
System Analysis Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The collective is undergoing a re-seeing of all of our structures: social, political, religious, economic."
"This video is a comprehensive methodological analysis of the state of the current education system and how it's failing the current generation in its fundamental purposes and teaching mechanics."
"It's logically impossible for people within a system to determine whether that system is ultimately random."
"Shannon entropy can be thought of as the amount of hidden information in a system - or more precisely the amount of information we can hope to gain by making a measurement on the system."
"I do not believe that the tool is broken, I believe that the mechanics are broken."
"We should have a system which encourages people looking at their own system."
"The revelation of what our system is built of by smart people who are not part of the institutional structure."
"So these kind of systems, I believe, are important."
"The human would need to gain a deep understanding of the AI program, including its programming architecture and weaknesses."
"Most game systems could be broken down enough, like a fractal."
"The Twitter files reveal an incredibly elaborate formalized system."
"The worse one gets, the more destabilized the other ones get and the greater the likelihood of escalation until you just have a system-wide collapse."
"The problem is how do you do it? It is relatively easy to rescue or to underwrite the system."
"You must analyze these systems so that you can find remedy to these systems."
"This section was mostly just to say look at the sum of the system, not just the CPU and the GPU."
"There must be something particularly resilient about such a system and I would argue that this is a system whose virtues we need to rediscover and affirm."
"It's all about trying to describe your problem accurately because it's easier to fix a small important problem than to be like 'oh yeah we just need to fix the entire monetary system by which all the things are delivered.'"
"Amazing, isn't it, that such complex systems can be so easily dealt with in physics?"
"I think horizontal progression systems are awfully undervalued."
"So my point here my overall point is whenever you're looking at different options and systems just make sure you realize that most none of them are going to be perfect."
"Real impressive from a system engineering point of view."
"This system brings many things for you to consider."
"We don't have a health care System, we have a sick care system."
"What we want to do today is to show how Brazilian jiu-jitsu operates as a coherent and cohesive system."
"How is that freedom? How does that make any sense?"
"You can find the inherent weaknesses and actually make the system better."
"The best deterrent to a bad idea or a bad system is to understand it."
"So, let's take a moment to analyze the systems that dominate us and find ways to resist and forge a better world."
"The purpose of a system is what it does, and it is not going to stop on its own."
"We're squarely standing and looking at the flaws in the system, you cannot ignore them anymore."
"...the school system is their main goal is to put youth just born into this to this world to learn."
"The core of our system, the stuff that it must do to achieve its goals, is its essential complexity."
"France's Healthcare System is not perfect, but it's doing a lot of things right."
"Anomaly detection isn't looking for faults, it's looking for deviations from the nominal system."
"Our health care system is not a health care system, it's a sickness scare system."
"It's not about this, it's how you spend the money and what do you do in the system in the first place."
"The system detected a strong desire to survive in you."
"Why would that require you to idealize the system? Why not analyze it like a biologist?"
"The Z transform of a system that can be represented by a difference equation with constant coefficients is the ratio of two polynomials in Z to the power of minus one."
"We like to have multiple representations for the system so that we're always able to choose the one that lets us work the most simply."
"The 18-year cycle is the single best tool for explaining the system, how it operates, who wins and who loses."
"If you have a system like this, you actually want to study at some at the next meta level that system, make observations about it, analyze it, model it, plan some improvements, and then intervene in the system and observe how it's working and try to make it better."
"Formal system models help expose inconsistencies."
"There's a surprisingly deep question here about whether this kind of system is at all useful to think of what might be happening in human cognition."
"For effective regression testing, what we want is to be able to put the system that we're testing into some specific state, interact with it in some interesting ways, and then measure the results."
"What a quantum computer is good at is telling us quantitatively how quantum systems behave."
"You're never done analyzing the system even after it starts flying."
"System monitor is a Windows tool to measure resource consumption across an entire server, not just databases."
"Process Explorer to understand what's actually running and find out who's got the file handle."
"A mathematical model is a description of the system, where the relationships between variables of the system, are expressed in a mathematical form."
"This will enable you to see where you've got anomalies in your system and dive deep and find out what's actually going on."
"Reality is the real, the known, and the unknown within a system."
"This is beautiful because the left-hand side is the output of the system \( y \) of \( s \)."
"You can never evaluate a system from within that system."
"An ERP system is just a model of a business."
"Prometheus is actually a monitoring solution."
"When multiple elements are affected by a single root cause, those are called common cause failures."
"Most chemical engineers are going to look at the whole process as a system, from the beginning to the end, from the raw materials to the final product."
"You have to have closed feedback loops if you're not measuring the state of your system."
"Decomposition takes us a long way in evaluating and predicting the resource usage."
"What are the basic dimensions? What are the atoms, the primes, the basis vectors that are the simple elements that combine to create this complex system?"
"It's better to understand the workings of the system that you're trying to fix."
"So we have to first understand those three components, the storage—the reservoir itself—the input, and the output."
"A healthy system is one that questions itself and changes itself when it finds flaws, failures and so forth."
"You first capture the actors, who are the people that are using the system."
"This is the high water mark of applied math really, when we start analyzing these systems."
"The goal of a host IDS is to analyze how the system is operating and try to identify operations that are not supposed to occur or that are out of the ordinary."
"Simulation involves the generation of artificial history of the system and then drawing inferences from it."
"If it's worth doing a simulation, it's worth it for a little bit more effort; a lot more simulation gives you a lot more insight into how your system behaves as different parameters have changed."
"The Bode diagram is useful for analysis, especially for simpler systems, but it's really useful for controller design."
"A use case describes a sequence of interactions between a system and an external actor that results in the actor being able to achieve some outcome of value."
"This is very helpful to have the transfer function."
"We have these algebraic properties of transfer functions, so I can take multiple transfer functions, I can cascade them in parallel series, I can take the feedback loops, feedforward loop, so on and so forth."
"As long as I have the total information of the state as of now, I can always calculate Vc of t; I do not need to know what happened one hour before, one day before."
"We can see exactly what the poles of the transfer function are."
"Sometimes it's useful to know what happens or how a system responds not so much in time, but in terms of a response to a frequency."
"It's a very concise representation of a system."
"State is the information you need to recreate the position of a system at any given time."
"System analysis is very possible, and user expertise can be quite helpful."
"This system has a closed loop damping ratio for the dominant pole pair of 0.5 for an a fnot of only 2.2."
"Statistical counters are the variables used for storing statistical information about system performance."
"The time syncing has turned out to be very important. One of the things we learned in the 2003 blackout is that without time stamping we couldn't really figure out exactly what happened."
"Thermodynamically any system is defined to be at equilibrium when there are three equilibrium things are satisfied: one is a mechanical equilibrium, second one is your chemical equilibrium, and third one is the thermal equilibrium."
"Our assumption will be that we are considering a causal system, where the region of convergence is outside the outermost pole."
"We can't hope to understand how any system works without understanding the incentives and punishments that guide people's behavior within it."
"You should be able to make predictions about what might happen when a stock or flow is perturbed in some way."
"94% of the problems come from the system, not the worker."
"Collect the data from the real system of interest."
"A quantum system therefore cannot be actually explained by only looking at one of the two states."
"This failure to do what was expected was a general malaise on the part of the entire system."
"When you see your plots up here for the arpan bus look like this, what that means is there was some form of voltage regulation going on."
"What we really want to be looking at is more kind of the health of the system, transactions, everything."