
Education Criticism Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"If you wanted to design a learning environment that was directly opposed to what the brain was really good at doing, you would design something like a modern classroom."
"Don't stay in school is a three-minute musical adventure where Dave laments the modern education system."
"The school system is designed to keep people poor and mediocre. It was never designed so you could become rich and live a life full of prosperity."
"Encouraging people in the academy to narrow their field of reading and narrow students' reading seems to me to be a bit philistine and irresponsible."
"College is a scam. I feel so bad for these kids."
"There are a lot of problems with school in this country... we treat university as job training, which it fails miserably at."
"The real issue is that our education system is so poor and our media like propaganda outlets are so effective."
"The problem with the school system is they burn people out from learning."
"If what you're teaching kids needs to be manipulated into child friendly it probably shouldn't be taught in the first place."
"Public education has become public enemy number one." - Kirk Cameron
"Schools are basically memory centers. They try to get you to remember things, but they don't teach you what the things mean."
"Parents are getting tired of it. Just to give you guys another example of not only how out of control the education system has got, but also the control and manipulation of our language."
"Destroying children's attention: starts with our schools."
"This means we've got a multi-layered problem: young people spending money to go and learn nonsense."
"The entire university system was designed to pick out natural aristocrats, but now it punishes them."
"The real problem here is that the education system is failing."
"Critical thinking, they actually hate it. They're openly against it because they say that's the old way."
"The institution in and of itself is brilliant. What it was designed to educate a ton of people in a short period of time that being four years but it's become a degree Mill tinged with ideology and it's really just a business."
"Kids really young are being taught stuff so radical, so devoid of what real education is."
"Many of our schools are teaching children that our past is terrible and that they have no future."
"The school is a pipeline to prison or the grave."
"Our schools are no longer schools where you go and learn something where you can think on yourself. You are indoctrinated. You can only say what they are telling you to say and you don't even realize it anymore. That's what's sad."
"Life's design is far more complex, far more exciting, and far more valuable than any academic institution will ever allow you to see."
"Actual education, not these dumbass self-help books."
"Why have we not been taught every day of our young lives how to interact with love and peace and positive energy with the whole universe and each other?"
"I think what's more offensive is the fact that we teach little kids in schools like a surface level story that isn't true."
"The universities have given up on the foundational idea of rational debate based on facts, logic, and evidence."
"Grades being your entire value as a person is one of them just keep saying it to yourself study to understand study to comprehend."
"Remember, the left hates the idea that there are other ideas. They want college to be a place where everyone looks different but thinks the same."
"Our education system has mined our minds like we strip-mine the earth."
"Stop saying education is indoctrination or you flatterers sound fucking stupid when you say it."
"Children are being told what to think as opposed to how to think."
"The classroom only measures a very small range of successfulness and just because you're struggling in a classroom environment does not mean that you're going to struggle forever."
"This is the education industrial complex, where the ones that benefit the most are the universities, politicians, and bankers."
"Racism is real; we're not saying that it isn't, you're just throwing these huge blanketed generalizations on kids."
"It's incredibly important, but they want you to know algebra but they don't want you to know like how to do taxes."
"Just a reminder: these are college professors. It'll cost you potentially six figures to get your kid indoctrinated by these buffoons."
"So much of what they do in schools... is a plot, a plan, to sexualize children."
"It's funny how our schools and colleges have always taught us what to study, when to study, where to study, but not how to study."
"I love science and math as a kid but I didn't love how they were taught in school."
"Critical race theory is indoctrination disguised as education. It's literal brainwashing with the promises to examine social cultural and legal issues as they relate to race and racism."
"Testing, grading, and homework are fundamentally broken."
"Otherwise in that, your children will leave from home dumb, dumb. Yes, they will homeschool dumb home. That's right."
"What people are being told in their secular institutions, they're being lied to."
"American society has given up on educating children... it's one of the most shameful and cowardly things I have ever seen."
"Pull your kids out of the government mandatory youth indoctrination camps."
"Children have all the full rights of personhood and therefore can't be subject to a fundamentally opposed and hierarchical totalitarian system."
"Our education system is creating the most racist generation since the KKK and Jim Crow."
"What schools are doing to our children in the name of anti-racism is in fact teaching them racism."
"What's your mission? The most important thing is that you know there's no financial education in our schools."
"It's training us to be dumber, it's... I can rant about this for hours."
"The secret of American schooling is that it doesn't teach the way children learn."
"The school system in Kentucky is really bad. It's horrendous."
"Our problem is we've been trained to read the book and think we've got it."
"Public education as an entity gives zero shits about your kids' education, about their well-being, about their mental health."
"Why make education unnecessarily stressful? It just seems completely bizarre to me."
"Our education system in America has really become very disgraceful."
"The public school system is a polite form of incarceration."
"Our schools are failing our students on so many different fronts."
"If anybody thinks that science is memorizing facts then I am sorry that the education system has failed you so badly."
"College is a scam... they rip off young naive people."
"Education system creates sheep as opposed to critical thinkers."
"I've heard of some people going to Croatia yeah it's crazy how uh rigged this education system is in America it really is."
"Students today are taught in high school about the need to get deeply into debt to attend college for a degree that is worthless because everyone else has one."
"School was preparing my son to work for somebody, to punch in the clock."
"Africans' schools do not teach their history, which is a major sin and a shame."
"Human beings shouldn't be reduced to a test score."
"They don't teach you anything; they just tell you to get in debt. It's crazy to me."
"Every student who's ever attended my high school days after dropping out of that Cesspool I realized how truly messed up that place was."
"Modern schools create uniformity while suppressing skepticism and creativity."
"The human genius is completely missing today; you are destroying the human genius through the process of education, teaching competition."
"Kids don't learn anything in school; they memorize stuff for tests but they don't have any actual value being provided to them by our school system."