
ROI Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"You can generate up to nine times more leads by combining the power of audio and video channels with text messaging and generate an ROI as high as 5, 6, or 7 to one."
"It's still cost-effective when you look at the return on your investment."
"The return on investment of celebrity endorsement is salient, which I looked up what that word means, and it means good."
"The customer is going to look at payback and ROI, so make it obvious right up front why this pays for itself, why it justifies itself."
"What's the ROI of a piano? For Gary Vaynerchuk, zero. But for Billy Joel and Elton John, the ROI was of billions of dollars."
"Invest in yourself...because learning never really stops and it's possibly the best return on investment you can ever make."
"What is a profitable return on ad spend? If you put $1 in and you get $2 back, that's a return on ad spend."
"Investing in basic science is the highest return on investment basically ever."
"Tracking your campaigns is vital if you want to truly understand if your marketing efforts are paying off."
"Make sure the degree that you're studying for has a proven ROI after you graduate."
"One of the reasons we suggested hey look we're likely going to go lower in Q4 what happened we ended up going down to a one-year ROI of approximately 0.234 cyclically."
"The ROI of social media ensures that your business will still exist in five years if that's what you want."
"For every one dollar spent on the Apollo program, eight dollars was made in terms of innovation, technology, and job creation."
"When you're trying to get better financially, the best ROI that you can get is by canceling your Netflix subscription."
"If our value per conversion is 20 this would be a really good campaign because our return on ad spend is 3.1."
"There's a greater return on investment in a peace economy."
"Would you pay Toomey $750,000 to be your good servant if you were going to get billions in return?"
"We have an ROI calculator you can punch in your actual production numbers and you can see what that means. The numbers are huge."
"The ROI of life is not money, it's be happy."
"The ROI of social media is in the trillions."
"It's only a matter of time before the running 30-day ROI gives you a modest 2x."
"Don't get caught up in buying the tools that all the cool kids have if they're just gonna collect dust and not give you an ROI."
"Everything you give towards learning and investing in real estate will always pay you back more than you give."
"The return on investment is not there. You can't justify spending $77,000 a year on a college education when you graduate into a work environment where you might make maybe $40,000 to $50,000 in an entry-level job."
"If you're spending money on any business, you have to make sure there's a positive return on investment."
"PPC allows you to be there at the point people are looking so you have a higher return on Advertising spend."
"What is a return on investment? How do we get a good return on investment?"
"That's a 62.3% return on investment annualized on the money you paid out of pocket."
"What is the business value and the ROI that we expect to get out of this digital transformation?"
"An easy fix is a fresh coat of neutral colored paint... you will see a return on any money that you spend for this."
"...you can't have the taxpayers taking the burden because there was no guaranteed return on investment however if we get one young uh man or woman to to sign up we have actually had a 100 return on our investment."
"ROI is one of the most important marketing metrics there is, since it measures whether your investment is paying off."
"Roi is a popular profitability metric used to evaluate how well an investment has performed."
"My ROI for the week is just over 1100%."
"Software: a delight to work with a tool that gives you such a high return on investment."
"The AI skills that are most worth learning, the highest ROI skills in the age of AI."
"Mad Max became the most profitable film of all time based on ROI, making $49 million in profit from a $400,000 budget."
"For every $1 you spend on email marketing you get $42 back. $4,200 return of investment, that's insane!"
"Super important to track individual channels so that you can track those numbers because you need to know where am I spending too much money and not getting the ROI."
"The average cash on cash return for a rental property is about 10 percent."
"Don't get worried if your campaigns are not giving you a positive return on ad spend immediately."
"Email marketing has by far the highest return on investment when it comes to different forms of digital marketing."
"Without a proper ROI model, you can quickly end up in the red."
"Both brand marketing and direct response marketing work, but one is about creating goodwill, the other about getting a return on investment as quickly as possible."
"The longer the bull run prolongs the more powerful the investment in cify because you're getting that all those new tokens launching as well so I think over draw including these networks launching and the ROI there you can very easily get over 100x with something like cify."
"That's the most ROI thing you could ever do in the entire world."
"If you answered 'no' to all the above, it doesn't sound like maybe this is the right certification for you or you're going to get the ROI that is actually going to help you or be meaningful."
"The number one Roi of a conference like this is the people that are sitting to the left and right and front and back of you that you've never met in your life."
"Email marketing has repeatedly shown to have one of the highest ROIs."
"Think about ROI and don't do anything that doesn't give you a return on your investment."
"Essentially allowing you to tap into marketing that pays for itself and that brings you new customers new clients and new sales on autopilot."
"Sometimes, the ROI is not revenue-based."
"Rate of return is king when it comes to investing."
"Would anyone here be willing to pay twelve thousand dollars to make sixty thousand dollars? That is a five to one return on your investment."
"On Facebook, when you dial in your funnel and your offer, you can consistently put one dollar in and get two, three, five, hell, even ten dollars out with predictability."
"Music videos aren't worth the investment, especially if you're in a growth period."
"The ROI of the products that we sell to our customers is still over 600 percent."
"The biggest reason people don't win and have stopped doing a lot of content because they don't see the ROI is only because they didn't put themselves in a position to succeed."
"Risk assessment is actually a way to save costs and you need to prove to them through the through the return on investment calculations that this is the case."
"We want to ensure that we get our money back within five years."
"Regardless if you choose ansible regardless if you're paying for the product you will get a lot of ROI on automating small annoying things out of the way."
"I have never spent a dollar on my education that has not brought me an ROI."
"Search engine optimization provides the highest return on investment of nearly any other channel you can do for marketing."
"What's the ROI on a college degree? Is getting a master's and spending years of your life doing that worth the extra pay bump, if any?"
"So, close to a 200 ROI guys, this is huge."
"There is a happiness ROI with short-term rentals."
"For every dollar that was spent in email marketing, companies received forty dollars in Revenue."
"Look at deals where you're getting a decent ROI on the asset you're building, not on what you're buying."
"PPC is pay-per-click, right? They're spending money to market online in front of people. Once you get dialed in, the return on ad spend is very predictable, very, very predictable."
"You can't charge whatever you want without proving that you will deliver ROI."
"Pigs are a fairly quick return on investment."
"Remarketing can be a fantastic way of improving the ROI of all of your pay-per-click."
"Influencer marketing campaigns earn 6.50 for every dollar spent."
"We went from losing money to making $36 for every dollar spent."
"the biggest Roi that you will ever get is investing in yourself"
"Email marketing: $36 return for every $1 spent."
"For every one dollar spent on email marketing, you can make up to forty-two dollars on average as a return, as reported by DMA Marketer Email Tracker. In other words, email marketing isn't something you can afford to ignore."
"So, the more time that we can spend launching designs that do sell, the better ROI will get for our time."
"The ROI on a long-distance through hike is immense."
"Anyone can go out and be convinced to buy property, but if you can identify a deal with a high ROI, the money to fund it can always be found."
"YouTube and working on my personal brand just delivers tremendous return on investment."
"The more quickly your users master the new system the faster you can see a sort of return on investment."
"Covering code that is complex or important from the business perspective gives you the best return on your investment in testing."
"These ads will be much more profitable than any you've ever run in the past."
"The main thing is how are you going to bring them return on investment that's the key."
"So what are some possible mistakes we can make when we're setting our Roi? If we encompass the pericardium in our ROI, we will draw for GLS."
"People spend hours at the gym. Why don't you start spending hours on your mind? Arguably, that's an even higher ROI."
"If you're in the ROI, I think we're gonna do pretty good here."
"Anything over 50 percent ROI is good in my opinion."
"What's called the lifetime value of a customer."
"Be careful of putting money in things that depreciate. Spend your money on things that have what they call a 10x return, the potential to return 10 times more than you pay."
"If there's not an ROI on spending this money, don't spend it. If you can't see a clear ROI on it, don't spend it."
"Email marketing has the highest ROI."
"Every dollar you spend into email marketing, you should be getting $40 back."
"If I can tell you really in dollars and cents ROI and data why influencer marketing is going to be key for those brands here in Africa and the brands that want to enter into Africa, it's this behind me right here."
"Video marketing equals profit. 88% of video marketers are satisfied with the ROI of their video marketing efforts."
"I remember when I spent two hundred dollars on an acrylic tray and you bet at the time I thought that was really expensive I nearly didn't buy it but that acrylic tray has made me thousands of dollars and I would say that's a pretty darn good Roi."
"There's so many more examples of AI use cases being applied to industries that are returning a real ROI."
"An incredible return on investment we're looking like 700 800 percent ROI for a 30 Lego set."
"There is no other business on the planet that has an ROI like the music business"
"It can help with smarter engagement with different leads, generating high-quality leads, building meaningful relationships, and calculating marketing ROI."
"Return on investment is very simple, right? How much you are getting returns on your investments."
"If you're going to invest effort and time and resources, definitely you're looking for a return on investment."
"Any reduction in material cost will increase the return on investment for the organization."
"Prioritize your ROI... just everything that I did, I would think, is this going to make me money?"
"I really do believe this is one of the easiest projects and probably one of the best ROI things that you can do."
"Email marketing actually has a 42 times ROI on average."
"The ROI on inner work has been one of the best that I've ever seen."
"For every dollar that a business spends with Amazon advertising, they get four dollars back in revenue."
"This is another way that you can get 8x at least return on your ad spend."
"Take ownership over the entire process of what it takes for your clients to get an ROI from start to finish."
"Exercise is one of the highest return on investments you can get."
"Good ads, the ones that consistently perform good, they bring in a good ROI, they're usually from two to three percent."
"Using CRO tools offers a 223 percent return on investment on average."
"The single greatest ROI application... is a seed treatment of a microbial inoculant."
"Timesheet apps are a great way to get away from paper cards and they had a great ROI because they started getting all their billings correct."
"The return that you should be looking for is a five to one return on your ad spend."
"If they invest a thousand dollars in a video that you make for them and they turn around sell the property for a ten thousand dollar commission, they just got a ten-to-one ROI on their investment."
"This is where you're gonna have the highest return on ad spend when you first start."
"We're finding bugs much sooner in the fuzzing process... and that gives us an almost immeasurable return on investment."
"ABM delivers the highest ROI of any B2B marketing strategy or tactic."
"Optimize and maximize your return on ad spend by testing everything."
"After-tax operating income divided by invested capital is return on invested capital."
"If you can get something out fast, you get faster return on invest, that's the nice thing."
"Invest in yourself because that's always going to give you your best return on investments."
"Email marketing is a very good way to generate a high return on investment."
"If I spend a dollar on media on TV advertising, the return on we get is $5.42 in terms of revenue."
"With all of these metrics being in the same place, you can show leadership the return on investment of your marketing effort."
"The highest return on investment we always get is when we've taken the time to think through who is the ideal client, who is the target market."
"Identify trends to achieve maximum return on investment."
"What is going to be the best return on investments?"
"Make sure they think through some of these so that one of the largest financial decisions they make in their life can be a really well thought out decision with a solid ROI."
"Email marketing: 60% of marketers cite at least 119 percent return on their investment."
"Good debt is something that's actually going to have a return on investment."
"Another benefit of sponsored brands is that they offer the highest return on ad spend out of all the available campaign types."
"The campaigns that are targeted and personalized allow us to see the ROI in real time for our campaigns within the system."
"Business questions provide context, they provide ROI potential for your data analysis, and you should always have one."
"Investing in SEO can produce a return on investment; it's not like buying a car, you're investing in a marketing channel because it's going to make your company more money in the future."
"Lookalike Audiences... can get amazing return on ad spend."
"Africa offers the second highest return on investment of any region in the world."
"You'd be shocked at how much ROI there can be in paid online advertising."
"The return on investment can be maximized by making optimum investment in plant and machinery as well as making optimal utilization of the installed production capacity."
"For every one dollar spent on analytics, the return is mind-boggling: 13 times."
"The bigger the time frame, the bigger the return of investment."
"Once you're feeling comfortable enough with campaign basics to get more reporting, then enable customizable campaign influence for more ROI."
"If you're doing cold outbound, it's so worth it, it's like the ROI doesn't even compute."
"You have a clear idea of your ROI goals for 2025. Do you want a 10x, a 50x, or a 100x?"
"You buy them because of the risk you've researched the project for at least a week, and you've assessed the potential ROI."
"That honestly is the number one return on investment for homeowners."
"For every dollar you put into ads, you want to get two dollars back."
"Anytime that I put money back into the business, its return has been a lot higher than what it would be if I were to put it in the stock market."
"Value is a measure of the return on investment or benefit to a business."
"We can see exactly what is being clicked on, what is costing us money, what is being clicked on and purchased, and making us money."
"I'm getting over 10x my return on ad spend with this strategy."
"Over a five-year period, the benefit of RBI is generally five to twenty times the cost of its implementation and management."
"Brand gets you higher returns on advertising, allows you to price far above the market, and gets people that once they buy from you, they keep buying from you."
"For every dollar that we put into ads, we want to see at least $10 back in revenue."
"The ROI has to be so clear that the industry assumes it's a standard."
"Email marketing has been the most preferred communication because of the highest return on investment that it has on businesses."
"It calculates a return on investment of 19 percent and a simple payback of about five years."
"Calculate the return on investment."
"Return on invested capital is just a great shortcut for how much well the company can compound over the years."
"RPA offers a higher ROI by driving positive returns within quarters as opposed to years."
"Innovation in process has perhaps as much as a tenfold better return on investment than innovation on product."
"The return on investment from an influencer promoting your content is higher on average than if you just advertise your content."
"JPMorgan has the clear advantage over the years from 19, 18, even 20 percent return on tangible common shareholders equity."
"Customers that use Instapage get up to 400% more from their digital ad spend."
"Facebook ads in particular is probably one of the biggest ad services that brings the highest returns on investment for business owners."
"The ability to better allocate budget across channels and improve ROI."
"To help marketers find and nurture more sales-ready leads, connect sales and marketing, automate processes and make smarter decisions to maximize ROI."