
Psychological Concepts Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Theory of mind is the ability to look inside somebody else's head and understand the rewards and punishment systems inside that head."
"There is also something called synthetic happiness which turns out to be at least as powerful and perhaps even more powerful."
"Narcissists are actually possessed of empathy... a truncated version of empathy which I called cold empathy."
"This is cognitive dissonance in narcissists, and narcissists have dissonant thinking."
"Trauma bonding incorporates betrayal trauma because you're denying the negative aspects of abuse to continue bonding."
"People moved because they were afraid for their physical safety... and for their kids."
"Is loneliness a precondition to inner peace?"
"Closure does not exist closure is a myth and closure is a thing we give to ourselves."
"More and more people are assimilating... crucial gifts that Jung gave us..."
"Embarrassment also falls into the category of social emotion."
"The dreams or nightmares that are created and controlled by the great ones are essentially these other planes of existence."
"Women naturally have an abundance mindset; men have to earn their abundance mindset. Women get their abundance mindset from being on their phones."
"A thought form that's emanating from a sense of coherence does not have the gain or the power that a thought form that's emerging from a sense of separation."
"Gaslighting is essentially trying to make a person question their own feelings, their own sight."
"Most blue pill guys rely on touchy-feely emotional crap they've been sold. But when she starts imprinting on more dominant guys, changes happen."
"Uncanniness presents a clash between perception and reality."
"She tapped into some type of archetypal energy."
"The hero's journey as a tool for personal growth."
"Mind and behavior are two really complex topics, and no one can claim to have mastered them completely, but what you can do is, give it your best shot."
"Maybe the Soviet side of the Cuban missile crisis might seem a lot more reasonable than the American one."
"Fear is so fake, fear is literally a made-up concept in your head like it's not real."
"We're in a prison of our own thought forms unless we become aware."
"The most light also have the capacity to carry the most darkness."
"Our capacity for cognitive dissonance blinds us to reality."
"What if we wanted to balance the masculine and feminine within us? And there's not really a distinct difference between the brains."
"Psychic attack is not something to be afraid of. It is not something mystical or supernatural that is beyond our control."
"Men have a 'nothing box' in their brain that they love to be in."
"So it's the death of the ego of the shadow side of the persona of the us."
"You pick up that psychological pen yourself and author your own identity."
"The ego is not who we truly are; it is a construct of the Mind."
"A stronghold is a fortress that the Devil uses to control our lives."
"The human animal bond is deeply entrenched, probably right up there with gravity."
"We're weird because we've got to use the same dopamine system for incredibly different things."
"Emotions and cognitions are two facets of the same coin."
"Anger to narcissistic rage... it's like the emotion has metastasized."
"Envy and schadenfreude is always relative to our own personal status."
"Narcissism at its purest level is simply self-interest."
"False authority is a well-documented psychological trap that humans frequently fall into."
"Confirmation quickly becomes cope formation."
"Human nature: demoralization vs. herd mentality."
"Delusions are probably an even more elaborate version of defense mechanisms taken to an extreme."
"The dark triad members have callousness in common, which is at the core and foundation of all three components."
"The marshmallow test: Delay gratification, unlock success in life."
"Awareness and conscious are two different things."
"The best moments usually occur if a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits, involuntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile." - Mihály Csíkszentmihályi
"Interrupting the pain cycle allows us to digest and move through emotional pain."
"The window of tolerance: where we can function without being overwhelmed."
"Being of service as a cure to breaking the loop of the self-obsessed mind."
"Authoritarianism as a psychological construct is very important."
"There are different levels of consciousness that you can experience."
"Shadow, the unconscious part of you, mostly dark, mostly rejected, mostly denied."
"It's not desensitization, it's re-sensitization."
"For as much power as some give them it seems sort of like a dated idea at this point right."
"The more it feels like there's no way that thing's a part of me, the more it probably is."
"Self-control was once a forgotten place in the center of psychology."
"The little guy or the little girl in you doing everything it can to live and that's what's living through you. That's not you because that thing can disappear and you'll still be here."
"Pseudo identities are observable facades that we communicate to the world."
"Eckhart Tolle coined the term the pain body and brought light to its existence."
"Emotions, Haki, and will of people can manifest into living personalities."
"There's nothing to fear because fear only exists in the mind of man, it is actually an illusion."
"It's interesting that many of the most extreme forms of punishment that the human imagination can conjure up are marked by repetitiveness."
"Reflexive and cognitive empathy will never disappear, but emotional empathy will, because it's no longer needed. Even today, it's no longer needed."
"Anchoring is basically classical conditioning."
"Mentalizing sits at the fulcrum between empathy, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and psychological mindedness."
"Shame is 'I'm something's inherently wrong with me,' so that could feed into both of these things, fear of rejection and abandonment."
"Ego and narcissism are not the same thing."
"Trauma bond, also known as Stockholm Syndrome, occurs when we're so bonded to something that even though it causes us harm, we cannot easily disconnect."
"An emotion is happening to you. It is an event that is occurring to you, but it is also completely who you are."
"It's all about tension and release."
"When we define something as normal or abnormal, there are two ways of talking about that space: typicality and functionality."
"Growth mindsets is probably one of the most fundamental non-conscious systems that's probably contributing to resilience and grit."
"Now we call them by different names: memory, the unconscious."
"We have to distinguish one thing from liking; one thing is the desire, liking is the pleasure that results."