
Academic Success Quotes

There are 312 quotes

"One of the single greatest predictors of academic success that exists is the emotional stability of the home."
"Childhood trauma work... went from being that somewhat feral mess in daily struggling and treading water to starting college around that time and getting 4.0 GPA in my first semester."
"I'm in calculus and I have an A. How's that happening?"
"I am the greatest living example of inter-generational social mobility you're ever going to see, because I'm a freaking Ivy League professor."
"The more carefully you organize your ideas, the more opportunity you'll have, the more academic success you can have, the more professional success you'll have."
"Our article has been downloaded almost 100,000 times, which is extreme for an academic article."
"Nothing is too difficult for a diligent student."
"Quality of teacher every study International will show you it's the quality of teacher you put in the classroom."
"It's really a pleasure for me and an honor to see that these students are successful with their exam and that those exam results have allowed them to open new doors for where they can study and where they can find job opportunities afterwards."
"A simple two dollar notebook and a one dollar pencil can still help you create incredible notes and help you get really good grades."
"Preparation decreases your anxiety, increases your performance, and literally everything with respect to academics."
"The wider your range of vocabulary, the better your scores are going to be."
"Everybody in this room has the intellectual apparatus to pass 3.091. The only people who fail 3.091 are people who choose to fail 3.091."
"I highly recommend keeping a planner, keeping files, keeping folders to organize your things because honestly, organization will help you get better grades."
"I had no choice but to do the same fortunately as his grades went up my brother found Vitality like before and now he earns his living and has a family so I am very relieved."
"This is a great time for you academically where you do gain accolades."
"Coffee and an EKG book; this is rapid interpretation of EKGs. It helped me pass my tests about EKGs."
"Trust yourself. You're smart, you can read well, you can write well. You're gonna go into that essay today and you're gonna hit it out of the park."
"Graduated university, finally Fox has reached this milestone achievement and is on top of the world." - Fox celebrates his academic success.
"The only way it started looking up is because somehow she started acing those tests."
"Memorize this detail now, research more if you need to, and smash that exam!"
"If you get the process right, then the marks or the grades or the results at school are going to take care of themselves."
"You have everything you need to pass... if you have a plan."
"Congratulations! Your completed research has led to a new item."
"Your studying needs to be interesting, it needs to be fun. It's maybe the single most important thing that will determine whether you're able to achieve incredibly high grades or whether you'll fail."
"I went from the bottom of the class to the top of the class and began to have a much different view."
"I pray that she just flows under your anointing and then everything she studied comes out exactly the way that you want it to for her."
"Treat it like a game that you can and will beat."
"I think it's very important to me to succeed in college this semester."
"It's like knowing all the answers to your final exam kind of thing."
"My backpack is never stuffed with random pieces of paper, and staying clean discourages you from wanting to give up mid school year."
"Those are my friends, the nine key tips to getting a good score in the IELTS."
"Alicia excelled at math, loved to read, and played musical instruments."
"Know them well know how to draw them know how to use them in both analysis and evaluation you will smash it you'll impress your examiners."
"My revenge to you is my paper. Always remember, the greatest revenge is your paper."
"If you follow all of these rules to the letter, then I can guarantee at least an A-minus in any physics class that you take."
"Highlighting helps me a lot when I'm studying."
"They work really hard and they have tremendous passion, motivation counts for a lot in mathematics."
"That symbolic reason will give you alternative interpretations which give you the top grades."
"Those students pursuing higher education such as masters or PhD, they will make excellent academic progress and impress their professors with their hard work and dedication."
"Make sure you never give up, try hard, get good grades, and believe!"
"Let's take making notes for example...even if making pretty notes isn't evidence-based, I dare say enjoying your subject will impact your grades."
"With the right tools, the right study methods, and the right amount of grit and focus, you can do this."
"Waking up actually this early has made me so productive I actually got literally three college acceptances in one day."
"Your ancestors are clearing a path for you, especially in your studies or pursuits."
"Quantum mechanics is a phenomenally successful physical theory."
"What an amazing performance from Harvard though."
"Good luck tomorrow geographers you are going to rock this test."
"There is no shortcut in life. You have to study to get through an exam."
"They come to campus more engaged they perform better academically and they actually have greater long-term outcomes in terms of career and life satisfaction."
"Regardless if you're good at school or not, building good habits is going to be the foundation of your success."
"You seem to really score a win, a victory when it comes to exams, when it comes to stuff that you had to write, maybe homeworks, paperwork, when it comes to making a sale or a purchase."
"Teacher quality is one of the most significant factors related to student achievement."
"If you scored in the 95th percentile, that means you scored better than 95% of the people who took it. That's pretty good!"
"I am just absolutely chuffed to bits with my results."
"We pulled them and we got great grades and most importantly, I hope you all enjoyed this video."
"So, books matter more for high attendance, they matter the most."
"Those students who have the best math notes almost always have the best math grades."
"I worked hard in my academic life as well as work on my mental health to be in a place where I'm doing better than I was."
"That was not an easy school to get into, and you rocked it sister."
"Join me in the comments to wish my smart baby sister congratulations for her first-class degree because that's what we do here."
"None of you will need a 265 to pass but you can glean some of the best practices of studying to pass with flying colors and look like a rock star on your third year clerkships."
"As long as I continue to get good grades, my parents let me do whatever I want."
"After taking the supplementary test seriously, Nikaido and Susui finally managed to get good grades and thanked Aawa and Condo for helping them."
"You know that if you follow him, you'll be at the top of the class."
"Hit top marks with a clear topic sentence, evidence, analysis, and conclusion."
"Don't focus on using these very fixed methods such as P-E-E because these are not effective in getting you a good grade."
"Maintain those grades so that you can graduate and go to all the events and just try to enjoy as much as possible."
"...fall and winter break are coming up so take advantage of that time to catch up and make your next semester even stronger."
"The diligent student studied for hours every day putting in great effort to achieve top grades in all of her classes."
"It's a very interesting comment because I read... about your success academically."
"The first thing that you need to do in order to maximize your chances of improving your grade and getting a Grade 9 is find out what kind of learner you are."
"A tutor can come in and change the game for a student in terms of their grades, which is of paramount importance in this hyper-competitive world."
"She was a freight train heading towards College, she's number one in her class, absolutely."
"If you want to make your grades pop, you want to incorporate a look that supports that creative agenda."
"I did so much better in school when I started implementing more balance in my life."
"I got a feeling you're gonna graduate with honors."
"How you can boost your grades and retention by just using one tip."
"I got two nines, six eights, and two sevens, so I was used to just living life, enjoying academics, and flourishing."
"I literally spent the two months before A-levels revising physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry like a madman. I'm not even joking. I did every single paper from 2010 to 2022, and I nailed it."
"That is the one main skill that I used to get a first class in all of my essays my dissertation and finally get a first class degree certificate which is the biggest achievement of this entire year."
"The skills required in a sustained study in the arts teaches students how to transfer those skills into academic arenas as well."
"This is the bit that gets you organized and Anki and testing yourself is the bit that gets you the good grades."
"Make sure to memorize important equations, even if they're provided in the test."
"Practice enough self-care to achieve a high GPA."
"My first big tip that I used last night when writing this paper is using Grammarly."
"I was valedictorian I graduated with a 4.0 literally Straight A's."
"But that's the kind of determination she would need to finish her undergraduate degree with straight A's and move on to medical school."
"Kids with involved fathers perform better in school, are less likely to repeat a grade, get suspended or expelled from school, and are more likely to go to college and find reliable employment following high school."
"I don't care what you do, just be nice and get good grades."
"Continue to crush your grades, do better on the MCAT, tell a little bit better story in your personal statement, and you should have an excellent chance of getting in."
"We're going to pass, we're going to get all A's this semester, we're going to do so good."
"If you want excellent grades in mathematics you need to learn how to take excellent math notes."
"This is the most important insight maybe that I can give you in this video about how to read the syllabus: when you read the policies, come up with the corresponding strategies for taking the course."
"All my studying paid off. I now see the benefit of all the studying I did."
"Congratulations to you that you passed the exams and entered where you want."
"Academic achievement is not hereditary or genetic, it's earned."
"My boy got an A-Plus on his report, he's been nothing short of wonderful."
"When you got an A on the books, it's all good."
"Focus the hell up, school is something that will not be here forever, so while it's here, make it good, do it right."
"This really is the key to progressing to an A star."
"Congratulations on that GPA by the way, three point eight three."
"Willpower is a greater predictor of academic performance than IQ by a factor of two."
"I feel really smart right now," Grey Matter Naruto gasped, as he grabbed a stick and started drawing up some formulas in the dirt, "Oh, man if I had this intellect back at the ninja academy, I would've passed like that."
"The best way to prepare for the MCAT is to do well in your classes."
"This proof of Fermat's Last Theorem is a tremendous triumph for modern mathematics."
"Stand in school, get good grades, don't be a part of no gangs."
"Study after study shows that students who can pay attention longer without becoming distracted have higher GPA."
"I went back two weeks after my son died, and I aced the class."
"Culturally and linguistically responsive teaching is the validation and affirmation of the home language and culture for the purposes of transitioning or bridging for academic success and success in mainstream culture."
"Literacy is the number one predictor of academic success."
"Lucy and Steve are doing great in school; can't wait to see what the future holds."
"I am absolutely over the moon with my grade."
"Dude, you got an A; let me see what I got... Oh wait, what? A C-minus? Bro, I'm happy for you, man."
"This is the secret, especially contrast in juxtaposition, which I don't think most teachers teach their students as the number one way of getting the top grades."
"Your success in school is not just going to determine your success, it's going to determine America's success in the 21st century."
"The wisdom of Solomon can help me ace this test, no problem."
"I was an honor student, college-bound, even had a few scholarships lined up."
"When you go and do research and the research just clicks, it makes me so delighted to know that I'm doing something really right over here."
"I just finished taking my exam and I got an A on it, thank God."
"Congrats to those who have passed; for those of you who are writing soon, you are definitely succeeding."
"I really hope you do well when you take the GED math test. Have a super great day!"
"The single most important indicator of academic success is not to be found in people's heads but in the way that they do their everyday work."
"Sleep is so important for every single student."
"I got 80 percent which is a first, that's so good."
"Working hard opens doors for the future... doing well academically is just giving yourself options."
"We need to do a better job of serving and supporting students as they move and not putting them into these cycles of remediation."
"When you study, study hard but when you take breaks, be just as disciplined about not doing the work."
"The graduation rate last year was just about as good as it can possibly get."
"If you're just dominating college and you're getting A's in all your science classes, then you're going to make it through medical school."
"Showing up to office hours really does help your chances of a good grade."
"Spend more time on campus... it's really beneficial to do work at school and the reason is because that's the learning environment."
"If you are ready to get an A+ in A&P, please keep on watching."
"I'm back to good standing and I'm on track to graduate and it feels so great."
"Surprisingly, these homeschool students do very well in the California university system."
"I started getting much better at academics, and there was a sudden rise, and it kind of culminated in me actually topping my school in Rajkot in India, not only topping my school but topping my state in the exams."
"I knew that if I did well in my first year of BSc, I could get into medical school."
"Even if you struggled with math before, as long as you're willing to work hard and follow these four tips, you're almost guaranteed to get an A."
"If you follow my instruction for a systematic review, you have a high chance to publish it in a top-tier journal."
"I'm acing this exam, I can do this."
"I've had just a marvelous scientific career, I've been very privileged."
"Using these ideas will dramatically improve your concentration, eliminate your frustration, help you get better grades, while all at the same time reducing your overall study time."
"Now there's not just one way to do well in a class; this is just how I did well."
"The communication of scientific results is critical to success in academic settings and non-academic settings."
"Focus more on your grades, focus more on studying."
"Let's go baby, let's go! I'm passing this class!"
"I hope you came out of this feeling at least a little bit more confident in yourself and your ability to perform well in this paper."
"By following this plan for a month before exams, I was able to perform the best I've ever been able to in my six years at Cambridge University."
"When you educate the heart, it doesn't interfere with academic achievement; it actually helps students do better."
"You're gonna pass this test, it's gonna be a breeze, a year from now you're gonna be laughing at this."
"I got all A's and I was like so proud of myself."
"If you got this right, we must celebrate by giving you a nice little happy face and A++."
"Taking great math notes almost always leads to success."
"It's so easy to get an A in mathematics if you know the common mistakes to avoid."
"You guys rocked it on exam one, and I'm very proud of you."
"Ruth did exceptionally well in high school thanks to her mother's unwavering support, encouragement, and determination for her daughter's success."
"I was studying less and getting better grades in school, and that meant more time for other things that were important to me."
"I got an A+; my teacher loved it, it was her favorite paper in the whole class."
"The more that you study, has a direct correlation with whether or not you passed the class or the exam."
"Go to class, participate, sit in the front row, and also if you show up at every class and take notes, that's gonna cut your studying load by like 80%."
"Even though he dropped out of high school, a few years later he graduated with honors from the Herman Brood Academy."
"When you pass a test, it's a wonderful feeling."
"On behalf of GeneScript, we wish you all success in your research."
"I'm so happy, Dan's come out his exam and he's so happy he thinks it's gone really well, which just makes me really happy."
"Instructors can help students believe that they can succeed by attributing successes and failures to internal controllable causes."
"I have always gotten good grades in math; I'm really good at it."
"It's a B plus. Yo, I never get no B pluses in math ever."
"Good luck with your preparations and in your exams, and see you again next time."
"If you're able to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones, your relationship to academia changes."
"This is how you get bonus points with your professors for looking stylistically beautiful."
"I think the reason I got an A was because I used the basic knowledge and then applied that."
"I think we are doing really good this exam season, I think I've grown so much as a person."
"If you follow all of these steps, there's almost no way you can write a bad assignment."
"If you don't physically exercise then you aren't giving yourself the best chance to be successful academically. It's scientifically proven that the more you exercise the better your being class, the better you eat the better you'll be in class."
"Share to help your friends get better grades."
"I'm set to graduate cum laude in May."
"If you're a good student maintaining good grade and have a good reference from a teacher, then you can get the reference."
"Make sure you watch it till the end because all ten of these tips are going to be crucial to you achieving your best."
"I was very lucky that when the results got announced I got 91.5 percent so I was ecstatic."
"Keep on top of your content, practice applying your knowledge, practice papers, and mark schemes are key to your success."
"School is hard as hell, but I've always done good in school."
"I thrived academically, won numerous scholarships and awards in college."
"We're going to really talk about strategies and tips that will help you be successful on your AP Calculus BC exam."
"I had an amazing day at school. I could actually focus for once and I impressed my teachers with all the stuff I memorized."
"If you have a really clean environment, it's going to make studying easier."
"Thousands of students have scored higher on their exams after using it."
"Those students who are in a foreign land you will make excellent academic progress and your professors will be largely impressed by your dedication hard work and effort."
"Yesterday I had two quizzes and your girl got an A plus and an A, so that's exciting."
"I managed to pass the fifth grade, thanks to all my classmates and the teachers."
"When you understand your customized thinking, it's going to help you get those grades you want to get, achieve those goals, improve your relationships."
"I believe that anybody can pass any subject they apply themselves."
"I got my Bachelor of Science Honors in Mathematics and Physics... granted Upper Second Class Honors."
"To be succeeding at school and putting loads of work into it wasn't seen as weird."
"To me, you're amazing, so you'll pass the test easy peasy."
"Juliana just passed her Praxis test using our study guide, in fact, she did it on her first attempt."
"Bilinguals tend to do better in school... better grades, better degrees, better jobs."
"If you put in the work and you're focused and engaged, for the most part, all of you out there are going to do very, very well."
"If you do well and get a good AFQT score, everything else will fall into place."
"You can't be successful in math without taking great math notes."
"My golden rule of math is those students who take the best math notes almost always have the best math grades."