
Educational Value Quotes

There are 634 quotes

"The unbelievable power of unrestricted curiosity and that the only thing that mattered to her was my interests."
"Calculus is a great example of the mathematical method in fact; it's maybe the most dramatic example of the mathematical method."
"It is truly an honor and a privilege to be able to convey the significance and the exciting history of this site to you all."
"What we are studying is of profound importance and significance to our world."
"The world would be very well-served by a whole load of people who are really good at science communication, people who understand the science but can also explain it in a way that the general public can understand."
"Hearing from the perspective of a Holocaust survivor firsthand, I do think there is value in that."
"Medieval philosophy is an incredibly rich resource well worth your time."
"These outside sources from the secular world are very valuable."
"That's the encyclopedic record you're building with the photos you're taking, isn't it cool getting to put together your very own Poké your photo decks?"
"His superpower ... is to be able to talk about all of these things without making you either go to sleep or want to jump into a volcano."
"If there's anything in our society that's a bubble, it is education."
"Finance is the most important subject you'll ever study."
"I'm so happy that this is a show the kids are watching, it's teaching them so many wonderful things."
"Thanks so much for being with us here today and sharing amazing insight."
"While none of these parties really matter much at all hopefully learning about them has given you some insight into some of the fringe subcultures"
"There's definitely something to be learned from this."
"The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true Liberty."
"I learned more in 15 to 20 minutes watching your videos than I learn in like five hours of doing research online."
"The sheepskin effect refers to the fact that a lot of the payoff from education comes from crossing the finish line, from graduation, a disproportionate amount."
"To me, the universities are a key element in the conversation across the generations about just exactly what a human being is."
"I think it's so valuable, I'm glad you're doing it."
"Learning about it from the very beginning is so helpful."
"I hope it gave you some value and brought you one step closer to becoming a master of web animation."
"The university is one of the few times in your life when you can hear every view under the sun."
"We're gonna win. There's no messing around in this. This is gonna be one of our... We've had some dope shows but this one is so educational."
"All this stuff you hear about history being boring is a load of rubbish."
"It's not a pretty story and it's not being told for its shock value. This material is presented because it happened."
"It's amazing what can be accomplished and I'm particularly grateful for the education I got in Tulsa..."
"Games can communicate just as effectively with their audiences as any book."
"This secret not only makes the story itself a lot more interesting and complex than it appears at first glance, but it can actually teach us a lot more about our own world."
"Training is what will get you ahead. Education is what will get you ahead."
"Personally, I find learning anything like this is going to give you some value."
"It was something new and I think this will actually be used as a case study for the future."
"If you followed us from the beginning and you're here with the end, you're gonna have like a 400 level college course in game design by the time this is all said and done."
"The beauty of the internet is it is an unlimited repository of all of the human knowledge just this compendium of every piece of information for every subject you could want and you can access it for free."
"Learning never stops as long as we are open to new things."
"Don't underestimate the value of a good sound worldly education."
"This is highly educational, entertaining, enlightening, well written."
"I might do a video on that actually why fiction books are so much better than self-help books because there's so many more fiction books that I think have given me a lot of learning in life and a lot of pleasure."
"If somebody graduated from a great university, that may be an indication they'll be capable of great things, but it's not necessarily the case." - Elon Musk
"All this stuff is possible through learning the foundations of programming and a little bit about how to do stuff with computer graphics as well."
"By the end of this guide, I guarantee that you'll have learned something new."
"The importance of studying Bible prophecy is tremendous and I think that Bible prophecy, which contains almost the Bible, is almost a third of the Bible is prophecies of future events."
"And more than anything else there is always something more to learn."
"But you'll learn much more if you look at those filings those filings are very complete. They're very big, they're very powerful, they're very accurate and those are the filings that you learn much more."
"There is no correlation between a specific school or degree from that school and success."
"Remember, mistakes are by a wide margin the very best way of learning."
"So, obviously, we've learned a lot here today about all the ins and outs of building something real online."
"Thanks for bringing it and helping us and unpacking it and also showing its relevancy for us today in the 21st century."
"The weekly English word is not just about a new word or expression, it's much better than that."
"There's a lot of really good information in this video."
"If more people understood how they worked, the world would be a better place."
"I just hope that people more than anything give space to the people that feel like they want to have these conversations because they're educational and they're healthy for everyone."
"I really would like to delve into the actual history of this event a little more because it's very, very fascinating."
"So much to love, so much to learn about, and I just can't wait for it."
"History is the study of the human condition it's the study of ourselves."
"In truth, Carthage was not Rome's opposite but its forerunner and teacher, the worthy enemy who took Rome to the brink and taught them how to become great."
"Don't let people make you believe that because you don't have a degree, you can't do something with your life."
"The beauty is John, it's science... there's empirical data that's why it's science and not a religion."
"So you now understand what these operations do, what their value is, and how the instructions can be used."
"There isn't an aspect of this book for me that seems boring or sad or ugly or gross or not informative."
"Getting people to think is the most important thing you can do today."
"Hope you enjoyed it and found it useful, and I'll see you in the next video."
"I guarantee this is like going to college for four years. I will have, I, the videos we have on our channel I think will help you more than spending a hundred thousand dollars at a university, that's my promise to you."
"Nothing more horrible than a person who has stopped learning."
"The most valuable thing that we can teach our kids and exercise ourselves is to ask questions that critical thinking makes us ask."
"The movie seeing that after realizing what the nuclear bomb is capable of I feel like that movie should be shown to every single living leader who has any sort of power."
"Information that is very valid, very important, and at the same time super interesting."
"I want to make sure that even if you only watch the first 30 seconds, you'll still get some value out of it."
"I feel like the most important thing is knowledge, man."
"This is an excellent course and definitely well worth the money for the content alone."
"You can learn whatever you want to learn in school, but until you start taking those licks in actual business, you're not really prepared."
"Science is wonderful, it's fun, it's exciting, and it's as enjoyable to understand as listening to a sonnet."
"Resumes, internships... go for substance over resume."
"I love these sorts of theory debates because they really force you to think about music in all sorts of ways you might not have previously considered."
"We've never needed colleges less than we need them right now."
"This channel of yours is extremely beneficial."
"More of the story reading is a pretty good habit."
"Don't read literature thinking you will be entertained. Read it for the ideas."
"I now had both sides of the spectrum and if I can teach people what they don't already know, that's valuable."
"That idea, alright professor, let's have a dialogue. I want to start off by thanking you for all the incredible insights you've shared in your publicly available lectures."
"Making a million pounds a year off of educating people online, I think that's actually pretty reasonable because it shows value creation at scale."
"Highlighting the importance of communication and learning."
"History is the voice of some kind of objectivity beyond the peculiarities and idiosyncrasies of an individual person."
"Education is what we have to say to the future, and right now is a time for choosing."
"This is a course that really sticks with you because it's experiential."
"You learn more from this than you do from any textbook or any master's degree because this is like the horse's mouth."
"Studying things like this can actually be helpful."
"This world has changed. I don't have a college degree and I'm making more than my mom made in a year in 60 minutes."
"Putting those two together I'm thinking it's extremely important for us to study the Scrolls."
"Football YouTube: more tactical, very informational side."
"Dr. Stone's so great because it's such a different concept for me and it makes me feel smart as a dude who's like in his fifth year of college. I'm like, bro, watching this, I'm an intellectual."
"I think it might be more useful to keep this because I think we could all learn a lot from this."
"Because facts are so wonderful and scientific facts are so beautiful and elegant and such a treat for everyone, children especially perhaps to understand."
"History doesn't teach us how to behave in any given situation, but it shows us how large groups of us might behave in certain situations."
"Our students are yearning to come back to campus. It has reaffirmed the value of on-campus instruction."
"Failure, most of all, the greatest teacher failure is."
"If it sets people off on a journey of discovery that actually leads to something real, then it's successful."
"Once you have education which Africans are saved as education is the most important thing."
"Learning from mistakes, the best way to learn is through mistakes."
"I think that information is good for her moving forward."
"I love history and it's great to put as much as you can in there."
"This is a bike that's going to teach you. It's, oh my god, this bike can teach you so much."
"Well, if it can help those who are working this understand it a little better, support it a little better, then it's a heck of a weapon."
"Minecraft basically teaches you to create your own objectives."
"History in the Assassin's Creed games teaches you more than school itself."
"Minecraft Dungeons is a master class in game design."
"I think having a college degree looks very good on paper."
"It's incredibly useful to go back into history and see who these people were and what they were actually trying to accomplish."
"Your portfolio matters more than your degree."
"Philosophy is a needless subject in terms of commercial use, but it's good if you want to work out why you are."
"Amy's life scarcely left any impact on history, but her death ricocheted down the centuries."
"What's important here is not the what of history, but the why."
"These are actually the sort of lessons I think are hugely important in history."
"Something important is happening and it's worth our time if you care to put the time into studying it, understanding it well, it's a very worthwhile thing to go into and I encourage you."
"This mathematics right here, you know, it actually does help a lot in this game."
"Resident Evil 4 is not just a masterpiece but it's sort of like a master class in immersiveness."
"No one is saying deny the past of slavery absolutely not there are lessons to be learned it happened."
"The amount of Education you'll be able to get at this show is unmatched."
"It's always really exciting to see a game that focuses so much on history."
"Making history come to life which is the coolest thing about video games and why I think they're so important."
"There's so much information so much history to learn."
"The wage premium for bachelor's degrees has skyrocketed over time."
"This could be one of the most profitable videos you watch on YouTube."
"The value of this system of learning... cannot be overestimated."
"Oh, you were right, they were useful. The students took them apart, learned about the different components, and threw them out like you said we should."
"What's really special about this course four is that you do get to see how these products are being built from scratch."
"It feels unresponsive. I mean, technically it's not like Killzone 2 bad by any means, but it feels more like a game of that generation." - Unknown speaker
"It's about education. I think you guys know I was homeschooled for the majority of my pre-college academic experience."
"Give value. If you teach somebody something, they're likely to tune in because you're going to help them to grow."
"It's always good to expand your horizons, that means your learning abilities and look at things that you may not need today but you will need in the future, especially when you have, you know, educated conversations."
"The road out of poverty goes through a college education these days."
"If you learn a second language your income is going to increase seven thousand dollars apparently according to gallup."
"The Osho teachings... there's a lot of really interesting stuff to be learned."
"This was actually way easier than I thought, this is the value of understanding."
"Learning the game itself and learning the process of the game is more important and more valuable than someone giving you a floatie and telling you the game."
"Understanding and being unafraid to learn is the key."
"Literature is so important and so powerful because it can give you the perspective of someone you wouldn't normally get."
"This was an awesome talk. I really appreciate that. I think a lot of people do too. This is probably one I'd recommend people go listen to twice and share with friends because there's a lot of value that was packed into this thing."
"Where in the World is Carmen San Diego" is probably the most important video game ever made.
"He personally thinks that as the show is edifying to the public."
"Some people love zoos as it's a chance to see animals they'd never be able to see otherwise."
"Thank you so much for watching this course. And I hope you found this course really valuable in learning how to build a machine learning web application using radio."
"Let's get started with the course. And I hope you will find this course valuable."
"We need to stop denigrating the humanities and seriously build them into our education."
"Spend a week here in our live streams. You'll know the value of this education."
"Understand what a gun is, its value, and how it can be used safely."
"Hope you found this informative and interesting."
"The important things that you're learning in class aren't necessarily like what Mesopotamia was or like how many US representatives there are; it is a sense of like, 'Oh, history is interesting.'"
"Reading helps you with general comprehension, not only of the language but also of the subject you are reading."
"It usually gives you nice answers like geometric answers."
"Scooby-Doo is a great TV show for learning how to problem-solve."
"Hope you guys like this little overview, hope you guys got good exposure to this tool and my thoughts on it and I'm pretty impressed."
"Knowledge is power, learning is a superpower."
"It's always been very good at teaching various things... it teaches you about the special weapons, sub weapons, the stages..."
"Education, whether street or book, is crucial, and public schools should serve all children better."
"Passion and drive matter more than a degree. Companies are realizing that."
"We're not asking games to be better than books we're not asking games to be better than college classes if a game can get someone invested in a time period and interested in going to learn more the game has succeeded."
"Haskell, like Lisp, is a great language to learn if you want to get better at programming."
"Education in Jamaica is an important thing, I think it was important to him."
"Learning basic math and punctuation will always be useful."
"The deep ones are the ones that are the most unpredictable. That's what the museum's there for."
"Proving that through a combination of knowledge effort and insight an educated mind can make predictions which to the rest of us seem like a gaze into the future."
"Life is showing us right now: you don't need a college degree to be successful."
"One thing which was valued there was education."
"What is up everybody? I'm going to trade trades. We freaking talk fast and don't skip class."
"It taught me a lot about gaming level design."
"With me, you're going to get full courses each and every week. I deliver value and I'm so happy to do that each and every week."
"Not only Google but other companies are going to see these Google career certifications also weighing just as much as a four year degree."
"Learn skills. Skills are cheap, sometimes they're free to learn."
"Thanks to our friend Pythagoras and geometry."
"Living here was the equivalent of going to college and getting a degree."
"This book redefined what it meant to learn and love and live."
"It really truly is giving you an actual education on the history of Gucci and you don't even have to buy anything."
"I care about what degree you got, I don't have no degree, my degree is very low, very low."
"Best investment I've ever made, including College."
"Alternate histories are a really fun lens through which to study history because not only is it interesting to look at paths humanity might have taken, these other paths demand a good deep look at the surrounding context."
"Learning how to think really means learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think."
"The goal is that the information... is not just about that collection but that you're learning about how fashion functions as an art form overall."
"Hope it helped... hope it made sense... hope that you guys really did enjoy it... learned a lot from it."
"You cannot erase history; you have to learn from it."
"Our history is the story of people on the planet, so let’s try to learn something today."
"The Spanish Civil War is one of the most relevant events in recent history."
"It's always a joyous occasion when Joyce asks a question."
"Education and learning are what we need, not motivation and inspiration."
"There's really no correlation between having stuff and learning things."
"Offering insight into the past and the chance to create parallels to our world today."
"I can never thank Forensic Files enough for teaching this small country town girl in a big city what can happen."
"Experience is more important than anything that we could learn in school." - Nguyen Phi Vân
"Critical thinking is very helpful for people to learn."
"Attention and concentration: a focused mind willing to learn, grow, and explore."
"College does not define whether you go to an Ivy League school or you go to Community College. It doesn't make you a better person or a lesser person."
"It's a useful lesson of just how fragile the Earth's own biosphere can be."
"Art shouldn't only be seen through an instructional lens or a utilitarian lens of what can we learn from this or what does it mean."
"I think Americans would profit from looking at that book more than any other right now."
"Bringing this information to more people is truly something that I think could benefit the world."
"History is not for you to like or dislike; it's for you to learn from."
"English literature to my mind is the most powerful subject you could take on."
"Education is what levels the playing field for people."
"This is going to be fascinating I think we're going to learn a lot and I think this is such a unstated much understated uh part of how the war was won."