
Fan Interaction Quotes

There are 890 quotes

"Go to freaking SA's channel and support her, spam egg boy in her chats."
"This is a very solitary lifestyle. A lot of time is spent alone with this job, which is fine. I'm a loner, I'm a homebody, that's fine. But I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to meet your supporters, your viewers, your fans in a safe environment."
"I love meeting my supporters; they make me happy."
"The increasing way this show tore down the borders between fan and creator is a really interesting case and one that opens a lot of debates about whether these borders should be more or less maintained."
"Concerts are just a really emotional experience for both the groups and the fans watching. They cry together, laugh together."
"Aaron Judge... he basically throws every ball into the crowd."
"The fact that even one person would take any time out of their day to contact me blows my mind, but the fact that so many of you did just means the absolute world to me."
"Funny to be a comedian; half the fan mail I get opens with this exact phrase."
"Thank you, I appreciate it. I love you guys."
"Misery, starring Kathy Bates, is a film about a famous author who meets a fan. That is all I will say about it if you've not seen Misery."
"Celestia, you're my favorite superhero ever. Can I get a selfie, please?"
"If you really, really want me to see something, you can try simping for science."
"All actors want to be loved, and this is just such a lovely way of feeling that kind of warm embrace from your fans."
"Kevin, Kevin, I love you," and then threw her panties at me, which I then caught with my right hand, put in my pocket, and didn't miss a beat.
"Football's always been about emotion to me. Whether you have adrenaline on the pitch, you get the emotion from the fans."
"Everyone, smash like and subscribe for Moto Moto the Axolotl."
"See if you ever meet me on the street, just come up to me and be like, 'Yo B Ford, do this player for the player rewind,' and I'll be like, 'I got you bro.'"
"I made friends, I incurred enemies, I pleased some people, I displeased others. But the one thing I've got in common very much with you and with all of the fans of this show is that I'm absolutely passionate about Arsenal."
"I'll rather have a good conversation with a fan, like, and chill out and smoke with them or play football or something."
"Can't stop won't stop engaging with our games fans and players on Twitter."
"We specialize in horror games and reactions."
"I run down to Finch Farm and after Abraham admires Abraham."
"Every time Crush 40 plays this song live in fact, all the fans in the audience immediately go crazy and sing to every single word."
"Without my fans, I'm not anything. That's why it trips me out when I talk to my fans."
"Yo AJ vlogs with the five bomb, let's freakin go."
"Yo Antonio can we get a 69 bomb in the chat."
"Can you please say hi, Avery? Hello, Avery, I hope you're doing well."
"The feedback from the fans has been absolutely overwhelming and so many positive comments."
"People who are in a wheelchair are now going to be able to potentially walk again."
"One of my favorite things about doing the show for so many years is the direct line I have to fans who want to show me stuff that they love."
"It just sucks to hear about this. What are your fondest memories of Bruce Willis' career?"
"Jimin was turning away from me when he got really close. Jimin, would you please look this way?"
"It's gonna be cool to see them come up to the tables again, like everything is changing, everybody is excited that they get to hug their favorite characters again."
"It was painful, slow, and boring to boot. Yet the designers appealed to the fans saying that it was meant to make them feel isolated and powerless."
"Red Dead Redemption 2, can I get an amen from at least a few of y'all?"
"At her peak, she was the most super chatted YouTuber ever."
"I keep everything that you guys send me. I keep all the cards, I keep all the paintings, all the arts and crafts that you guys make me. That personally bothers me. That actually bothers me."
"Throwing out all the fan mail is so mean. She wouldn't be anywhere without her fans. Like, seriously, you're throwing it away."
"We're gonna have a booth at the Olympia, RBP Booth within that booth for fans to come in and talk to us."
"Aside from all the success Hades has had, the developers are just very grateful to have had the chance to work closely with their fans and build something very special, together."
"They hit like beatles level you know kind of fame suddenly from the first and second season there was a you know there was a we'd have to have security there to keep the fans away while we're shooting."
"I'm always happy to see you all over the world. I always wanted to have an audience all over the world."
"He's like, 'I followed your streams, it's really good stuff.'"
"Don't forget to Subscribe to me and Matt Pat if you haven't done so already and tell me what you thought of my story revision in the comments below."
"Thank you for watching, I absolutely love you guys."
"Let's make it a little interesting, our good friend Jersey Jerry sat in the interview, he led most of the questions. They were very, very funny, a Super Fan interviewing his Idol while we moderated. So that was very, very fun."
"I had a fan send me a message telling me that they basically put my videos on to help their baby fall asleep because my voice is so relaxing."
"I never sell any of my autographs ever. I never have. It's just something I really appreciate, you know? This is mine too."
"Believe it or not, Laundry Day and Nifty Knitting were both completely fan voted stuff packs."
"I'm not trying to have a controversy discussion and debate, whatever. Comment down below out of these three who's your favorite player?"
"Comment 'witch broom' if you've stayed until the end."
"I think it's very considerate of you to be that open with your fans."
"You should have your meet and greet in California, whatever it takes."
"I'm gonna check out the rest of Taylor Swift's music I'm gonna do the other two albums if you guys like this one so please make sure to let me know in the comments section that you guys liked it."
"You guys are the detectives, you guys are the ones spotting everything!"
"A fan favorite from your streams has to be the fun you have with Bat Babe and Charles."
"Wow wow wow wow wow wow absolutely incredible amazing job Nintendo thank you once again everyone for coming through to the stream I will go upload."
"Thank you so very much to everyone who sent some amazing gifts and sweet letters and books and so many cool things. Thank you, thank you!"
"Warframe was the very first thing that I've done as a voice actor that actually started to have fans, period."
"I love traveling, I love seeing new places, I love exploring the cities that we get to play in, I love meeting new fans at every city and talking to them and hanging out."
"I really appreciate you guys, you have no idea how much I love you, and I can't wait to see you in a new video soon."
"I think it's a little bit of the writers and the creators kind of hearing the fans' complaints, the fans' anticipation and impatience with the situation, and addressing it."
"It's amazing when I do my meet and greets right then the amount of people that come up to me and say you know if it hadn't been for you and Monday Night Raw you know I don't think I would have made it."
"I really see you getting a platinum album, and on top of that, you reposted my [ __ ] on Instagram the last two days. You respect fans."
"We became even closer with our fans online." - Ben and Ben
"Cheers Harry for the donation, but who do you think is going to take that fourth spot? Is it going to be Chelsea or is it going to be Man United?"
"When I meet you guys, it's like a genuine happy."
"My fans to that are online to come and actually see me offline and talk and get to know me as a real person."
"Choose to believe that Demi Lovato just wanted to tell Taylor how much she likes her music."
"Just the very fact that they were so receptive to fan opinions... really shows some good commitment."
"Developers need to be careful not to let their own fans ruin their games."
"The amount of messages we get about you know where they did the Spotify thing recently where it comes out oh how many numbers people listen to and just just nice little messages saying you helped me get through the year."
"I just want to say first and foremost, I love meeting my fans, the best experience ever."
"It's really awesome when I read comments and you guys are into some of the same stuff that I am."
"Nice. Chris thanks a fan during a twitch stream for purchasing the ring."
"Bless your face, man, you're really addicting to watch. Well, thank you, dude, I appreciate it."
"Literally, bro, I get messages like hundreds of fans every day telling me how much I've helped them."
"Legitimately and are currently beefing with each other big time over the Skyrim civil war."
"Fan reactions can significantly impact a movie's reception and success."
"Respectful and appreciative interaction with fans can go a long way in building a positive public image and a successful career."
"Thank you to all the fans who voted for me for this award, thank you for to BT Sport for always supporting UK mixed martial arts and just martial arts in general, um I am honored, um I am appreciative of this award and um what a year it was."
"It's not about getting on, it's not about getting noticed. The hard part really starts when you get on and staying on."
"But we do wanna acknowledge that the people who are telling us that, we're meeting fans in person, we're seeing tweets like Ear Biscuits, 'I really got into this, I'm a huge fan and this is what, I just love it.'"
"You keep your ear to the ground, you hear these very vocal Arsenal fans." - Mark
"In the realm of anime, every suggestion counts. Let me know who you want to see next!"
"I take a very 'you paid the money to come see me' approach... I just want to be as close to the fans as possible."
"He's always shown love for his fans and has never been afraid to poke fun at himself or the world around him."
"Myself and Stevie Boy, we'll see you guys in the next one. We love you."
"Dream walks right by me, I'm like, I was too nervous to say hi. I was too nervous to say hi, you know? He fist bumps Carl, you know, Dream walks by."
"VidCon can't dampen the magic of meeting my fans."
"I just wanted to meet my fans, to have one good birthday."
"I get a lot of comments sometimes where people say that they feel like I'm their friend and that just makes me so happy."
"Big up to everybody who's been dropping the super chats via the thanks option. I will reply to them and I'm out of here, people. Don't forget Arteta out."
"I just love when people like know me from YouTube and genuinely like me."
"This stuff really doesn't mean a lot to me. I read all the letters, I open all the packages, so guys, thank you so much for what you do and just watching me and sending me stuff. God, I'm so tired."
"I missed you ghost kids, you guys don't hear anything right? It's just in my head. Anyways, as always thank you all so much for watching. Until we eat again, see you later."
"I love when we do this there's so many stream snipers though which is kind of fun but we get a lot of fans too so."
"Travis Scott loved when the kids are there, Travis Scott would bring the kids on the stage."
"We're like literally 100 likes away from 9K likes."
"The Lambeau leap... breaking down the walls between fans and players."
"A selfless celebration... drawing in the fans."
"I love seeing the look on the fans' faces when we're singing these songs together."
"Time is ticking... once fans start booing... there is only one way that it will go."
"You're my number one YouTuber, your vibe always uplifts and inspires me."
"Thanks for all the nice comments and messages, artwork, game requests, just all of it."
"Seeing all you guys out here means the world."
"I really hope you like the book give me a shout if you preorder it if I ever meet you I'll give you a really long like half that goes on for a long time."
"Shout out to you there, my friend, and everyone in the chat, you guys absolutely rock, much love and respect!"
"Ninja brought up the situation again when people were in his chat begging him to help to Dion get unbanned."
"I'm going to be doing a giveaway where 10 of you will be chosen to come hang out with me on a zoom call."
"Here we are 20 years later, and that someone cares enough to talk to me about it, that's just beautiful for me."
"Thank you guys so much for being so respectful."
"I won't be back at c2e2 again, wonderful show, sweet Ghoulies, great fucking show."
"I'm really honored to be here. I am a fan of your channel." - Butch
"Just like sitting down with people, yo thanks a lot bro like these videos are great I love them."
"Love you, girl! Hope to hear mine on your channel. Please feel free to shout out my name. Love, peace, and chicken grease, Reina."
"I want to meet you and I want to hug you because I don't even know how to put into words like how to say thank you you are incredible."
"It's always fun to be able to chat with y'all, so thank you for coming to this."
"Rockstar is the worst company that communicates with their fans."
"The most rewarding comments are the ones saying they found new artists because of us."
"I'm really excited to be streaming this because you guys helped me out so much back in season one."
"Absolutely buzzing for it too, Everton vs Arsenal stream confirmed now."
"My favorite thing to do is to surprise you guys."
"Love your channel, much love back right back at ya."
"Greetings from California, love your channel."
"Let's start a revolution if you start banning your fans."
"Subscribe for more content, drop them likes, follow on social media. I love you guys to death."
"Don't forget to keep it rigid. A lot of props to giveaway, Juggies."
"Y'all keep me busy. I've been autographing all of that stuff. It's a whole lot, and it's still so much more."
"Jerome Iginla, the dream I was fortunate enough to meet him twice."
"You too can be shouted out vocally by me on a video. How cool is that?"
"Creators do not owe you confirmations of your fan theories."
"The best reward to me is when the fans come up and say, 'You helped me from committing suicide.'"
"Thank you to everybody who just hung around and watched me rant about MoviePass for another 30 minutes or however long it was."
"I think she's a little too parasocial because she reads all her indirects and then blocks people on Twitter when they say something mean. It's like, good!"
"Fill the live chat with hearts for Robert Lewandowski to celebrate that goal."
"What do you think about the Doja and Ariana drama and more so what do you as a consumer of Music thinking about the nature of parasocial relationships with celebrities?"
"Don't be afraid of asking us for a picture, I promise you we'll say yes."
"Scotty, my name is Dez, I came all the way from Jersey, get well soon, bro, stay safe, man."
"A lot of my fans are going to be complaining about this but I decided it's the personal direction I wanted to take."
"You've got to listen to the fans when they're screaming 'attack, attack, attack.'"
"Thank you guys again. This is the coolest taing in with you guys and thank you thank you honestly dream come true."
"It's probably one of the best ways to get one-on-one conversations with me."
"Love you guys, go follow my socials, Absorber YT on everything."
"It's a dangerous thing not to listen to media not to listen to fans."
"You do not play with the fans' emotions like that. That is not what you do in this type of event."
"What's this? A stream on my birthday? The greatest gift ever!"
"After we won one new at mullin you're obviously 10 men and with granddaddy the players at the end of the game come over to the fans gave all of that you know like come on like lift us and whatnot."
"Everyone spans 'show us thought plant' at the 50th minute."
"That's awesome, dude, I love these videos so far."
"This is a [miracle], bros. I never thought I'd get to meet you, and we're having this conversation right now."
"I never got involved with this to try and make fans happy. I didn't do it for them. They kind of did it for me."
"The golden globe's billion dollar snub should shock exactly no one."
"Embrace the banter because that's what football fans are all about."
"They call me Nudie, too, to sign some posters or something, we'll get them sent out to you."
"Which actor had your favorite combination of roles between Marvel and DC? Let us know in the comments below."
"Hello from London, hello Bernardo, it's good to have you here, big fan of your content."
"It's been fun thank you to the fans thanks to everybody for tuning in joining us um yeah I never thought we'd do this live thing but it's been great."
"I think doing a giveaway on the Miata would be the coolest thing to do."
"Christopher please do address the fans at home I know many people have been waiting for this and you guys to rise up once again to new legends and major status."
"Special shout out to the fans in the building and Wade Minter, who was just making dad jokes all night."
"Thank you, everybody, for watching so much. I love you. I love your shoes."
"Out of all the money that fans say you allegedly stealing, you did not put 500 to the side to go fix the side tooth."
"Mike Evans dropping a ball because he's thinking about which fan he's gonna hand it to that's kind of cool."
"Thank you for all your content on your channel, just love your videos. Experience your local hot, wait, of food, be safe and take care from Ashd."
"Thanks so much for watching our show. Keep an eye out for @TMNT and @G4TV's posts on Instagram and Twitter for a chance to win that super sick custom Shredder's Revenge Xbox Series S."
"Thank you so much for the super chat and Estrellita, thank you so much for the super chat, I appreciate it."
"I love y'all so much. Thank you for loving this record. Just, oh my God."
"Big brain idea for 300k: you should have some fans come to your island and you go to theirs. That would be cute."
"Celebrating with the fans, something he'll remember for the rest of his life."
"You're my favorite YouTuber... honored to be your fave."
"To be able to interact with these fans so closely... it's always been a dream."
"That was genuinely the best part of Warhammer Fest: it was getting to meet you guys."
"It really does go a long way and it makes me so happy to see you guys enjoying the series."
"You guys always motivate me to create more new exciting content."
"I got to see and meet so many of you I didn't regret a second of it."
"It's all about connecting with our biggest fans and opening the door to producing projects."
"I'm comfortable with Piccolo and Gohan. Are you?"
"If given the chance, what specific genre would you like to produce for sb19? #superpop"
"You're the best, I watch your videos every day."
"You're my idol. I don't care if you don't want to put this in your vids because as long as you read this, it made you smile. That's all that counts for me."
"It's amazing how you guys built this strong community. They know you inside and out."
"Salute to him give us more from The Eurythmics."
"This Deadpool skin is really cool, chat. What do you guys think about the Deadpool skin?"
"Thumbs up, subscribe, and stalk the girls you love so much."
"It would be cool if we could get her in a call one day just for charity."
"Whoever predicts United Liverpool correct with the goal scorers in the comments below I will send you 48 Mars bars."
"Think we missed any dazzling threads? Let us know in the comments what your favorite ranger suits are."
"This is the good part, getting to kind of gauge the reaction of different fans and different songs."
"Platforms like OnlyFans where you have that direct connection with your fans... people who really care about you."
"I love connecting with the fans and trying to bring new ones to the track."
"That's what I love to do, I love just being able to connect with the fans in ways people don't."
"You guys are what made this happen. I'm so glad."
"They give you ideas of what they want to see and if they're excited, I'm going to be excited."
"I love it when people comment below and say hey I've seen this movie like 80 times but I never considered this. I never considered that you always point this something out that I didn't see. It's the best compliment I could possibly receive."
"I feel like a celebrity out here all these boys asking for My Autograph."
"I think if you can create some ownership structure... I think that could be interesting, I like it."
"One of the coolest parts of the job has been getting to meet with fans. This isn't just a channel and you aren't just viewers, this is a community of theorists."
"Hey, where are my James Dean fans at? Make some noise!"
"Anyways, what the fans suggested was either like music equipment to get you, or a PS4 game."