
Social Understanding Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Theory of mind is the ability to look inside somebody else's head and understand the rewards and punishment systems inside that head."
"It is important for people to see people unlike them in order to garner a broader view of the world."
"Women really don't understand or... give a [expletive] about the male experience."
"Refugee is not a synonym for brown person. Anyone could become a refugee. It's a thing that happens to you, it's not who you are."
"Perspective-taking is simply looking at the world through the eyes of another person."
"It's not about canceling, it's about counseling."
"If you look at someone by their skin color or sexuality and then you think you can understand them because of that or you think they should think certain things that's prejudging, that's prejudice."
"Mostly I wanted to share it because if it can help you make sense of what we're dealing with, I think it's worth putting out there."
"Different views and beliefs, the melting pot. Whenever you get a chance to go home into those people's cookouts or go to those the galas, you see why they believe what they believe and why they feel the way they feel."
"Awareness and acceptance: really trying to understand."
"If you want to move somebody over on the whole trans woman thing, the first thing that you have to do is break down any kind of linguistic prescriptivism they have."
"I'm trying to increase empathy towards groups of people like that."
"I see a big part of what I do as creating an understanding and a bond of empathy."
"To have a good understanding of just society, of people, of both sides, you have to be able to listen."
"The left understands diversity when it comes to race or sex, but they don't seem to understand it when it comes to thought."
"Understand everyone. It's all about the people."
"Anti-racists look at things through the lens of race to understand and fight oppression and subjugation."
"You should not be judging people for their circumstances."
"I just had not simply considered your perspective in life. I think for a lot of black people in this country we've never had a the option or privilege to not consider that's right the master narrator's perspective on everything."
"We can acknowledge and respect the varied perspectives of those around us without giving up our own ability to see the world in all its nuances and complexities."
"I don't even understand why she's angry. There's always gonna be people who do bad things in the world no matter what group you follow."
"The first task is not to come out of your seminar or your party training and lecture to them about the nature of the proletariat. The first task is to learn the everyday, quotidian, ordinary aspects of their existence which you don't yet know."
"If those people read books that were different from their own perspectives, this world would be a more understanding place."
"Racism and racial insensitivity are not the same thing, and racists will be racially insensitive, but not everyone who is racially insensitive is a racist."
"Compassion doesn't necessarily need to be like the compassion of a rich person for a poor person, it's about showing understanding and empathy."
"The worker is unable to understand his situation because he doesn't have the education of a rich man. The rich man is not able to understand the worker's situation because he doesn't have the education of the poor man."
"Everybody should know the difference between critique and hate."
"Race is a very difficult question to figure out."
"Just hearing them voiced gives me a greater appreciation for people from different walks of life."
"If we can better understand each other, we can get along a whole lot better."
"Racism must be understood as more than a set of individual beliefs."
"Understanding the context of where people are coming from is part of the key."
"Mainly because it's quite possible that the people rejecting the idea of defunding the police might also have a less-than-perfect understanding of what that concept means."
"Equality doesn't mean being the same; you can be equal, completely different things."
"If you really want things to change, try to understand instead of just calling people stupid."
"I realized it's just another group of people that have all of the dynamics that groups of people have."
"I want people to understand the concerns of others more accurately. I want people to be more empathetic towards one another."
"Escape echo chambers for better understanding."
"When you understand why, you understand why people dislike black people."
"Empathy is not a zero-sum resource. It takes nothing away from the families of the victims to also recognize that the concern that the perpetrators' family may be suffering as well."
"Understanding it and keeping that person human in your head will give you a way better understanding of the world."
"Acceptance and understanding lead to greater empathy."
"A good black woman tries to understand the position that our man has been in in this country for the past almost 500 years."
"We need to see another group as complex as ourselves."
"Every single joke has a context. Every single joke comes from a place."
"Your brain starts to literally change function, and you start to have more empathy for these people."
"Can you understand the rage in the country as a result? I know I can."
"It really comes down to dignity, which I think you understand when you explore what's happening within the white working class."
"It's all about perspectives and differences."
"Tolerance doesn't mean unquestioned beliefs."
"Lana was brave to do that even though no one really understood it."
"You cannot be an educated person if you don't have a good literature background, if you don't have that poetry, if you don't understand basic social concepts."
"Comedy can still thrive in a landscape where we are more understanding and accepting."
"Everybody's not coming from the struggle." - Diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
"What am I missing? What I wonder is why it is you're struggling with the fact that some people are different. I don't."
"I appreciate Gen Z so much because I feel like they just have a better grasp on these things."
"You've got to deal with somebody a little bit different based on how you know the machine, right? Not only category but, you know, what I'm saying."
"Most men don't even realize when a relationship is over, because they don't understand how to read their girlfriend or their wife or whatever. They don't understand how to read behavior, they don't understand that the medium is the message."
"I don't agree with the riots, but I understand how they came to be."
"Autistic people definitely have empathy, you just have to sometimes explain stuff."
"It's about giving people an alternative explanation to problems they don't understand."
"Perhaps if we took the time to understand the biases of what we're reading, we wouldn't be as angry with one another all the time."
"It just changed my understanding of like black people."
"A myth in our society is that it's only crazies and stupid people who get in cults."
"Empathy is crucial. Think about how others feel, understand their upbringing."
"I am hoping we can gather some real true friendships get to some understanding."
"Trans women are women, trans women are trans women, it's a very different experience, women are women."
"And yes I realize she said that in regards to a movie but it's basically the real problem here that when you just dismiss certain people they're only going to dismiss you in return and the gaps that separate us are only going to widen."
"Understanding the lengths that folks who are different than you have to go through in order to be comfortable in their bodies can certainly deepen your understanding of them, as well as enrich your empathy for Humanity in general."
"Maybe to encourage people... to really try hard to find that different perspective that can be a bridge for empathy and compassion."
"Intelligent black people do this seek to understand the motivations and the interests that people have."
"The world can be really narrow and restricted and confusing if you don't have the ability to figure out what someone else is thinking and predict their behavior."
"Just understand where other people are coming from."
"People are just different, very different and it helps."
"People are complicated and multi-dimensional."
"We need to regain our humanity and empathy for each other's positions."
"You can't pigeonhole one group of people as they all like this or they all like that."
"I always try to put myself in their shoes, just to give me more understanding."
"It's not to discriminate against them randomly. We don't hate you. But guys, you have to understand, it's real."
"Ignorance is where you get prejudice, you know. Not knowing people's stories is where judgment blooms."
"Respect for personal choices on mask wearing fosters understanding and unity."
"We just want to do what we can to help...you know not everybody understands that and that's okay...just work together in unity and we're all going to be okay."
"You have to get a sense of not only where we are, you have to get a sense of where this country is and where we are within the country."
"People don't understand how easy it is... instead of judging the stripper... think about what they've been through."
"Differences do not mean diminishment, they mean there's a difference."
"This tells me that maybe there are some people who still understand freedom and independence."
"Strength comes from being able to restrain yourself to understand that a person is ignorant."
"Money is just a marker used to sort of exchange that and know who has how much of it, right? So money is uh, it's a social contract."
"The majority of people who attend my dinners are like, I gotta say I get it, I understand the situation when you say it."
"There must be some social understanding of what gender is."
"Anyone who wants to understand society and proudly says they have nothing to do with Marxism is a person I am not going to spend a whole lot of time with."
"To not be angry means you don't understand what it means to be black."
"You gotta put yourself in a different person's shoes."
"He says that now after this experience he thinks differently about the people who pick up the track."
"We need to take time to listen and learn about other people's perspectives."
"You see, I'm trying to say, it's almost like we love these spaces of people but we forget that the transitions for them in other spaces is very difficult." - Tammy Franklin
"Labels were just created to help other people understand you, so if you're not really that bothered about people necessarily... Everybody understanding every single detail about your identity, then like, yeah, who cares?"
"It's like actual gaslighting not like the way that we use it currently."
"We ask people what they define... because we want to meet them where they're at."
"If you don't understand how human beings work, you're going to build social movements that hamper your objectives instead of advancing them."
"That's secret for their [ __ ] bowling night is code for having sex night, and I don't need to be 22 to understand that."
"It is vital that members of Parliament understand what life can be like for people with autism."
"We've got to get better about understanding and talking about everybody that's struggling and not doing especially well."
"Understanding that will help you to understand other people."
"People aren't codes to be cracked."
"Now that I have shared their lives and understand them, I realize what splendid citizens might be made of these somewhat reckless and lawless toilers."
"The development of a socio-individual imagination is crucial."
"It's about observing people, sometimes from a distance, and knowing something about them, getting a feel, without them telling you."
"We've got to respect different cultures and how they express themselves."
"Theory of mind is a natural ability we all have."
"It's the poor who understand I am the recipient of a lot of generosity."
"Autistic people, I'm going to teach you how to speak neurotypical... It's important to understand that neurotypical people don't say things for the same reason we say things."
"People don't understand the difference between preference and prejudice."
"Being trans and being gay are not the same."
"It's a total social fact which allows us to understand the whole society."
"The problem of how we understand other people has always been a very complicated one."
"The actions that you can perform help you understand other people's actions."
"My longer term goal is to really teach you how communication works and how the social world works in a fundamental way."
"There are really deep things that we can understand about the nature of sociality and how to get better."
"I want to make a world where people like me are accepted and understood in a way."
"It's hard to get people to understand or believe us when we say things are the way they are because of how things have been systemically structured around us."
"To be a great conversation partner, the assistant needs to deeply understand the social dynamics of conversation."