
Conflict Management Quotes

There are 344 quotes

"Your method of handling conflict could be a reason why people quit or stick around long term with you."
"Every decision you make impacts your ability to manage corruption, maintain stability, and control insurgent activity."
"It's not about avoiding conflict; it's about how you handle conflict that will dictate if the relationship is going to last and be happy."
"You really have to pick your fights because you don't have enough battery to fight everyone that you encounter."
"He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight."
"This marriage hack... is designed to give us the psychological space that we need in order to fight constructively."
"The best response is no response. If you argue, you give someone something to hook on to; if you don't argue, they have nothing to hook on to."
"Gentleness creates bridges in relationships instead of destroying them."
"The best way to handle confrontation or conflict with an FJ is usually to ensure that the outcome will be fair emotionally."
"Russia is doing everything they can to minimize their casualties."
"Beware of domestic conflict, watch your temper and words. Mental anguish may occur."
"The best way to handle this is to be pretty nonchalant."
"Keeping your composure during a police interaction can have a major impact on the outcome."
"We all talk about love languages but none of us talk about conflict languages."
"Escalating isn't an emotion, it's an action, it's a thing you do."
"They don't know how to fight a guy who knows self-deprecating humor and it's hilarious."
"Don't be afraid of confrontation, embrace it."
"Make it very hard for the conflict to happen, and make sure when it does happen, it's on your terms."
"Militaries should do their best to avoid any civilian harm."
"Don't engage every battle, duck at the cost."
"My brother said I probably shouldn't have gone nuclear."
"You cannot react. If you've reacted, then you've kind of lost the battle, so to speak."
"I think there's always a respectable honorable way to deal with any situation."
"Avoid, avoid, avoid. If you can, in other words, let's say there are some VPAs doing their stuff in some area of your town, I'm going to avoid that. There's really no reason right now that I would go down there and try to change their mind."
"A lot of dealing with conflict, a lot of sort of dealing with conflict in an emotionally intelligent way is owning our own experience."
"You gotta learn when to pick and choose your battles, man. That's a smart man."
"Don't respond in a way that is sort of irreversible or that is incontrovertibly taking things to the next level... Let them [the U.S.] be the aggressor."
"Just remember, dear ones, when you've identified this idea that you're dealing with somebody who is not listening, try not to get into the place where you are trying to prove your point because it is exhausting."
"Sometimes relationships are more important than being right, and so that's probably going to be."
"My mother always told me every battle isn't worth the fight."
"Let's just put them away, shall we? Case closed."
"Avoidance is often a very invaluable tool. If you cannot avoid or you choose not to avoid, you need to draw lines very firmly."
"I thought she handled that professionally. To me, we were sitting here when you asked. She doesn't have to let you."
"Give her time and space. Allow her to be angry. Allow her to be triggered. Don't try to fix it. It will only make it worse."
"Conflict is inevitable, learn how to manage it in a healthy manner."
"It's like all of a sudden every front started getting taken."
"Mr. K remained relatively calm and collected throughout the encounter."
"The two countries should manage differences through dialogue."
"Fight the little battles before they turn into big battles."
"You want to be casual and polite which actually can get under their skin even more because they want you to fix it for them."
"If something difficult needs to be said, say it now because it gets messier over time."
"My sweet daughter, you have done well. I am very pleased. You have been prepared for every moment and surrounded by those who love you."
"The more partisan you can make any issue...the better chance you have of surviving it."
"Direct engagement and sustained communication at senior levels is the best way to responsibly manage our differences."
"No, you shouldn't go up and assault people because you've got your feelings hurt."
"You don't let them provoke you into doing something."
"It's a defense strategy... I'm not under attack when you hear your friends attack."
"Each time you set a boundary, whether big or small, you can expect a litany of insane and dysregulated texts and emails."
"The class structure channels conflict into manageable directions for Capital."
"Reacting poorly to something you disagree with is not acceptable."
"You can't go off what happened in the past. At some point, you can't make so many enemies that when you are at a down slot, not everyone piles on top."
"Pick your battles wisely... this was a stupid thing to get upset about."
"You need to draw a line in the sand and lay down the terms of engagement."
"It was better to fight Kazan first... but if you couldn't and if you fought the Great Horde like me first, that's totally fine..."
"Facts are facts, and conflict resolution is key."
"Ukraine has shown themselves to be mature employers of violence."
"If you keep it to yourself, that makes more less [__] for you to deal with, does that make sense? Unless you just enjoy having fun with it."
"Avoid unnecessary conflict or arguments. Yes, you need to speak up, but I would say pick and choose them wisely. Not everything is worthy of your attention."
"When your opponent is destroying himself, get out of his way."
"Be nice until you can't, then you drop the hammer."
"It's totally normal to experience conflict and times of disconnection in relationships."
"The best relationship advice: keep the fights clean and the sex dirty."
"Responding versus reacting is key. Control your emotional state and diffuse the narcissist's drama."
"When you respond calmly, you no longer look irrational. You look healthy, and the narcissist begins to crumble."
"Remember to take a break if the discussion is getting too intense."
"Push and pull with love and respect for one another as human beings."
"Pick your battles, pick your battles buddy. That's what we say to guys when they're getting married. Pick your battles."
"It ultimately boils down to finding the balance between knowing when circumstances are completely out of your control and when the situation requires you to voice your Grievances and stand up for yourself."
"You don't remove the troops and leave American foreign service officers, American State Department employees, and Americans in Afghanistan in a conflict zone. You do that, you remove those people first."
"It is insane there are people holding their American passports."
"Stop avoiding the conflict... The longer you delay a conflict, the problem gets bigger and bigger and bigger."
"If you ever apologize to people like this, I think that you lend credibility to them. Because if you give them any sort of apology, it legitimizes how they feel and it legitimizes their irrationality."
"The way they combat that is they open up a much wider front."
"I think that's where the coach comes in but like when you direct that anger directly to a player i think it just like damages the team chemistry too much and it's not actually good at all."
"Push difficult conversations to another day if needed."
"Zelenski expressed optimism about the potential addition of Wagner soldiers to the Ukrainian forces, aiming to raise the morale of his troops and instill confidence in Ukraine's ability to handle the complex conflict."
"Secure the children first, no matter how bad it's between the two of you."
"You need to be a little bit disruptive but...can't alienate people."
"One of the best pieces of advice for well-being is that you do not have to attend every argument you're invited to."
"Conflict is good actually, we just suck at navigating it."
"I can usually tell if somebody is going to be good faith or bad faith based on like hypotheticals or examples I give them and see how combative they get with points that they shouldn't be combative for."
"I prophesy nobody is going to fight at your Thanksgiving meal because you're going to keep your mouth shut when they say stuff that makes you mad."
"Share your experiences, share your knowledge. Don't just light up the door saying everybody's an idiot that doesn't agree with you."
"Orchestrate conflict, but don't be a [ __ ]."
"I mean, it's not like you were looking to cause conflict. You didn't recommend him for it, you didn't put him up for it, you just planted the seed and he made his own tree of crap."
"Father, give me the character and emotional intelligence to handle my judas correctly."
"Speak calmly, draw a clear boundary, and explain why the boundary is important to you."
"If someone does something you find unacceptable, calmly let them know, let them know why it's a boundary for you, and let them know what the consequence will be if they do it."
"We must fight fire with fire, with a controlled burn."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is not to reply. Some battles have no spoil, some battles have no reward."
"If you do not see the strength in your enemy or the strength that your enemy have you're a fool and you should get out of whatever fight you are having with that person because you're never going to lose."
"I'm gonna try to be a good guy through and through and form a really good, free United Texas if possible."
"You won't always be able to talk yourself out of conflict."
"Acknowledging the good someone has done to you is essential, even in conflict."
"You don't have to be the overbearing tyrant to be successful, but you have to be able to battle the overbearing tyrant and be successful."
"Know your triggers, the mental and emotional triggers that other people hit that cause you to want to engage in a fight."
"Your job is to manage your own State of being in conflict situations when they have happen because they'll always happen."
"You gotta breathe through it man, calm yourself down."
"You don't need to have beef with anybody, but you definitely need to set boundaries for yourself."
"Russia very skillfully parried these escalations, managed them, blocked different efforts by the US to get involved more directly."
"It's a time when I think people need to be cautious on both sides with how they state things, how they state frustrations."
"Choose your battles wisely and have confidence in what you want."
"We're certainly in a more combative environment... we have to consider strategies that we previously would not even have dreamed of."
"Let that [__] be known. Let's handle this the old way, no cameras."
"Pick your battles and re-allocate energy to something that matters more than this person."
"It's better to win the war than it is to win a battle, you gotta pick your battles wisely."
"When the opposition seems comfortable, find ways to remove their comfort."
"Stick up for yourself, but don't waste energy on battles you can't win."
"Don't have disagreements in front of your kids. You don't want to scare them."
"Conflict delayed is conflict continued and multiplied."
"You definitely want to pick your battles, you don't want to get into a fight that's a losing battle."
"In any conflict, especially when it comes down to managing global conflict, it usually starts with a miscalculation."
"You know you gotta pick and choose your battles."
"Conflict is like a bump, it's not always about who's in the wrong or right."
"You choose your battles wisely, even if you lose, you win."
"If you're in a fight and you don't know you're in a fight, you're not going to win. If you're in a fight and you don't know what you're fighting, you're not going to win."
"Don't fight every battle; pick the issues that matter the most."
"I think it takes a lot of emotional and mental maturity to be able to not confront somebody in the heat of the moment."
"Mars is going to reduce the risk of tension, conflicts, and impulsive reactions."
"Keep the strife out of your life, do what you do with excellence, and be a person of integrity."
"Don't make an enemy out of a detractor, don't make a venomous fight out of a disagreement."
"One of the reasons for keeping B-52s around was using them in low intensity conflicts."
"Sometimes we've got to make enemies and we've got to make friends even with our enemies for the greater good."
"The end time strategy is divided into four D's: Division, Distraction, Disruption, and Delusion."
"Peacemaking is not just sitting back and allowing things to happen."
"They will never like to hurt anyone, but they will try to say the nastiest things in the nicest way."
"I wanted to create a culture that was not accepting of people that did storm outs. It's very simple what the goal was and the goal I would argue was very effective."
"It's when Kyle starts spreading rumors and being jealous that they all collectively kick him out."
"You can't die on every hill you come to; sometimes you have to pick your battles in life."
"To me, stoicism is the stopping yourself before you throw the punch as opposed to stopping yourself before you get upset that someone called you a terrible name."
"When you fight vampires, don't stay in the shadows with them. Drag them out into the open under a big light of honesty, community, communication, and exposure."
"Struggle implies chaos, but if you strategize, you plan."
"Disagreement is acceptable, disrespect is not, all right."
"If you have to move your line to too many places then you're basing that fight off luck."
"We're going to restart it without the whining and we're going to restart it without the hacking at one another."
"We're here to educate, we're not here to antagonize."
"Be nice until you can't be nice... that's the way we should all behave."
"It's not some awful strategic concept decided by some folks that ain't never fought no wars."
"Manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace."
"Reacting versus responding: a crucial distinction in relationships."
"Never get in the mud with the pigs, but when the pigs are in the mud, sometimes you have to get in the mud with the pigs."
"You don't have to win every little battle; you're looking to win the overall War."
"Everyone fights, everybody has ups and downs, but it's the communication and partnership that matter."
"Don't try to win the argument, there's no winners."
"Not everything needs to be defensive, not everything has to be a twist."
"If you're gonna be spraying people with water hoses in heated situations, you might want to just reconsider your strategy."
"You don't have to be best friends. You can be civil, be adults, be mature."
"Don't interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake."
"Human beings are really good at conflict; it doesn't always have to be some sort of violent clash with the whole world at stake."
"When you stick up for yourself, you're going to demand that respect, and you're going to learn how to do it easily."
"Your intuition will guide you on what is the right situation to fight back on."
"You're not straying away from conflict or chaos like you used to because sometimes you got to go through that energy of change and transformation to make it out on the other side."
"Conflict is also handled maybe the best of weeks's career."
"I'd say my last value I have today is to challenge myself to sit with discomfort. Peace doesn't come from avoiding conflict, it comes from accepting discomfort."
"Fight for what matters, let go of what doesn't."
"Someone is going to come in and try to look over or talk over your plans, but you're going to be stronger and say not today and not at all."
"Don't get into a flame war with somebody that has nothing to lose."
"You're not dealing with them anymore, it's with us. So you gotta behave yourself."
"The more difficult you make it for that conflict to be resolved through words or diplomacy, the more likely you're gonna get a combat encounter."
"A lot of this is not just about the military-industrial complex, huge piece of it, but it's also about not being able to really manage this conflict in the way that they want at the moment."
"This is not a time to get lost in battles that aren't worth fighting."
"Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
"Pick and choose your battles, it's not worth the confrontation."
"So many front lines just opened up. Frightening that I'm able to fight on this many different fronts."
"You stand fast and you stand firm and you're clear and you don't get angry and you don't retaliate."
"If she so much as puts her hands up, it's her fault, and she gets suspended."
"Kill 'em with kindness, girl, what have you been doing?"
"If you're just gonna go and confront someone and yell at them and think it's always going to have to be your way, you really have to rethink that because that's what a child does, an adult negotiates."
"We need to be more united, we can have some disagreements but we can still work together."
"Alright, stop firing at anything else, let them kick the out of each other."
"We're going to kill an alien. It will damage relations with pro-alien factions and carries the extreme danger of antagonizing the aliens directly."
"Sometimes you just can't hold on to the territory you need."
"Use the surrender tactic. Surrender first, infuriate and unsettle your conqueror."
"Killing a player's character doesn't solve the problem."
"Let's both try. If there's something really poking us in the ass, let's try not to fight. Try to address it without jumping down each other's throats."
"Is it okay sometimes for an argument to be like, you know what I'ma step away for a second before I say something stupid? Absolutely."
"Don't raise your voice and alienate them. Bring the two of you to a place where you can coexist and work together more cooperatively than you did before."
"The way the Russians have been handling this war has been very effective."
"Had we lost Ramadi, there's no way anything else would have happened."
"Just be respectful, don't try to be rude to prove a point."
"Putting trust underneath the work in tension."
"You don't fight wars on too many fronts at the same time."
"Fighting is helping us just giving us breathing room."
"Resolving it peacefully is more rewarding and much, much faster."
"Next time you find yourself in a fight in staff room, try lining yourself up so that your head is making a sandwich between the two backs of the chairs."
"Leave your enemy an escape route, don't box them in because they'll fight like hell."
"Telling her in advance your parents are judgmental is different to warning her that you would let them criticize her without comment."
"The key thing to home in on is that disagreement doesn't have to be disagreeable."
"Half the art of war is knowing when to switch sides."
"It is hard to overstate how critical intelligence is for the current segment of the conflict."
"I'm not gonna let one person's opinion of me destroy my family."
"If you're showing favoritism or weakness towards the guy who's gonna come here and kill us, same guy who punched a [ __ ] in the nuts, that's the guy we're talking about."
"Choosing peace is so important that we choose peace that's LED with wisdom of the Holy Spirit and not choose peace by controlling situations because of worry from the enemy."
"You can't win a war on two fronts very rarely has it been done."
"You can't be no happy wife happy life type of guy bro you have to cause a little bit of conflict in your house man."
"Even that can cause an argument as I'm saying it, but you'll have to navigate away, try not to say something just to elicit a response or just to meet fire with fire."
"We can control the timing, ourselves, and the boundaries of the conflict."
"I'm trying to protect people from encountering you. If you're being friendly, don't ignore him. If he's being an [__], ignore him."
"Reacting feeds their fire. Don't give them the satisfaction."
"It's like holding up a mirror to the opponent which lets them know what it's like to be on the receiving end of their own hostility."