
"The lack of reality at all levels, from plot to production, signals that the movies are meant to be escapism entertainment. The genre is well defined, and our expectations follow this, enabling us to suspend disbelief."
"When you make a science fiction movie, you are supposed to take the science into account. It needs to be plausible, it needs to be plausible up to a degree. Now, there are ways to suspend disbelief and do things that are impossible but you need to set them up."
"Suspension of disbelief when you're fighting with swords or riding on a horse is one thing, but taking a pyroclastic flow to the face is not one of them."
"Suspend your disbelief for once in your [ __ ] life."
"This is a franchise that has earned itself a reputation for leaning into the ridiculous, pushing the suspension of disbelief to the absolute limit."
"If there's a visceral cinematic happening that the audience likes, they don't care if it goes against what's likely."
"Physics just generally don't apply to this dude."
"...it's like it was asking me to further suspend my disbelief until it got to a point where it was no longer relatable or cool anymore..."
"It's a film, you know, it's a Christmas film, just go with it."
"It's one of those time travel movies where you're all freaking out and trying to figure out the whole time travel thing. Just enjoy it for what it is."
"It's entertainment, right? So you can allow, suspend your disbelief and just sit back and enjoy it. Who the [__] cares where the camera came from? So, it's another angle, it's something else, and people forget sometimes that we're entertainment."
"To really enjoy wrestling it's a necessity to be able to suspend your disbelief."
"The ideas are so wacky, like sitting on his shoulders, prison escape, that the suspension of disbelief is kind of built into the concept itself."
"I think it's beautiful to suspend disbelief and to suspend reality when you're watching anime or media."
"It's emotional simplicity does manage to tap into the audience to a point where we're not even questioning the obvious logical problems."
"Suspension of disbelief, it's something that I always talk about. I think it's very important."
"For a movie where I accept that the dead come back to life to kill the living, this movie's asking me to suspend my disbelief too much."
"It's a show about space Wizards and it's best if we don't think too hard about some things."
"While in real life, it's hard to suspend this belief, in animation, it's easier to go with the flow of the story being told because certain rules can be broken in order to facilitate the story."
"It's nice to suspend your disbelief and actually believe they're from the future even though they're literally from that time period."
"It's entertainment, you can allow suspend your disbelief and just sit back and enjoy it, who the fuck cares where the camera came from?"
"All wrestling fans really want is to believe in something that's real, to have their suspension of disbelief carried for just long enough."
"You suspend your belief for the movie, and to me, I don't go in thinking, 'Oh, how did he not die?' Because that just takes away the fun from it."
"Your suspension of disbelief can only go so far and the bigger a Titan gets the more glaringly obvious its problems become."
"I think if you can grow yourself a little numb, turn up that sense of disbelief, I think that if you can get past the wonky time travel you'll enjoy the story a lot more."
"You forget that it's a puppet. You forget that it's fake. You're actually watching Yoda come to life."
"You're either along for this or you're not. We all know there's no air on Mars, so just go with it."
"The degree to which a movie is good is the degree to which it makes you not notice or not care how fake it is."
"When we watch horror movies, or any movies for that matter, the suspension of disbelief is important; it allows us to step into the shoes of the characters on the screen."
"There are several major leaps in logic here that just keep the plot moving forward and it's not meant to be taken super seriously."
"If you've ever laughed at a movie or cried at a movie, you have been moved to a physiological reaction by a situation that never happened to characters who never existed."
"The whole fun is when you can suspend your disbelief."
"You don't have to work hard to suspend disbelief as an actor when you step into this world."
"Not all worlds have to be 100% believable, they just need to be consistent."
"When you watch a movie, do you sit there and be like, 'Oh, they use the green screen, oh he's got a stunt double'? No, you don't. You just watch the movie, fam. So sit back and watch."
"If you can suspend disbelief and just enjoy the moment, man, you like the way it sounds."
"Whether or not you can enjoy the franchise comes down to whether or not you can suspend your disbelief or even better, embrace the weird logic of this world."
"The contract you make when you go into a theater is you suspend your disbelief."
"It's one of those movies that... you actually, it was never believable, and that was never the point."
"A great wrestling match should be able to get you to ultimately suspend your disbelief."
"Once you have that sense of childlike wonder and amazement... where the laws of physics and the laws of the real world don't apply, we start to see a lot of magical things happen."