
Character Flaws Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"The most successful men and women on earth have had to correct certain weak spots in their personalities before they began to succeed."
"In Jeff Kinney's own words, 'Greg is not a hero. He's full of imperfections and having a flawed character is a little bit more interesting than having a character that always does the right thing.'"
"It's not just the tragedy that happened to them; it's mistakes he made that caused them, which is part of what made this character so relatable." - DJ Woolridge on Spider-Man's origin
"At the end of the day, Endeavor was a dad who had mistakes, had flaws."
"A true flaw is something more like a fear of heights, an addiction, greed. Usually these stem from a fear, or a false belief, or some kind of moral failing, think seven deadly sins."
"It's a good one. This book is definitely Peak dark Academia with insufferable characters that sometimes make you think, 'Why is this insufferable character saying something relatable and what does that say about me?'"
"Even though Homer does something as bad as codependence day it works because it's not just done in a 20-minute chunk."
"You need your strong female character to have flaws and weaknesses. That's what makes us empathize with her and that's what makes us connect with her humanity."
"Say what you want about the Craft, but at least all the characters make mistakes."
"He had big gigantic flaws when he was introduced and he continued to have flaws all throughout his time in the MCU."
"Homer's enemy is a hilarious tragedy confidently subverting Expectations by making us fall in love with Homer all over again despite his mountainous flaws and grimy's Grim fate..."
"The secret of great storytelling is to make us empathize with someone who's doing bad things."
"Dave is kind of a schmuck, he's relatable, we like him."
"He's constantly just fucking up and that's part of what makes his character so great, he's a fucking dweeb, he's a dork, you know, he's a loser but he's also a superhero, you know, and like that's what makes him incredibly relatable."
"And finally Homelander has done some pretty heinous unforgivable things like brutally murdering Sonic Boom for one but one of his worst crimes has to be giving the Seven some amazing looking taco bowls and then instantly dismissing them."
"They designed both of their divine beings with flaws."
"Comedy taught Craig Mason how to tell the stories of flawed people."
"Both of them are absolute garbage as people, but they do seem to be able to work quite well together."
"If the deepest level, your character, your spirit, if that is unhappy, if that is negative, if that is focused on greed, then you will create goals that come from that."
"Expose humanity examine flaws tell honest stories and you structure to do it."
"The reason why we liked characters like Luke Skywalker or Han Solo was because they were flawed."
"I love the premise. This idea that these guys who were so heralded heroes got caught up in their own apathy and procrastination."
"I take issue with the entire mentality of 'I want something from a woman she won't give it to me so I will forcibly take it.'"
"She's not gonna make every single right decision; she's gonna be selfish in some way. She's gonna have these character flaws."
"He represents the flaws in Batman's philosophy."
"I want to say that if you really loved Patrice, you knew it, you knew his eccentricities, his flaws as well as you knew him."
"That's what tragedy is, it's a siegmeyer wanting to be a hero but being frozen by his need to perfect himself."
"The fact that the characters are deeply flawed...it's got a real family feel."
"He's not a perfect character, and I think that's what makes him great."
"Even though our main characters, you know, they have stuff felled out, they don't always make the right decision. They're selfish at times, they're scared."
"This is a story of ignorance, arrogance, and the blinding influence of an inflated ego."
"Frieza's ego is still unwilling to accept that he lost to a filthy monkey."
"I personally really like the idea of characters, even our heroes, being fallible."
"Bakugou is a flawed character striving to be better... just like every one of us."
"Sora's inability to regulate his emotion makes him a prime target to be manipulated."
"Moana has one key moment in her movie where she's just plain wrong, with no caveats or character-specific motivators."
"Her vices are played for laughs, highlighting her lack of control and inner struggles."
"Tragedy is born through character flaws, bad choices, through grave missteps."
"This solidifies what we've been saying: he is a deeply irresponsible person."
"Spider-Man was often bad at it and that, I think, was very relatable."
"It reminds me of Jaws as most things do Quint and Brody and looper which is that you have three three people who are extremely flawed individually they have very deep individual flaws but together they make the perfect solution to every problem."
"He’s making a mistake, but a mistake that makes perfect sense of his character."
"Pride was his greatest sin, one he always sought to suppress as best as he could."
"Sarah Connor is a deeply flawed character with real human frailties."
"Tony Stark and Thor are also introduced as egotistical jerks who need to be taken down a few pegs before they can rebuild and get better."
"Han Solo, dude's coolest and they never try to do that, he has flaws, he makes mistakes but none of them are meant to detract from him being larger than life cool."
"Annie's biggest weakness was her relationship with her husband."
"Rarely does a champion have this many design flaws and problems, yet Quinn is still loved by her community."
"Babylon 5 didn't shy away from showing non-perfect main characters or society's problems."
"Cheating is a problem because it is a sign of bad character and dishonesty."
"Flaws can be fun too. In fact, sometimes they are more entertaining for you as a player!"
"Luke needs to make mistakes like the chosen one."
"It's really important to highlight the struggles and the flaws."
"Black Widow captured the hearts of many fans who grew fond of her and others who idolized her as someone to look up to. But she was far from perfect—she had a very endearing charm about her."
"Sandy's pride takes over constantly to the point where she puts her friends in serious danger just so she can prove a point."
"His good sides don't erase the bad and his bad sides don't cancel out the good."
"He's a liar, a hypocrite, and just... he just is."
"Far from acting in their best interests, Rick is addicted to feeling control over them."
"Unlike some of those he inspired whose characters were defined by their shtick and their self-righteousness, Scott's heroes were always flawed."
"The worst kinds of folly is self-righteousness... pride is worse even than being a fool."
"There's so much power in pursuing the things that make you excited."
"Despite his many flaws, Heracles would often help those in need."
"Blessed as you are with the great power of hydro, one yet finds too many impurities in thy soul."
"Rey will electrocute you by accident. At least Rey is genuinely distraught by what she's done. This is the first time in three films she's actually made a mistake."
"Kira isn't a perfect human, and it's his ego that gets the better of him, but he still had a lot of moments of Competency and was a real threat."
"Pride mixed with ignorance is the Bonnie and Clyde of self-destruction, lethal individually or in tandem."
"Even they screwed up, all the characters screwed up numerous times. That's how relatable it is."
"How do you invent a character... that is infallible?"
"The individual not wishing to change himself... is going to escape from these weaknesses by killing out his own recognition of them."
"They're faintly hedonistic, vengeful, pitiless, exploitive, manipulative, dishonest... they cheat to win."
"Most cheaters don't admit their transgressions; cowardice and selfishness play a role."
"Saka is allowed to have a massive flaw in his sexism without the narrative endorsing or just permitting that sexism."
"Challenges themselves, they're like Icarus going too near the sun. It's not arrogance on their part, it's negativity."
"The best villains are written as understandable beings that are slaves to their imperfections despite me heaping praise and the big purple baddie for the logic of his plan Thanos is no different."
"They have their imperfections, they've had moments where they've messed up just like we've had moments where we've messed up."
"He's literally not allowing people to be themselves."
"All in all, she’s a pretty great Disney protagonist - flaws and all."
"Even though the execution of his character has plenty of flaws, there's a reason why people remember the horned king with a fond shudder."
"Character flaws are so prevalent in media and why the best stories generally aren't ones with perfectly moral happy healthy or otherwise invincible characters."
"Both of their flaws sort of perpetuate each other in a way that causes this event to happen, driving home this arc for Steven's character."
"Anakin's flaws, like all classic mythological heroes, are the flaws that everybody carries with them."
"I think that's one of my worst habits, is that I want everybody to like me. And I did not, you know, when I see that in my work, I know that I'm cutting off the edges and I wasn't allowed to do that with this character."
"Mob Cycle 100 explores the flaws and concerns of its characters in great detail and I love it for doing that."
"I think they all lost not because of their character flaws necessarily but because they all showed up the most inauthentic version of themselves."
"The Bible intentionally flogs every biblical character so that you remember, 'Oh yeah, I want to be like that guy but that guy was a bad guy.'"
"I still have a lot of issues, I mean he still pushed a child out of a window."
"You could have strong females in fiction that can beat men. They just need to be well written and have flaws and still be capable of losing."
"Heroes can be flawed without tipping over into the morally gray category."
"It's nice to see them have flaws. That's right, that's somewhat of an inspiration."
"Anakin resonated so much because he is so goddamn flawed."
"Let's normalize being a brat. Not every character has to be perfect."
"Selfishness, self-centeredness, that is the root of our problems."
"He writes characters that are flawed but you still are interested to get to know."
"I think Ken Liu rocks that really good line of characters making terrible decisions."
"Knowing a character's fault can lead to an emotional response in the reader."
"Some truly gloss over what makes her so perfectly flawed in the best possible way."
"Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand."
"Generally, the best stories have protagonists with a flaw that are willing to change and antagonists with flaws that don't change."
"We need to show that Ruby is not perfect and that Weiss for sure has some redeeming qualities in the form of her skill."
"I love it when characters are flawed and they don't realize it."
"Characters can make mistakes, they don't have to know everything and they don't have to get everything right."
"No matter how great you think a character is, in the end, they're still flawed."
"I admired Tamsin's imperfections. But despite those imperfections, her desire to love and be loved."
"Arrogance and vanity, that was it."
"She's written in a way where you can question decisions she makes; sometimes she's good at heart, but she makes mistakes and controversial decisions."
"He's poor in no one fault, but stored with all. Especially in pride."
"Men's downfall is their cowardice, and women's downfall is their pride."
"Nate is capable of finding redemption. Once again, much like every character in this show, Nate is flawed. He's not evil."
"Look at this dude, he's admirable. He's got enough blood to keep him going, he got a few flaws, but he's admirable."
"I love that Evelyn's character isn't perfect."
"They just make for a better couple, despite Scott being kind of the worst sometimes."
"They're a combination of all the characters of the Wizard of Oz: Scarecrows with no intellect or critical thinking skills, Tin Men with no passions in their hearts, and Lions with no courage."
"They're very flawed individuals, but because of their flaws, that's what makes for a very engaging story."
"We relate to a character's flaws, not their virtues."