
Success Mindset Quotes

There are 456 quotes

"Adam was delusional, but that's exactly what you need to be to succeed."
"People who visualize themselves as successful are more likely to be objectively successful because it changes the way they interact with the world."
"Don't let some troll tell you a million dollars is not a lot; it just means that it might be one of your stepping stones to 2 million, 3 million, and beyond."
"Have that winning feeling. The winning feeling is a strong, positive attitude of accomplishment."
"This is not just a one-hit wonder, and that's why I always say, when it rains, it pours."
"As long as you never give up, you can't fail."
"I am success. Like a magnet, I attract all that I need and desire."
"Success is a vibration and it attracts more success to it."
"Success requires no apologies. Failure permits no alibis."
"Focus on the outcome, and the income will come."
"Why is Generation Y so ballsy about debt and confident that you can pay it off? I know that I will be successful because I will make myself successful."
"Always feel like a winner... naturally gravitate towards people and situations that put you where you want to be."
"Countries should prioritize efforts to increase trust in government and public health, improve public health communication efforts, increase the resiliency of populations to misleading information, and reduce the spread of harmful misinformation."
"We were wired for success, but it's how we relate to our experience that determines whether we're chipping away or burying that sense of wholeness."
"Hate is a luxury that you cannot afford if you're truly going after the highest success."
"To win, you'll have to think like a winner... They all have coaches and mentors who helped them get to where they are today."
"You can't build success on a mindset that doesn't support it."
"Never ever give up because if you never give up then you can't fail."
"Success after some sort of either this relationship did not go well, they're indicating it will be successful if you want it to be."
"Comment the one thing that you're going to do day in and day out to move closer and closer to getting and mastering this success mindset."
"A success mindset and always doing your best does get rewarded."
"In order to become a champion, one must become the champion."
"Eighty percent of your success is down to having a success mindset."
"The people who are successful don't have a backup plan because they'll use it."
"Success is not an option, it is your duty, your obligation, your responsibility."
"You cannot arrive at the fullest measure of success until you crush the spirit of procrastination within you."
"Losers quit when they fail, but winners fail until they succeed."
"Stop looking for people or things to blame for you not seeing the success you want in your life."
"Important because anybody can do it when you have the right mindset and you have the hustle but you need to know what to do."
"If you put yourself into a habit of winning, you will win."
"People with a millionaire mindset set clear, concise, and specific goals."
"Prosperity consciousness: positive thinking, positive feeling, positive action, positive results."
"In order to win in life, you gotta have that type of attitude, that mindset, whatever it takes, you know, be willing to do it."
"I knew I was going to be successful because I trained hard."
"You gotta change your mindset for real for real."
"Remember, successful people celebrate their wins and act like their losses never happened."
"What successful people get is they embrace the process."
"I never think about failing. I'm not a failure. I win everywhere I've gone."
"Success is the greatest form of revenge you just keep it moving."
"You know, like, when I set goals for myself, like, I already know that I'm gonna succeed. Yeah, I mean, but my goal, my major goal is to over succeed. Like, that's my faith. Like, I got faith that I'm over succeeded."
"Winners win and losers lose. I can't explain it any better than that."
"If you want to be more successful than most people, then you're going to have to think and act differently."
"You can't fail if you do what makes you happy."
"Visualization is a powerful tool. Imagine yourself as rich and successful every day."
"Anything that contradicts the narrative that you can and will succeed is just a self-limiting belief."
"Smart people are going to get ready for this. It doesn't matter what your wealth or income level is. If you're getting ready, you're going to absolutely dominate."
"Consistency is key. I don't know what failure is."
"Believe deep down inside that you can be successful."
"Now I just show up for work. I don't worry about the result because I done did everything I can to be successful."
"The legit hustle is the holy grail of hustling."
"Carry on each day as if success were inevitable."
"Successful people look for solutions...unsuccessful people find the problems."
"You have to make tough choices to be successful, and you're here to be successful, you're here to thrive."
"They understand our best way of winning is to go for it."
"If you're too scared to fail that it's stopping you from even trying you're not gonna make it."
"I was conditioned for going hard and going with long hours, knowing that hey, you don't end up at the top by chance."
"Don't hold on too tightly to the past; be in the flow of growth and success."
"All you need is the right mindset, the tools, and a framework to bring in more opportunities."
"Living fearlessly in reality Fearless reality we can win."
"The biggest mistake people think make is thinking that just by wishing for it, it might come or that it's serendipity, that it's just kind of good luck. And that's not true. You've got to do the work."
"There's unlimited resources. If you don't love your process, if you don't love eating the [expletive] along the way, you got zero shots to hit that huge level."
"Success is easy, guys! It's f****** easy! Make a plan, work the plan."
"Realize success takes time. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme."
"Start now, work hard, and embrace delayed gratification. That's how you become the happy one in the end."
"You're gonna succeed if you want to succeed."
"The belief that you have to have programmed in put in your computer is that you are going to be a big success in life."
"When you know that you're going to be successful, you will be."
"I am positive in my acceptance of good and am surrounded by those who think success."
"Choose an idea adequate for your need, the divine plan accepts only your success conviction."
"If you want to be successful mindset is everything."
"Success is not just timing or luck; it's also a mindset."
"Always prepare for success, always think of the positive."
"When you're winning, you're winning. When Jay-Z's winning, Jay-Z's winning."
"Every single person has the same 24 hours in a day, the celebrities, the most successful people in the world, your role models, the people that you aspire to be more like."
"It's never gonna be just right; every successful person just started before they thought they were ready."
"Surround themselves with winners and remove losers quickly."
"Happiness is a choice, as is the consciousness of success. When you live in these mental attitudes, it's only a matter of time before you two are showered with the blessings you desire."
"Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners."
"The first step in winning is believing that you can win."
"What would you do if you knew you would never fail?"
"Work in silence and let your success make the noise."
"Success is 80% the inner game and then only 20% what you do on the outside."
"But I will tell you that the humbling within that often what happens is that you come out on top if you got the mentality for it."
"The formula for success is to do all that you can to make things happen, then let go of the results."
"It's like a proven fact that when you win you now more yes like just because the winning attitude oh yeah for sure it's proven."
"Successful people don't think about if they can do something, they think about how they can do something."
"You can be successful by letting the past stay in the past."
"Success is on the horizon if you're willing to take action."
"Winners expect to win and take the actions required to eventually manifest their greatest goals and dreams despite the fact that success lies far off in the future or seems unrealistic to others."
"Winner's mindset, understanding what you have to do to get there."
"It's not about if it's going to work, it's just when it's going to work."
"If you prepare yourself, go into that mindset, and say something positive beforehand and prep yourself to be in that position of success, you'll get it."
"Success energy here with the two kings and the ace of wands."
"Prepare yourself for victory, that's the only thing that can change the reality."
"Success is not owned, it's rented, and rent's due every day."
"The starting point of success lies in your ability to control your thoughts. If we are not creating our lives the way we want them to be, then we are creating from an unconscious mind."
"I think winners are winners and they keep winning and they get addicted to it."
"A determination to succeed, united with a common purpose."
"You don't have to be born a millionaire, but you have to have the right mindset."
"Acknowledge your fears and proceed shortcomings and then go for it you will not fail."
"Success will find you, improve your relationship with money."
"I'm always successful in everything that I do so it doesn't matter. I don't even know what it means not to be successful. It's not an option."
"Failure are all valuable lessons that you can use to springboard yourself into the success that you think you deserve."
"Success is a lifestyle choice. Success is a lifestyle. Poverty and being a dumb ass also a lifestyle choice."
"Confidence truly is the key to getting ahead in life if you believe in yourself the world will believe in you because perception is reality."
"Don't focus on a specific success, don't make the parameters for success for yourself too small. Always just focus on success in general."
"Success will happen for you much more regularly once it's not a big deal."
"Success will happen more regularly when having success is no longer a big deal."
"People that want to succeed in life, they focus on the positive."
"People that want to succeed in life focus on the positive."
"When you're only up and up like you guys are... you're almost untouchable."
"Ain't no way I could lose, I was born a winner."
"If you start perfect... you can build like you're on fire."
"You must build a mindset for success, a mindset that can endure pain and struggle."
"I am unstoppable. I have the mindset to succeed."
"Having that champion's mindset is the most important thing in life. It transfers to so many different things. No matter how hard things get in life, you should never give up."
"Visualize success, have clear vision, and understand that success is not something to fear."
"Even if the world doesn't want you to succeed, if you're good enough, they can't stop you."
"Somebody here knows their worth, vibrates extremely high, has a Victoire mentality."
"In the end, whatever you do, whoever you are, you just gotta get it, man. You gotta be a go-getter if you want it."
"Inner happiness is only attached to your mindset, to your frame of thoughts."
"If you can go into that with that attitude and that no-quit attitude, and you're gonna try no matter what, most situations you're gonna succeed."
"Now is the time to act; you have everything within you to succeed."
"It is my birthright to succeed, it is my birthright to win."
"If you won't tolerate those moments of feeling frustrated, feeling embarrassed, you'll never be successful in anything."
"Successful people see failure as a temporary setback; unsuccessful people see it as a mark on their character."
"I think when you learn the secret... greatness starts chasing you."
"Winners never stop looking for a way to win."
"You go for what you want, you're going to win."
"I think the more I can try to train my brain to just be like, 'Oh, if this person's doing it, then like, I could probably do it too.' And being like, success for other people, it is not like a scarcity mindset, there are so many things to do."
"Trust the process... when people understand and accept change they ride the waves of this lifetime with great eagerness success and abundance."
"Your billionaire self does not hold themselves back as a billionaire you have arrived at the pinnacle of accomplishment you have won and you stay in this state."
"Thoughts become things... you're in a very good position to win at life."
"If you want to be successful you can't be like everybody else. You got to put in the time. You got to go through the ups and the downs."
"You're obsessed with what you do and winning, and because of that, you're going to win."
"If you're not willing to fail, you're not willing to be successful."
"Once you find one thing, it's like you are set up for success because it gives you confidence that you can find more things."
"You cannot act like the 99 if you want to be in the one percent."
"Thinking through failure only leads to success."
"As long as you have that long term goal it's worth it and you're gonna kill it."
"Just don't be the 99% of people that never takes any action."
"Be the 1% who actually tries this stuff and actually makes it work."
"Trust yourself; you have what it takes to succeed."
"Self-made millionaires look into every failure for something good... and surprise, surprise, they always find it."
"I'm not afraid of failure. I'm not afraid of making mistakes. I'm not afraid to work hard. None of that bothers me because I've already gone through all of that and I've come out on top."
"You're already successful. Let go of everything and claim it all."
"As long as you have the drive and perseverance, nothing will go wrong."
"No giving up, no quitting, no throwing in the towel. You can make it."
"If you think small, you're not gonna blow up, that's just the way it is."
"Take the higher ground; you're rising up here for your success, you're blooming."
"There's only those who succeed and those who fail."
"Are you resolved to have health, happiness, and material prosperity and to be more widely useful? Then you will have them. You will, without the shadow of a doubt, get there. You could not fail if you tried."
"If you want to be successful, you can't make excuses for yourself. You have to keep going, no matter what your circumstances are."
"His mentality and his attitude... a winning attitude."
"Surround yourself with like-minded people who are already successful."
"Success is yours as long as you believe in yourself."
"Effort is going to get you there, especially if you work on it every single day."
"Every child should be taught to expect success and happiness."
"You can't stop winners from winning, my friends."
"She was smart, she was bright, and she knew that she just wanted to be a successful woman."
"But it can also mean adjust your crown the crown is to know so adjust your knowingness know that you will be successful know that you are going to be at the top of your game and achieve your goals."
"Winning begins with believing you can win. It's about nurturing a mindset that looks for solutions, not excuses."
"With determination, resilience, and a commitment to continuous growth, winning can indeed be your only option."
"Successful people don't give up, so don't give up and just keep trying, just keep moving, see where it takes you."
"You will be successful, I would say don't give up on whatever it is you're trying to achieve."
"You can't become great without having a willful denial of the statistics."
"Make this your tool to brainwash yourself for success."
"When you come into something and think that... success is only if I don't make a blunder."
"Success comes from not giving up on the process or yourself."
"That's when I knew, if I just worked every single day, it would be successful because those people are out there."
"I know like anything I touch turns into gold. I know people like what the [ __ ] you mean anything I touched turns to gold?"
"Be open to success; allow yourself to pursue it."
"Challenge yourself to be a different person because success is something you attract by the person that you become."
"You're going to have success regardless of what you do."
"Enormous success awaits you. Break free from doubts and worries, focus on your vision."
"Success isn't something that you create, success is something you attract by becoming a person that can attract success."
"Success is not a finality, success is a Continuum and you gotta keep going."
"If you don't think differently than the majority of people, you're never going to become successful."
"If you think you're outclassed, you are. You've got to think High to rise."
"Be flexible. The people who are flexible are going to be successful."
"Don't second guess yourself, believe that you do and you will succeed."
"Life tends to express the type of thought habitually dwelt upon. Think in terms of success and prosperity."
"You're never complacent, but you never despair. You always know that you have the possibility to fail, but you have a Lord who wants you to succeed."
"Failure isn't really a part of this cycle anymore for you, and you never were a failure."
"Success took a shot at you. What you gonna do, be unsuccessful?"
"One thing me and first man mentioned was our periods of growth and success was after we stopped worrying about achieving the things to give you confidence and just started deciding to be happy with our current situation."
"Believe in yourself and your right to have the success you desire."
"I claim victory over my challenges and successes in all of my endeavors today."
"You believe in yourself with this unbreakable, unshatter confidence that you're going to be successful no matter what you do."
"People with a growth mindset are the ones that get a lot further ahead."
"The more you achieve your goals, you start feeling really powerful and unstoppable."
"Set your sights higher and strive for excellence. You have the key to success."
"Winning isn't everything but wanting to win is."
"When you know that you're going to be successful, that's when you'll be successful."
"Anybody can be successful over time. It just takes patience and belief in a project." - Rob
"Having a winner's mindset in life is the most important part of having a leveled up mindset."
"Every single person that's a huge success had those exact same thoughts."
"We will always pull through, we will always be successful at what we do."
"Heart grow and expand with ever broadening love until freed from all hatred and passion."
"We're gonna be successful, we're gonna keep going."