
Lead Generation Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"You can generate up to nine times more leads by combining the power of audio and video channels with text messaging and generate an ROI as high as 5, 6, or 7 to one."
"It's a great way of generating leads, clients, sales, and being able to charge a lot more because of that trust that you build up."
"If you want to change your financial condition the first thing you need to do is go out and market in the marketplace so that you can create a lead and not worry about whether there's ROI or not."
"If you want to be irreplaceable, you learn how to generate leads."
"You really can get leads coming in and conversions at the start 100 for free by utilizing these free social media platforms."
"They make mistakes, they regret their actions, they get upset, they care for those closest to them, they laugh, they cry, they smile."
"Starting with that free entry-level lead magnet is the key to wealth creation online."
"Offer free ebooks in exchange for an email opt-in."
"Criminal behavioral analysis can generate leads."
"With a lead generation objective, go with automatic placements."
"Generating leads in the way that it's traditionally done is one of the most over-hyped marketing promises of all times."
"A content-based lead gen website with strategic partnerships with businesses can be an amazing business opportunity that leads to passive income."
"Generating leads is one of the hardest things in any business, you all know that."
"Lead generation is one skill that is at a very high premium."
"My favorite pilot has to be Nova. She's a streamer, she's also Korean, she's a pop singer and she's a badass Mech with missile weapons."
"Having a funnel full of high qualified prospects and leads... is really important if you want to stay in business."
"Remember, a post today keeps leads coming your way. But only a few should be about your business."
"One of the things that I've discovered as I've developed Proficiency in sales is that prospecting is largely a waste of time. Instead, you would be better off to generate leads."
"Everything is Downstream of lead generation. If you cannot generate leads for a business, there is no way in hell you're ever going to be able to generate sales for a business."
"Instagram is one of the main drivers of new leads and new B2B clients for our company every single month."
"There's lots of simple things we can do to get you more leads and business."
"Collecting these leads and creating an email list is a super powerful strategy to making money with affiliate marketing."
"Every business needs leads, I don't care what business you're in."
"By the time this is done you guys can have a machine that's generating leads for whatever business you are in."
"Choose your business objective: generate leads."
"The best lead magnets help your target market achieve something they want to achieve, but it helps them achieve it faster."
"Copy and paste these proven Facebook ads to profitably generate low-cost leads and sales from Facebook."
"Our value-first strategy uses Facebook's social nature to consistently generate low-cost leads and sales."
"Creating lead magnets to grow your email list... email converts even better than social media."
"Can we first of all just all agree that the right website that's set up correctly can be up there and bringing in leads for you?"
"Stand out as an expert in your field and use this as part of your lead generation system."
"Making it easy for leads to find answers and take action makes conversion more likely."
"Success in one thing is usually the same way that you're successful at a lot of other stuff. If I want to run a successful real estate business, I start off by looking for leads."
"Lead ads offer a slightly different way to advertise your products. They let you collect leads for your business or brand without leaving Facebook."
"By becoming a webflow expert not only does this validate what you do and builds a ton of trust in the marketplace but it also is going to drive free leads for you and so there's no reason for you to not try to become a webflow expert today."
"Poor lead quality is something that plagues most business owners and stunts their growth."
"The last way to get leads inside high level is actually to manually upload them."
"The purpose of leads is not to capture in-depth information."
"Nurture and prioritize the leads that we've created."
"This is, without a doubt, the most effective way to generate high-quality leads and get real quality data points that are actually validated from multiple sources across the internet."
"You need to squeeze an answer out of every single lead on your pipeline because if you're not prepared to, one of your competitors will be."
"So many companies out there have the misconception that the way to grow their business is by filling their pipeline with new cold leads when actually there is so much opportunity in front of them in their existing lead pool."
"So think about how every single piece of content is accomplishing one or all of those three, lead generation, lead nurture, and lead conversion."
"So remember all in all lead with lead generation, lead nurture, and lead conversion. When you have that in mind with every piece of content you create that's what's going to boost brand loyalty and sales."
"You want to master business? Start out by mastering lead generation and delivering something for free that's so valuable they would not have been disappointed if they had paid you for it."
"Suddenly you've got a list of leads that would have taken you years to generate."
"The Cost per Lead is the amount that you spend to acquire a new lead for your business."
"Businesses. You can take what you are already doing for your business and treat your YouTube channel as a lead funnel..."
"Lead generation is super important. If you're incredibly good at what you do but not very good at lead generation, you're going to become very bitter and frustrated really fast."
"Set a future goal: get to 100 leads a day."
"Any business seeking to generate 100 leads per day needs a high-converting website and a lot of traffic to the site."
"Value first and inbound leads, these are the ways that we can essentially be risk-free."
"That's the future of lead gen right there... That's you, you're that guy, and you're gonna have an automated guy just calling sellers and negotiating on your behalf without a real person involved."
"Email signup forms in the footer are a really great way for you to start collecting leads."
"Bad lead magnets are worse than no lead magnets at all."
"Appointment Setters are super super valuable. Once you have enough leads, I recommend that everyone get one."
"There is no better feeling as a marketing manager or business owner than logging on in the morning and seeing that more leads have come in than your sales team know how to process."
"Lead generation in my opinion is probably the most overlooked aspect of sales because if you don't have the beginning of the funnel, meaning people are not coming in as leads, you can't even walk them through any of the steps to actually do the selling process."
"Once you get one down, you can expand. But if you don't have one way to generate leads, whether it's cold email, LinkedIn, or whatever, well, you got nothing."
"If you want to make truly passive income, then you need to build Evergreen lead generation systems, which are things, systems, content that's out there in the world that is constantly attracting leads and sending them into the top of your funnel."
"If you have zero dollars in your bank account, you're probably going to look for a free lead generation."
"Some people should be trying to run a mentorship like what we do, where we actually teach integrators how to go generate leads and then go find visionaries that will go close those leads."
"You have control, you have the ability to spend time and money to go and generate leads without a deal blocker."
"Let this be the end of your worries when it comes to lead generation."
"...you're never going to be out of the job if you know how to generate leads with strangers cold, right, and at scale."
"In just minutes from now, you can start uncovering the best-converting content, get access to unlimited free legal content, collect targeted leads, and so much more directly from YouTube."
"You don't want to overthink the lead magnet."
"Content marketing just works if your goal is to grow your business and get more attention and more leads and more clicks and more clients and more customers and more sales."
"We are going to build a free course which you can use as a lead magnet."
"...and I will also show you how to use LinkedIn Boolean search, which is an advanced technique to build super qualified lead lists."
"Free resources at the top of the funnel lead to paid offers later on."
"...there's another benefit to using quizzes as a lead gen tool and email list growing strategy as well and that is that it gives you as the email list owner a tremendous amount of valuable information about your target market."
"Cold calling is one of the best places to find motivated sellers in real estate wholesaling."
"The dash is how you lived. In the world of lead generation, the dash is how you nurture. You get a lead and how you nurture. Most of the time, they're surfing on Google, they're clicking links, they're unbranded websites. There's absolutely zero brand recognition at all."
"By year two, I don't want you spending any money on ads. I want 100 percent of your leads to be coming from everything on your website SEO, just ranking well, getting good google reviews, having great SEO and backlinks."
"I own a company in Norwich called Reno reach. I help Home Improvements businesses get more clients in. I generate the leads for you and then make sure they're quote ready so they won't waste your time."
"One of the most unique and interactive lead generation activities available today"
"This is called an opt-in and this also gives you leads so you can really rapidly build your email list and your network."
"There are several studies that say the optimal lead response time is 5 minutes or less."
"Facebook's lead ads allow you to collect contact information such as name, email address, phone number, and more."
"The best way to increase the size of your newly created audience is to capture new contacts via a sign-up form."
"We were able to cut our lead costs from like 50 down to ten dollars."
"Create a lead magnet that you can give away to somebody."
"The perfect combination for maximum leads is max personalization with max volume."
"An offer so good for lead generation might be 'Come on board and pay me $10,000 and I will book a hundred calls onto your calendar and guarantee you five new clients within 6 months, and if I don't, I'll pay you $5,000 out of my pocket."
"This boosts the number of leads you get from your website dramatically."
"The dream of every entrepreneur is to be flooded with leads interested in their products or services."
"If you use a lead magnet you're going to get a five to 10 x multiple in the results you're going to get a decrease in your CTR your conversion rate's going to go way up and you're going to build that Goodwill with your client."
"If your goal is to get leads or calls on a website or in your funnel, you need to set up Google ads conversions."
"Everything's downstream from lead generation."
"What you have to do is run traffic to a lead magnet."
"Imagine having a system to generate leads automatically and convert them into meetings for you."
"We help real estate agents that are struggling to get deals from social media close more deals from social and turn their social media into a lead gen machine."
"Opportunities are the initial opportunity and also subsequent opportunities that relate to either a new lead or prospect or an existing customer."
"Sales people get more opportunities and leads by visiting and contacting more people either by email or by phone."
"We help them with a list of different services: funnel building, lead gen, auto SMS, auto email, outreach, offer building, sales training, content, and we help them build lead magnets."
"We're going to 3x your lead gen and we're going to increase your conversion rate by two times."
"This is literally a lead machine that is fueled by AI as well as lots of other manual processes and different automations."
"You're now left with an insanely valuable lead magnet that I believe every single business owner is going to want to bite your hand off for."
"With the Typeform integration, you're able to level up your B2B lead generation efforts."
"You can generate a ton of leads, you can get a ton of business."
"The reason that I do for sale by owners is I think it's the hottest lead in our industry."
"I would recommend using remarketing if you're really focused on driving leads and sales."
"Social media is one of the best places to generate new leads, drive traffic to your website, and cash in on those conversions."
"If you're serious about lead generation, be constantly checking for domains that you can pick up."
"If you can't generate leads, then it doesn't matter how good the product is."
"The first lesson I got was this one: Everything is downstream from lead generation."
"Leverage social media as a tool to collect leads and inquiries over time, because ultimately you own the email list and you own your website, but you do not own the social media platforms."
"If you have good quality content... it can improve website ranking, increases website dwell time, and you can gain a lot of leads."
"Pop-ups can be used for various purposes such as promoting special offers, capturing email addresses for your mailing list, displaying important announcements, or even showcasing your latest blog posts."
"What if you could show up multiple times for the same keyword? That greatly increases your odds of capturing more potential leads."
"This is all about getting a lead, getting somebody to opt in to request a book."
"We've got enough good data, and we've got enough great technology that we can combine these two, and really hand sales those hot leads on a silver platter."
"I am 100% confident that if you truly soak up every bit of detail that I will share with you in this video, you will be able to generate more qualified leads into your funnel and ultimately drive more sales for your business."
"Generating leads is the lifeblood of our business."
"A post a day keeps leads coming your way."
"I'm going to show you how to build an automated lead generation machine for your own agency that spits out qualified leads on autopilot."
"Focus on generating more leads, finding more sales channels, finding more markets to scale into."
"Pinterest is a gold mine for lead generation."
"Every time someone submits a lead form and ends up on our thank you page, we want to count them as a conversion that is considered a lead for our business."
"Now this is going to allow you to pass leads directly from your email service provider into Facebook without just relying on the Facebook pixel."
"One of the most important things for you is driving phone calls because that turns into leads and clients."
"You don't want to be spending hours every single day on lead generation; that's where automation comes in."
"Lead generation is simply building the list to have a tangible thing that you can deliver to your clients."
"I'm not a real estate agent, I'm really good at real estate marketing, generating leads, following those leads, booking appointments, doing all that good stuff that real estate agents need."
"Get warmed up leads aware of your high ticket using email marketing."
"Lead generation magnet is really the thing designed to attract those people whose interest is piqued or they're evolving toward a decision but they're nowhere near ready to make a decision."
"It's very hard to make a case for not building a lead generation machine into your business."
"How to use dirt cheap postcards and simple newsletters to drive massive traffic, lead flow, and profits."
"The beauty about magnetic marketing is it contains really fill-in-the-blank done for you lead generation campaigns."
"It's an efficient way to convert leads into sales."
"You want to come up with a great compelling lead magnet that promises to help them with a very real pain point they have right now."
"Brandon's going to be breaking down his unpaid outbound lead generation strategies of what you can do in order to take a really innovative approach to getting clients coming to you."
"Use landing pages to collect emails and grow your list."
"Create your own Facebook group and use that as a lead generating machine."
"It's very sustainable way of generating leads from our group."
"The conversion campaign is no longer as effective... lead generation works better because the leads stay inside Facebook."
"If you wanna generate more leads, build more brand awareness, and get more customers in your online business, what is the number one thing you need most? If you guessed traffic, you are right."
"Make sure you're not only generating leads, you're building the systems behind them."
"Lead generation is what we're going to use because that's going to allow you to natively capture their first name, last name, and email."
"The cool part about lead generation ads is that it captures their information and auto-populates it for them based on what information they have in Facebook."
"You can actually create something like this that you can sell, and you can also create something that you can give away as lead magnets to generate leads in your business."
"Sales funnels are pretty simple; you need to capture leads via YouTube, social media, or a blog."
"Direct mail leads are the favorite source for leads for face-to-face agents."
"It's lead generation; you're prospecting to get leads, and then you have lead follow-up where the lead conversion happens into appointments."
"You're making the content once, and the content's generating leads for you forever."
"Door knocking for real estate agents is without question one of the best ways to generate immediate seller leads."
"You always have to have leads coming in every single day."
"There's no better way to acquire leads than to acquire a business that already has aggregated the attention and eyeballs of your ideal customer."
"If you're looking for more leads, acquire media."
"Focusing on the Google business profile is without a doubt one of the best ways to get leads."
"This is an integrated system for generating quality leads."
"When you get more leads coming in, you charge more money, you raise your prices because you got tons of lead flow."
"A lead magnet allows us to collect data and if we're collecting emails and phone numbers, we're basically getting people to sign up to our marketing list."
"Lead generation specialist for online businesses."
"Get Apollo to actually feed you leads that meet your minimum score criteria."
"Our guarantee is just 10 live transfers in your first 30 days or we give you your full money back."
"Generating leads is definitely an essential skill for you to learn and to master to grow your credit repair business."
"If you can master lead generation, you can go very far in this industry."
"An email signup form in the footer is a really great way for you to start collecting leads."
"At the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to have your first Google ad up and running and generating you hot leads tomorrow."
"In this video, I'm going to show you how to generate a thousand leads per day in under 10 minutes of work."
"You're actually in the lead generation business."
"The beauty of this is you take it, you start generating leads instantly."
"Campaigns is how you're getting leads into your system that then become deals, and then you make money."
"Social media is one of the most powerful marketing channels for generating leads."
"This gave the lead a super easy way to basically get in contact with your business."
"Ensure that it is set up for getting results such as generating leads, inquiries, i.e., conversions."
"When it comes to lead generation, there are three very important stages that we need to consider: awareness, consideration, and conversion."
"Giving away the eBook for free in exchange for an email is the first step to making money."
"Get a website... I get more leads from my website than any other method."
"We guarantee 100% of the leads are gonna go to you."
"We start with lead generation on the back end of that we have the systems optimization."
"We've spent close to a million dollars in advertising; we've brought in thousands of leads from social media."
"The whole goal here is to take all the traffic—hot, warm, and cold—and find out who's willing to give you an email address in exchange for more information."
"We've helped similar companies to automate their lead generation and book more sales appointments per month which has helped to increase sales."
"Generate leads for their business, nurture the generated leads by telling them how their products and services can help them."
"The content funnel that allowed me to generate 4447 leads in 90 days without spending a dime on ads."
"You can use targeting to get higher quality leads on your website."
"Lead ads are great for consideration because somebody knows your ad, they've likely engaged with you, they like what you have to say, and they're willing to take that next step."
"It increased traffic to their website by 400%, lead increase by 45%, number of new visitors to their site by 78%."
"The ability to offer some additional value in the form of a PDF and then in turn collect the email of your prospect or lead is extremely valuable."
"Once you set up a Google AdWords campaign, it's pretty much a lead generation machine."
"The short goal is to achieve the quality of our product so that our consumers are happy and we are getting more leads."