
Portion Control Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"Portion control is very hard for some people, for other people it's manageable, but people like me, I don't eat half the croissant."
"Restaurant portions are huge and high calorie anyway; might as well split it, plus it's cheaper."
"It doesn't take a lot to really hit your fat content those calories to really start ramping up so I recommend with this stuff guys you weigh this out for sure don't just estimate almonds peanut butter almond butter peanuts whatever."
"That's a delicious meal. I can have a proportional amount of rice, a proportional amount of sour cream, or whatever is, you know, again working within my macros."
"It's great to have the pre-portioned ingredients so you're not buying too much or buying too little."
"Only Happy Meals, that's the correct food portion of this food."
"Taking the time to eat helps to ensure that he eats the right amount... mindful with our meals."
"It's all about portion control and making sure you don't have like a whole pizza and things like that."
"We're gonna need a big pile of chicken I already went ahead took standard chicken breasts cut them up into little tiny bite-size pieces we're gonna weigh them out to 8 ounces of piece and fry them for each burrito."
"So now you can see what you have is something that is about half the thickness, you're still over an inch thick and it still has a long bone on it, just a little bit more manageable size."
"For the Italian vinaigrette, we're gonna make a full cup of dressing for the French vinaigrette we only made half a cup."
"Unit bias, the standard suggested amount of consumption like the food serving size that's perceived to be appropriate, a person would consume it all even if it was too much for that particular person."
"What if we made smaller plates, smaller portions, healthier lifestyles?"
"Small batches, individual portions, preserving the quality."
"It has to be about portions, portions, portions."
"Before cooking, put your dry spaghetti through the hole; when the spaghetti bunch fills the entire hole, you have the perfect single serving amount ready to cook."
"The hole is the recommended amount for a single serving."
"You get to eat as much as you want, your stomach is the right size for your body."
"You've got chili cheese fries that allow you to control the portions of each ingredient."
"There's the calorie model or hypothesis that really is devoid of helping us understand what is a proper portion of protein, what is a proper portion of healthy fats."
"About a quarter of that though and eat."
"the perfect amount for us to have dinner and then to have some lunches"
"She cannot eat the whole recipe that I prepared."
"So, I've decided while I've got it up, I'm just going to take a 0.1 skim off the top of this plate."
"Increase your serving size: you turn one sandwich into two sandwiches."
"If your plate looks full, you're going to assume you're eating a lot too."
"These recipes for cooking for two are very good because it's just enough for you to have maybe a leftover the next day."
"You know how much to eat, it fills you up, and you can feel good about eating it."
"Everything comes pre-proportioned, you know exactly how much food you need for each meal."
"Claim proven: if you want to lose a few pounds, reach for a smaller plate."
"Portions, portions. Yeah, you're fat because you eat too much."
"Note eating out of bags or boxes unless it's a hundred calorie pack or something that's one portion size."
"I definitely think that this proves that it is at least a little more difficult to overindulge or overeat the same amount of calories."
"If you love ice cream, buy it in pre-portioned packages instead of the large gallon containers."
"It's difficult for me to eat the actual like seven days worth of food."
"For me the big part of it is just not being uh oversatiated and then the reflux is a big one for me, yeah that will mess me up something fierce um so I have that cut off at five or six and then try not to eat too much."
"Portion control too much peanut butter sticks through your mouth it takes forever to chew too much too much jelly squishes out the sides I hate when that happens."
"The tiny ball diet: count out your tiny balls, five to seven to stay alive."
"When it comes to weight loss, a lot of it is just adjusting your portion sizes... So I'm going to add some feta cheese, but again I'm just not gonna put too much because cheese can go real high, real fast."
"They've got 100 calories in per little pot and they're so rich that you literally don't need more than one pot."
"Everything should fit on a spoon or a fork."
"I've lost about 15 lbs which like I wasn't even really trying to lose weight I've just been eating healthier focusing mostly on my portion sizes."
"When I see results the most it's just like I'm eating what I want just in better portion sizes."
"I'm personally terrible with portioning when I cook. Like, I will cook for an army, but not even a bite is wasted when I make my HelloFresh meals."
"It's so thin and then I always like to eat from a smaller plate so I got a small one for myself."
"One lb is the perfect amount for my family as of right now. My family for the most part is not huge on leftovers."
"Let's put on our plates only what we can eat. Don't waste food."
"These holes were actually made for measuring the exact amount of dry pasta you need for one serving."
"Look at how big your lunch is or your evening meal. You might be over by that meal by 500 calories, just knock them off over the seven days."
"Really, really look at your portion sizes."
"Ordering off the kids menu is an excellent option for portion control too."
"Think of it in term of moderation, small portion."
"I'm not giving up my portion of this for you. I'm not mine is like I can't make you lose weight when I'm feeding you half of my food."
"If I was going to eat this as a meal I'd have 10 pieces so that's this is two portions but say you were gonna do christmas dinner maybe you were gonna do this as an appetizer three to four per person would be great."
"Here's 400 calories of almonds... very easy to eat 800 to 1200 calories of almonds in one sitting."
"So what you've done here essentially, if you think about it, is you use this little pouch to trick your brain into thinking that you have this very large meal when what you really had is a tiny little meal."
"And that's how it works. It's really not very complicated at all, using the pouch to trick your brain into thinking that you had much more food than you really did."
"Mug cakes are great because it's a single serving that leads to you being able to whip one up depending on what you have in the fridge and having one serving instead of having a giant cake that you now have to eat or throw away."
"Buffet but they control the portion for each person."
"Protein and fat are highly satiating it's very hard to overe eat what I want you to focus on is to eat until you're comfortably stuffed at every single meal."
"If you can eat a little less, portion control, it's always a plus if you want to get leaner."
"One thing that's really nice about meatballs is it's great way to kind of give yourself portion sizes."
"Don't make it big. One-third is totally fine here."
"I was really hungry some days or something much I would eat like two meals a day and it'll be really small."
"The amount you eat is not the amount your body needs."
"Switching to a smaller plate automatically cuts down how much food you're eating."
"I only made one banana pudding because I don't like us having all the leftovers."
"I use less than half a pound of ground beef to make dinner for two of us."
"I make a 100 calorie microwave popcorn... it's just the right size."
"I highly recommend portion control and of course exercise."
"Everything is perfectly portioned so you're not wasting any products."
"This is going to be the perfect portion for me and Steven for lunch."
"Regular portion sizes are actually enough."
"And my dumplings, as you can see here, nice and small, I can even fit two on a spoon, so it's nice and eat-friendly."
"It teaches me what the kids really like to eat and how much to send."
"Everything comes in perfectly proportion sizes so you don't have any waste."
"I love these hundred calorie popcorn packs."
"Look at Japan with their closeable sweets so you don't feel like you have to eat them all in one go, that's amazing."
"If we focus our diet on low calorie density foods, then we don't have to reduce our portion size."
"It's all portion controlled with the exact amount per meal that just makes things so much easier."
"The single most important thing that I have done for everything, no matter what the diet is, no matter what you eat, it all comes down to portion control."
"You can have regular good portions; the biggest problem is people eat too many calories."
"Look how thin and healthy everyone looks and how small their plates are."
"I love that I can adjust meals for one person or more than one person."
"If you don't weigh your food, you will not eat enough vegetables and you will eat too much of the other stuff."
"You don't actually have to count your calories to control your portion sizes in order to gain full control of your health and reach your ideal body weight."
"I still eat the same foods that everyone else is eating, but just eating half of it, and I'm still able to lose weight the next day because portion control really does work."
"The Beloved Burger press to ensure you get those perfectly portioned patties."
"Eating from a smaller plate not only discourages you from overfilling it with too large of a portion, but it's also believed to help trick your brain into being satisfied even when eating less."
"Crazy Puffs are the perfect size for single serving satisfaction, ideal for sharing with friends."
"All HelloFresh recipes come with pre-portioned ingredients, so you get just the right amount of food for your recipe, which means less prep for you, less wasted time, and less wasted food."
"I think if you count on a pound of turkey per person, if you want leftovers. If you don't want leftovers, half a pound will do."
"The snacks you were having... that's the right thing to do, it is having a small portion."
"It feels more like food that you might be used to, but you know it's only 400 calories."
"Eat slowly, eat smaller portions, and stop eating when you feel full."
"An ounce here and an ounce there, it makes a difference and it all adds up really, really quickly."
"Portion control is a big, big, big contributor into dieting."
"The food's been very good, of course the portions are limited."
"Eating low calorie foods that are high in good nutrients means that you can just fill your plate with this really good portion of food."
"Everything in moderation; portion control is a major issue in our country when it comes to our meat supply."
"You can have five of those taquitos for 350 calories, and I think that's pretty good because they are really filling."
"HelloFresh comes in these cute pre-packaged portions which means there is less waste."
"They are portion controlled, which can be a good thing."
"That's actually a really good amount, and it's kind of very healthy."
"You can have more food if you're eating more nutrient-dense foods."
"If you eat one slice, you can't say you've eaten one pizza; you have eaten one-sixth of the pizza."
"Hello Fresh also helps you eat more sustainably because of their pre-portion sizes, there's less waste."
"If you actually just strip things back, eat really healthy, eat whole foods, and also watch your portion sizes, then you'll be sorted."
"Counting calories is just developing a skill so you understand portion control."
"Understanding portion control is one of the biggest issues we have when it comes to dieting."
"Portion control. You can be more flexible with your diet if you're portion control."
"Eating more nutrient-dense allows you to eat larger portions without having to deprive yourself."
"Whether it's Dr. Greger, whether it's Dr. Fuhrman, the maximum amount of nuts you should have in a day is one small handful."
"I like to make this joke that when I bake chocolate chip cookies, I make them really big, so that way you can say you only had one."